THE UWM 4 POST Vol. VI, No. 19 University of Wisconsin—Milwaukee MarcrTl, 1962 ->^> Campus Bus Service To See Cancellations Beginning March 5, the follow­ "The termination of the buses to come from somewhere else, ing intercampus bus trips are to is regrettable to the few students namely school savings. be terminated: who are left without a means of There was hope that the school Leave Leave getting from one campus to the would not have to spend such a Days Kenwood Dowtown other," said Fiorita, "but it is cost­ large amount of money, but it ing the school $60 a day to trans­ takes at least 38 people every trip T Th F" 8:35 a.m. 9:05 a.m. port the students." to break even.' F 1:35 p.m. 2:05 p.m. No budget had been allocated So far less than 15 people ride T W Th F 2:35 p.m. 3:05 p.m. for bus service at the beginning the 55-passenger bus during the T W Th F 3:35 p.m. 4:05 p.m. of the semester. hours the bus service is termin­ This means that the funds have ated. The termination is due to. lack of patronage, according to Alfred Fiorita of the Business office. 1961 Prom Queen Sue Mollwitz and King Tom Rebholz place Fiorita also said that the se­ mester usually "starts with quite a Parry to Lecture crowns atop 1962 Prom royalty: Queen Diane Reinhard and King number of people riding the inter­ Peter Burke. campus bus but diminishes as the semester progresses. This se­ mester, however, fewer students On 'China Puzzle' Vote Discrepancy rode the bus in the beginning of Albert Parry, professor of Rus­ sored by the UWM Lectures comv the semester than at the end of sian civilization and language, mittee in cooperation with the de­ *W last semester. chairman of the department of partments of Slavic languages, his­ Results in Recount Russian studies at Colgate uni­ tory and commerce. versity, New York, will lecture at A discrepancy in the prom king "The Elections commission Students' Vote UWM March 9. election was reported early Mon­ deeply regrets this occurrence. I take it personally very seriously His topic is "The Chinese Puz­ Prose Forms day evening. According to Ron Defeats GPR zle: Will the Red Allies Fall Out?" Helen, USG president, a closer and count it as my error. How­ ever, I would like it understood -By a 4-1 margin the students He will speak at 8 p.m. in room look at the total results Monday 151 of Lapham hall, 3201 N. Mary­ To Be Subject showed "a shortage of approxi­ that a recount has revealed the re­ at UWM defeated the referendum sults of the election to be the on grade point registration. A to­ land av. The meeting is open to mately 700 ballots in the elec­ the public. tion of the prom king." same as were originally an­ tal of 1575 students voted on the Of Workshops nounced," Perkins said. referndum issue. Of these 298 Dr. Parry writes a regular col­ Hehn said Monday that he had The recounting was done Mon­ voted in favor of full scale grade umn "Soviet Affairs" for the An eight-week workshop course been ". suspicious this morning point registration.- weekly Washington magazine because of the difference-in total day evening by Bill Hoettels and in writing techniques will be of­ On the negative side 730 said Missiles and Rockets. He is also fered Tuesday evenings beginning ballots and total votes for the Tom Bentzien. Members of three a visiting consultant and lecturer prom king." that they would favor grade point Feb. 27.at 7:45 at UWM, 3203 N. different fraternities involved in registration by .class senority, and at the United States Army War When another candidate ". Downer av. Mrs. Marjorie. Bitker, the election were present to wit­ 537 said they were not in favor college. came into the ofice this afternoon of any kind of grade point regis­ Milwaukee author, will be the in­ and asked about the seeming dis­ ness the recount, according to He is the author of a number tration. In total 1277 voted nega­ of books. His most recent is Rus­ structor. crepancy in totals, I decided to Hehn. tively. have a recount," Hehn said Mon­ sia's Rockets and Missiles, pub­ The course is entitled "Form When asked for a statement, This vote represented a slight lished by Doubleday & Co. in day night. Hehn said, "First of all I'm very and Content in Prose Writing.'" The ballots were originally increase in the number of people 1960. It will stress the relationship be­ counted by Robert Perkins, chair­ (Continued on Page 5) who voted in the last referendum. Dr. Parry's visit here is spon- tween what the author wants to man of the USG elections com­ say (content) and what form mission; Bill Mett, USG treasurer; would best convey his message, Bill Hoettels, special assistant to such as the novel, short story, or the USG president; and Maryann article. The need for understand­ Felss of the USG secretarial staff Juilliard String Quartet ing language as a-tool will also and legislature. be emphasized. "We had separate sheets of pa­ Registration for the course, of­ per for court, king and the ref­ fered through the University ex­ erendum. What probably hap­ tension division, can be made at pened is that we forgot a sheet To Give Union Concert the Extension office, 600 W. Kil- some place," Hoettels said. Cohen has also appeared at the • the NBC symphony. He also bourn av. WO. 4-4400. „ , . , . , .;: A• . The Juilhard String quartet will Moravian festivals in Winston- toured as violist of the Stradi- Mrs. Bitker taught evening Perkins also felt that .. some- perform at the UWM Unionj 2200 Salem and as guest artist with the varius and NBC string quartets. writing courses for a number of onof etallys had . probably mislaid a sheet Eginnin Kenwoog at d 8:1Uyd>5 p.m.on , ThursdaMarch 8y. bThe e Budapest quartet at the 1957 The quartet's cellist, Claus years at Hunter college in New quartet will present a program Casals festival in Puerto Rico. Adam, was born in Indonesia and York and was an editor at G. P. composed of works by Mozart, Violist Raphael Hillyer was attended schools in Europe. Adam Putnam's Sons, New York pub­ Axford Named Bach and Beethoven. born in Ithaca, N. Y., and studied completed his education in the lishers, for 10 years. She has been a regular contrib­ The quartet, comprising Robert violin privately with Serge Kor- United States, winning a Phil­ harmonic scholarship, the Gabrilo- utor to The Milwaukee Journal Mental Health Mann and Isidore Cohen, violin­ gueff before entering the Curtis ists, Raphael Hillyer, violist, and witch Memorial award, and then editorial page and to its book re­ Claus Adam, cellist, is master of a institute in Philadelphia. Hillyer studied as a scholarship student view section, and her stories have Associate Head repertory of over 135 works, a attended Dartmouth college, of the great Emmanuel Feuer- been published over the years in many magazines and periodicals, Roger W. Axford, associate di­ reportory which for richness and where he continued his music stu­ mann. diversity is second to none. dies on his own, while earning After this, Adam served as solo in eluding "The New Yorker," rector of informal instructional "Harpers," "Harpers Bazaar," and services for the University of Juilliard Alumni Phi Beta Kappa as a major in cellist of the National Orchestral "The Woman's Home Com­ Wisconsin extension division, has First violinist Robert Mann was mathematics. association and the Minneapolis panion." been appointed an associate chair­ symphony, whereupon he became man of the Wisconsin Association born in Portland, Ore., where he Harvard M.A. for Mental Health. also received his initial musical After receiving his M.A. from cellist of the New Music quartet, He will guide educational activ­ training. He is* a Juilliard alumnus. Harvard, Hillyer went on to play a position he retained for seven ities on the association's program After winning a coveted Naum- with the Boston symphony and years. Remodeling and education committee. berg award, Mann made his pro­ Pearse auditorium has recently Axford has been a member of fessional debut in 1941, where­ been refurnished. It has a'capac­ the UW-extension division staff upon he toured as a soloist and ity of 200 and offers modern fa­ since 1956, and serves as adminis­ then as first violinist of the Albu­ Iowa Seminar Planned cilities for public meetings, insti­ trator in Milwaukee for adult non- querque Festival string quartet. A seminar on the topic of "So­ Personal registration can be tutes, and seminars. It has equip­ credit classes, institutes, and con­ Isidore Cohen, the second violin­ cial Progress and the Western made at St. Ambrose on March 10 ment for recording the proceed­ ferences. ist, is % native New Yorker and Conscience," will be held at St. from 8-12-a.m. The fee of $1.50 ings of programs. He received his Ph.D. in adult also an alumnus of Juilliard. He Ambrose college, Davenport, Iowa, to be paid on arrival. There are also two television education at the University of Chi­ recently performed the Prokofiev March 10-11. Hotel accommodations are $3.50 sets available for classroom use in Pearse hall. Arrangement for their cago and was a board member of Second Violin Concerto with the Speakers of national prominence per person. Meals will be served the Racine County Mental Health Symphony of the Air under Thor will collectively cover the current­ use can be made with the.
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