Cf'he Quarterly ~allaÆ. 'rex8Æ VolumeXXIX March 1983 Number 1 In Cooperation Wilh The Dallas Public Library Dallas Genealogical Society A TEXAS NON·PAOFIT CORPOAA TION P_Q Box 12648 D•llas,Texas75225 DALLAS PUBLIC LIBRARY 1982·1983 OFFICERS AND BOARD OF DIRECTORS OFFICERS PRESIDENT Helen M. LU (Mr5. J. L.) 350-6586 EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT Jeanne J. TABB (Mrs. William H.) 368-6292 VICE PRESIDENT - PROGRAMS Chan EDMONDSON 559-2987 VICE PRESIDENT - PUBLICATIONS Margaret A. HUDSON (Mrs. J. E., Jr.) 661-5126' VICE PRESIDENT - MEMBERSHIP Charles BLACKARD 341-4946 VICE PRESIDENT - COM MUNICATIONS Marjorie RADLEY 351-3353 RECORDING SECRETARY Sue HARRIS 352-1977 TREASURER Jim R. GREENEY 387-1816 DIRECTORS PUBLIC RELATIONS Robert "Bob" L. YATES, Jr. 361-0961 MAILINGS Adrienne JAMIESON (Mrs. John) 348-3414 LIBRARY LIAISON Lloyd D. BROCKSTRUCK (R)522-1302 (0)749-4129 PROJECTS Mrs. Mary Helen BRENGEL 942-0550 PARLIAMENTAIRIAN Mary Sue CARUTH (Mrs. Ray) 821-2692 All Correspondence concerning the Dallas Genealogical Society and THE QUARTERLY is to be sent to P. O. Box 12648, Dallas, Texas 75225. <=rhe Quarterly Margaret Hudson, Editor ------------------------------------------------------------ VOLUME XXIX MARCH 1983 NUMBER ONE --- --- ---- -- - - --- - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - --- - - -- - - --- - --- - - - - - - - --- - CONTENTS SOCIETY SECTION Officers and Directors ................. .. Inside Front Cover Publications .•..•. .. .....•...•....•.•. Inside Back Cover Editor ' s Page .. .. ...... •...... ... ......•........... ii GENEALOGICAL RESEARCH SECTION Index to Naturali zation Records, Dallas County, Texas .. .. • 1 Baker Family Register .......•...•........••..•....•....... 27 Dallas County, Texas 1890 Tax List (Not indexed) ...... ... 29 Corrections to Book Reviews ... ... .•.. ... •.. ........ .•. 36 Book Reviews .•.. .. •. .• . ..... .........• . ..•.. .. .. ..• .. 37 Query Page. • . .. .. ..... •.. •.......••......... .... 40 Index ...•.. .•• . ... .. ........• . .......... ..•.. .... ..... 47 THE QUARTERLY is published by the Dallas Genealogical Society (formerly Local History and Genealogical Society) four times per calendar year: March, June, September and Decem ber . Subscription is by membership in the Society . Dues for the calendar year are $10 . 00 if paid by Jan . 31, and $11 after Jan. 31. Foreign residents please ask for addition cost of mailing . Information about the Society may be obtal.ned by writing to P. 0. Box 12648, Dallas, Texas 75225 . All correspondence and materials relative to THE QUARTERLY should be directed to The Editor , P. O. Box 12648, Dallas, Texas, 75225 . THE QUARTERLY , the Editor , nor the Dallas Genealogical Society will not be responsible for the accuracy of material printed herein since no proof is required. Copyright c March 1983 Dallas Genealogical Society Dallas, Texas EDITOR'$ PAGE This is the first issue of the 29th Volume of THE QUARTERLY. We have a lot to look foreward to this year in THE QUARTERLY. We have the Naturalization Index to finish, the 1890 Tax list for Precincts 6, 7, 8, the poll list and the Supplementary list. We also have Deed Books A and B of Dallas County on hand. However, we are in need of short articles; Bi ble records, letters, diaries, etc. anything that has not been printed before. We can use queries and books for review. I hope you will keep us in mind when you are doing research and help with articles for THE QUARTERLY. If you have anything please send a copy to the editor. Do not send the original, as we can not return articles. My thanks to Sue Harris and Carol Evans for doing such a good job of proofing for me, I could not have gotten this issue together without their help. Margaret Hudson Dallas Genealogical Society INDEX TO NATURALIZATION RECORDS, DALLAS COUNTY, TEXAS Continued from Volume XXVIII, Number 4, Page 245. The following material from the office of the Dallas County District Clerk is on deposit and available to patrons for research in the Texas/Dallas Archives of the Dallas Public Library: Naturalization Docket, 1889-1903 (1 Volume), final Naturalization Record, 1892 (1 Volume - 1 page), Declaration of Intention, 1906-1915 (2 Volumes); Petiton for Naturalization 1907-1915 (1 Volume); Ex-Parte Papers (5 cubic feet). Explanation of papers: Country listed is Country of Birth or Allegiance. All records were recorded in the District Court, unless otherwise stat ed and therefore the Court is not listed. Dates and locations are listed only once instead of each time. MacDERMOTT, Henry, England; 57; Declaration of Intent - Naturalization Docket, Vol. 1, p. 67, April 4, MACKAY, Hector, Scotland; 26; Declaration of Intent - Natura!ization Papers, Nov. 1, 1884. MACKECHNIE, Edward, British Empire; born Oct. 15, 1850; Declaration of Intent - Naturalization Papers, March 12, 1908. MACKINTOSH, Alexander, Great Britian; 35; Declaration of Intent - Naturalization Papers, March 29, 1882. MACLEOD (McLEOD), William John (J.), Great Britain; age not given; Declaration of Intent - Superior Ct., Chicago, Cook Co., Ill, June 17, 1886; Declaration of Intent, Petition for Naturalization and Granting of Citizenship - Ex Parte Papers, File K-0, Civil Minutes, Vol. 8, p. 138, March 18, 1896. MADDEN, A. A., Great Britian; 34; Declaration of Intent - Naturalization Docket, Vol. 1, p. 193, Aug. 31, 1896. MADER, Antonie, Germany; age not given; Declaration of lntent - Civil Minutes, Vol. G, p. 168, Oct. 14, 1872. MADSEN, H., Denmark; 36; Declaration of Intent - Naturalization Papers, Oct. 31, 1884. MADSON, Marius; Denmark; 37; Declaration of Intent - Naturalization Papers, Nov. 4, 1884. MAEGELS, Frank, ltaly; 28; Declaration of Intent - Naturalization Papers, July 11,1887. MAFFI, P. (Papueale) G., ltaly; 31; Declaration of Intent - Naturalization Papers, Civil Minutes, Vol. U, p. 78, July 11, 1887. MAGEE, ·Edward Clarence, Canada; 31; Declaration of lntent - Naturalization Docket, Vol. 1, p. 248, Dec. 22, 1902. MAGILL, George, Great Britian; born Aug. 21, 1890; Declaration of Intent - Naturalization Docket, Vol. Vol. 2, p. 42, Dec. 20, 1911. THE QUARTERLY - March 1983 MAGILL, William Robert, Great Britian; born May 14, 1887; Declaration of In­ tent - Declaration of Intent, Vol:_J>. 73, Jan. 30, 1908. MAGNUSSON, Johan A., Sweden-Norway; 24; Declaration of Intent - Naturaliza­ tion Docket, Vol. 1, p. 138, Apr. 30, 1894. MAGOGNA, Guiseppi, ltaly; 59; Declaration of Intent - Naturalization Docket, Vol. 1, p. 65, Apr. 4, 1891. MAHAMMAD, Mustapha, Turkey; 36; Declaration of Intent - Naturalization Docket, Vol. 1, p. 183, Mar. 24, 1896. MAHLER, Louis, Germany; born Dec. 2, 1885; Declaration of Intent - Naturali­ zation Docket, Vol. 2, p. 70, Jan. 29, 1912. MAIKRANTZ, Wilhelm, Germany; 39; Oeclaration of Intent - Naturalization Pa­ pers, Naturalization Docket, Vol. 1, p. 8, July 5, 1889. MAINZER, John, Germany; 24; Declaration of Intent - Naturalization Oocket, Vol. 1, p. 61, Apr. 4, 1891. MAIR (Maur), John, Germany; 52; Declaration of Intent - Naturalization Papers, Civil Minutes, Vol. U, p. 219, Aug 2, 1887. MALLEPELL, Jacob, Switzerland; 23; Oeclaration of Intent - Naturalization Docket, Vol. 1, p. 241, Mar. 25, 1902. MANDEL, Sigmund, Hungary; 34; Declaration of Intent - Naturalization Papers, Civil Minutes, Vol. U, p. 77, July 11, 1887. MANDELBERG, Louis (Loas), Russia; born Feb. 15, 1869; Oeclaration of Intent - Naturalization Docket, Vol. 2, p. 171, Mar. 9, 1914. MANGELS, Henry, Germany; 31; Oeclaration of Intent - Naturalization Docket, Vol. 1, p. 141, Sept. 15, 1894. MANSAR, Jacob, Country not stated; 27; Declaration of Intent - Naturalization Papers, Oct. 6, 1892. MANSON (Mansson), A. Mangus, Sweden; 48; Declaration of Intent - Naturaliza­ tion Papers, Aug. 1, 1887. MANTANO, E., Mexico; 38; Oeclaration of Intent - Naturalization Papers, Civil Minutes, Vol. U, p. 205, Aug. 1, 1887. MANTEL, Jacob, Holland; born June 25, 1871; Declaration of Intent - Declara­ tion of Intent Vol. _,p. 44, Dec. 4, 1907. MANTZURANIOS, Antonios Ath, Greece; born Jan. 17, 1878; Declaration of In­ tent - Naturalization Docket, Vol. 2, p. 85, Apr. 11, 1911. MANZER, Carl, Russia; born Oct. 31, 1888; Declaration of Intent - Naturaliza­ tion Docket, Vol. 2, p. 166, Jan. 31, 1914. MARADY (Moracky), Joseph, Austria; age not given; Declaration of Intent - Civil Minutes, Vol. G, p. 170, Oct. 14, 1872. Dallas Genealogical Society MARCADARI (Marcandore), Luvig, Italy; 30; Declaration of lntent - Naturaliza­ tion Papers, Civil Minutes, Vol. U, p. 189, July 27, 1887. MARCANDORE (Marcadari), Luvig, SEE ABOVE. MARESH, Anton, Austria; born Sept. 20, 1884; Oeclaration of lntent - Declara­ tion of lntent, Vol._, p. 82, March 30, 1908. MARGRETH, Joseph, Switzerland; born March 4, 1889; Oeclaration of Intent - Naturalization Docket, Vol. 2, p. 151, Jan. 10, 1914. MARGULIES, Sam, Russia; age not given; Declaration of lntent, Common Pleas Ct., New Jersey, Essex Co., Naturalization Papers, Feb. 15, 1893. MARION, Pat, Ireland; 57; Declaration of Intent - Naturalization Docket, Vol. l, p. 114, April 7, 1891. MARKOVITZ, M. A., Austria; 33; Declaration of lntent - Naturalization Papers, July 18' 1887. MARKS, Bernhard 8., Russia; 25; Declaration of Intent - Naturalization Papers, Civil Minutes, Vol. U, p. 208, Aug. 1, 1887. MARLAULT, Arthur, France; 29; Declaration of lntent - Naturalization Oocket, Vol. 1, p. 63, April 4, 1891. MAROEN (Maroun), Negib, Syria-Turkey; 22; Declaration of lntent - Naturaliza­ tion Docket, Vol. 1, p. 20, March. 26, 1891. MAROUN (Mareon), Negib, SEE ABOVE MARTENS, G. Wm., Germany; 38; Petition
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