Bristol Development Monitoring Report 2014 Covering the period 1 April 2013 - 31 March 2014 Bristol Development Monitoring Report 2014 Contents Foreword 1 1 Introduction 2 2 Duty to Co-operate 7 3 Monitoring Local Plan Preparation 12 4 Development Management Statistics 16 5 Implementation of Core Strategy Policies 18 6 Waste and Minerals and Joint Waste Core Strategy (JWCS) 113 Monitoring (01/04/13 – 31/03/14) 7 Neighbourhood Planning 119 8 Enterprise Zone, Enterprise Area and Local Development Orders 121 9 Conclusions 122 Glossary 127 Census Output is Crown Copyright and is reproduced with the permission of the Controller of HMSO and the Queen’s Printer for Scotland. FrIf you would like this information in a different format, for example Braille, audiotape, large print or computer disc, or community languages, please contact Strategic City Planning on 0117 9036796. Cover Photo: Brunel Building interior at night, Southmead Hospital. Photo supplied by Marketing & Communications Department, North Bristol NHS Trust. Bristol Development Monitoring Report 2014 Foreword The Bristol Development Monitoring Report is the Local Planning Authority’s Monitoring Report (AMR). It supports the Bristol Local Plan and is produced annually. This report covers the period 1st April 2013 to 31st March 2014 and is produced in accordance with the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 (section 35), as amended by the Localism Act 2011 (section 113). This is the third Bristol Development Monitoring Report to be produced following the publication of The Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012 (regulation 34). The purpose of this report is to: • Provide a timeline for the production of documents set out in the Local Development Scheme (LDS) • Report on the extent to which policies are being achieved and where they are not the steps being taken to secure policy implementation • Provide annual figures on the provision of new dwellings • Provide details of Neighbourhood Development Orders or Neighbourhood Development Plans • Report on the implementation of the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) • Provide details where the council has co‐operated or worked in partnership with other local authorities or bodies There is a requirement to make this information available publicly at least annually. For further information please contact: Strategic City Planning Team Brunel/Floor 2/Brunel Wing Bristol City Council PO Box 3176 BS3 9FS E-mail: [email protected] Tel: 0117 903 6796 Web: www.bristol.gov.uk/blp or www.bristol.gov.uk/statistics We welcome any comments that would help improve both the information presented and the format of future monitoring reports 1 Bristol Development Monitoring Report 2014 1. Introduction Background 1.1 The Bristol Development Monitoring Report is the Authority’s Monitoring Report (AMR). Local planning authorities are required to make their Authority’s Monitoring Report publically available under Regulation 34 of the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012. Bristol City Council is committed to publishing its development monitoring report annually to keep a regular check on the performance of the Bristol Local Plan. The report is an important element in providing the comprehensive, robust and credible evidence base, which is required to support the development of sound policies. 1.2 National Planning Practice Guidance (NPPG, paragraph 027) states that local planning authorities must publish information at least annually that shows progress with Local Plan preparation (section 3). The AMR reports on activity relating to the duty to cooperate (section 2) and shows how the implementation of policies in the Local Plan is progressing (section 5). It should also report on any neighbourhood development orders or neighbourhood development plans (section 7). 1.3 This monitoring report covers the period 1st April 2013 – 31st March 2014. It contains information on the extent to which the key priorities for the city are being achieved. It is the principal means for monitoring the implementation of the adopted Core Strategy and the adopted Joint Waste Core Strategy. Section 5 reports upon the use of the 23 Core Strategy policies to determine planning applications in 2013/14. The adopted Joint Core Waste Strategy is reported upon in section 6. The Site Allocations and Development Management Policies Local Plan was adopted in July 2014 and is therefore not reported on in this monitoring report, but will be reported on in the future along with the Bristol Central Area Plan (BCAP) once adopted. Targets and Indicators 1.4 Local planning authorities can chose which targets and indicators to include in their AMRs. Bristol’s indicators and targets were reviewed and reset through the examination of the Core Strategy. The adopted Core Strategy makes linkages with the council’s cross-cutting priorities and its strategic outcomes as set out in the Bristol City Council Corporate Plan. The Corporate Plan has been refreshed in this reporting period and covers 2014-2017. It sets out and articulates the Mayor’s vision for the city. This monitoring report focuses on the targets and indicators relating to the policies in the adopted Core Strategy. It does not report on the priorities, actions and targets contained within other Council documents. 1.5 Data that local authorities are required to submit to government are set out in the ‘Single Data List’, which took effect in April 2011 and was updated in April 2014 for 2014/15. Many of the National Indicators introduced in 2008, which included Local Development Framework Core Output Indicators are no longer required to be reported, but where still collected, continue to be reported within this monitoring report. Where possible, trends are shown from the Core Strategy baseline of 2006, as this helps identify the need for further action and consequently the need to amend policies. Some targets or indicators have been updated to reflect current monitoring arrangements and these are used to report on the implementation of the adopted Core Strategy policies. 2 Bristol Development Monitoring Report 2014 Bristol Local Plan 1.6 Local planning authorities must prepare a local plan consistent with national policy in accordance with section 20 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 (as amended) and the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF). 1.7 The Local Plan will influence future growth and change in the provision of housing, employment and facilities required to deliver a spatial vision for Bristol. The Bristol Local Plan was previously referred to as the Local Development Framework. Further details can be found via www.bristol.gov.uk/localplan. 1.8 The council is undertaking a phased transition from the 1997 Adopted Local Plan to the Bristol Local Plan which will help to deliver a wide range of strategies and commitments. The Core Strategy adopted in June 2011 was prepared having regard to the four key objectives of the Bristol Partnership’s Sustainable City Strategy – the 20:20 plan. It has a critical relationship with the Joint Local Transport Plan 3, which sets out specific proposals for the delivery of transport schemes in the city and the adopted Joint Waste Core Strategy, prepared by the four West of England authorities. All other planning policies produced have to be written to fit in with the Core Strategy. 1.9 The majority of policies within the adopted Bristol Local Plan (December 1997) were ‘saved’ in 2007 pending the production of new development plan documents. Adoption of the Core Strategy replaced 59 of the saved Local Plan policies and adoption of the Site Allocations and Development Management Policies document in July 2014 replaced a further 77 policies. The remaining 17 saved policies of the Bristol Local Plan (December 1997) will be replaced upon adoption of the Bristol Central Area Plan. The use of the saved policies for the purposes of determining planning applications within the Bristol Central Area Plan area is not reported on within this monitoring report. Site Allocations and Development Management Policies Local Plan 1.10 The Site Allocations and Development Management Policies document provides planning policies for specific sites including allocation of sites for development and protection of areas sensitive to change. It also includes detailed development management policies, where required, to support over-arching policies of the Core Strategy. Bristol Central Area Plan 1.11 The Bristol Central Area Plan (BCAP) sets out a detailed vision to reinforce the unique character and international reputation of the city centre. Part of the Bristol Local Plan, it will help deliver policies of the Core Strategy. Bristol’s Local Development Scheme 1.12 The Localism Act 2011 removes the requirement to consult and submit the Local Development Scheme (LDS) to the Secretary of State. Implementation of the LDS is now required to be published direct to the public at least annually and is therefore contained within this monitoring report. The June 2014 LDS covers the period 2012-2016 and revises previous updates that replaced the LDS issued in March 2007. The LDS explains which planning policy documents make up the Bristol Local Plan and includes a timetable showing the stages in the production of the documents. Section 3 of this report contains up to date information on progress in preparing the documents against the LDS. 3 Bristol Development Monitoring Report 2014 Statement of Community Involvement 1.13 Local planning authorities should aim to involve all sections of the community in the development of Local Plans and in planning decisions. The council formally adopted its Statement of Community Involvement on 14th October 2008. The SCI is currently being reviewed to reflect recent changes to planning legislation and the experience of community involvement since adoption. The council would welcome initial comments to inform this review by 23rd January 2015. Initial informal involvement is being carried out with the Neighbourhood Planning Network and the Planning User Group.
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