Volume CXIX, Number 16 Phillips Academy, Andover, MA October 18, 1996 The Committee Proposes Over 100 Recommendations for Future of Academy byBenTsai & Andy Riddle~teigCnriteR lae eodH l fR r At P~~~~~~~~~~~I-iLLMPANNEWS EDITORS The Steering Committee, commi- sioned in the Spring of 1995, pub- 'p ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~lishedthe second half of its findings in a 170-page report titled, "Part II: Academy at the Start of the Twenty- First Centiury," last week with numer- - ous specific recommendations for the * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~directionof the school. Led by chairperson E. Anthony Rotundo of the History and Social Science Department, the committee is comprised of. Carl W. Bewig, current head of College Counseling; Lydia B. Goetze, an instructor in Biology; Lynne E. Kelly of the English depart- ment; Paul D. Murphy '84, PA alum- nus and mathematics instructor;. Susan E. Noble, Director of the PA alum William Vickrey '31, whose economic PhotoI Associated Press Oliver Wendell Holmes Library; The Steering Committee, who released the second half of their report on Friday, discusses the PhotoI 0 Mark theories won him a Nobel Prize before he passed away last week John Richards, History teacher; implications of their suggestions with various students 0 a - ~~~~~~~~~~~~~NatalieG. Schorr, Head of the hopes for the academy's future. The of providing students with adult guid- and Energy," the committee advo- W illiami Vickrey '31 R ceiveS Language department; Art instructor report stressed the growth of the ance and support. The chapter covers cates an overhaul in daily and yearly Shirley E. Veenem; and Edith L. mind, body and other inner attributes topics, which include the obligation calendars The report suggests rr'i1 ~~~~~~~~~~~Walker,Head of the (MS) 2 (Math as well as the development of he of faculty to provide thoughtful coun- changes in the current daily N~~~~~~~be1neiore~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Zrrizeinree vays schedules Nobel PrizeThree D ays Before ~~~andScience for Minority Students). academy's overall qualities seling; an overviewy of the counseling to allow sufficihnt time for adequate The only time which a Steering The Steering Committee divided centers currently available to stu- sleep, extracurricular activities. acad- Suffering Fatalile r A ttack Committee convened in the history of Part 11 of its repdrt into five chapters' -dents, flaws and proposed changes to emnic studies and socializing One of ________________________________ ~~~Phillips Academy, they proposed a each which covered an aspect of the~ the Academic Advising system. a re- the most profound specific recoin- by CharlesForelleand Mirrlees's additions twenty-five series of recommendations,, many of Phillips Academy. All told, the com- definition of the role of house coun- mendations made by the committee is by ChariesSTFrl WTRyears later proposed systems that which have been implemented over mittee proposed one hundred and selors, and an in-depth examination in regards to the yearly calendar would lessen or eliminate this ineffi- the course of the last three decades, fifty-two recommendations, ranging of the disciplinary system. under- the proposed system. the Last Wedesday,te Royal ciency. Among the round-breaking changes from broad, sweeping ideals to "School and Community," the Swedsh Acdemdy, ofeScience Vickrey, who grew up in include making PA co-educational, extremelylipecific changes or addi- third chapter, looks into both student- CoineonPg8,ClmS Scarsdale, NY, a suburb of New dividing the housing system to clus- tions to cuij~ent policy, and faculty life. Among the aspects awarded Columbia University pro- York City, came to Phillips Academy ters, and implementing a six-point The Iirst .chapter, entitled of student life which the committee fessor William S Vickrey '31 the in 1930 as a one-year senior, graduat- grading scale. "Teaching and Leaming," involves examines and proposes changes for in Special Report Nobel MmorialPrizei Econo injg in 1931. While his brief career Part I of the 1996 Steering the interaction betweenfautan th cape ar the dormitories, Science. Vickrey jointly received the PG 3 $1.1 przemilio wth ame A.here was undistinguished, he was Committee report, which the commit- students at PA, and examines the role extracumcular activities, social func- PG $1.12 illionpnzeith Jaes A. well-liked and respected by his class- tee released in September, focused of the school as .An educational insti- tions, and pro'grams for the develop- Mirrlees, a British economist. On mates and peers. After graduation, primarily in the philosophy which the tution. Chapter one included in the ment of students' character, such as Sm ayo eomnain Friday evening, Professor Vickr-ey Vickrey went on to pursue his studies committee hopes the school will fol- topics such as effective teaching and Life Issues and the Community A brief outline of the crucial points was found slumped over the wheel of atYlUnvriy ndgdue low in the future; whereas Part II is learning, gading policies, the need Service program. In their deep look his ca talldon he Htchison school at Columbia University, much more specific in terms of rec- for a strong technological infrastruc- at PA's faculty, the committee SuetFclyRsos River Parkway north of New York, where he taught until his retirement omnmended changes or innovations. ture, examination current curriculum addresses the role of the faculty, Fclyadtutecm eti dead of a sudden heart attack only in8. The first half of the Steering and exploration in new possiblities in goals for faculty composition and response to the Steering Swreendywoker hm pneal inte WilrtClmbaoikrywsm Committee report formed a founda- academics as well as extracurricular compensation, their everyday lives at Committee's recommendations momin& as~~~~~oris o ted, "amirdabut een II by focusing on a general philospo- incorporation of social responsibility -my to provide them with a means by Steering Committee Interview ~ moi~i~*y.Nobel priz was the rahisotrdi atuirdy'sNewe inno the cedtosi,oc at o rclr ciiis n h A adteolgto fteaae Vicculmintion Nof elcareer' wor theof arl cetic yhsclege hy of the school. In the- introductory into the acadlemic program. which to pursue-pr6fessional interests The Philhpian-interviews members culmiationofworh aof areers -------------- report, the committee addressed Chapter Two, "Advising and during their tenures. of the commnitt~b work on, as the Nobel citation reads, Continued on Page 8, Column 6 social issues and reflected its broad Counseling-," stresses the importance, In the following chapter, "Time -_______________ "[the] economic theory of incentives--__________________________________ under asymmetric information." a 1 C leb ate fildwhchheponerdnheAoerClerae 1940s. Theories concerning asym- Gay Pride Weekend metric information deal with the factMenhliKeprAdtru eiag.W nasdwatnprd 'that, in the real world (as opposed to by Yuan Wong & Jenny Seo Meaile , inn Kempesdtof hertoritae he asede Hante insplired, PHIILLIPIAN STAFF WRITERSMieCann'8 prsdn of hrtwrtthpecHuerele, ~'classical economic theory), both par- GSA, addressed the junior class on "It was my final paper for my Ph.D. - ties of a transaction almost never hsoncmn-u xeine ls.Iwsoeo he lc oe have the same, or symmetrical, infor- During the weekend of October hsoncmn-u xeine ls.Iwsoeo he lc oe mation. For example, an insurance 11-13, the Gay Straight Alliance spehwihdwtarto an innal-iefmlecs.Evy compny as essinfrmatonhana sonsred n arayof n-cmpu members of the audience. Interim day, my class would ask me what it ~ j driver on how carefully the person activities to celebrate National deno Comnt Afar ad wslieobelckIsupeI L 1L1 drives. Therefore, economists say Coming Out Day and to perpetuate an Mutclua eeometBby woetepec u fagr a that setting premiums based on the awareness of homosexuality. The Edwards also took this chance to tired of aswering, their questions. comparatively little information (past annual Gay Pride celebration at PA, apelt h tdnso At fe Tepeewsawyt aetedf record, traffic violations, age, etc.) first initiated in 1989 alongw~ith the fo h absxa othsrgl eetapcs fm n ulte l caninfficent.Vickey' e wok frain fGA splne ota and to see life through the eyes of together." can e infficent.Vickey'swo it oaino ides NanaldComingt others ...to make PA a place where Hunter also stated that she was iOt id. " ithpurpo oftl iek we can agree to disagree and still tired of being put into a peg on appli- PAflh 1 otiswek' cationsTe fors afim tiv cio. Community ~endis to educate everyone on gay, walk away together." ctosfrafraieato." lesbian, and transgender issues so Another major event of the week- never knew which box to check. tha thye btte my ifored nd end occurred on Saturday night at Usually I would check 'other' and Rallies'A g'ains open-minded to PA's multi-faceted 6:30 in Steinbach Theater, where write in 'multicultural,"' stated Reniovaof divrsity.I isals a weeknd when Miri Hunter Haruach, a lesbian Hunter. In short, her performance rela andhavesomefun, writer, performance artist, Israeli was "aimed at healing and affirmning stated Alexis Howe, one of the co- dance teacher, and acting teacher individual uniqueness as a way to heads of GSA. from Califomnia, performed a one- fully experience ourselves and R BPa~e rente..l f.' HistLoric Trees The weekend was kicked off wit woman piece entitled "Grandmothers increase our personal awareness in singr/gitaist of the Universe." In the piece, Hunter the world." Afterwards, Hunter
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