) TUESDAY, MARCH 14,1961 Average Daily Net Press Run The Weather PAGE FOURTEEN For tho Week Ended iSIattrlflfBiifr 1EttPtiUt0 !l^fralii March 11, 1961 Foreeaat of V. S. W*atlMr\Bsresa t I 13,317 Fair, cooler tonight, h e m m M b,. A quarterly meeting of the State Seniors to Hold Union Pond MoaOy !falr, Ilttla tempanOiira VFW Auxiliary will be held Sunday Member of the Audit chMgi» Thuraday. High ia 40a. About Town at the SUles D. Woodruff Post WED. ONLY SPECIAL! Ruriliaa of Circniatioii Room*. West Haven. Chairmen Annual Hal Show M m dhester— A City, o f V Hinge Charm are reminded to send U«tir reports Sewer Rates MEN’S, WOMEN’S t«koU 0>uncil. Degree of Poca- The Senior Citizens Club will mnd CHU.DREN’S hontaa, wiirtft....... mfet. tomorrow..... ai^- 7:30 before this meeting. LEATHER or NEOUTE p.Bi. at Odd Fellows Hall. There sponsor an annual hat show and Before Board VOL. LXXX, NO. 1.39 (TWENTY PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, MARCH 15, 1961 (Claaslfled Adverttoing on Pago 18) PRICE FIVE CENTS •will be a aocial hour after the meet- The Koffee KlaUche Group of St. Patrick's celebration tomor­ better the YW6a w-ill meet at the Com- ing. munitv Y tomorrow at 9:30 a.ni. row at 2 p m. at the Community The board of director* Will meet Y. Members will wear hats of their HALF Xfler'a coffee hour, members will tonight to discuss the purch'aae The Junior Century Club of Man­ make papercraft articles which own creation as well as "some­ SHOE chester will hear a lecture by Dr. were demonstrated at a previous thing green." of XTnlon Pond, raising the seWor. Julian W. Streittteld. clinical psy* 'meeting. Entertainment will be providett rates and changing the ordinance D rnni choiogist. on "Emotions of the bv a traveling hand. Wally Fortin which prohibits circuses., SOLES Child," at a meeting tomorrow at A rummage and food sale ‘will and James Herdio will be judges The meeting will start at 7:30 8 p.m. at the K of C Home. be sponsored by the Indies 3Us- for the hat contest, and prizes will Kennedy Calls for Accord sionarv* Societv- • ■ in■ the- -basemen--------- ntrof be nwarderl. The club is sponsored o'clock in the hearing room of the A midweek I.ienten service at by the Town Recreation Depart­ munici'pal building. *i,or Evangelical laitheran Church , the -Talcottville Congregational tomorrow at 7:30 p.m. wiil be Church Saturday starting at 10 ment. A decision on buying Union am. Pond for *9,300 was postponed preceded bv an adult information last Tuesday at the regular meet­ hour at 0:30 and a I>enten family ^ film "Jesus before the High Me.nibers o f. Wesley Circle, ing of the board at the request of 175 St. Bridget’s CYO Prieat," at 7:15. WSCS. of South M|thodist Church Director Ted Powell w-ho aald he i * WE GIVE HrfC GREEN STA M ^ • Will meet tonight at 7:45 at the wanted mOre Information. Look For Our Weekly Special Every Tuesday — ihome of Mrs Pierre Teets. 80 Hears Missionary Director Francis Dellafera said On Issne of School Loans Mrs. Betty Sweeney, residential Dean Talks Here Lenten Preacher lighting consultant at the Hart­ iDoane St .The Rev. Percy M. the pond, which covers 61 acres ford Electric Ught, Co,, will dis­ I Spurrier will be speaker. Co-host­ The Very Rev. Richard Hooker A nun who operated a leprosari­ The Rev. Gilbert Y. Taverner, in the North End, could be used cuss “Ught for Laving." at a meet­ esses will he Mrs Cecil Tresdwell Wilmcr Jr.. Ph.D.. dean of the um in the Briti-sh West Indies for pakor of St. Mark's Methodist for industry, boating and fishing, HOUSE HALE ijr. and Mrs. Kenneth Strum. Berkeley Divinity School of, New manv years will speak tonight to Church, Brookline. Mass., will be as a watershed, or if it were drain­ ing of the Greater Hartford Home the Senior CYO at St. Bridget's SHOE REP.AIR SERVICE 2.500 Indians Parochial Schools Aid Economics Club tomorrow at 7:30 Haven, will be guest preacher at guest preacher at the midweek ed. for a disposal area, as a oiunic- State News p.m. at the Hartford Electric Manchester Grange will meet to- the 7:30 p.m. service at St. Mary's Church from 7 to 8. Lenten service at ^ u th Metho­ ipal golf course and as a gravel USE OUR O.AK STREET ENTRANCE—MI 8-4I2S Held ‘In Need’ Airs Plan Ught On.. 176. Cumberland Ave.. ' morrow at 8 p.m. in Orange Hall. Episcopal Church tomorrow. Sister Mary Augustine of the dist Church tomorrow at 7:30 p.m. pit." W’etheisfleld. Dessert will be iThe third and fourth degrees will The Very Rev. Mr. Wilmcr ha.s Marist Sisters will tell her experi- Music for the service will be by The Hartford El?ttric Light Co. served. For reservations, interested be conferred. The meeting will be been cited by the Episcopal church encc.s as a mlAsonary. the .Methodist Men's clionis. udth ia the present owner. Rxt undup Fort Hall. Idaho. March 15 ‘ preceded by a harvest supper. Parents'of CYO members and i/P' - - Malnutrition or near- Court Test Sought home economists in the area may for his pioneer work in ecumencial Jack Byron Grove, director of A raise in sewer rates will be call Mrs. Sweeney at the Hartford ! Members are reminded to bring theology. j parishoners are invited to attend.' music, as org^isL There will be proposed by Fred Thrall, superin­ s'.atwation is^reported among To Settle hence of HELCO. ; articles for the auction table. He .was born in Ancon. Canal ] a coffee hour and discussion period tendent of the water and sewer hundreds of’the 2.500 Indians Zone, and has, studied at Yale after the sen-ice. department, Deimpsey Seeks on the Fort Hall' Reser\-ation RodrvlUe Emblem Club will ob- . Christopher Dartd Wright, son The Rev. Mr. Taverner, a na­ ■ The Increase will steady the in­ of Southern Idaho. On Loans Legatity nerve District Deputy Night to- , of Christopher Charles Wright. 66 cal Seminary, and Oxford. Eiig- Public Records tive of Maine, is a graduate of Col­ come of the department to pay for Federal Funds Rep. Ralph Harding, D- moTTOW at 8 pm. at .the Elks 1 Green Manor Rd r has been named land. I immediate expenses, as. well as Idaho, got the reports and to the dean's list at the Univer- by College and Boston University asked the commi.ssioner.« of Home, Park gt^Rockville. Mem­ ' He ha.' served as a parish priest ■Warrantee Deeds School of Theologj’. He has been pay for the expanded lines the de»‘|t For New Roads By MARVIN L. ARROWSMITH ber* of the Manchester, Putnam. ; sity of Corpus Christi, Corpus and as chaplain in the U.S. Navy. active in youth and young adult partmentDnrtment has alreadvalready installed { neighboring counties to in­ Washington, March 15 (/P)f.school* at interest'rates w-hich ■ Christ!. Tex., where he is- a jun­ Philip H. Moroney to Town of and will install in the future. vestigate. Washington, March 15 Ea*t Hartford, and New London He was ch:iplaln for Episcopal Manche.ster. property off Bush work, and has served since 1954, as —Senators suggested today; clubs have been Invited Mrs. Jen­ ior. majoring in social science. students at Yale before becoming Circuses would be permitted in Hai'tford, March 15 uF)— ; Bingham County Chairman —President Kennedy called Hill Rd. chairman of the Board of Educa­ George F. Brower met .with I any legislation enacted b.v sercs. wayne Morse, D-Ore.. the nie Inncs of Putnam will be guest dean of Berkeley Divinity 'School. Eklith M. Prior to Everett W. tion of tlie New England annual' Manchester, under the terms of a Gov. John N. Demp-se.v today ■ I .subcommittee chairman, and Jo- today for religious harmony, of homer, and Mrs. Gladys MdCray ySinchestef Lodge of Masons The Rev. Canon Thomas Byrne proposed ordnance change provid­ the tribal council yesterday. Congress to authorize federal will meet tonight at 7:30 at the VanDyne of Glastonbury, profier- conference. He has also been a urged Congress to a)iprove j He said he was told 300 Indian I loans to paiuchial schools seph S. Clark. D-Pa.. both said warning that if the country of RockvUIe will be chairman. of St. Mary's Church will lead a ty at 116 Keeney St. rtaitlng preacher for theological ed they were licensed by the state I.fasonic Temple. After a business discussion after the service. police and complied with to'wn Get the cash you w ant-in a hurry- the Kennedy adniinisti-ation’s ! fsniil;,es were "in need" but should carry a provision to ! legislation should carry divides on the school aid issue meeting the Fellowcraft degree Anita B. Tinker to David M. atiidenta at Boston Universit.v. federal aid highway program, said that did not mean they Other services tomorrow at St. zoning regulations. j sneedspeeu a vouicourt i. testits i of itsu s cuncon-' , '«nK«agcsupreme authorizing Court suit an to immedi-test its “our national strength” will tvill be conferred. I with Senior Mary's will be al 6:30 a.m., Hol.v Caldwell Jr., property off Boulder with Beneficial’s Bill Clean-Up Service The Governor expressed his' weie' .starving.
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