19HH - 19H9 ANNl' AL REPORT ACADEMY OF MOTION PICTURE ARTS AND SCIENCES & ACADEMY FOUNDATION n the cover: HRH The Princess Royal , Academy OPresident Richard Kahn and a host of British Oscar winners at a special dinner at Hampton Court Palace in Great Britain last November. The event honored the Academy and was sponsored by the British Academy of Film and Television Arts and Shell UK, in association with Granada Television. (cover photo: PPS) 1988-89 Academy Vice-Presidents Cbarles M. Powell and Robert Rebme, kademy Executive Administrator Bruce Davis and Mrs. Jane Powell meet HRH Princess Anne at Hampton Court. (pboto: PPS) 1988-1989 President Richard Kahn First Vice President Norman Corwin Vice President Charles M. Powell Vice President Robert Rehme Treasurer Joseph Westheimer Secretary Donn Cambern Executive Director James M. Roberts A GUIDE ro BRITAIN'S BES'" I HRH TIw Princess Royal. 2 Ricbard Kabo, Presidenl AMPA5. 3 Sir Ricbard Allenborougb: GANDHI (1982), Besl Picl.re, Direcling. 4 Olivia tU HaviJland: ro EACH HIS OWN (1946), THE HEIRESS (1949), Aclress. 5 Pew Uslinov: SPARTACUS (1960). roPKAPI (1964), Supporting Aclor. 6 Sir jobo MiUs: RYAN 'S DAUGHTER (1970), Supporling Aclor. 7 Ben Kingsky: GANDHI (1982), Aclor. 8 Freddie It>ung: LAWRENCE OF ARABIA (1962), DOCroR ZHIVAGO (1965), RYAN'S DAUGHTER (1970), Cinemalog.rapby. 9 Sir David liIan: THE BRIDGE ON THE RIVER K~I (1957), /.AWRENCE OF ARABIA (1962). Direcling. 10 Brian Ackland·Snow: A ROOM WITH A VIEW (1986). Arl Direclion. II Ken Adam: BARRY LYNOON (1975). Arl Direclion. 12 Denys Ayling: ALIEN (1979), Visual EJJecls. 13 Don Black: BORN FREE (1966), Song (lyrics). 14 »xmne Blake: NICHOLAS AND ALEXANDRA (1971), CMlame Design. 15 john BIaom: GANDHI (1982), Film Ediling. 16 jobo Osborne: roM JONES (1963), Screenplay. 17 jim Clar.: THE KILLING FIELDS (1984), Film Ediling. 18 Roy Cborman: RAIDERS OF THE WST ARK (1981), Sound. 19 jack Cardiff BLACK NARCISSUS (1947), Cinemalog.rapby (color). 20 jobo Briky: GANDHI (1982), Screenplay. 21 liIsIie Bricusse: Song Score; TALK ro THE ANIMALS (1967), Song; VIC7VRIVIC7VRIA (1982). 22 Gorden Daniel: GRAND PRIX (1966), Sound EJJecls. 23 Muriel Box: THE SEVENTH VEIL (1946). Screenplay. 24 Pbyllis Dallo", DOCroR ZHIVAGO (1965), Coslume Design (collJr). 25 CfJIin F. Mossman: (1982). Sci<nlific and Engineering. 26 Brian jObason: ALIEN (1979), THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK (1980), Visual EJJecls. 27 Michael Deeky: THE A CAD [ M Y DEER HUNTER (1978), Besl Piclure. 28 james Hin: GIUSEPPINA (1960), DocumenIary (sbarl $Objecl). 29 Roy Field: SUPERMAN (1978), Visual EJJecls. M OT I ON· PICTURE 30 Gordon [( McCanum: FIDDLER ON THE ROOF (1971), Sound. 31 George Gibbs: INDIANA JONES AND THE TEMPLE OF DOOM (1984), Visual EJJtcl! 32 Bob Godfrey: GREAT (1975), Sborl Film (anima/ed). 33 Pew Handford: OUT OF AFRICA (1985), Sound. 34julie Harris: DARLING (1965), Coslume Design. ARTS and SCIENCES 35 Arnold Scbwarlrman: GENOCIDE (1981), Documenlary (Jealure). 36 Oswald Morris: FIDDLER ON THE ROOF (1971), Cinemalog.rapby. 37 An/bony PoweD: TRAVELS WITH MY AUNT (1972), DEATH ON THE NILE (1978), TESS (1980), Coslume Design. 38 jobo Mollo: STAR ~RS (1977), GANDHI (1982), Cos/ume Design. 39 Derek Meddings: SUPERMAN (1978), Visual EJJecls. 40 Bob Laing: GANDHI (1982). Arl Direclion. 41 Nick AIItUr: ALIEN (1979), Visual EJJecls. ACAD[ MY r ·~DU ~ND ~AlI~D N· 42 Cbristine Oeslrticiwr: A SHOCKlNG ACCIDENT (1982), Sborl Film (live aclion). 43 jobo Poyner: THE DIRTY OOZEN (1967), Sound EJJecls. 44 FrrtUric Raphael: DARLING (1965), Screenplay. 45 Ken Thorne: A FUNNY THING HAPPENED ON THE WAY ro THE FORUM (1966), Music/Scoring. 46 Vincen! Wi_. 8949 Wilshire Boulevard THE LITTLE KIDNAPPERS (1954), Honorary 47 Pew D. Parts: (1986), Tecboical Acbi<vemenl. 48 David If! Samuelson: (1980), SCi<nlific and Engineering; (1986), 71dnical Acbi<vemenl. 49 Mark Pep/oe: THE LAST EMPEROR (1987), Screenplay. 50 Winiam B. PoUard: (1986), 'l1!cboical Acbi<vemenl. 51 David Beverly Hills, CA 90211 Hildyard: FIDDLER ON THE ROOF (1971), CABARET (1972), Sound. 52jobo SloIl: LAWRENCE OF ARABIA (1962). Arl Direclion. 53jobo Slears: THUNDERBALL (1965), STAR WARS (1977). Visual EJJecls. 54 Kil III1sl: RAIDERS OF THE WST ARK (1981), Visual EJJeci! 55 Norman WanslaD: GOLDFINGER (1964), Sound (213) 278-8990 EJJecl! 56 Brian Savegar: A ROOM WITH A VIEW (1986), Set Decoralion. 57 james Aclwson: THE LAST EMPEROR (1987), DANGEROUS LIAISONS (1988). © 1989 Coslume Design. 58 jac. S/eplwns: TESS (1980). Arl Direclion. 59 Sluarl Craig: GANDHI (1982), DANGEROUS LIAISONS (1988). Arl Direciion. 60 David Watkin: OUT OF AFRICA (1985), Cinemalog.rapby. 61 BiU Rowe: THE LAST EMPEROR (1987), Sound. 62 Vivienne ~den-Roe : WOMEN-FOR AMERICA, FOR THE WORLD (1986), Documenlary (sborl subjeci). 63 Ivan Sbarrock: THE LAST EMPEROR (1987), Sou.d. 64 jobo Box: /.AWRENCE OF ARABIA (1962). DOCroR ZHIVAGO (1965), Art Direclion (color); OLIVER! (1968), NICHOLAS AND ALEXANDRA (1971), Arl Direclion. 65 Don Sborpe: ALIENS (1986), Sound EJJeeis Ediling. 66 Sir jobo Woolf OLIVER! (1968), Besl Picture. 67 jeremy Tbomas: THE LAST EMPEROR (1987), Besl Piclure. 68 Peler SboJJer: AMADEUS All Annual Reporl photos by long Photography unless (1984), Screenplay. 69 BiUy WiDioms: GANDHI (1982), Cinemalog.rapby. 70 Ronnie Taylor: GANDHI (1982), Cinematog.rapby. 71 Michael Seirlon: GANDHI otherwise noted. (1982), Sel Direciion F \{ 0 ,\1 TilE P \{ E S I [) E ;\; T My Fellow Academy Members, Some of my most vivid memories as Academy President have come from the many conversations I had with you , the members-not just in Southern California, but on the East Coast and in Great Britain as well. Your interest and involvement in the Academy and your enthusiasm for its programs lie at the core of this great organization's accomplishments. It has been an honor and a pleasure to have served you and the past year has been one I will not soon forget. As I pass the torch to my successor, Karl Malden, I wish him an equally stimulating and fulfilling term of office. Sincerely, Richard Kahn On tbe 61st Academy Awards Sbow. Art. • -",y cf r. c~;on ·ct!.1""" f.,L end he roster of Academy Presidents who could rattle off, on impulse, a word­ Tperfect version of Gregory Peck 's shakedown speech from TWELVE O'CWCK HIGH to amuse and exhort a late-toiling group of staff members is almost certainly a small one, possibly not including Mr, Peck himself. Richard Kahn brought a formidable list of qualifications to the job of Academy President, but primary among them was this one: Richard Kahn loves movies, His term of office stands as eloquent testimony to that affection , He was elected to the presidency as he began his ninth consecutive year on the Board, Since the bylaws limit a governor's term to that span , Kahn would have just a single year in office in which to work on his agenda, But he also came in with formidable advantages, During his eight previous years on the Board, Kahn had been a central participant in the Academy 's entire spectrum of activities, When his term began he already knew the projects, the players and what needed to be done: the roster of his accomplishments dates from his first day in office, It's a remarkable list. Among its highlights are the reintroduction of the Academy At the Nominees Luncbeon witb incoming Executive Director Bruce Davis and bis wife joann, newsletter-in a form useful enough to maintain vital signs for years to come­ and the extension of Membership Screenings to the Academy's vigorous London contingent. Kahn was an indispensable presence on the building committee as it wrestled with a hundred decisions on the look and cost of the new archival facility, and he scooped out the first spadeful of dirt at the groundbreaking, He showed a general's interest in the campaign to overcome the traffic problems that had beset the previous year's Awards Presentation, With the enthusiastic coopera­ tion of the Traffic Department and other city agenCies, cars moved to the 61st Academy Awards more smoothly than at any year in memory, The show that followed won the highest ratings recorded by an Oscar cast in five years, Two projects which Kahn initiated will pay significant future dividends, The first is a pilot Oral History program that , under the supervision of the Margaret Herrick Library, has placed two experienced film historians in the field for the 1989-90 year, President Kahn also contributed detailed and creative attention to another personal project, a forthcoming three-volume home video compilation of great moments from the Academy Awards, Profits from sales of the series will go Marianne and Ricbard Ktzbn, to the endowment fund of the archival center, No summation of the Kahn administration would be complete without reference to this president's remarkable gifts as a public speaker, The Academy 's chief officer speaks formally on perhaps fifty occasions per year, and Kahn 's performances were always something special. In an era when speakers too often crouch over their texts in the posture of neophyte rope-walkers, Kahn was a ringing exception, Whether the event was the Oscar show or the humblest exhibition opening, whether the audience was a dozen clubwomen or a princess of England, he mastered his subject, hit his marks and delivered his words with grace and perfect confidence, In this as in so many things, Richard Kahn did the Academy proud, On tbe 61st Academy Awards Sbow, ~~L.;.nC,_5 L:~,,,..~,}I. C.... "~i:yt:~;'·r _~:J.---- JAMES M . ROBERTS RETIRES he dictionary describes a steward as "one this is exactly what Jim intended. He was a Tcalled upon to exercise responsible care master at keeping the spotlight focused on over possessions entrusted to him." No word others, content to work tirelessly backstage could better characterize James in the service of the Academy 's M.
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