'':. , .., ::' Editor, Xildwictiipk,: Hall, Keighlcy; VOL. IV, EntrBu ()n the Grigrrn The Aurora Borealis An Attempt on Kamet ..i Sinri: A Desert Ride The Siege of Mere Gill .: " Tlre Strenm-Bed of Fell Beck When I'an blew on his pipes' (Jlrippingr ... Kinrlrcrl Journals M enrbcrs' flolidays.,. licviews PHOTOARAPHS. ' .. Mana Gorge, Garhwal .., Krmet frorn the Ghastoli Glacier .-:ri JebelSerb{l .i.' '.n,, Plain of Er-raha . i l 3al aaa aaa,' ,') Watly Feirin ... aat .!r .a,aa M oun t Sinai The Oasis of Feirdn (or Rephidim) ..1 1r1. PLANS. I'hn r>f I\t ere Gill r .. F'cll ltcck, with the Rat Ilole and Spout Tunnel... ISSUED VEARLY. Publlrhed by thc YorLshirc RnmblerB'Club, t0, l'ark Slrect, Leeds. PRIGE TWO SHILLINGS NET. }'OSTAGE 8d. JaUES S. CANTER, The Alpine 4ootmaker, 16 SOUTH MOLTON STREET, L o'*'o"J'ii'' n. Nailed in this Nailed in this Style, Style, J S. CARTER'S CELEBRATED CLIMBINC BOOTS. t2 f,2 Woollen Gloves, Sleeping Tents, Woollen Anklets, Sleeping Bags. Tinted lliicksacks, Spectales, I)uttees. Knives, etc., etc. 'TOBOGGANING, SKATING AND NORWEGIAN PATTERN; SKI-ING BOOTS A SPECIALITd. lllustrated Catalo$ue on Application. REYII0LDS & BRAllS0t, LTD. PRISMAT|C BmollutAR EIASSES. The " RYSTOS STEREO " PRISMATIC BINOCULARS, with rack adjustment and widely separated obj ectives, giving enhanced stereoscopic eftect, magnifying 8 diameters - €4, 4s. Od. PRISMATIC BINOCULARS with larger objectives, so constructed as to admit fhe llaximum amount of light- that is possible in this trTpe of glass, from - €6 Os. Od. Frc. 1. ARTHUR BEALE PRISMATIC BINOCULARS g MONOCULARS (Late JQHN BUCI(INGIIAM), by Goerz, Busch, Zeiss, Ross, Dollond, Hensoldt, &c. I94 SHAFTESBURY AVENUE, LONDON, W.C., ACHROMATIC from FIELD GLASSES of the ordinary type, €1 Os. Otl. Is the Only Maker of the Celebrated WATCH FORM AIIEROID BAROMETERS, from - - €1 1s. Od. ATPINE CLUB ROPE, PEDOMETERS, POCKET COMPASSES, Which is almost exclusively employed MAP MEASURES, &c. By the Leading Mountaineers of the time. It is made of the Rest Manilla Henrp, and the new Rope norv being made, which from tests taken (Admiralty proof) is of a much greater breaking strain than fornerly, is marked by three red worsted threads, PHorocRAPHrc AppaRATUS one in the centre of each strand, to distinguish it from others on the narket, and not one thread only in the centre of the Rope as AND EVERY REQUISITE IN PIIOTOGRAPHY. heretofore (see the Report of the Special Committee on Ropes, etc., IIAND and STAND CAMERAS tn great varlety. in Vol. I., No. 7, of the ALPINE JOURNAL). Each length is tied with l{ed Tape bearing my Name. Bewa,re of fraudulent lmitations. ..RYSTOS'' REFLEX CAUERA, A thoroughly effrcient instrument for high-class work. Particulars on application. ARTHUR BEALE (late John Buckingham), " CARBINE " CAMERAS (as Fig. 2) for 194 Shaftesbury Avenue, London, W.C. daylight loading films, from 80s. and Foreign Makers kept in Stock; Riicksacks, for glass plates, Ice-axes by' English Belts, The " KLIMAX," Slings, &c. Price Lists on application. from - 84 Os. Od. Also Sole Uaker of the Verner safety SlltrB tor Moutrta,h allal Rocts work. KODAKS AND " EI{SIGI{ " CAMEBAS, Diploma awarded for Alpine Rope at the Bergen Sports Erhibition, r9ro. for daylight loading films, from 6s. " KLITO " FOLDING CAMERAS, for glass plates, from 91s. " RYSTOS " STAND CAUERAS and other designs. .. RYSTOS,, DEVELOPINC BATHS ANd DARK ROOM LAUPS for Gas and ElectricitY. PHOTOGRAPHIC PLATES and FILMS of all makes. ILLUSTRATED AATALOCUE' IO4 pascs' FREE. 14 COMMERCIAL ST., LEEDS. TEL, 96A OENTRAL. ComplotG lllountalneerlng Outfitters, FREDERICK & Co., LEEDS. SHOW ROOM_FINST FLOOR. County Arcade, THE Woollen l-le lmets, Glacier Lantern 2t9 o {olding o Ramblers' Club for Pocket, Light F )orlcsttire Journal Slip0q15, i, 7ls folding for Poctet,2/9 = Vor. IV. rgr2. d Spiral Puttees, SaiJals t No. rz. Wading, all shades, for F ale 3'c al_ 6Z6 Snow Fo Fl Spectacles, x€ Compasses 1/- and 1/6 ON THE GRIGNA. <g from c,uli-.n., Bv RBcrueLD FARI{ER. tlE 4 spike 5/6 5o oi 8 ,, to/6 '::t- rc ,,1216 QO have already sung ? Aluminium I the song of the Mont Cenis. Sung The..BERNESB" - t2l6 2.u; rlc Cookers Scarpetti, it, indeed, with such ardour that this year, judging from the <E r Pint 1216 Freilerick's Rucksacks are Watelproof and of the 6/9 Pair. .?3 Avt most serviceable Pattern' letters I have received, the Hotel de la Poste will do well Erl a ,, 1416 Cheap Rucksacks .. 316' 416 r J'ost . 3d. roNis. ax 4 ,' 16/G io'rist . '-. -..716t ' 3d' Mummery to build itself a mighty annexe. Thcrefore I will not here H Larce Tourist -.. loi6: . 3d' Type with g 9.? Beriese ..' l2€i '. 4d' -Iointed Ash repeat former picture its pansy-carpets, its gentian- Poles, 14 my of Fl -o Toboggans Guicle ... 16/_\ ,, 4d. os o5 z Persons, ttom 17|li 6('/- pavements, the clear nip of the air, and the luminous 0aH ,d o weight 8lbs. beauty o of its hills ; I will only say that sad will be the SKIS It \\'"[Ip,oo{ year that prevents me from returning when die, from 3Ol-pair Ground thither; I Sheets. Huitfeldt and fronr 15/- if I have been as good as the good Americans who go for Ellefsen Bindings, their reward to Paris, without doubt i shail be allowed to ENGLISH PICK, No. r Ouality',3l4 18/- re-visit the Mont Cenis. In |une, I9I I, I spent there a " 1 " no"rLADDERs, 15/6 -J week as rapturous as that of the year before; all the rocks tsrederlck S lce Axes CheaPer patent. AT.PENSTOCKS, on the l,ittle Col were rosy with Primulas, and I even at 161- ard 17l- 3oft. _ i6/_ 2/6,3/6 afi 4/6 6oft. - e2l- toiled up for hours over the solid snows that still clothed The Ontv Perlect Maximum Strength' HAND STOCKS, the Col de Clapier, in the instinct that the small cliffs above climbine Gtove, fronr 2/-to 4/6 the Lac Savine might have been kept open by the winds. per pair guaranteed. s/s \ltll;l: Sneciel Nailing.3O/- or Hazel. per pair. bther MountalneerintBoots Irom l8/6. Oak, CherrY, And so it proved and even, on one broken bluff, the King 6oft. 8oft. rooft, ; creen Strand Alplne Rope ..' l(J/6 13/6 16/6 of the Alps had begun to blink his azure eye to the day- Frederlck's SDeclal Red "";"- "':'-' ";:- "' "' ::' " qie 1o/s 72/6 proiea to'ue tr." toi cli-uirg p"tpo.".. light. slopes of the Lake were still all " Fro- u'i"""rt ii"-in. E Coll. Rop""'iu"r" "tro"g".t But the Clear Hemp Ice A*e Sling, 9d. icebound, and the season had not yet settled into the Ice Axe Cases, Leatt'e4 2/6 serenity of summer. Combination Knife. It is always rvith a pang that I desert known lands for Tin Opener and Corkscrew,2/- new. Possibilities, from afar, are strangely alluring ; when A large Varietl' Swiss Nails and cornes rather and Studs alwaYs in stock' it to realizing them, they grow vast Customers' Own Boots carefullY alarming the certainties of the present are far more nailed, 5/- ; Per Pair. comfortable. So with reluctancc did I go clown from the lllustrated Catalogue free on appli- Mont Cenis to Susa, on my way to the Italian l,alies, for cariorr, containing llst of everything thc l\lountaineer, Cave Explorer, or Carnpcr may require MOTTO: Only tho bort It good enouglr for lhe Mountaineer' 2 The Yovkshire Ramblers' Club lowrnal' On the Grigna. 3 my first sight of Como. The journey was hot and stuffy. lry lapping blue water in sunshine, with hills of a decent Monte Viso hid his face and denied me good omens. hciglrt, discrcet in the distance, make up the most perfect After a night of luxury in Turin (which to me is always the Ittlthtau that Nature call compose. The soft exquisiteness Capua of the Western, as Bozen of the Eastertr ranges ; I rrf Como is a trifle tlzltttral io those who have known find myself repeatedly gravitating towards one the invariably fir:rce and austere glory of more drastic mountains. or other in the course of my wanderings), half a day of And_-y.t, and . yet-though many be the dull sky_lines quick traveiling carried us from Milan over the ocean of itlrrve como, what picture is there more beautiful than that the Plain, into its first ripples, the advancing surf of the of lhc widening Lake towards Bellagio? Ahead, far above Alps, through breakers of increasing height, to drop us tlrt: green ridges, towers suddenly th! grim granitic cone of suddenly at an unexpected turn, above the waters of Como, I .t:gr,.e, and the vast limeston. of the Grigna rises gleaming steely in their narrow trough, between steep ,,ver -"rJ Varenna. Bellagio, slumberous along its protontory, mountains, filmed and thunderous with advancing storm' trtirrors -cle., the dark flame of its cypresses ir the w"ter, We had hardly got o11 board the boat before the tempest trrrrl lics its length among roses; in face of it, away up at brol<e, and for three hours raged with a roaring fury of hail llre toprnost end of the Lake, the little lower hills .r" pui to that lashed the Lake to a grey mist, and only now and then, slr;rrrrc by the first outliers of the real Alps_scarred, ragged in violet glare of tl:e lightning, showed phantom peaks r',ur11(:s the irrrleed, of no conspicuous form or eminence,"Iut far overhead-ghostly as peaks in a Chinese painting, with lir.nrrirre rnasses of bare rock, and ice and snow.
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