J < 0 .n 0 C: O­ 0 N ... 0 ti) -:x: .,.._. ::: Cll ti) • Rosh Hashanah Services - .., C: ;i: J w !&l • ., C .0 To Start Wedn-esday Eve z • < • CONGREGATION p.m., Rabbi Emanuel Laza r will > 0- 0 AGUDAS ACHIM review some prayers of the High • C CY. Attleboro, Mass. Holidays. A questi on and answer 0:: N n. Services for the Hig h Holy period wi ll follow. ONLY ENGLISH-JEW/SH W EEKLY IN R. /. AND SOU THE AST MASS Days will be conducted by Rabbi Erev Rosh Hashanah services Philip Kaplan and Cantor Ir vi ng will begin on Wed nesday, Septem­ ber 26. at 6 p.m. I • ' I • Miller at Congregation Agudas Achim in Attleboro. Massachu ­ Rosh Hashanah services on setts. Thursday. Septem ber 27. will be­ Providence Jewish Community Selichos services wi ll be held on gin at 8 a. m. with the reading of Jews In Military Sunday at I 2:45 a.m. fo ll owi ng a the Torah. Evening services will Celebrate Holidays social period at midnight on Sat· begin at 6: 15 o·clock. Calls leaders Money-Oriented; urday, September 2. and th e rab­ Friday services. September 28 . bi's sermon on "Arc We Prepared will begin at 8 a.m. At these ser­ NEW YORK - Civilian rabbis for the New Year'>" at 12:30 a.m. vices the Torah will be read. will join Jewish military chaplains Others Uninterested, Apathetic Rosh Hashanah se rvices will and military lay leaders in con­ CONG REGATIO N By JACOB NEUSNER woman in the leadership-circle, start on Wednesday, September 26 ducting Rosh Hashanah and Yorn OHAWE SHOLAM though there may be one). What is at 6:15 p.m. Thursday morning Jacob Neusner is Professor of Kippur services at over 600 do­ Pawtucket equally striking is the vast apathy services, September 27. will be at Religious Studies at Brown mestic military installations and Cantor for the High Holy Days ol the middle classes, whose per 8 o'clock, followed by the reading University and author of A-'c:u points overseas. at VA hospitals at Congregation Ohawe Sholam capita donations to the Federation of the Torah at 9:30. The rabbi·s J...i•: AtlMMare I ■ Motlel'llily and on Army transports and Navy wull be Isaiah Horowitz of New are lower tha n elsewhere, and sermon at 10:30 a.m. will be on ( Prentice-Hall). vessels on the high seas. Yo rk . Officiating at a ll services whose involvement in community " Eloqu ent Thoughts:· The blow­ The Commission on Jewish will be Rabbi Yaakov Uvsitzky. ... !unctions and activities is random ing of the Sholar will be at 10:50 Chaplaincy or the National Jewish Elliot Brown , president of the and limited. I am inclined to sup­ a.m. In offering some impressions Welfare Board (JWB) has ar­ congregation. has· announced that pose that there is a direct relation­ Childrcn·s services, which will and observations, I do not pretend ranged for the civilian rabbis to the ren ova lions in the sa nctu ary ship between the thinness ol the be directed by a comm ittee of par­ to rely upon public opinion sur­ visit bases where no lull-time Jew­ will be completed in time for th e leadership-stratum, on the one ents under the chairmanship of veys or to possess the analytical ish chaplain is stationed, it was an­ Hig h Holy Day services. powers of trained sociologists. My side, and the apathy ol the middle Mr s. Gerald Rosenthal, wi ll begi n Se li chos services at 12:30 a.rn . classes, on the other. People who nounced by Rabbi Emanuel Rack­ friends, Professors Marshall man, chairman ol the Commis­ at 11 a.m. on Thursday. Septem­ on Sunday, September 23, wi ll be have no say because they have in­ ber 27. Sklare and Leonard Fein, and oth­ sion . preceded by a coffee hour in the adequate funds also have no inter­ Thursday evening services will er trained sociologists, will, I To enchance the meaning ol the socia l hall of the sy nagogue start ­ est in serving perpetually to fill start at 6: 15. Se rvices on Friday. know, forgive me for supplying High Holy Days for men stationed in g at 11 :30 p.m. Saturday, Sep­ chairs. Suburbs, in particular, September 28. will be at 8 a.m. them with subjective theories for away from hom e, JWB has sent tember 22 . which see themselves as divorced The reading of the Torah will be objective testing and analysis. Not the traditional kosher foods. To­ Rosh Hashanah se rvices wil l by distance from the inner-city at 9:30 a.m. foll owed by the ser­ only so, but my "sample" consists rah scroll s, prayer books and start on Wednesday. September center of Jewish institutions, pro­ mon "Consider the Future of Our of a single Je)Yish community, prayer shawls, skull caps, ram·s 26. at 6: 15 p.rn . Services on duce a disproportionately small People" at 10:30 a.m. The Sholar Providence, whic~ I have watched horns, Jewish calendars and liter­ Thursday. September 27. and Fri ­ part ol the community budget. will be blown at 10:50 a.m. with some interest for five years. I ature to military installations day, September 28. will begi n at 8 relative to their numbers, probably Children·s services on Friday do not know how representative is around the globe. JWB has .a lso a. m. with the sermon at 10:30 this "sample," though I am suf­ also to their means. will be at 11 a. m. a.m .. followed by the sound ing of By contrast, I think ol Hadas­ provided religious materials for ficiently well-informed about the servicemen on duty at embassies CONGREGATION the Sholar at l<l:50 a.m. colossus to our 1orth to assert that sah. which ma,nages to involve its B'NAI ISRAEL The walk to Tashlich will be at most humble and unimportant overseas, for foreign service per­ no two commu'lities can be more sonnel, and Peace Corps personnel Woo ■sod et 4:45 p.m. on Thursday followed by different from one another than members 1n the central task ol the Selichos services at Congrega­ eveni ng services at 6:30 o'clock. organization, on the one side, and serving in remote regions. Providence and•13oston. tion B'nai Israel will begi n on Sat­ CONGREGATION in the educational processes ol Zi­ Ambulatory Jewish patients in VA hospitals usually participate in urday, September 22, at 10 p. m. SHAARE ZEDEK­ ,, .. I-LEADERSHIP onism, on the other. What is ad­ with a coffee hour and discussion SONS OF ABRAHAM What is striking about lhe lead­ mirable in Hadassah is the depth services. At some military posts, leave will be granted to permit on " Repentance: Can People Prowidence ership of the community is its age of ranks ol leaders, the large num­ Change'" led by Rabbi Willi am and wealth, on the one side, and bers ol involved and committed men to travel home for the h_oli­ At Congregati on Shaare Zedek­ days, while a number of men will Kaufman. Sons of Abraham, Selichos ser­ its very limited numbers, on the women. I think the reason is that The service at 11 p.m. will be other. The community (presently middle class women, even poorer be offered home hospitality in lo­ vices will be held on Saturday, cal communities. conducted by Rabbi Kaufm an a nd September 22, at midnight. Ra bbi undefined) is in the hands of a ones, are able to contribute, both Cantor Kul a and will conclude at very small number of very wealthy in funds and in time, the mean- Cooperating in holiday ar­ Leon M. Mozeson's sermon wi ll midnight with a new Selichos pra­ be "The Way Back. ,. men (I cannot think of a single (Continued on page 26) rangements with the Jewish chap­ lains are the JWB Women's Orga­ yer ··for Our Time." Hig h Holid ay services this year ni zations' Services, local JWB The annual cemetery visitation will be chanted by Cantor Mor­ Armed Forces and Veterans Ser­ will be held on Sunday, September decai Leib ler of Brook lyn. New Canadian Hebrew Schools vices Committees, Jewish Commu­ 23, at 11 a.m. York . Rosh Hashanah services will be 5 nity Centers affiliated with JWB, Rosh Hashanah services will be­ May lose 2 Million Subsidy synagogues and other local Jewish held on Wednesday, September 26 gin on Wednesday, September 26, organizations. at 6:15 p.m. Services on Thursday, at 6:30 p.m. On Thursday morn­ TORONTO - In the past five Their problem will be to augment JWB is the agency accredited by September 27, will be at 8 a. m. ing, September 27, services will years the Association ol Jewish the number of hours of French, the U.S. Government to provide and 6: 15 p.m. Services on Friday, start at 8 o'clock, with the sermon Day Schools of Montreal has starting in kindergarten. religious morale and welfare ser­ September 28, will be at 8 a.m. "Symphony ol the Coronation" received $2 million from the vices to Jews in the U.S. Armed following at 10:30 a.m. The It is estimated that it will take CONGREGATION Provincial government of Quebec Forces, their families and hospi­ sounding of the Sholar will be at seven years for the schools MISHKON TFILOH to support its schools.
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