20 Jan. 5 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2002 Senate seem to think we can afford to do I spent a little time with some people that nothing, that the economy will get better on work for a company called InFocus, which its own, sooner or later. I say that if your is a company—[applause]. John, it sounds job is in danger or you have a loved one out like you packed the crowd. [Laughter] Either of work, you want that recovery sooner, not that, or you’ve got a big family. [Laughter] later. But I want to thank John Harker and his We need a plan to lengthen unemploy- team for coming to talk to me about how ment benefits; we need a plan to shorten the best they think we can stimulate growth. I recession. The Senate should act on both. want to thank them for employing people in America’s workers cannot afford more delay. this part of the world, for trying to figure Thank you for listening. out how to grow their economy, for worrying about their workforce, as well as making a NOTE: The address was recorded at 9:20 a.m. on quality product. I’m going to share some January 4 at the Bush Ranch in Crawford, TX, thoughts that John shared with me in a little for broadcast at 10:06 a.m. on January 5. The tran- bit. But I do want to thank you for coming. script was made available by the Office of the I also want to thank my friends Senator Press Secretary on January 4 but was embargoed for release until the broadcast. The Office of the Gordon Smith and Greg Walden. They were Press Secretary also released a Spanish language hitchhiking in California and they needed— transcript of this address. [laughter]. They were looking for a free ride, and Air Force One happened to be available. [Laughter] But they did fly down with me. Remarks at Parkrose High School in I’m impressed by these two good men. Portland, Oregon We spent a lot of time talking about Or- January 5, 2002 egon. They’re deeply concerned about the fact that a lot of people aren’t working; I am, Well, thank you all very much for such a too. They’re deeply concerned about the fact gracious and warm welcome. It’s nice to be that parts of your State are not being treated back here in Oregon. I’m impressed by the very well. We spent time talking about the Mighty Ducks; they’re awfully good. I wasn’t Klamath Basin. I share their concern about a believer; now I am. [Laughter] They’re people who make a living off the land. And good. Of course, they gave my Texas boys I told these two good men that we’ll do ev- a good lesson last year, as I recall. [Laughter] erything we can to make sure water is avail- But thanks for coming out on a Saturday able for people who farm. afternoon to say hello. I was earlier in Cali- I also want to thank two of the Congress- fornia, and then I’m here—went to a com- men from this area, Earl Blumenauer and munity college. You’ve got a wonderful com- Darlene Hooley, for being here, as well. munity college here in the Portland area, Thank you so much for coming; I appreciate which is worried about helping people find you being here. I know you had better things work. And I went by and saw the good in- to do on Saturday afternoon, and here you structors there that are trying to help people are, stuck with me. [Laughter] Thanks for help themselves. coming; it means a lot. And I come in here to be able to share You know, there were some—some of the some thoughts with you. And then I’m going things that are happening in Washington, I to hustle on home for dinner—[laughter]— expected. And there was one thing that hap- right there in Crawford, Texas. pened was not expected. It’s been a heck of I want to thank Katie Harman for being a year. [Laughter] I will tell you, before I here. It was a pleasure to meet your mayor. get into the expected and unexpected, I be- Mayor Katz, thank you for coming. It’s very lieve 2002 is going to be a fabulous year for gracious for you to be here today. America. I picked a good man from Portland to rep- I remember meeting with business leaders resent us in New Zealand; that’s my friend in Austin, Texas—this is before I began head- Butch Swindells, who is now the Ambassador ing north to become sworn in as your Presi- to New Zealand. dent—and there was deep concern about the VerDate 11-MAY-2000 07:57 Jan 15, 2002 Jkt 197250 PO 00000 Frm 00010 Fmt 1244 Sfmt 1244 E:\PRESDOCS\P02JAT4.011 pfrm07 PsN: P02JAT4 Administration of George W. Bush, 2002 / Jan. 5 21 economy then. A year ago December, people ghanistan. While we dropped bombs, we also were saying, ‘‘This economy is soft, and we’re dropped food and medicine and clothing to going to be in for a rough ride.’’ It was not make sure that the innocents in Afghanistan unexpected to see the economic slowdown. could survive the brutal winter in that part And I want to share some thoughts with you of the world. We’re a great nation. about how we can reverse the trend—al- We’re making steady progress, and I use though I’m optimistic about our economy. the word ‘‘steady’’ because sometimes it There are some numbers coming out that ap- seems like there is a certain impatience in pear that things are getting a little better: the airwaves. But I don’t believe there’s an The unemployment rate is 5.8 percent. But impatience amongst the American people. As if you’re unemployed, it’s 100 percent, and a matter of fact, I think the American people I’m worried about that. are very patient. They understand this is a The unexpected, obviously, was Sep- difficult assignment, and they understand, tember the 11th, when evil people decided like I do, that we’ve got to be patient in order to attack America. I say ‘‘evil people’’ because to be successful. I don’t view this as a religious war. I view But we’ve accomplished a lot in 90 days. this as a struggle of good versus evil. And That’s not a very long period of time. It’s make no mistake about it, good will prevail. been a long period of time for Al Qaida— We are making steady progress in the first [laughter]—but it hasn’t been a very long pe- theater on the war against terror. We have riod of time for us. made it clear to people that we weren’t going The reason we’ve had—we’ve got a good to allow the injustice done to America to strategy, and we’ve got a great military. For stand, and that if anybody harbored these those of you who serve in our military or for people or fed them or clothed them or tried to provide them help, they were just as guilty those of you whose sons or daughters or rel- as the terrorists were. atives serve in the military, thank you. These people are like parasites, and they But I do want to remind our fellow citizens find a host. And for those of you who ranch, that we’re now in a dangerous phase of this you understand what a parasite can do to the war in Afghanistan, because those who are host cow, for example; too many parasites willing to send young people to their suicide weaken the host. What happened was, was death hide in caves, themselves, to save their that they became parasites in Afghanistan. own skin. And I told the world, just like I But we weakened the host; the Taliban no told the American people: You can hide, but longer is in power. we will smoke you out and bring you to jus- And as a result, this great nation should tice. be proud of the fact that we led a coalition I’m so sorry to report that Sergeant Nathan that liberated women and children, a coali- Chapman lost his life yesterday. But I want- tion that brought down a government that ed—I want Sergeant Chapman’s family to was so incredibly repressive it’s hard for know that the cause for which he died is just those of us who live in America to under- and noble, the cause of freedom and the stand. Some of my finest memories thus far hope that our children and grandchildren will of this war against terror was the joy that be able to grow up in a world that is free came on people’s faces when they realized of the barbaric behavior of terrorism. that the Taliban would no longer hold them We’re on a mission, and we will not yield hostage to an outdated, outmoded, dictatorial until the mission is complete. The war against point of view. terror is broader than just Afghanistan, and I am so proud of our country. I’m proud that is exactly what I have made clear to of the fact that at the same time that we members of the vast coalition which we have waged a war against Al Qaida and the put together.
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