FAMILY Ophichthidae Gunther, 1870 - snake eels and worm eels SUBFAMILY Myrophinae Kaup, 1856 - worm eels [=Neenchelidae, Aoteaidae, Muraenichthyidae, Benthenchelyini] Notes: Myrophinae Kaup, 1856a:53 [ref. 2572] (subfamily) Myrophis [also Kaup 1856b:29 [ref. 2573]] Neenchelidae Bamber, 1915:478 [ref. 172] (family) Neenchelys [corrected to Neenchelyidae by Jordan 1923a:133 [ref. 2421], confirmed by Fowler 1934b:163 [ref. 32669], by Myers & Storey 1956:21 [ref. 32831] and by Greenwood, Rosen, Weitzman & Myers 1966:393 [ref. 26856]] Aoteaidae Phillipps, 1926:533 [ref. 6447] (family) Aotea [Gosline 1971:124 [ref. 26857] used Aotidae; family name sometimes seen as Aoteidae or Aoteridae] Muraenichthyidae Whitley, 1955b:110 [ref. 4722] (family) Muraenichthys [name only, used as valid before 2000?; not available] Benthenchelyini McCosker, 1977:13, 57 [ref. 6836] (tribe) Benthenchelys GENUS Ahlia Jordan & Davis, 1891 - worm eels [=Ahlia Jordan [D. S.] & Davis [B. M.], 1891:639] Notes: [ref. 2437]. Fem. Myrophis egmontis Jordan, 1884. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Valid as Ahlia Jordan & Davis, 1891 -- (McCosker et al. 1989:272 [ref. 13288], McCosker 2003:732 [ref. 26993], McCosker et al. 2012:1191 [ref. 32371]). Current status: Valid as Ahlia Jordan & Davis, 1891. Ophichthidae: Myrophinae. Species Ahlia egmontis (Jordan, 1884) - key worm eel [=Myrophis egmontis Jordan [D. S.], 1884:44, Leptocephalus crenatus Strömman [P. H.], 1896:32, Pl. 3 (figs. 4-5), Leptocephalus hexastigma Regan [C. T.] 1916:141, Pl. 7 (fig. 6), Leptocephalus humilis Strömman [P. H.], 1896:29, Pl. 2 (figs. 7-9), Myrophis macrophthalmus Parr [A. E.], 1930:10, Fig. 1 (bottom), Myrophis microps Parr [A. E.], 1930:11, Fig. 1 (top)] Notes: [Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia v. 36; ref. 10442] Egmont Key, Florida, Gulf of Mexico, U.S.A. Current status: Valid as Ahlia egmontis (Jordan, 1884). Ophichthidae: Myrophinae. Distribution: Western Atlantic. Habitat: marine. (crenatus) [Leptocephalids in the University Zoological Museum at Upsala; ref. 4294] Coast of Georgia, U.S.A., 29°N, 72°W. Current status: Synonym of Ahlia egmontis (Jordan, 1884). Ophichthidae: Myrophinae. Habitat: marine. (hexastigma) [British Antarctic ("Terra Nova") Expedition (1910-1913). Zoology v. 1 (no. 4); ref. 15063] Tropical Atlantic, 18°00'S, 31°45'W, at surface. Current status: Synonym of Ahlia egmontis (Jordan, 1884). Ophichthidae: Myrophinae. Habitat: marine. (humilis) [Leptocephalids in the University Zoological Museum at Upsala; ref. 4294] Fernando Noronha Island, Brazil, western Atlantic, 3°S, 30°W. Current status: Synonym of Ahlia egmontis (Jordan, 1884). Ophichthidae: Myrophinae. Habitat: marine. (macrophthalmus) [Bulletin of the Bingham Oceanographic Collection Yale University v. 3 (art. 4); ref. 3370] Green Cay, Bahamas. Current status: Synonym of Ahlia egmontis (Jordan, 1884). Ophichthidae: Myrophinae. Habitat: marine. (microps) [Bulletin of the Bingham Oceanographic Collection Yale University v. 3 (art. 4); ref. 3370] Edge of Great Bahamas Bank, 25°02'10"N, 77°35'27"W, surface. Current status: Synonym of Ahlia egmontis (Jordan, 1884). Ophichthidae: Myrophinae. Habitat: marine. GENUS Asarcenchelys McCosker, 1985 - worm eels [=Asarcenchelys McCosker [J. E.], 1985:12] Notes: [ref. 5238]. Fem. Asarcenchelys longimanus McCosker, 1985. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Valid as Asarcenchelys McCosker, 1985 -- (McCosker et al. 1989:276 [ref. 13288], McCosker 2003:732 [ref. 26993], McCosker et al. 2012:1191 [ref. 32371]). Current status: Valid as Asarcenchelys McCosker, 1985. Ophichthidae: Myrophinae. Species Asarcenchelys longimanus McCosker, 1985 - emaciated worm eel [=Asarcenchelys longimanus McCosker [J. E.], 1985:12, Figs. 3-5, 6c] Notes: [Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences (Series 4) v. 44 (no. 2); ref. 5238] North of Belim, Brazil, depth 55 meters. Current status: Valid as Asarcenchelys longimanus McCosker, 1985. Ophichthidae: Myrophinae. Distribution: Brazil; Caribbean Sea. Habitat: marine. GENUS Benthenchelys Fowler, 1934 - worm eels [=Benthenchelys Fowler [H. W.], 1934:267] Notes: [ref. 1416]. Fem. Benthenchelys cartieri Fowler, 1934. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Valid as Benthenchelys Fowler, 1934 -- (Castle 1972 [ref. 6968], McCosker 1977:57 [ref. 6836], McCosker et al. 1989:271 [ref. 13288], Smith & McCosker 1999:1663 [ref. 24715], McCosker et al. 2012:1190 [ref. 32371]). Current status: Valid as Benthenchelys Fowler, 1934. Ophichthidae: Myrophinae. Species Benthenchelys cartieri Fowler, 1934 - Panay worm eel (author) [=Benthenchelys cartieri Fowler [H. W.], 1934:267, Fig. 29] Notes: [Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia v. 85 (for 1933); ref. 1416] Between Panay and Negros islands, Philippines, Albatross station 5185, 10°05'45"N, 122°18'30"E, depth 638 fathoms. Current status: Valid as Benthenchelys cartieri Fowler, 1934. Ophichthidae: Myrophinae. Distribution: Philippines. Habitat: marine. Species Benthenchelys indicus Castle, 1972 - Indian worm eel (author) [=Benthenchelys cartieri indicus Castle [P. H. J.], 1972:10] Notes: [Dana Report No. 82; ref. 6968] Northern Indian Ocean, 3°36'S, 97°37'E, depth 600 meters wire out. Current status: Valid as Benthenchelys indicus Castle, 1972. Ophichthidae: Myrophinae. Distribution: Indian Ocean. Habitat: marine. Species Benthenchelys pacificus Castle, 1972 - Pacific worm eel (author) [=Benthenchelys cartieri pacificus Castle [P. H. J.], 1972:11] Notes: [Dana Report No. 82; ref. 6968] Central Pacific, 7°46'S, 167°10'W, 3000 meters wire out. Current status: Valid as Benthenchelys pacificus Castle, 1972. Ophichthidae: Myrophinae. Distribution: Central Pacific. Habitat: marine. GENUS Glenoglossa McCosker, 1982 - worm eels [=Glenoglossa McCosker [J. E.], 1982:60] Notes: [ref. 2934]. Fem. Glenoglossa wassi McCosker, 1982. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Valid as Glenoglossa McCosker, 1982 -- (McCosker et al. 1989:271 [ref. 13288], Castle & McCosker 1999:116 [ref. 24075], Smith & McCosker 1999:1664 [ref. 24715], McCosker et al. 2012:1192 [ref. 32371]). Current status: Valid as Glenoglossa McCosker, 1982. Ophichthidae: Myrophinae. Species Glenoglossa wassi McCosker, 1982 - lure-tongue worm eel (author) [=Glenoglossa wassi McCosker [J. E.], 1982:61, Figs. 1-3] Notes: [Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences (Series 4) v. 43 (no. 5); ref. 2934] Larsen Bay, Tutuila Island, American Samoa. Current status: Valid as Glenoglossa wassi McCosker, 1982. Ophichthidae: Myrophinae. Distribution: American Samoa and the Philippines. Habitat: marine. GENUS Mixomyrophis McCosker, 1985 - worm eels [=Mixomyrophis McCosker [J. E.], 1985:10] Notes: [ref. 5238]. Masc. Mixomyrophis pusillipinna McCosker, 1985. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Valid as Micomyrophis McCosker, 1985 -- (McCosker et al. 1989:277 [ref. 13288], McCosker 2003:732 [ref. 26993], McCosker et al. 2012:1191 [ref. 32371], Hibino et al. 2014:xx [ref. 33410]). Current status: Valid as Mixomyrophis McCosker, 1985. Ophichthidae: Myrophinae. Species Mixomyrophis longidorsalis Hibino et al., 2014 - Red Sea worm eel [=Mixomyrophis longidorsalis Hibino [Y.], Kimura [S.] & Golani [D.], 2014:1, Figs. 1-2] Notes: [Ichthyological Research v. 62 (no. 2); ref. 33410] Gulf of Eilat, Israel, Red Sea, depth 200 meters. Current status: Valid as Mixomyrophis longidorsalis Hibino, Kimura & Golani, 2014. Ophichthidae: Myrophinae. Distribution: Red Sea: Gulf of Aqaba endemic, Israel. Habitat: marine. Species Mixomyrophis pusillipinna McCosker, 1985 - mosaic worm eel [=Mixomyrophis pusillipinna McCosker [J. E.], 1985:10, Figs. 1-2, 6b] Notes: [Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences (Series 4) v. 44 (no. 2); ref. 5238] Off Anguilla, Lesser Antilles, 18°26.4'N, 63°12.6'W to 18°28'N, 63°11.1'W, depth 393-451 meters. Current status: Valid as Mixomyrophis pusillipinna McCosker, 1985. Ophichthidae: Myrophinae. Distribution: Western Atlantic. Habitat: marine. GENUS Muraenichthys Bleeker, 1853 - worm eels [=Muraenichthys Bleeker [P.], 1853:505] Notes: [ref. 336]. Masc. Muraena gymnopterus Bleeker, 1853. Type by monotypy. Also spelled Muraenichthijs by Bleeker elsewhere. •Valid as Muraenichthys Bleeker, 1853 -- (McCosker 1970:509 [ref. 2931], McCosker 1977:58 [ref. 6836], Asano in Masuda et al. 1984:30 [ref. 6441], McCosker & Castle 1986:180 [ref. 5690], Paxton et al. 1989:117 [ref. 12442], McCosker et al. 1989:271 [ref. 13288], Kuang in Pan et al. 1991:57 [ref. 23876], McCosker & Parin 1995:232 [ref. 21924], Machida & Ohta 1996:79 [ref. 22154], Gomon et al. 1994:199 [ref. 22532], Castle & McCosker 1999:121 [ref. 24075], Smith & McCosker 1999:1664 [ref. 24715], McCosker et al. 2006:269 [ref. 29006], Zhang et al. 2010:318 [ref. 31511], Hoshino et al. 2011:184 [ref. 31273], McCosker et al. 2012:1192 [ref. 32371], Hibino et al 2013:[1] [ref. 32505], Kottelat 2013:45 [ref. 32989]). Current status: Valid as Muraenichthys Bleeker, 1853. Ophichthidae: Myrophinae. Species Muraenichthys gymnopterus (Bleeker, 1852) - longfinned worm eel [=Muraena gymnopterus Bleeker [P.], 1853:52, Muraenichthys microstomus Bleeker [P.], 1864:39] Notes: [Verhandelingen van het Bataviaasch Genootschap van Kunsten en Wetenschappen. v. 25 (art. 5); ref. 339] Jakarta, Java, Indonesia. Current status: Valid as Muraenichthys gymnopterus (Bleeker, 1852). Ophichthidae: Myrophinae. Distribution: Western Pacific. Habitat: brackish, marine. (microstomus) [Nederlandsch Tijdschrift voor de Dierkunde
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