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ThisWW device,W.100 developedY.COM.TW by WWW.100Y.COM.TW Teccor, saves the user the expens devices are triacs that include a diac trigger T a discrete diac and assembling in WWW.100Y.COM.TW WWW.100Y.COM.TW WWW.100Y.COM.TW Also, the alternistor needWW forW a .100snubberY.COM.TW network. WWW.100Y.COM.TW WWW.100Y.COM.TW The WWW.100Y.COM.TW WWQuadracW.100Y.COM.TWQuadrac e and assemblyWW timeW.100 of buyingY.COM.TW trolled device conjunction(QxxxxLTH) witheliminates a gated the triac. pose is WWfor eitherACW switching device.100 polarityY is.COM.TW andaof bidirectional main phase terminal control AC voltage. applicationsswitch andItsWW primary is such gateW as.100 pur-con- Y.COM.TW WWW.100Y.COM.TW speed controls, temperature modulation controls, and lighting All Teccor triac and diac chips have glass-passivated junctions to controls whereWW noiseW.100 immunityY.COM.TW is required. WWW.100Y.COM.TW WWW.100Y.COM.TW ensure long-term device reliability and parameter stability. Triac current capacities range from 4 A to 15 A with voltage WWW.100Y.COM.TW WWW.100Y.COM.TWVariations of devices in thisWW dataW sheet.100 areY.COM.TW available for custom ranges from 200 V to 600 V. design applications. Consult the factory for more information. TO-220 package.WWW.100Y.COM.TW WWW.100Y.COM.TW WWW.100Y.COM.TW The TO-220 package is electrically isolated to 2500 V rms from WWW.100Y.COM.TW WWW.100Y.COM.TW the leads to mounting WWsurface.W 40.100Y.COM.TW Quadrac order. This means that no external WWW.100Y.COM.TW WWW.100Y.COM.TW devices are available in the eliminating the need for separate insulators and insulator-mount- ing steps and saving dollarsWW over “hotW.100 tab” Ydevices..COM.TW WWW.100Y.COM.TW WWW00.100 V rmsY is.COM.TW available on special WWW.100Y.COM.TW isolation is required, thus Features WWW.100Y.COM.TW • Glass-passivated junctions ©2002 Teccor ElectronicsWW E3 W.100Y.COM.TW • Electrically-isolated package Thyristor Product Catalog • Internal trigger diac WWW.100Y.COM.TW • High surge capability — up to 200 A • High voltage capability — 200 V to 600 V - 1 http://www.teccor.com +1 972-580-7777 WWW.100Y.COM.TW WWW.100Y.COM.TW WWW.100Y.COM.TW WWW.100Y.COM.TW QuadracWWW.100Y.COM.TW WWW.100Y.COM.TW WWW.100Y.COM.TW WWW.100Y.COM.TW WWW.100Y.COM.TW WWW.100Y.COM.TW WWW.100Y.COM.TW WWW.100Y.COM.TW IT(RMS) WWW.100Y.COM.TW WWW.100Y.COM.TW WWW.100Y.COM.TW (5) Part No. WWW.100Y.COM.TW WWW.100Y.COM.TW WWWIsolated.100Y.COM.TW WWW.100Y.COM.TW WWW.100Y.COM.TW WWW.100Y.COM.TW V DRM WWW.100Y.COM.TW WWW.100Y.COM.TW WWW.100Y.COM.TW(1) IDRM WWW.100Y.COM.TW WWW.100Y.COM.TW WWW.100Y.COM.TW (1) (10) WWW.100Y.COM.TW MT1 WWW.100Y.COM.TW WWW.100Y.COM.TW VTM T Data Sheets MT2 (1) (3) WWW.100SeeY.COM.TW “Package Dimensions” section WWW.100Y.COM.TW Trigger Diac Specifications (T–MT1) WWW.100Y.COM.TW VBO TO-220 (7) WWW.100Y.COM.TW V WWW.100Y.COM.TW WWW.100Y.COM.TWfor variations. (12) MIN MAX MAX MAX MIN MAX MIN MAX MAX BO (6) 4A [ WWW.100Y.COM.TW WWVolts W.100Y.COM.TW VM ]I WWW.100Y.COM.TW mAmps Q2004LT TC = (6) BO WWW25.100 °C Y.COM.TWT WWW.100Y.COM.TW WWW.100Y.COM.TWQ4004LT C = 100 °C CT Q6004LT 200 TC = WWW.100Y.COM.TW WWW.100Y.COM.TW WWW.100Y.COM.TW125 °C T Volts (11) 6A Q2006LT 200 0.05400 0.5 2 1.6 3 33 43 5 25 0.1 0.05 Q4006LT 400 0.05600 0.5 2WW 1.6W.100 3 33Y 43.COM.TW 5 25 0.1C = 25 °C WWW.100Y.COM.TW WWW.100Y.COM.TW 0.05 0.5 Q6006LT 600 0.05 0.5 2 1.6 3 33 43 5 25 0.1 0.05 0.5 WWW.100Y.COM.TW WWW.100Q4006LTHY.COM.TW 400 0.05 0.5 2 1.6WWW 3.100 33 43Y.COM.TW 52 25 0.1 Volts Q6006LTH 600 0.05 0.5 2 1.6 30.5 33 43 52 25 0.1 1.6 Volts WWW.100Y.COM.TW WWW.1002Y.COM.TW WWW.100Y.COM.TW 8A Q2008LT 1.6 Volts µAmps WWWQ4008LT.100Y.COM.TW WWW.100Y.COM.TW1.6 3 WWW.100Y.COM.TW 33 Q6008LT 200 3 43 Q4008LTH WWW.100Y.COM.TW 3 33 µFarads WWW.100Y.COM.TW WWW.100Y.COM.TW400 0.05 Q6008LTH 33 43 5 600 0.05 0.5 WWQ2010LTW.100 200Y 0.05.COM.TW 0.5 2 1.6 3 33 43WW 5W 25.100 0.1Y.COM.TW 43 5 WWW.100Y.COM.TW10 A 400 0.05 25 0.5 2 5 Q4010LT 400 0.05600 0.5 2 1.6 3 33 43 5 25 0.1 25 0.05 0.5 WWW.100Y.COM.TW 0.1 WWW.100Y.COM.TW Q6010LTWWW 600.100 0.05Y.COM.TW 0.5 2 1.6 3 33 43 52 25 0.1 1.6 25 0.1 0.05 0.5 2 Q4010LTH 400 0.05 0.5 2 1.6 3 33 43 5WW 25 0.1W.1001.6 Y.COM.TW WWW.100Y.COM.TW WWW.100Y.COM.TW 0.5 0.1 Q6010LTH 600 0.05 0.5 2 1.6 3 33 43 52 25 0.1 3 1.6 2 WWW.100Y.COM.TW33 WWW.100Y.COM.TW15 A Q2015LT WWW.100Y.COM.TW 1.6 3 3 33 43 Q4015LT WW1.6 W.100Y.COM.TW WWW.100Y.COM.TW Q6015LT WWW.100Y.COM.TW 3 33 43 5 200 Q4015LTH 3 33 43 5 Specific Test Conditions WW400 W.1000.05Y.COM.TW WWW.100Y.COM.TW 25 WWW.100Y.COM.TWQ6015LTH 33 43 5 600 25 0.05 0.5 0.1 WWW.100Y.COM.TW43 5 WWV±]W.100Y.COM.TW 400WWW0.05.100Y.COM.TW 25 0.1 — Dynamic breakback voltage (forward and reverse) 0.5 2 5 V 600 25 0.1 BO — Breakover voltage symmetry 0.05 0.5 2 WWW.100Y.COM.TW WWW.100Y.COM.TW 25 CT WWW.100Y.COM.TW 0.05 1.6 0.1 — Trigger firing capacitance 0.5 2 1.6 di/dt 0.5 WWW.100Y.COM.TW 0.1 —WW MaximumW.100 rate-of-changeY.COM.TW of on-state current WWW.100Y.COM.TW2 3 dv/dt 1.6 2 3 33 dv/dt(c)— CriticalWW Wrate-of-rise.100Y.COM.TW of off-state voltage at rated V WWW.100Y.COM.TW1.6 WWW.100Y.COM.TW 3 33 43 — Critical rate-of-rise of commutation voltage at rated V 1.6 and I WWW.100Y.COM.TW WWW.100Y.COM.TW 3 WW33W.10043 Y.COM.TW5 unenergizedT(RMS) VDRM 3 33 43 5 2 commutating di/dt = 0.54 rated I 25 I t V — Repetitive peak blockingWW voltageW43.100Y.COM.TW — RMS surge WW(non-repetitive)W.100 Yon-state.COM.TW current for period of 8.3 msWW W.100Y.COM.TWTM 33 5 25 — Peak on-state voltage at maximum rated RMS current 0.1 for fusing 43 5 WWW.100Y.COM.TW25 0.1 IBO WWW.100Y.COM.TW WWW.100Y.COM.TW — Peak breakover current General Notes 5 25 I DRM 0.1 DRM gate open WWW.100Y.COM.TW — Peak off-state currentWW gateW.100 open;Y V.COM.TWT(RMS) WWW.100• AllY measurements.COM.TW are made at 60 Hz with resistive load at an25 ambi- 0.1 IGTM /ms; gate — Peak gate trigger current (10 DRM 0.1 IH — Holding current; gate openWWW.100Y.COM.TW WWW.100entY temperature.COM.TW of +25 WWW.100Y.COM.TW • Operating temperature range (T IT(RMS) — RMS on-state current, conduction angle of 360° WWW.100Y.COM.TW ITSM WWW.100Y.COM.TW • Storage temperature range (T — Peak one-cycle surge DRM LC unless otherwise specified.
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