COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL MONDAY, MARCH 31, 2008 SESSION OF 2008 192D OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY No. 22 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES JOURNAL APPROVAL POSTPONED The House convened at 1 p.m., e.d.t. The SPEAKER. Without objection, approval of the Journal of Tuesday, March 18, 2008, will be postponed until printed. THE SPEAKER (DENNIS M. O'BRIEN) The Chair hears no objection. PRESIDING PRAYER FORMER MEMBER AND GUEST WELCOMED The SPEAKER. The prayer will be offered by the Reverend Paul Gehris, guest of Representative Mark Keller. The SPEAKER. The Chair would like to recognize, as the guests of Representative Jerry Nailor, a former member of the REV. PAUL GEHRIS, Guest Chaplain of the House of House, Representative Dan Beren, whose granddaughter, Representatives, offered the following prayer: Kelly Beren, is a guest page today. Will the former member, Representative Dan Beren, who is seated to the left of the We will have a moment for private meditation, and then Speaker, and Kelly, who is in front of the Speaker, please stand I will say the words for today's prayer. and be recognized. Almighty and everlasting God, You who are called by many names and approached in many different ways, accept our gratitude for this day and its opportunities. We are thankful for our country and for this Commonwealth, its founders and AMERICAN LEGION POST 346 builders, sustainers, and all who are committed to the principles PRESENTED of the common weal. I pray for this House of Representatives, its elected members The SPEAKER. The Chair will recognize Representative and staff. May they be given the gifts of truth-seeking and Siptroth and Representative Scavello for an introduction. justice-serving. Give them a high sense of call, good sense and Mr. SIPTROTH. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. common sense, and sensitivity. Help them to do good work in Mr. Speaker, on behalf of the entire Monroe County the office and the district, the committee, the caucus, and on this delegation – Representative Scavello, Representative Peifer, historic floor. Representative Carroll, and myself – I would like to welcome This prayer is offered in Your name. Amen. those members of my home post, American Legion Post 346 in East Stroudsburg, who are here in Harrisburg touring the Capitol today. The post has been a vital and important social PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE institution in Monroe County for nine decades. They just celebrated their 90th anniversary on St. Patrick's Day this year. (The Pledge of Allegiance was recited by members and These veterans who have served their country are seated in visitors.) the House gallery, and I would like to extend our usual hearty welcome as we recognize them on their visit. JOURNAL APPROVED Mr. SCAVELLO. Mr. Speaker, we have a citation for the American Legion Post 346, which is being congratulated The SPEAKER. The Journal of Tuesday, October 2, 2007, is upon the momentous occasion of its 90th anniversary. The now in print. Will the House approve the Journal? American Legion Post 346 was established in East Stroudsburg on March 17, 1918. Throughout its laudable history, American On the question, Post 346 has made an inestimable contribution to the welfare of Will the House agree to the motion? society through a sense of fellowship and through its programs, Motion was agreed to. which are designed to enhance the quality of life for all. A succession of dedicated leaders and members have made this The SPEAKER. The Journal is approved. possible for 90 years, keeping ever mindful of the noble maxims of this organization. This citation is sponsored by myself, Representative Siptroth, Representative Carroll, and Representative Peifer. 732 LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL—HOUSE MARCH 31 I would like the group up there to stand up and give them Sonia Delgado, Anila Gill, Rebecca Knight, Daniel McGregor, another hearty welcome; 90 years. Chanel Sampson, Hassan Sherif, Shawn Shillingford; from Mr. SIPTROTH. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Harrisburg, Denise Means and Jason Ruhl; from Lehigh Carbon, Jill Acciarito and Jessica Rega; and from Luzerne, ALL-PENNSYLVANIA ACADEMIC TEAM Michael Katsak. Ms. HARPER. From Montgomery County, Melisa Lee, INTRODUCED Rosemarie Whiteley, and Nikia Williamson; from Northampton The SPEAKER. The Chair would like to recognize County, Lorna O'Farrell and Evette Olszyk; from Philadelphia Representative Harper and Representative Mann for an County, Judith Anne Eisler and Safi Parker; from Reading, introduction. Tara Braam; and from Westmoreland County, Gabriela Terente. Miss MANN. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Would you please all stand, and would my colleagues April will be National Community College Month, and in recognize these community college scholars. anticipation of that, we are joined today by students and their Thank you very much, Mr. Speaker. families from all 14 of our community colleges. Representative The SPEAKER. The Chair thanks the ladies. Harper and I are sharing the introduction of these students because of our roles as cochairs of the Community College Caucus. Many of the students with us today are pursuing their GUESTS INTRODUCED 4-year degrees, and some will be attending State System universities. This year's all-academic team students will be The SPEAKER. We have some special musical guests of future teachers, psychologists, nurses, writers, and business Representative Karen Beyer of the 131st Legislative District leaders. These students signify the importance of community with us. The beautiful music heard in the East Wing Rotunda colleges in higher education in the Commonwealth. The today came to us from the Southern Lehigh Middle School students here today come with a long list of not only academic String Ensemble, under the direction of Ms. Nancy Beitler. achievements but demonstrate commitment to their Their appearance in the Capitol today is part of the communities through extensive volunteer and community Pennsylvania Music Educators Association Music in service. I am honored to be a part of this day and to recognize Our Schools Month Capitol Concert Series. Please recognize the accomplishments of these community college students. this outstanding group of young musicians seated in the rear of Representative Harper. the House. Would you please stand and be recognized. Ms. HARPER. Colleagues, if I can have your attention for a moment, I would like to introduce the 2008 All-Pennsylvania Academic Team of students from our 14 community colleges STATEMENT BY MR. FRANKEL from across the Commonwealth, including your districts. This group represents the best and the brightest among our The SPEAKER. The Chair would like to recognize community college students. Each year they come to Harrisburg Representative Frankel for an introduction. to be recognized by their community colleges and Phi Theta Mr. FRANKEL. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Kappa, the international honor society for 2-year colleges. The Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. students that you will be meeting today were selected by their Later on today we will be considering HR 599. That colleges to compete at the national level. Please join me in resolution that I hope we will pass will honor and celebrate welcoming the 2008 All-Pennsylvania Academic Team, who is 250 years of innovation, accomplishment, and global seated in the rear of the chamber. When I call your name, would connections in the great city of Pittsburgh. The Pittsburgh you please rise, and would my colleagues hold your applause 250 effort is an opportunity to champion Pittsburgh's and until we have announced all of the names. Pennsylvania's leadership in innovation and technology as well Before we begin, I would particularly like to recognize as a time to recognize the creative spirit of this historic city. Melisa Lee, a student at Montgomery County Community Pittsburgh is the home of many prominent Americans who College, who has been selected as Pennsylvania's New Century have played a vital role in the fields of industry, technology, Scholar for 2008. As a New Century Scholar, Melisa receives a entertainment, and everyday life. It is the home of, among scholarship from Coca-Cola and Phi Theta Kappa. Melisa, who others, Andrew Carnegie, Jonas Salk, George Westinghouse, is standing in the rear of the hall of the House, is a mother of Rachel Carson, Andy Warhol, and Gene Kelly. Throughout its three children and will be going from Montgomery County 250-year history, Pittsburgh has served as the birthplace of Community College to Kutztown University. Special cutting-edge technology, a home to several highly regarded recognition to Melisa. institutions of higher learning, and a prominent center for the Representative Mann and I will now announce the students performing arts. by name, and please hold your applause until we get to the end As the city continues to strive towards a bright future for all of the list. When your name is called, please stand to be its residents, I and many of my colleagues who cosponsor this recognized. are happy to offer this resolution, which, again, we will be Jennifer. considering later today. Miss MANN. From Allegheny, Michele Lowe and I am also pleased to be able to introduce three members of Neily Rosko; from Beaver, Theresa Humphries; from the Pittsburgh 250 group who have worked so diligently to Bucks, Amy Baringer and Lauren George; from Butler, promote this worthy cause and promote our city and our State as Christina Greene; from Delaware, Linda Charles, we honor this anniversary. 2008 LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL—HOUSE 733 GUESTS INTRODUCED HOUSE SCHEDULE Mr. FRANKEL. Joining us today in the Capitol and to the DEMOCRATIC CAUCUS left of the Speaker are Terry Murphy, vice chair of Pittsburgh 250; Bill Flanagan, executive director of Pittsburgh 250; RULES COMMITTEE MEETING Mike Langley, CEO (chief executive officer) of the Allegheny Conference on Community Development; and Andy Masich, The SPEAKER. The Chair recognizes the majority leader, president and CEO of the Heinz History Center.
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