Utah State University DigitalCommons@USU Co Bee Lab 12-1-1917 The Entomologist Edward Meyrick University of Colorodo T. D. A. Cockerell University of Colorado E. A. Elliot Selwyn Image W. G. Sheldon J. W. Metcalfe See next page for additional authors Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.usu.edu/bee_lab_co Part of the Entomology Commons Recommended Citation Meyrick, Edward; Cockerell, T. D. A.; Elliot, E. A.; Image, Selwyn; Sheldon, W. G.; Metcalfe, J. W.; and Smart, H. D., "The Entomologist" (1917). Co. Paper 583. https://digitalcommons.usu.edu/bee_lab_co/583 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Bee Lab at DigitalCommons@USU. It has been accepted for inclusion in Co by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@USU. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Authors Edward Meyrick, T. D. A. Cockerell, E. A. Elliot, Selwyn Image, W. G. Sheldon, J. W. Metcalfe, and H. D. Smart This article is available at DigitalCommons@USU: https://digitalcommons.usu.edu/bee_lab_co/583 Subscriptions for 7978 (ls.) should be sent to R. South (Editor), 4. Mapesbury Court, Shoot-up Hill, London, N. W. 2. Vol. L.] DECEMBER, 1917 . [No. 655. ENTOMOLOGIS11 AN JllustrateblUontgln Journal OF GENER .AL EN~rOMOLOGY. EDlTED BY RICHARD SOUTH, F.E.S. WITH THE ASSISTANCE OF ROBERT ADIUN , 1r.IJ:.s. C. J. GAHAN D.Sc., M.A., F.E.S. H. ROWLAND-BROWN, M.A.,F. E .S. W. J . LUCAS, B.A., F.E.S . W. L. DISTANT, 1r.E.S., &c. CLAVDE MORLEY, F.E.S., F.Z.S F. W. FROHAWK, F.E.S., M.B.O.U. DR. D. SHAUP, F.H.S ., F.l!l.S ., &c. "By mutual confidence and mutual aid Great deeds are done and great discoveries made. ' LONDON: ADLARD & SON & WEST NEWMAN, LTD., BARTHOLOMEW CLOSE, E.C. 1. Price Ninepence. WATKINS & DONCASTER, Naturalists and Mauufacturel's of Entomological Apparatus and Cabinets. Pl1uu Hmg Nets, wire or otl.ne, momding Stiok. ls. Sd., 2s., 2s. 6d. Folding Net&, ~s. 6,L, 46. Ombrella Nets (self-aotingJ, ';&. Pooke, Boxes, 6d., 9d., ls., ls .6d . Ziuo Belaxing Boxes, 9d., ls., ls. 6d., 2s. Nested Ohip Boxes, 7d. per four dozen. Entowologioal Pins, assorted or mixed, ls., ls. 6d. per oz. Pooket Lanterns, 2s. 6d. to 86. Su2arin2 Tin, with brush, ls. 6d., 2s. Sugarmg Mixture, ready for use, ls. 9d. oer tin. Store Boxes, with oamohor cells, 2s. 6d., 4s., 6s., Gs. Settin~ 1301mlH,-tlat or oval, 1 in., 6d.; l ½ in., sii.; 2 in., 10d.; 2½ in., ls.; . 3½ in., ls. 4d.; 4 ID., ls. 6d.; ii in., ls. 10d.; Oomolete Set of fourteen Boards, l0s. 6d. Setting Houses, 9s. 6d., lls. 6d.; oorked baok, 14s. Zino Larva Boxes, 9d., ls., ls. 6d. Breeding O11ge, 2s. 6d., 4s., 6s., 7s. 6d. Ooleopterist's Oolleoting Bottle, with tub&, ls. 6d., ls. 8d. Botanioal Oases, japanned, double tin, ls. 6d., 2s. 9d., 3s. 6d. 4s. 6d. Botanioal Paper, ls. ld., ls. 4d., ls. 9d., 2s. 2d., per quire. lnseot Glazed Oases, 2s. fld. to lls. Cement for replaoing Antennie, 4d. per bottle. Steel Forceps ls. 6d., 2s., 2s. 6d. per pair. Cabinet Oork, 7 by BL best qnality, ls. 6d. per dozen slleets. Brass Chloroform Bottle, 2s. 6d. lnseot Lens, ls. to 8s. Glass-top and Gl1~ss-bottomed Boxes from ls. per dozen. Zinc Killing Box, 9,1., ls. Pupa Digger, iu leather sheath, ls. 9d. Taxidermist's Oompauion, containing mos1 neoesRary implements for skinning, 10s. 6d. Scalpels, ls. 3d. ; Scissors, 2s. per pair: Egg-,lrills, 2d. , 8,1., 9,1.; Blowpipes, 4d., 6d.; Artificial Eyes for Birds and A.niwalR; Label-lists of British Butterflies, 2d.; ditto of Bircls' Eggs, 2d., 8d., 6d.; ditto of r.,m<l f\n<l FreRh-wnter Shells. ~d.: Us&fnl Books ou Insects, F.gg-s, &c. SILVER. PINS for collectors 0£ Micro-Lepidoptera, &c., as well as minute insects of all oth&r families. We stock various sizes and lengths of these Silver Pins, which have certain auv1wtages over the ordmary pins, whether enamelled, black, or ~ilvered or gilt. For instance, insects liable to become greasy, and verdigris.v like Sesiidre, &c., are best pinned on Sil var Pins, which will last much longer. We shall be pleased to send patterns on application. SHOW ROOM FOR CABINETS o every description for lNSKCTS, Brnos' Eoos, Co1Ns, M10R08COP1UAI.OBJECT> Foss1r.s, &e. Catalogue (100 pp.) sent on application, post fre1,. A. LAHGE STOCK OF INSECTS AND BIRDS ' EGGS (BRITISH, KOROPKAN, AND KXOTIC). Birds, Mammals, .lo., Preaer1Jed u,nd Monnted 011 Fint -nlau Worimian. 36. STRAND, W.C.. LONDON. ENGLAND. FINE 1917 SET INSECTS; also PUP~. Bicuspis. 5/- ; Dominul::t var. Rossica, 2/6; Oonsonaria, fine 1 Kent ::.\1elanic, 3/6 ; Tilim, rare brick-red var., JO- ; Ooridou Yar. SYngra.pha, 15 - ; ::.\Iendica var. Rustica, 21-, fine inter­ mediate, 1;6; Varleyata , 12/ -; Papilionaria, 6d.; all per each, and manv others. Fine Pupre.--Pf'r dozen : Bicusp1s, 42/- ; Versicolor, 5/- ; Tili~. 3 '9; Ocellatns, 3/9; Elnenor. 3/6. ,Yrite for full list to L. W. NEWMAN , F.E.S., BEXLEY, KENT. WANTED.- 1\lany fine set Insects and Pupre,will be pleased to exchange. pOR SALE. - Staiutou 's · Natural Ilistory of Tineina' (new), 13 vols. (puhlishe,1 £8 2,-. 6c1.). £:3 17s . od.; uow out of print. Rev. l\Iorris's ' British l\foths,' -I, vols.,£] 15s. LPec:h's 'British Pyrali<les,' 6s. Stephen's ' Illustrations of British Eut.omolol-{.I'.°~I vols .. £2 10s. Noel Humphrey's 'GPne ra of British :;\foths.' £1 .5;;. Owe11 Wilson's · Larvre of British l,epi­ <loptern an,1 their Food phint:;;. £2 5s. Stain ton's ' E11to111oloµ-is1s' .AuuuaL' 2d vols., c:mnplete, £1 5s. Transa,ctions of the Entomological Society,' ]!112 1n H/15, 15 parts (pnl,lishel1£1010s.), £2 10s . 'l'wf'ut.v-five years of 'Enil)lnolog-ist,' • Eutomologist~• Rf'c:onl,' etc. A, FORD, 36, IRVING ROAD, BOURNEMOUTH, THE ENTOMOLOGIST J\.n Jllustrateh Journal OF GENERAL ENTOMOLOGY. EDITED BY RICHARD SOUTH, F.E.S . WlTB '£B il ASSISTANOE OF ROBERT ADKIN, F .E.S . W. J. LUCAS, B.A., F.E.S. W. LUCAS DISTANT, F .E.S., &c. CLAUDE MORLEY, F.E .S., F.Z.S. F. W. FROHAWK, F.E.S ., M.B.O.U . H . ROWLAND-BROWN, M.A., F.E.S . C. J. GAHAN, D.Sc., M.A., F .E.S. Dn. D. SHARP, F .R.S. , F.E .S., &c. •· By mu tual confidence and mu tual aid Grea t deed s a re don e and great discoveri es mad e." VOLUME TH E FIFTIETH. LO N DON: ADL ARD & SON & WES 'l' NE"\Vl\lAN, L'rD. , BAR'rHOLOM E W CLOSE , E .C. 1917. PR1N'£ED BY ADLA.RD AND SON AND WES '!' NEWMAN, LTD, LONIJON AND DO.RKING LIST OF CONTRIBUTORS. ADKIN, R., F.E.S., 68, 141, 166, ltll, HARDING,M .IBTIN J., 237 230,240,279,283, 28 HARRISoN, .r. W. H ., D.Sc ., 169,244 ANDERSON, JOSEPH,18 8, 211, 284, 285 HAYWAHD,H. c., 188 ARKLE,J. , 94 Hon ON, A. D., 282 ARMYTAGE, E. 0., 210 HODGE, HAROLD,F.E.S., 233, 236, 257, BAGIVELL-PUREFOY,Cn,pt. E ., F.E.S., 3 259 BALCOMB,L . C. E. , 14i, 165, 233 Houms, The Rev. R. T., 231 BARNES,ALBERT J., 231 HOLT, A. E. , 191 BOBBY,A. F., 191,284 HORN, R. Y., 237 BOWMAN,R. T .. 117 IMAGE,Prof. SELWYN,M.A., F.E.S., 267 BRA)!IVELL,F. G. s., 68 ING, A. K. , 165 BROWN,JA~ms w., 189 JoNEs, H oon P. , 17, 187, 209, 282 BUHKILL,H . J., M.A., F.R.G.S., 82 KEYKES, G. L., Capt., R.A.M.C., 282 BURRAS,A. E., 240 KIDNER,A. R., 260 BuTf,ER, EnRic, 232 LAKER,J. , 260 CAMPION, HERBER'l',149 LISTER, J. J ,, F.R.S., F.E.S., 241 CLOSE,EwAN, 230 LLOYD, ALFRED,F.E.S., 208 COCKERELL,T . D. A., 85, 141, 164, 265 LODGE,C OURTNEY, 280 CoRBE1',A. STEVJrn, 44 LOFTHOUE, T. ASHTON, F.E .S., 287 COULTER,G., 231, 236 LowE, The Rev. FRAN1<E., M.A., F.E .S., DALLAS, W., 235 259 DEWEY,J. T., 209 LUCAS, w. J., B.A., F.E.S., 24, 48, 71, DISTANT,w. L., F.E.S ., 3, 72, 191 87, 120, 136, 201, 213, 263 DOLTON,H. L., 164 LYLE, G. T., F .E .S., 51, 153, 193 DotJSEY, J., 230 MANSBRIDGE,w., F.E.S ., 23, 49', 70, 120 DUNSTER, L. E., 142 MATBEw, G. F., R.N., F.E.S .,etc., 19,240 EFFLATOUN, H. C., 285 McCLnlONT,Jurns R, 89, 213 Er,LIOTT,,E. A., F.E.S., F.Z.S ., 92, 129, Mio:ADEN,Lours, 209 131, 266 ~li,LvIL1., J. Cos;uo, M.A., F.L.S., etc., FORD, The Rev. H. D., 68, 164, 165, 261 281 FOSTER,A. H., 235, 258 MERA,A. w., F.E .S., 75 FOUNTAINE, MARGARETE.,F.E.S., 154 METCALFE, The Rev. J. W. , M.A.,F. E.S. FROHAWK,F . W. , F.E.S., l\l.B .O.U., 18, 73, 273 132, 229, 283 MEYRICK,EDWARD, M.A., F.R.S., 115, GARDNER,Lt.-Comdr. F. W., R.N.V.R., 265 2!l0 MJLllAN,P . P., 44 GILL, JOSF.PHJ., 260 MORGAN,E. s., 230 GILLES, W. S., 190 MoRLEY, CLAUDE,F.Z.S ., etc., 33, 64, GILLETT,F., 259, 260 105, 165, 168, 189, 214, 222 GmAoLT, A. A., 36, 134, 152 MooLTON,J.C., B.Sc., 1 GOODSON,A.
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