PUBLIC SIMULTANEOUS DISCLOSURE DOCUMENT OF THE INTER-AMERICAN DEVELOPMENT BANK COLOMBIA PRODUCTIVE DEVELOPMENT AND CREATIVE ECONOMY SUPPORT PROGRAM (CO-L1254) LOAN PROPOSAL This document was prepared by the project team consisting of: Geovana Acosta (IFD/CTI), Project Team Leader; Fernando Vargas (CTI/CCO), Alternate Project Team Leader; Juan Carlos Navarro (IFD/CTI); Matteo Grazzi (IFD/CTI); Jose Miguel Benavente (CTI/CCH); Alejandra Villota (INT/TIN); Julian Zuluaga (INT/TIN); Claudia Hernandez (CSD/CCS); Kevin McTigue (LEG/SGO); Monica Centeno Lappas (LEG/SGO); Cesar Andrés Negret (LEG/SGO); Steven Collins (VPS/ESG); Yohana Gonzalez (IFD/CTI); and Maria Paola Bustos (CAN/CCO). This document is being released to the public and distributed to the Bank’s Board of Executive Directors simultaneously. This document has not been approved by the Board. Should the Board approve the document with amendments, a revised version will be made available to the public, thus superseding and replacing the original version. CONTENTS PROJECT SUMMARY I. PROJECT DESCRIPTION AND RESULTS MONITORING ................................................. 1 A. Background, problem addressed, and rationale ............................................ 1 B. Objectives, components, and cost .............................................................. 15 C. Key performance indicators ........................................................................ 18 II. FINANCING STRUCTURE AND MAIN RISKS ............................................................... 19 A. Financing instruments ................................................................................ 19 B. Environmental and social risks ................................................................... 20 C. Fiduciary risks ............................................................................................ 20 D. Other risks and key issues .......................................................................... 20 III. IMPLEMENTATION AND MANAGEMENT PLAN ............................................................ 21 A. Summary of implementation arrangements ................................................ 21 B. Summary of arrangements for monitoring results ....................................... 22 IV. POLICY LETTER .................................................................................................... 22 APPENDIXES Proposed resolution - ii - ANNEXES Annex I Summary Development Effectiveness Matrix (DEM) Annex II Policy Matrix Annex III Results Matrix LINKS REQUIRED 1. Policy letter 2. Means of verification matrix 3. Monitoring and evaluation plan OPTIONAL 1. Bibliography 2. Institutional and Policy Framework for Science, Technology, and Innovation in Colombia 3. Colombia. National Development Plan 2018-2022 4. Green Innovation, circular economy, and bioeconomy - iii - ABBREVIATIONS ADCI Agendas Departamentales de Competitividad e Innovación [Departmental competitiveness and innovation agendas] CCIs Creative and cultural industries CNEN Consejo Nacional de la Economía Naranja [National Council for the Orange Economy] COLCIENCIAS Administrative Department of Science, Technology, and Innovation COVID-19 Coronavirus disease 2019 CONPES National Economic and Social Policy Council CPC Consejo Privado de Competitividad [Private Competitiveness Council] CRC Comisión Regional de Competitividad [Regional Competitiveness Commission] DANE National Administrative Department of Statistics DAPR Departamento Administrativo de la Presidencia de la República [Administrative Department of the Office of the President of the Republic] DEM Development Effectiveness Matrix DIDE Dirección de Innovación y de Desarrollo Empresarial [Innovation and Business Development Directorate] DNP National Planning Department FDI Foreign direct investment IMF International Monetary Fund INM National Metrology Institute MEP Monitoring and evaluation plan MHyCP Ministry of Finance MinCIT Ministry of Trade, Industry and Tourism MinCTI Ministry of Science, Technology, and Innovation OECD Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development] PBL Policy-based loan PBP Programmatic policy-based loan PDP Política Nacional de Desarrollo Productivo [National Productive Development Policy] PND Plan Nacional de Desarrollo [National Development Plan] R&D Research & development SECO Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs SICAL Sistema Nacional de la Calidad [National Quality System] SINA Sistema Nacional Ambiental [National Environmental System] SMEs Small and medium enterprises SNCI Sistema Nacional de Competitividad e Innovación [National Competitiveness and Innovation System] SNCTI Sistema Nacional de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación [National Science, Technology, and Innovation System] STI Science, technology, and innovation STI&E Science, technology, innovation, and entrepreneurship TFP Total factor productivity UniAndes University of the Andes VUE Ventanilla Única Empresarial [Enterprise single window] WEF World Economic Forum PROJECT SUMMARY COLOMBIA PRODUCTIVE DEVELOPMENT AND CREATIVE ECONOMY SUPPORT PROGRAM (CO-L1254) Financial Terms and Conditions Borrower Flexible Financing Facility (a) Republic of Colombia Amortization period: 12.57 years Executing Agency Disbursement period: 12 months Ministry of Finance (MHyCP) Grace period: 12.57 years (b) Source Amount (US$) % Interest rate: LIBOR-based Credit fee: (c) IDB (Ordinary 850,000,000 100 Inspection and supervision fee: (c) Capital): Weighted average life: 12.57 years Total: 850,000,000 100 Approval currency: U.S. dollar Project at a Glance Project objective/description: The general objective of this programmatic series and its first operation is to help enhance the productivity of the Colombian economy through measures that foster the development and diversification of its production sector. The specific objectives are to: (i) maintain a stable macroeconomic environment; (ii) strengthen the institutional and public policy framework that drives innovation, business productivity, and entrepreneurship; and (iii) put an institutional and regulatory framework in place that fosters development of the creative economy. This is the first of two consecutive operations, which are linked technically but financed independently under the programmatic policy-based loan modality. Special contractual conditions precedent to the first and only disbursement of the loan: Disbursement of the Bank’s loan proceeds is contingent upon fulfillment by the Borrower, to the Bank’s satisfaction, of the policy reform conditions specified in the Policy Matrix (Annex II) and the other conditions set out in the loan contract (paragraph 3.3). Exceptions to Bank policies: None. Strategic Alignment Challenges:(d) SI PI EI (e) Cross-cutting themes: GD CC IC (a) Under the terms of the Flexible Financing Facility (document FN-655-1), the borrower has the option of requesting changes to the amortization schedule as well as currency, interest rate, and commodity conversions. The Bank will take operational and risk management considerations into account when reviewing such requests. (b) Under the flexible repayment options of the Flexible Financing Facility, changes to the grace period are permitted provided that they do not entail any extension of the original weighted average life of the loan or the last payment date as documented in the loan contract. (c) The credit fee and the inspection and supervision fee will be established periodically by the Board of Executive Directors as part of its review of the Bank’s lending charges, in accordance with the applicable policies. (d) SI (Social Inclusion and Equality); PI (Productivity and Innovation); and EI (Economic Integration). (e) GD (Gender Equality and Diversity); CC (Climate Change and Environmental Sustainability); and IC (Institutional Capacity and Rule of Law). I. PROJECT DESCRIPTION AND RESULTS MONITORING A. Background, problem addressed, and rationale 1.1 Macroeconomic situation. Colombia has enjoyed stable growth in recent decades. Efforts to end the armed conflict, in conjunction with the maintenance of sound macroeconomic management and greater openness to the global economy have generated better economic performance and significant improvements in the population’s living conditions. Between 2002 and 2018, the poverty rate fell from 50% to 27%, while extreme poverty dropped from 17.7% to 7.2% (National Administrative Department of Statistics (DANE), 2019a). Income inequality, as measured by the Gini coefficient, improved from 0.57 in 2002 to 0.52 in 2018 (DANE, 2019a). In education, coverage increased at all levels; in the health sphere, child mortality and malnutrition both declined;1 and the unemployment rate has remained stable at around 10% (DANE, 2019c). 1.2 Colombia’s gross domestic product (GDP) grew at an average rate of 3.8% per year between 2000 and 2019 (International Monetary Fund (IMF), 2019), reflecting an adjustment in recent years following the slump in commodity prices. This resulted in larger current account deficits, higher inflation, and pressures on public finances, which in turn put pressure on the fiscal deficit and on expenditure and investment levelsThe impact caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, both globally and domestically, is still uncertain, with growth projections for 2020 varying betweeen plus 2.3% and minus 2.6% depending on scenarios and estimates.2 In contrast, public sector debt levels as a percentage of GDP have been rising in recent years,3 and the macroeconomic shock is expected to fuel
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