In 20 Foot Fall, Saved Whether your birthday falls next Weak or next month, why'"noi have | Covering SPRING^IELD_and MOUNTAINSIDE it Mated hero by culling THB BUN, By Helper Mlllbyrn J-IZGS,' or Jot It on a postal? Qur Wen will carry over the date from year to yenr,-M that It needn't OFFICIAL NKW8PAPKE SUBSCKXPTION be repeated. Mason Worker Palls from Vol. XIII, No. 50 TOWNBUIP OF BPBINOFUXD Springfield, NTT, Friday, SeptemlDer 13' 1940 TWO DOIXAR8 Vt THB TEAM. Price Five Cents Scaffold, Landing On "Happy Birthday" greetings are Assistant Below extended this week by the.SUN to the following residents:., Rescind Action Attention Focused On Watchung A workman was miraculously Company Honors Beware! Recreation SEPTEMBER: saved from certain death late Wed- Reservation As Fall Approaches Beware! Better stay In tonight. ~ 13—Harry C. Anderson, Sf. nesday afternoon when he fell off On Selling Land Springfield Man Witches and goblins and black cats Mrs. JEmanuer O Holms a scaffold and in landing on a deer. Nature walks, starting in an- are about Who knows what_fate helper, who was working- on the Wlth swimming and seashore re- Committee _,_ Fred'Palmer "~ . MOtJNTAINSIDE .—• The Borough sorts closed for the season, many other month, allow the partaking of may have In store for ground below him,_escaped with less the joys of nature in the fellowship Lincoln Wood of 16 Warner ave- 14—H. Leslie Chlsholm ~~ Council Tuesday night, at the in- pairs of eyes are expected to turn nue, who has had a hand in build- __you? Watch out there. Edward Jaeckel serious- injuries. of kindred souls. j_ — Not three on a match. 1 sistence of Councilman John B. towards the Watchung Reservation ing a large portion of the hundreds Herald A. Jones • • • The men were completing mason Historical Interest You're sure to have Appointed Moxon, rescinded action token at. n. where the approach of Fall heralds work on the new ^BretUer Building, Historically, the Reservation holds of thousands of miles of telephone Mrs. George Phillips, special meeting on August 6 which increased, activity. lines now serving the telephone sys- _. bad luck. She broke 242-244 Morris' avenue, ;placlng a perennial appeal- for many. Its 15—Mrs;",John L. Mayer authorized Borough Attorney Charles • Coming at a most" opportune a mirror? Horrors, stucco on the northerly side of the "Deserted- Village," copper mine, old tem in Essex County and vicinity; Mayor Appoints Five Men .Mrs. Anna Pelos ... N. Thorne, Jr., to sell a tax lien on time, Summit lane, another "link in she'll have seven long building, where a narrow concrete burial ground with a -tombstone marked the thirty-fifth anniversary to Oversee Activity 16—Mrs.- Lincoln Wood, Sr, the chain of paved approaches to years of bad luck walk separates It froni an adjacent property along Route 29. The prop- dating back to 1776, and ife Cataract of his start as 'a telephone man Arthur Swanson,. ;.-• « erty, over 100 acres in Section B the Reservation, -has been com- Saturday. A luncheon of his asso- Look out! A black cat. Run, hurry In Local Schools structure. .•••..' Hollow and ' New Providence roads don't let him cross in front of you Mrs. Cathcrlnc'Cain .- along the highway, was to be -sold pleted and opened under the super- ciates in the New Jersey Bell Tele- Samuel Belowsky, 56, of 120 which follow the "Wa-Ha Kick" and You put your under-wear on in- Initial steps toward coordinating John Smith •'"'" - • -fo-J-hA-T.tifnyp^/vnp.ypinpmpnt. pnm- ^4slon-<)f-tho-Board-ofichosen_Eree» .Schley street, Newark,, was working" tratf^ftnd—erraHged-4fr?—Te recreational facilities for young men John J. McCormack pany for the amount of taxes and holders- The new approach will bo ""Mo No Fe Nonck" Indian trans arc on a scalfold 20 feet above the all intriguing. 'Likewise the "pud- in the township were taken wedr Audrey Valentine interest due, the borpugh, thereby especially serviceable to visitors bad, there's no hope for you. Thnv ground—when'-ho lost his footing dlngstone" boulders^—^reminiscent of nesday night when Mayor Wilbur 17—Mrs. Walter L- Perry . eliminating foreclosure proceedings. from Elizabeth,' Hillside, Union and teen at the dinner table tonight? and fell oil. The helper,-John A. the Glacial Age. M. Selander announced appointment —- William H. Brodhead Councilman Moxon declared the Springfield- who plan to drive to this Quick, invite another guest. Any- Thomas F. Clark Clark,. 41, of 1088 William street, Lake Surprise, the largest lake in one will do. Spiders, bats, watch of a flve-man_Recreatlon Commit- notion—illegal—because the special wooded area ,yia Route 29, Baltusrol tee to function on evening activities Richard Pleper '..-.'' Elizabeth, was struck on the head the'county, holds especial appeal for out for. them. And don't step on meeting notice sent the councihnen road and then Summit lane. in local grammar schools. -Maly Ann'Prinz T^— by-the falling-man, and,Jcnocked Jj> the bass and pickerel .fishermen, an ant-7-or the... cross Jine on^the the ground. did~ not-state- -that- the = measure ^Forthe' nature while Green^Brook, in the south-, 1 With thevlew of selecting "dele-'" 18—Mrs. Willis E. "Hamilton would be discussed.1 Attorney Thorn side walk.' Watch out, you , super- Warren, Rubaii Belowsky was taken to . Overlook ing wild flowers will vie for atten- western section" of the Reservation, stitious people, for today is the day gates from diversified groups, such ' Hospital in the police ambulance, agreed with Moxon and the Coun- tion "with nimble. wild creatures or has become noted as a trout fishing as the Board of Education. Town-, Mrs. Norbert_Kuirnqr ... cil authorized him to communicate of the demons and spirits- It's Fri- William F. Poole '; '•' driven by Patrolman Stiles, where with sweet music of many song stream'. " ". day the thirteenth. ; . ship Committee, Lions Club, Ameri- Jt With thfe development company .toll- birds. The more fortunate, visitors Boating and canoeing on the lake. can Legion and Boy Scouts. Seiander ring— them—the—offer-could-not-be.| his head and other head injuries.' [-will-be-treated-to-argllmP6e-<>f-;the (tlie-boate-ararentedrbutthe canoes selected the following _ to, serve: Charles Temple made. Moxon also questioned the Clark was severely-cut on the chin fleet-footed" Virginia' wnite-tailed (Continued on P&ge 4) Committetaian Alfred G.. Trundle, .---Mrs, Clark H. Smith legality of the August 6 meeting on by an upright iron post, arid .was Waldo M. Brown, Engel E. Hershey, Stephen Treader the basls that the Tio'tices sent tho also taken to the-hospltal, but later ;i Republicans Will Herbert R- Day and Edward Ruby. councllmen did-not arrive at leasts released. The Nowark man Is still The group will select Its own chair- 48 hours prior to the meeting tinier Helen Milton To Marry confined at Overlook Hospital. High School PTA Hold Rally Soon man. Farming Council in accordance with Council proce- At Union September 21 The chairman pointed out that dure. •••*-. the Board of Education suggested The Springfield Republican Club T - Seek Fire Protection To Seek Members appointment of a recreational group; held its first Fall meeting Monday An appeal for adequate fire pro- -' Miss Helen Milton, daughter of to oversee that .various activities, Plans Discussed Building Figures night in Qulnzel Hall. Tentative tection for their homes was brought Mr- and Mrs. Thomas W. Milton' ol including athletic and social, be car- Plans for the Fall were discussed plans for a Rally to be held probably to the Council by a group of resi- 67 Tooker .avenue, Will be married ried oat In local schools. Recently, by tho executive committee of early._next month in. Singers Park .The first mooting—of—the newly dents from-tHeJVMchHiii section •to Arnold Miller, son of Mr. and the WPA promised part-time super- Up To $329,792 Regional High Parent-Teacher As- were formulated. Gregg L. Frost formed Vocational Agrlculturo Ad- of. the borough} who claimed, that Mrs. J. Edward- Miller of Newark, LINCOLN WOOD, SR. visors to handle such supervision at sociation last night, ,A membership was named chairman ,of the com- visory'Council'was held Wednesday water pressure In the section was Saturday of next_week~. The wed- the James Caldwell and Raymond Building Inspector Reuben H. drive Is scheduled from. September phone Company plant organization mittee. Freeholder Lee S. Rigby .night in the Regional High' School not sufficient for protection from ding will take place at 5 P. M. In Ohisholm Schools, and it is ex- Marsh issued $63,150 in permits dur- 30 tb-October 4. Mrs. Harry Hart was held in his honor last Thurs- was named chairman of a commit- with ten leaders In the flotd' of fire. Several stated they had suf- is In charge of activities from the Connecticut Farms Presbyterian pected that the new committee will- ing August, bringing the_year's total Church' in JJnion. Rev. Fred W. day at the Hotel Suburban in East tee to raise a Willkle-For-Presldent County agriculture present. ficient water supply for home use, Springfield. ^_ J govern their work. The purpose of the new organiza- to' date in operations to $329,792. Druckenmiller, pastor, will'offlciateT 'Orange, to make the event. At the banner over Morris avenue. but that when a neighbor used wa- The first meeting of the associa- Farmers Appeal Sentence ,~' tion Is to act as an advisory "coun- The list of individual permits fol- After the .ceremony, a reception will luncheon a gold service emblem, ap- Members of tho Rally committee ter extensively, pressure was re- tion will be held Thursday-evening, Notice of appeal was recelyed from - ell for the Vocational Agriculture lows: "be~rield^at the Flagship in Union.
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