October 19, 1995 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð HOUSE H 10333 other side of the aisle to oppose this Our 9th District Delegation, which rep- unsustainable trend and one that nei- ill-conceived Medicare plan. The Re- resents the largest Senior Citizen population ther seniors nor younger Americans publican leadership proposal, as we in New Jersey in Ocean, Burlington and At- working to support themselves and know, will cut $270 billion out of Medi- lantic counties, issued a letter on September their families can be asked to under- 22, 1995 to House Speaker Newt Gingrich and care to pay for $245 billion in tax cuts Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole, urging write. mostly for the wealthy. them to scrap this plan. The financial crisis in the Medicare It is not necessary to make these Copies of our correspondence to Speaker program is not a short-term cash flow cuts in order to keep Medicare solvent. Gingrich and Senator Dole were conveyed to problem, as the Democrats would like The Medicare trustees have told us New Jersey's Congressional Delegation. For the American people to believe. The that Speaker GINGRICH's cuts had three your convenience, a second copy of this ap- trustees of the Medicare trust fund, times any estimate of what is needed peal is enclosed. three of whom are President Clinton's Please allow our Delegation this oppor- to make Medicare solvent. Mr. Chair- own Cabinet members, said in their re- tunity to reiterate our profound concerns port on the HI, or part A, trust fund, man, seniors are going to be forced to about these cuts in Medicare services for our pay more to get less under the Ging- elderly. ``The trust fund fails to meet the trust- rich proposal. Part B premiums will As you are aware, alternative proposals ee's test of long range close actuarial double without a penny of that in- have been offered that would maintain the balance by an extremely wide margin.'' crease going back into the part A Medi- solvency of the Part A and Part B trust Further, the same trustees said in care hospital trust fund. funds until 2006. This $90 billion compromise their report on the SMI trust fund, the package would provide a decade for Congress part B trust fund, ``while in balance on Seniors will ultimately be forced into and the While House to achieve a well- HMO's and have to give up their own an annual basis, shows a rate of growth planned and balanced proposal to resolve of costs which is clearly doctors because the Republican pro- Medicare's financial problems. This com- posal puts money into HMO's at the ex- promise would also provide the opportunity unsustainable.'' pense of the traditional Medicare sys- for a bipartisan consensus. The public trustees of the Medicare tem. Our Delegation is genuinely sensitive to program were very clear when they My colleagues, the Republican plan the difficult decision you face and have had said, ``The Medicare Program is clearly will destroy America's high quality our own feet roasted by the hot coals of unsustainable in its present form.'' Leadership. We feel very strongly that a rush The Democrats in the past have ig- health care system because hospitals to judgment on this issue is bad public pol- nored the long-range spending problem and other health care providers will be icy. America must never turn its back on our of the Medicare Program. Their solu- so squeezed for Medicare dollars that parents and grandparents. tion has been to continually raise taxes they will be forced to close or signifi- We, respectfully, urge New Jersey's House Members to oppose this $270 billion Medicare on working Americans, and that is still cantly cut back on their services. their solution. None of this would be necessary if cut. Your leadership, in targeting Medicare fraud, the staggering costs of health care and In the years since the enactment of Speaker GINGRICH were not insisting on in building a bridge to the future with the al- Medicare, the maximum taxable a big tax break for the wealthy. I know ternative proposals set forth by Reps Sam amount has been raised 23 times. Two that at least half of my Republican col- Gibbons that will provide the chance for years ago, the Congress, then con- leagues from the State of New Jersey Congress to seek a consensus solution to pre- trolled by Democrats, raised taxes, have already indicated that they are serve Medicare for our parents and grand- Medicare taxes again. All that did was voting no on this terrible bill. I would parents. just put another financial burden on ask all of my colleagues on the other Thank you for your thoughtful attention the taxpayers and put off the financial to this appeal on behalf of the Senior Citi- side to heed the words of three Repub- crisis in the trust fund for just a few lican State legislators from the Jersey zens of Ocean, Burlington and Atlantic coun- ties. months. Clearly, raising taxes yet Shore who wrote to my New Jersey col- Sincerely, again on the American people is not leagues in the House this week and LEONARD T. CONNORS, JR., the answer. urged support for the Gibbons-Dingell SenatorÐ9th District. The Medicare Preservation Act, on substitute. JEFFREY W. MORAN, the other hand, addresses the out-of- They said, and I quote: AssemblymanÐ9th District. control spending in the Medicare Pro- Alternative proposals have been offered CHRISTOPHER J. CONNORS, gram by opening up the private health that would maintain the solvency of the part AssemblymanÐ9th District. care market to the senior population. A and part B trust funds until the year 2006. f By harnessing some of the innovative This $90 billion compromise package would cost effective and high quality private provide a decade for Congress and the White ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE CHAIRMAN sector health care delivery options, House to achieve a well-planned and bal- Medicare beneficiaries will not only anced proposal to resolve Medicare's finan- The CHAIRMAN. The Chair would have a choice in their health care cov- cial problems. like to take the time to remind Mem- We feel very strongly that a rush to judg- erage for the first time, but the Gov- ment on this issue is bad public policy. bers that it is not appropriate to wear ernment will also be able to rein in America should not turn its back on our par- or display badges while engaging in de- out-of-control Medicare spending. It is ents and grandparents. bate. a win/win situation. Mr. Chairman, I include for the Mr. ARCHER. Mr. Chairman, I yield 3 The Republican plan provides secu- minutes to the gentleman from Louisi- RECORD this letter from my fellow Re- rity for not only today's seniors but publican State legislators in New Jer- ana [Mr. MCCRERY], a valuable member also lays the groundwork for the re- sey urging opposition to this. of the Subcommittee on Health. tirement of my generation, and it does Mr. MCCRERY. Mr. Chairman, as this it without increasing the tax burden on STATE OF NEW JERSEY, chart shows, spending on the Medicare 9TH DISTRICT LEGISLATIVE OFFICES, working people. Forked River, NJ, October 13, 1995. system has skyrocketed since 1970. Mr. DINGELL. Mr. Chairman, I yield Re Medicare. Here we are today and Members can 1 minute to the distinguished gen- To: Hon. Christopher H. Smith, Hon. Robert see, if nothing is done, it goes off the tleman from Pennsylvania [Mr. KLINK]. E. Andrews, Hon. Marge Roukema, Hon. chart. Mr. KLINK. Mr. Chairman, I thank Robert D. Franks, Hon. Robert G. In 1970, Medicare spent about $8 bil- the gentleman for yielding time to me. Torricelli, Hon. Rodney P. lion; in 1994, Medicare spending was I would like to begin by yielding to Frelinghuysen, Hon. Robert Menendez, about $165 billion. That is an increase the gentleman from Ohio [Mr. BROWN]. Hon. H. James Saxton, Hon. Frank A. of almost 2,100 percent in just 14 years. Mr. BROWN of Ohio. Mr. Chairman, LoBiondo, Hon. Frank Pallone, Jr., Hon. In the part B side alone, growth rates the previous speaker, under the Ging- William J. Martini, Hon. Donald M. have been so rapid that outlays of the rich Medicare plan, the hospitals in Payne, and Hon. Richard A. Zimmer. program have increased 40 percent per and around the district of the gen- DEAR HOUSE MEMBERS: It is our under- standing the House Ways and Means Com- enrollee just in the past 5 years. More tleman from Louisiana [Mr. MCCRERY], mittee has voted 22±14 to send the Medicare alarming is that Medicare spending is will lose $158 million over the next 7 reform package to the House floor next projected to explode to over $350 billion years under the Gingrich Medicare cut week. in 2002. Clearly, this is an plan. H 10334 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð HOUSE October 19, 1995 Mr. KLINK. Mr. Chairman, I thank They voted against Medicare 30 years us that under all sets of assumptions the gentleman for that input. Here is ago, and they are voting against it the fund goes bankrupt, and it goes the chart which actually shows the re- again today. My colleagues, actions bankrupt in 7 years. Taking our re- duction in Medicare spending per bene- speak louder than words, and the Re- sponsibility very seriously, we Repub- ficiary under the House Republican publican actions are loud and clear. licans went to work. plan. I have to get this straight. When The Republicans did not want Medi- We gathered with senior citizens, is a cut not a cut? care 30 years ago and they want to dis- with experts from around the country, Last year when we were trying to do mantle it now.
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