P/07/2021 KEMSING PARISH COUNCIL Clerk’s Office, St. Edith Hall, Kemsing, Sevenoaks, Kent, TN15 6NA, Tel : 01732 762841 E-mail: [email protected] PLANNING COMMITTEE Minutes of a meeting held online via ZOOM on Monday, 6 April 2021 at 9.30am. PRESENT: Councillor Mr. M. Bell (in the Chair) Councillors Mr. C. Connelly, Mr. Ms. G. Lloyd, Mrs. M. Robarts IN ATTENDANCE: Mrs. Y. Tredoux (Clerk 1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE There were no apologies for absence. 2. DECLARATIONS OF INTERESTS There were no declarations of interest received. 3. MINUTES The minutes of the meeting held on 22 March 2021 Ref. P/06/2021 were approved and duly signed. 4. MATTERS ARISING FROM THE MINUTES (a) 5 Dynes Parade, Dynes Road, Kemsing (Minute 4(a) P/06/2021) No further update was available. (b) Diminishing number of bungalows in Kemsing (Minute 4(b) P/06/2021) Response from the Planning Department was awaited. 5. PLANNING APPLICATIONS FOR CONSIDERATION (a) SE/21/00817/FUL – Flat above 5 Dynes Road, Kemsing Retention of rear door at first floor and erection of roof terrace with 1.1m railing for first floor users. RESOLVED: That the following representation be sent: Recommend REFUSAL. The Parish Council noted that Sevenoaks District Council refused application SE/18/02460/FUL on the basis that the proposal would have an unacceptable harmful loss of privacy on the neighbouring properties being overlooked by the external staircase and walkway. Furthermore, the Parish Council noted that the roof terrace is prohibited from being used which is a condition of application SE/20/00497/FUL. Nothing in the latest application changes the Parish Council’s view, which is that the proposal to retain the rear door at the first floor and erection of roof terrace would result in the harmful loss of privacy to the neighbouring properties. (b) SE/21/00839/FUL – The Land rear of 3 Collet Road, 3 Collett Road, Kemsing Construction of a pair of semi-detached dwellings, to include 2 no. parking spaces for existing dwellings. RESOLVED: That the following representation be sent: Recommend REFUSAL. The proposal, due to its scale, bulk and density, is inappropriate for this very small location resulting in an overdevelopment of the site. The proposed siting of the development would potentially overlook the private amenity space of the adjoining properties in Childsbridge Lane. The increased traffic movements will have a detrimental impact on the neighbouring dwelling. The allocated four parking spaces serving the new development appear to be constricted leaving very little free space for manoeuvring in and out of the assigned parking spaces. The latest application seeks a further reduction of the already small gardens. The lack of amenity space for these properties is unacceptable. Page 1 of 3 P/07/2021 (c) SE/21/00788/HOUSE – 35 Castle Drive, Kemsing Single storey rear extension. RESOLVED: That the following representation be sent: Recommend APPROVAL, however, the Parish Council would like to point out that this proposal raises concern for the potential loss of light to the neighbouring property (no 37). (d) SE/21/00858/FUL – Land East of The Coppice, Pilgrims Way, Kemsing Construction of a part subterranean 4 bedroom detached dwelling. New vehicular access and hardstanding. RESOLVED: That the following representation be sent: Recommend REFUSAL. Removal of the existing diverse hedgerow to create an access onto the highway would have a significant adverse effect on the local eco system. A newly planted hedge would take years to establish. Although Kent County Council’s Highways and Transportation had been consulted, their comments had not been received at the time of the Parish Council’s Planning Committee meeting. The Committee would be interested in KCC’s view. Bearing in mind the controversial nature of Pilgrims Way and safety along this road for local residents, creating a new vehicular access onto this busy road would result in an increase in traffic. Coupled with the limited site lines, it would potentially create additional hazards to, and exacerbate the existing traffic congestion for, all road users. (e) SE/21/00856/HOUSE – Mallings, Pilgrims Way, Kemsing Erection of a single storey side extension and internal alterations. Extension to terrace to front and side. RESOLVED: That the following representation be sent: Recommend REFUSAL. The Parish Council objects to the proposed extension of the first floor terrace to the side of the property which would dominate and thus have a detrimental effect on the amenities of the neighbouring property resulting in a significant loss of privacy. The Parish Council has no objection to the internal changes proposed. (f) SE/21/00914/HOUSE – 25 Park Lane, Kemsing Single storey rear extension with internal alterations. RESOLVED: That the following representation be sent: Recommend APPROVAL. (g) SE/21/00717/HOUSE – Ark View, High Street, Kemsing Conversion of existing garage into living accommodation and alterations to fenestration. RESOLVED: That the following representation be sent: Recommend REFUSAL. It appears that this application is seeking the creation of a separate self-contained one bedroom dwelling in a Conservation Area, which is, in the Parish Council’s view, an overdevelopment of the site. The proposal would result in the removal of the existing garage and one car parking space with no plans to create additional parking spaces to serve the extra unit. The loss of car parking spaces would result in vehicles being parked on the road. The problem is compounded by the fact that the entry and exist points to this property is opposite the junction with Church Lane, which would create additional safety hazards on the already busy, narrow road. The Parish Council noted with interest the Kent County Council’s Public Rights of Way Officer’s detailed comments where concerns remain with the site itself. 6. PLANNING APPLICATIONS FOR INFORMATION (a) SE/21/00819/WTPO – Common Field, Heaverham Road, Kemsing Sycamore – remove squirrel damaged branch to North side of crown over road. Remove branch. Common Ash – Dismantle tree to near ground level – Noted. Page 2 of 3 P/07/2021 7. DECISIONS BY SEVENOAKS DISTRICT COUNCIL (SDC) (a) SE/21/00270/HOUSE – 4 Greenlands Road, Kemsing Shed to side of driveway at front of property – REFUSED. Reason for this decision: “The proposed building, by reason of its size and siting to the front of the dwelling, would represent an unduly prominent and incongruous form of development which would be harmful to the established character and appearance of the street scene. As such the proposals would be contrary to policy EN1 of the Councils Allocations and Development Management Plan”. (b) SE/21/00278/DETAIL – 17 Park Lane, Kemsing Details pursuant to condition 7 (biodiversity enhancements) of planning permission SE/20/00734/FUL – REFUSED. Reason for this decision: “Whilst the submitted report identifies potential ecological enhancements, the information submitted fails to specifically identify which of these ecological enhancements are to be undertaken and where they would be located on site. Without such detail the Council remain to be convinced that the ecological enhancements that would actually be undertaken on site would be sufficient to adequately protect the ecology of the application site as required by policy SP11 of the Council's Core Strategy”. (c) SE/21/00618/AGRNOT – Land to the East of 63 Childsbridge Lane, Kemsing Machinery Store – REFUSED. Reason for this decision: “Having carefully considered the submitted information, Sevenoaks District Council as the local planning authority refuses this application for the following reasons: 1 From the evidence available the land is not in use for agriculture for the purposes of a trade or business and therefore does not meet the requirements of Schedule 2, Part 6, Class A or B of the Town and Country Planning General Permitted Development Order 2015, as amended. In these circumstances it is necessary for you to submit a full planning application should you wish to pursue the proposal without amendment”. 8. APPEALS There were no appeals. 9. CONSULTATIONS There were no consultations. 10. PLANNING INFORMATION There was no further information. 11. REPORT FROM CHAIRMAN There was no report from the Chairman. 12. REPORTS FROM COUNCILLORS (a) SE/18/01020/FUL – Rear of 41 Park Hill Road, Otford Mr. Connelly had noticed that the construction of the new dwelling with access from Dynes Road had a condition imposed that prior to commencement of development, a scheme to show the provision of an electric charging point, should be submitted to the Local Planning Authority. From looking at the property, there was no evidence of such a charging point and the Clerk was asked to bring the matter to the attention of the Sevenoaks District Council’s Enforcement Team. 13. DATE OF NEXT MEETING Monday, 19 April 2021 The meeting closed at 10.13 am. Signed by Chairman: ………………………………………. Date: …………………………… Page 3 of 3 .
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