Commentary Commentaire Global health indicators: an overview Charles Larson, Alec Mercer ß See related article page 1203 he health of people living in developing countries precursors of both. In contrast, in developed countries a around the world has improved considerably over the large proportion of the key health indicators reflect lifestyles T past 2 decades. For example, the total number of and individual behaviour, such as physical exercise, smoking, deaths annually among children less than 5 years of age has diet, or substance and alcohol abuse. been halved over the past 40 years.1 Unfortunately, in most of Because of cost constraints and limited logistic capacity, sub-Saharan Africa and some parts of South Asia, these reduc- few developing countries are able to maintain death, birth or tions in mortality have stagnated or even reversed over the disease registries. Data generated by health care institutions past decade.2 At the same time, disease patterns and causes of are more readily available and more frequently used, but must death in less developed countries have changed markedly. The be viewed with caution because they are not representative of most obvious example of such change relates to HIV/AIDS, the general population. In developing countries, a biased mi- but others include the re-emergence of tuberculosis as a global nority of the population (typically urban, wealthy and better health problem, the emergence of new infectious diseases, the educated) use modern medical services. Furthermore, for sev- increase in violence and the occurrence of chronic diseases eral presenting health problems, only patients exhibiting the formerly thought to be of concern only in developed coun- most severe end of the spectrum ever reach a health care fa- tries, such as coronary artery disease and cerebrovascular acci- cility. Fortunately, alternative, technologically appropriate, af- dents.3 Global monitoring of changes in the health of various fordable data collection methods have been adopted in many populations requires the use of “tried and true” global health developing countries, including national demographic and indicators. However, we also need indicators that are relevant health surveys, one-off ecologic or household surveys, multi- to contemporary patterns of disease and their determinants. ple-indicator cluster surveys, verbal autopsies and demo- This overview and the accompanying glossary of global graphic surveillance systems within selected populations. A health indicators (see the online appendix at www.cmaj.ca combination of data from these sources is then used to assess /cgi/content/full/171/10/1199/DC1) are intended to assist the health status of the nation as a whole or regionally. readers in understanding and interpreting summaries of There are far more health indicators to choose from global health statistics reported in professional journals and than any health information system can reasonably include. multinational publications, such as UNICEF’s annual re- In developing countries, because of severely restricted re- port, The State of the World’s Children4 (see text box). Several sources and capacities, there is a need to select a limited set global health indicators, such as infant mortality rate, are of indicators that are clearly applicable to monitoring, deci- well known to health professionals working in both devel- sion-making and health policy, and to measure them well. oped and developing countries. However, many others are What characteristics should guide the selection of a global not well understood and tend to bewilder readers or create health indicator? Few indicators meet all of the following “statistical overload” rather than accomplishing the in- criteria, but some do much better than others. tended purpose of improving understanding. • Definition. The indicator must be well defined, and the Global health indicators can be divided into those that di- definition must be uniformly applied internationally. rectly measure health phenomena (e.g., diseases, deaths, use • Validity. The indicator must be valid (it must actually of services) and indirect measures (e.g., social development, measure what it is supposed to measure), reliable education and poverty indicators); these are also referred to (replicable and consistent between settings) and readily as proximal and distal indicators respectively. On the basis of interpretable. population statistics describing levels of education attained • Feasibility. The gathering of the required information and access to safe water and sanitation, it is possible to cate- must be technologically feasible and affordable and gorize a country fairly accurately as having a population with must not overburden the system. high, medium or low burden of disease. It is beyond the • Utility. The indicator should provide information that scope of this overview to address all potential indicators, and is useful to decision-makers and can be acted upon at the glossary therefore focuses on direct measures of health, various levels (local, national and international). population and nutrition (or services related to these areas). The validity of published health statistics from developing The global health indicators used in developing countries for countries is variable and extremely difficult to assess. Validity DOI:10.1503/cmaj.1021409 the most part address morbidity, mortality and important can be threatened in several ways. For instance, it is ad- CMAJ • NOV. 9, 2004; 171 (10) 1199 © 2004 Canadian Medical Association or its licensors Commentaire versely affected by variations between countries in defini- How can the validity and utility of global health indica- tions of health and illness states, by the choice of easy-to- tors be improved? Countries and health care systems with reach but usually unrepresentative populations for surveys, restricted resources can consider several options, including and by the underestimation or overestimation of denomina- the following: tors. Denominators tend to be based on the most recent cen- • measurement of a smaller number of indicators, specifi- sus and the application of crude death and birth estimates. cally those with direct relevance to decision-making and However, such data are often out of date and are vulnerable high-priority health issues to manipulation. Numerators, such as the occurrence of an • use of more efficient sampling frames and procedures illness or health behaviour, are also subject to multiple • continued refinement and validation of verbal autopsies sources of error. They depend on a respondent’s capacity to • application of standard, internationally accepted understand the question and to recall an event or exposure, definitions. as well as a willingness to report what he or she recalls. Despite the acknowledged limitations of many health indi- cators and the reservations one might have about the accuracy of health statistics derived in developing countries, they Web sites presenting data, publications and other nonetheless do provide useful estimates of a population’s state information relevant to global health and global of health. Although the absolute estimates may lack accuracy, they constitute a valuable “yardstick” by which to monitor health indicators change within a population over time. Comparison between World Health Organization (WHO) Statistical countries is also possible, but is more susceptible to informa- Information System tion and selection bias. Global health indicators highlight the www3.who.int/whosis/menu.cfm tremendous disparities in health status within a given popula- A guide to health and health-related epidemiological tion or between developing and developed countries. Within- and statistical information available from the WHO, country and subpopulation comparisons are becoming more including information from WHO technical programs common as health care professionals in the developing world Global Health Council become more aware of and more concerned about the perfor- mance of health care systems and issues of equity in relation www.globalhealth.org to gender, socioeconomic status, ethnicity and geography. Useful updates and excellent links to other resources In summary, it is reasonable to question the accuracy of United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) global health indicators reported from developing countries. www.unicef.org However, intermediate technologies applied by developing Descriptions of international initiatives and links to countries, such as national demographic and health surveys, do UNICEF publications, including the annual State of the produce acceptable estimates of these indicators and can pro- World’s Children report vide valuable information for policy-makers, allowing them to US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, monitor equitable progress toward healthier populations. National Center for Environmental Health From the Department of Pediatrics and the Joint Department of Epidemiology, www.cdc.gov/nceh/indicators/default.htm Biostatistics and Occupational Health, McGill University, Montréal, Que. (Lar- Information on the Environmental Public Health son); and the Centre for Health and Population Research (ICDDR,B), Dhaka, Indicators Project, including an extensive list of health Bangladesh (Larson, Mercer) indicators and their definitions Competing interests: None declared. United Nations Development Programme Contributors: Charles Larson was the lead author and primarily responsible for the preparation of the manuscript and the glossary.
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