Index Actcn, John E. E. Dalberg, Lord, 178 Bertie, Peregrine, 136 Agretti, apostolic minister in Flanders, Birrell, Augustine, 144 111,115 Bismarck, Otto von, 171 Alberdingk Thijm, J. A., 195 Blackett, Sir Walter, 136 Alva, Fernando Alvarez de Toledo, Blake, Robert, 167, 169, 171, 181 Duke of, 24-5, 31, 37, +0-1, Blaskowitz, General J. von, 78 46-8,89, 103, 105 Blundell, Nicholas, 109 Amery, L. S., 161-2 Bockenberg, P. C., 88, 90 Anderson, Olive, 143 Boleyn, Anne, 68 Arlington, Sir Henry Bennet, I st Earl of, Bolingbroke, Henry St. John, Viscoun 108, 117 127 Arminius, J., 86 Bor, Pieter, 42 Armstrong, Sir Thomas, 118 Bosboom-Toussaint, A. L. G., 193-4 Arnoldsson, Sverker, 36 Bouverie, William, 136 Aubigny, abbe d', 108, 110 Bowes, George, 125 Aurelius, Cornelius, 81-3, 85, 88 Bowring, Sir John, 145 Aylmer, John, 67-8, 76 Brandt, Geeraert, 42, 99 Brickdale, Matthew, 137 Baeto, 84, 90-1 Brinio, 89, 96 Bagehot, Walter, 166 Brooke, John, 123 Balfour,A.J., 1st Earl of, 176, 180-1 Bry, Theodore de, 53 Balmes, Jacques, 196 Bunyan, John, 106 Baltimore, Charles Calvert, 5th Baron, Burghley, William Cecil, 1st Lord, 62, 76 123 Burke, Edmund, 14, 123, 133, 137-8 Bamford, Samuel, 148 Burnet, Gilbert, 110 Barrow, William (alias Harcourt, S. J.), Bute, John Stuart, 3rd Earl of, 127, 131, 106 136 Baudius, D., 88 Butler, John, 128 Bayle, Pierre, 3 Butler, R. A., 182 Bebel, August, 165 Byron, Lord, 138 Bedloe, William, 108 Beets, Nicolaas, 204 Caesar, 79 Bellings, Sir Richard, 110 Calvin, J., 67 Bergson, Henri, 10 Capellen tot den Poll, J. D. van der, 34 Berkeley, Norborne, 138 Carlos, Don, 40 Bernhard, Prince of the Netherlands, 78 Carlyle, Thomas, 11, 148, 151, 153-4 Bernstein, Eduard, 178 Cartwright, William, 129 208 INDEX Caryl, Peter, 109 Dashwood, Sir James, 138 Cassirer, Ernst,S, 11-2 Dawson, George, 153-4 Castiemaine, Barbara Villiers, Countess Dempster, George, 123 of, III Derby, Edward Henry Stanley, 15th Catherine of Braganza, Queen, 108 fT. Earl of, 168-9 Catherine de Medici, Queen of France, Dicey, Albert Venn, 161 66 Dilke, Sir Charles, 175 Cats, Jacob, 37, 55 Disraeli, Benjamin, 166-74, 177-8, 182 Chamberlain, Joseph, 155, 159, 175, Dorsten, Jan van, 62 179-80 Dousa,Janus, 19,20,88,90 Chamberlain, Neville, 161-2 Drake, William, 136 Chancellor, Valerie, 162 Dryden, John, 120 Charles V, Emperor, 22, 27, 38-9, 41 Dunning, John, 134 Charles I, King of England, 62, 105, 117, Dupplin, Thomas Hay, Lord, 135 151 Durkheim, Emile, 6, 9 Charles II, King of England, 102 fT., 152 Dyck, Anthony van, 62 Chester, Thomas, 138 Churchill, Lord Randolph, 166, 172, Edward I, King of England, 60 175-8, 182 Edward VI, King of England, 61, 117 Churchill, Sir Winston, 158, 161, 182 Egerton, Samuel, 127 Cicero, 87 Egmont, Lamoraal, Count of, 24, 41, 54 Clarendon, Edward Hyde, 1st Earl of, Egmont, John Perceval, 2nd Earl of, 105-6,108 126, 133 Clarke, Peter, 181 Elizabeth I, Queen of England, 15,58 If., Claudius Civilis, 79,83-4,86-9,94-7, 103, 105, 117 99-101 Elliot, Ebenezer, 145, 151 ClifTord, Thomas, 1st Lord, 107, 109 Engels, Friedrich, 165, 178 Cluverius, Philippus, 91 Erasmus, 80 Cobbett, William, 149 Essen, L. van der, 57 Cobden, Richard, 143 Coen, J. P., 89 Fawcett, Henry, 174 Colebrooke, James, 125 Ferdinand, King of Spain, 44 Colebrooke, Robert, 125 Fisher, John Arbuthnot, 1st Baron, 160 Coleman, Edward, III Fleming, Sir William, 129 Comte, Auguste, 5 Flinck, Govert, 96, 99-100 Cooper, Thomas, 150-1, 154 Foley, Andrew, 125 Cotton, Sir John Hynde, 3rd Bart., 123 Foley, Thomas, 1st Baron, 125 Cotton, Sir John Hynde, 4th Bart., 127 Foley, Thomas, 2nd Baron, 125 Courtney, Leonard Henry, 1st Baron, Fontenelle, Bernard Le Bovier de, 3 159 Fox, Henry, 130, 147 Coventry, Thomas, 136 Foxe, John, 68, 70-2, 74,106 Cowen, Joseph, lSI, 153 Frazer, Sir James George, 5 Cowling, Maurice, 167-9 Frederick, Prince of Wales, 126-7 Crabbe, George, 145 Frederick Henry, Stadholder, 99 Cromwell, Oliver, 16-8, 105, 118, 141 fT. Freud, Sigmund, 14 Cromwell, Thomas, 60-1, 143 Fruin, Robert, 57 Cross, Richard Assheton, 1st Viscount, 173-4, 176 Garden, Alexander, 123 Dalston, Sir George, 129 Gardiner, S. R., 119 Danby, Thomas Osborne, 1st Earl of, Garibaldi, Giuseppe, 156 III Gascoigne, Sir Thomas, 115 INDEX 209 Gaskell, E. C., 143 Hodgkinson, Grosvenor, 168-9 Geldenhauer, Gerardus, 81, 84, 88 Hofstede de Groot, P., 188, 192, 197 Gelder, H. A. Enno van, 57 Holbein, Hans, 62 George II, King of England, 124 Hooft, P. C., 42, 47, 51-2, 90, 94, 99 George III, King of England, 16, 126-7, Hoogstraten, Anthony of Lalaing, 146-7 Count of, 24 George V, King of England, 158 Hoorne, Philip of Montmorency, Count Geyl, Pieter, 33, 189 of, 24, 54 Gheeraerts, Marc, 63 Houblon, Jacob, 124 Gladstone, William Ewart, 153, 168-72, Howard, Philip Thomas, 108 176, 178-80 Howarth, Janet, 155 Gobineau, J.-A., Comte de, 11 Huddleston, John, 109 Godfrey, Sir Edward Berry, 104, 108, Huizinga, Johan, 20 112 Hume, David, 3 Gordon, Charles George, 178 Hunt, Henry (Orator), 148 Gorst, Sir John Eldon, 171-2, 176 Hurst, Michael, 152 Gower, John Leveson-Gower. 1st Earl, Hutten, Ulrich von, 86 128 Huygens, Constantine, 37 Grafton, Augustus Henry Fitzroy, 3rd Hyndman, H. M., 175 Duke of, 132 Graham, George, 123 Ingleby, Charles, 116 Granvelle, Antoine Perrenot de, 28, 38 Isabella, Queen of Spain, 44 Grenville, George, 131-2 Isham, Sir Edmund, 129 Grey, Thomas de, 129 GrindaJ, Edmund, 73-4 James I, King of England, 62, 117 Groen van Prinsterer, G., 189, 198, James II, King of England, 16, 110-1, 200-1, 204 113, 117-8 Grosvenor, Sir Robert, 136 Jenkins, Marianne, 62-3 Grosvenor, Sir Thomas, 136, 138 Jenkinson, Charles, 1st Earl of Liver- Grotius, Hugo, 47,51,86,92-4 pool, 122 Johannes it Leydis, 82-3, 85 Haller, William, 72 lohnson, Samuel, 120, 133 Hampden, John, 148-9 lones, J. R., 137 Hardwicke, Philip Yorke, 1st Earl of, lordaens, Jacob, 96 127 Juan, Don, 31 Harley, Thomas, 136 Jung, Carl, 14 Harrison, R., 167-8 Junius, Hadrianus, 88, 90 Heda, Wilhelmus, 83, 88 Hegel, G. W. F., II Kenyon, 1. P., 102, 105, 115 Heinsius, Daniel, 88 Keppel, August, Viscount, 134 Henri IV, King of France, 113 Ketteler, W. E. von, 187,202 Henrietta Maria, Queen of England, 105, King, John, 72 108 Knightley, Valentine, 124 Henry II, King of England, 60 Knox,lohn, 66-7, 71 Henry VIII, King of England, 60-1, 63, Kruger, Paul, 159 69, 117 Kuyper, Abraham, 190 Herder, J. G., 2 Hierges, Gilles de Barlaymont, Lord of, Langhorne, Richard, 102-3 48 Las Casas, Bartolome de, 51-3 Hilliard, Nicholas, 63 Laud, William, 105 Hitler, Adolf, 61, 142 LaveJeye, Emile de, 197 210 INDEX Leicester, Robert Dudley, Earl of, 76 Moulin, Pierre du, 107 Lemon, Sir William, 139 Muller, F. Max, 5 Lennep, Jacob van, 193 Mundella, A. J., 174 Levi-Strauss, Claude, 14 Levy-Bruhl, Lucien,S Namier, Sir Lewis, 122 Lievens, Jan, 96 Napoleon I, 180 Lipsius, Justus, 88 Napoleon III, 171 Lloyd George, David, 159, 162, 181 Newcastle, Thomas Pelham-Holies, 1st Louis XIV, King of France, 17, 76 Duke of, 125--{i, 128, 131, 135 Lowe, Robert, 1st Viscount Sherbrooke, Nietzsche, Friedrich, 8 165,168,179 Nkrumah, Kwame, 141 Lowther, Sir James, 1st Earl of Lons­ Noircarmes, Philip of Ste Aldegonde, dale, 129 Lord of, 48, 52 Luttrell, Narcissus, 115 North, Lord Frederick, 132, 134 Northcote, Sir Stafford Henry, 1st Earl ofIddesleigh, 173, 175-7, 178 Macaulay, Thomas Babington, 16 Nuyens, W. J. F., 195, 197,201 Machiavelli, Niccolo, 11,87 Macmillan, Harold, 182 Magee, Bryan, 105 Oastler, Richard, 166, 171 Maginn (or Magee), Patrick, 109 Oates, Titus, 103-4, 109-11, 113-5 Malinowski, B., 6-7 O'Connolly, 118 Mansfelt, Peter-Ernest, Count of, 48 O'Connor, Feargus, 150 Marnix of Ste Aldegonde, Philip of, 19, Oldenbarnevelt, Johan van, 55, 157 41,44--{i Onslow, Arthur, 129 Marvell, Andrew, 113 Osborne, Lord Sidney Godolphin, 162 Marx, Karl, 8-9, 165 Ovens, Jurriaen, 96 Mary of Hungary, Governess of the Owen, John, 122, 130 Netherlands, 25 Mary of Lorraine, Queen Regent of Palgrave, Sir Reginald, 156-7 Scotland,66 Pape, C. W., 192-3,205 Mary Stuart, Queen of England, 102-3, Parma, Duke of, 27 111 Parnell, Charles Stewart, 179 Mary Stuart, Queen of Scotland, 65, 74 Paul IV, Pope, 36 Mary Tudor, Queen of England, 61-2, Pelham, Thomas, 1st Earl of Chichester, 65-7,71,74,103,105,117 125 Matthias, Archduke, 26, 31 Pepys, Samuel, 108-9 Maurice, Stadholder, 89 Petit, J.-F. Ie, 42 Maxse, Leo, 160 Petrarch, 80 Melbourne, William Lamb, 2nd Vis- Philip II, King of Spain, 22, 24, 32, 36-9, count, 149 41-4,48,53,56,75,86 Melville, Sir James, 65 Pickering, Thomas, 109 Meteren, Emanuel van, 42 Pitt, William, 1st Earl of Chatham, Miall, Edward, 144, 151 120-1, 126, 128, 130-2, 147 Michelet, Jules, 76, 188,202 Pius IX, Pope, 201 Milner, Alfred, Viscount, 161 Plimsoll, Samuel, 173 Molesworth, John, 139 Pliny, 79 Moody, J. N., 201 Popham, Edward, 126 Mordaunt, Sir Charles, 127 Portsmouth, Duchess of, 111 Mordaunt, Sir John, 127 Praed, Humphrey Mackworth, 139 More, Sir Thomas, 60 Prance, Matthew, 108, 112 Motley, J. L., 57 Priestley, Joseph, 147 INDEX 211 Proby,John,lstBaronCanysfort, 128 Smith, Paul, 172 Pulteney, William, Earl of Bath, 120 Smith, Sir Thomas, 69-70, 72 Pye, Henry, 138 Smith, W. H., 176 Pym, John, 148 Snoyus, Renerus, 83, 88 Sorel, Georges, 8-11 Sorocold, William, 115 Raabe, A.
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