NEW BOOKS NOVEMBER 2019 Sl.No. Barcode Call Number Author Title Reconstruction of vedanta in R PSV 181.48 vadanta sutras of Sree 1 TH0526 AMA/R Amal C Rajan Narayana Guru/ Navem dasak ki kahaniyom R PHI 891.430 107 mein manaveeya sambandh ( 2 TH0525 GAY/N Gayathri K mahila lekhan ka sandarbh)/ 3 97999 271.73 JUS/S Justin Panakal Song of love/ Revelation and reason in 4 97998 181.482 SAT/R Satchidananda Murty advaita vedanta/ 5 97997 294.392 7 HUB/S Hubert Benoit The supreme doctrine/ The naiskarmyasiddhi of 6 97996 181.4 JOH/N John Grimes Suresvara : 7 97995 294.551 3 TAY/P Psalms of saiva saint/ Suresvara's vartika on 8 97994 S 294.592 18 SUR/S Suresvara purusavidha brahmana/ Religion and national 9 97993 201.7 XAV/R integration/ Suresvara's vartika on madhu 10 97992 S 294.5921 SUR/S Suresvara brahmana/ 11 97991 306.095 4 NIR/S Nirmal Kumar The stream of Indian culture/ Suresvara's vartika on Asva and 12 97990 S 294.592 1 SUR/S Suresvara Asvamedha Brahmana/ 13 97989 271.971 BEN/R Benedict Pulickattil Religious poverty a liberation/ Debiprasad 14 97988 211.809 54 DEB/I Chattopadhyaya Indian atheism: The Mandukya upanisad and 15 97987 294.592 18 THO/M Thomas E Wood the agama sastra: Extracting the essence of the 16 97986 S 294.592 18 MIC/E Michael Comans sruti: Anandatirtabhagavadpat 17 97985 S 181.484 1 ANA/V acharya Visnutattvavinirnaya/ 18 97984 294.592 1 SAT/V Satchidananda Murty K Vedic hermeneutics/ 19 97983 181.41 VIN/C Vincent Gabriel Furtado Classical samkhya ethics: Debiprasad 20 97982 146.309 34 DEB/L Chathopadhyaya Lokayata : 21 97981 294.5 NIR/H Nirad C Chaudhuri Hinduism: 22 97980 294.592 18 WIL/O William A Borman The other side of death : 294.535 095 483 23 97979 GOU/T Gouri Lakshmi Bayi Thulasi garland/ The structure and meaning of badarayanas brahmasutra: a translation and analysis of 24 97978 294.5921 GEO/S George C Adams adhyaya-1 25 97977 181.4 SAT/P Satchidananda Murty K Philosophy in India: 26 97976 181.48 PAU/S Paul Deussen System of the vedanta/ 27 97975 181.482 MUD/A Mudgal S G Advaita of Sankara: 28 97974 294.592 18 MUN/A Muni Narayana Prasad Aitareya upanishad/ 29 97973 181.482 SAT/M Satprakashananda Methods of knowledge: 30 97972 181.482 LAK/A Laksmidhara Kavi Advaita makaranda/ 31 97971 181.044 GOP/J Gopalan S Jainism as meta philosophy/ The brhadaranyaka upanisad expounded from sri 32 97970 294.592 18 BNK/B B N K Sharma Madhvacarya's perspective/ 33 97969 126 APS/M A P Sharma The meaning to know thyself/ 34 97968 181.482 CHA/A Chandra Bhan Gupta Advaita rahasya/ 35 97967 294.592 18 NAR/T The Taittiriya Upanisad: 36 97966 294.556 3 VAB/A Vable D The arya samaj: 37 97965 181.482 07 BIN/P Bina Gupta Perceiving in Advaita Vedanta : The vedic experience 38 97964 294.592 1 RAI/V Raimundo Panicker (ed.) Mantramanjari : 39 97963 330 KAU/A Kautilya The arthashastra/ 40 97962 181.482 GAN/E Gangolli D B The essential adi shankara/ 294.592 404 6 The bhagavadgita bhasya of 41 97961 MAD/B Madhvacarya Madhvacarya/ 42 97960 294.543 BHA/L Bhaskar Rai Lalithasahasranama/ Role of reason in Sankara 43 97959 181.482 SAT/R Satya Pal Varma vedanta/ The structure of Indian 44 97958 181.4 RAM/S Ramakant A Sinari thought/ 45 97957 128.2 RAJ/C Consciousness/ 46 97956 294.592 1 JOH/I John M Koller The Indian way/ Vivekananda centenary 47 97955 181.482 HEM/V Hemanta Kumar Ganguli lectures 1975: The system of vedatic thought 48 97954 181.48 MAH/S Mahendranath Sircar and culture/ Jaya Chamarajendra 49 97953 181.482 JAY/D Wadiyar Dattatreya: 50 97952 780.954 RAV/H The Hindu speaks on music/ 51 97951 204.36 DAR/S Darrel Irving Serpent of fire: Quester by the River and other 52 97950 821 ANN/Q Anniyil Tharakan Poems/ 53 97949 155.937 BEV/A Beverley Raphael The Anatomy of Bereavement: Insights into Inwards 54 97948 128.2 SRI/I Srinivasan G Consciousness/ 55 97947 181.482 IVA/L Ivan Kocmarek Language and release: Presuppositions of India's 56 97946 181.4 KAR/P Karl H Potter philosophies/ 57 97945 891.440 92 KRI/T Krishna Kripalani Tagore: Early advaita vedanta and 58 97944 181.043 RIC/E Richard King buddhism: 305.235 509 54 59 97943 THO/S Serving youth today/ 60 97942 150.192 ERN/I Ernesto Spinelli The interpreted world: 61 97941 126 MIK/R Mikhailov F T The riddle of the self/ Consciousness as Ultimate 62 97940 126 SAN/C Santokh Singh Principle/ 63 97939 153.15 SUN/L Learning About Consciousness/ 64 97938 KRI 181.4 SUN/N Nature of Dialogue/ Indian Philosophy (problems 65 97937 181.4 RNS/I R N Sharma and theories)/ 66 97936 143 HEN/D Henri Bergson Duration and Simultaneity: 67 97935 210 ARV/P Arvind Sharma The Philosophy of Religion: 68 97934 142.78 ART/S Arthur C Danto Sartre/ 69 97933 294.5 SAV/W Savitri Devi A warning to the hindus/ 70 97932 294.548 699 SHI/H Shivamurthy Shivacharya Hindu visions of global peace/ 71 97931 230 ALA/B Alan Watts Beyond Theology: 72 97930 294.561 SAD Sadguru Gnanananda: The rubaiyat of Omar 73 97929 821 OMA/R Omar Khayyam Khayyam/ Beth Watts | Suzanne 74 97928 361.61 BET/W Fitzpatrick Welfare Conditionality/ Transnational social work and 75 97927 361 BEA/T social welfare: The social work and sexual 76 97926 R 362.883 53 MIR/S trauma casebook: Margaret Alston | Tricia Hazeleger | Desley 77 97925 363.345 32 MAR/S Hargreaves Social work and disasters/ Social policies and public 78 97924 361.61 LAV/S Lavinia Bifulco action/ Social and labour market 79 97923 306 BEN/S Benet Greve policy/ Paradoxes in social work 80 97922 361.320 1 MER/P Merlinda Weinberg practice: Negotiating a good death 81 97921 R 179.7 ROB/N Robert Pool euthanasia in the Netherlands/ 82 97920 R 616.89 JAC/L Jacqueline Corcoran Living with mental disorder: 305.569 089 96 Liberal child welfare policy and 83 97919 JAM/L James G Dwyer its destruction of black lives/ 84 97918 306.760 835 ADA/L Adam McCormick LGBTQ youth in foster care: International reflections on approaches to mental health 85 97917 362.204 25 MAL/I social work/ Human Service in the network 86 97916 R 361.32 NEI/H society/ Governance, development, and 87 97915 R 361 RAM/G social work/ 88 97914 R 361.003 NOE/D Noel | Rita Timms Dictionary of social welfare/ Critical and creative research 89 97913 361.007 2 LIA/C methodologies in social work/ Contemporary feminisms in 90 97912 R 306.36 SAR/C social work practice/ Chronic illness, vulnerability 91 97911 616.047 LIZ/C Liz Price | Liz Walker and social work: Melba Cuddy-Keane | R 820.911 203 Adam Hammond | 92 97910 MEL/M Alexandra Peat Modernism: 93 97909 362.28 KAT/G Katrina Jaworski The Gender of Suicide: 94 97908 R 306.74 JIL/S Jill McCracken Street Sex Workers Discourse: Sex, Family and the Culture 95 97907 R 306.801 MAR/S Mark J Cherry Wars/ Queer methods and 96 97906 R 306.760 1 KAT/Q methodologies: Kimberly L Oliver | David Girls, Gender and Physical 97 97905 796.083 42 KIM/G Kirk Education: R 304.809 41 98 97904 LOU/G Gendering Migration: Gender, Shame and Sexual 99 97903 341.69 SAR/G Sara Sharratt Violence: R 306.483 081 100 97902 SUS/G Gender, media, sport/ 792.095 479 Gender, culture and 101 97901 MEE/G Meera Kosambi performance : Gender and economics in 102 97900 305.486 97 EBR/G muslim communities: 103 97899 230 ANG/D Angie Pears Doing Contextual Theology/ R 305.906 912 Dangerous others, insecure 104 97898 MIC/D societies: Cross-cultural women scholars 105 97897 R 378.008 2 LOR/C in Academe: 106 97896 070.44 ELL/C Ellie Levenson Creativity and feature writing: 107 97895 M 954.83 GOV/K.2 Govinda Pillai P Kerala Navodhanam (vol.2): 108 97894 M 954.83 GOV/K.3 Govindapillai P Kerala Navodhanam (vol.3): 109 97893 M 954.83 GOV/K.1 Govindapillai P Kerala Navodhanam (vol.1): Mayatha Smaranakal Mangatha 110 97892 M803 BAL/M Balan Payyappilly Mughangal/ 111 97891 M3 ABO/M Aboobakkar C P Murivettavarude Yathrakal/ Aasanum Malayala 112 97890 M07 EMS/A E M S Namboodiripad Sahithyavum/ Ajnana Desangalude 113 97889 M300 7 SAN/A Santhosh Kumar N Aakhyanangal: 114 97888 M1 JAY/K Jayanan Karinthanal/ 115 97887 M 954.83 RAJ/K Rajeev K T Kalam sakshi/ 116 97886 M1 KOC/K Kochuthresya C O Karnacharitham/ 117 97885 M3 (FTr.) ETH/K Ethel Lilian Voynich Kattukadannal/ Kalayum Rashtreeyavum 118 97884 M100 7 NAR/K Narayanan M M Kavithayil/ 119 97883 M 791.43 PRE/J Preejith Raj Jeevithathinte Celluloid/ 120 97882 M301 AMA Amarshathinte Kadhakal: 121 97880 M803 BIN/K Kalalaya Smaranakal/ 122 97879 M1 SEE/K Seethadevi Kariyattu Kalam Petta Kannukal/ 123 97878 M 270.092 ALO/E Aloysius D Fernandez Ente katha ente jeevan/ 124 97877 M3 (ITr.) BIM/C Bimal Mitra Charithrathil Illathavar/ 125 97876 M 954 KAR/I Karl Marx Indiayekurichu/ 126 97875 M3 VIN/K Vincent Dicruse Kalavum Kaalavum/ Anubhoothikalude 127 97874 M4 SUN/A charitrajeevitham/ Bibhoothi Bhooshan 128 97873 M3 (ITr.) BIB/A Bandopadhyaya Adarshahindu Hotel/ M GAN 181.4 129 97872 EMS/G E M S Gandhiyum Gandhisavum/ M 954.830 092 130 97871 EMS/E E M S E M S Aathmakatha/ 131 97870 M3 RAG/C Raghavan M Chithariya Chitrangal/ Mandrikakkoodarathile 132 97869 M803 JES/M Jessy Narayanan Ormakal/ Ramankutty Menon 133 97868 M3 RAM/P Kizhakkeppattu Parangodee Parinayam/ Phulmoni Ennum Koruna Katherrine Hanna Ennum Peraya Randu 134 97867 M3 (ITr.) KAT/P Mullans Sthreekalude Kadha/ 135 97866 M301 LAL/E Lal S R Ernakulam South Stories/ M 305.568 809 2 136 97865 AZE/P P K Kalan: Vanneriyude 137 97863 M4 SHO/V Shoukkathalikhan Vazhiyadayalangal/ M 303.484 092 Vaikundaswamiyum Samoohika 138 97862 JOY/V Joy Balan Vlathankara Navodhanavum/ 139 97861 M1 JAY/V Jayanan Vayaljeevi/ Tarunyathintye 140 97860 M301 07 SRE/T Sreejith Perumthachan Kadhantarangal/ Sudarshana (Bharathiya 141 97859 M 510.954 SUV/S
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