ATHLETICS Progressive Education By H. Z. MUSSELMAN, (Continued from Page 3) Director of Physical Education institution that proposes to maintain decent standards of a third of the basketball season past, Cal- professional work. When the war is over, the Institute, wtech's ITH record shows two wins and three losses. in all probability, can continue to select from applicants After opening the season with an 84-36 victory over for admission a full freshman class of adequately pre- Vultee, the team dropped close contests to U.S.C. 46-39 pared students. But it can do so only by a drastic and Santa Ana Army Air Base 55-52. Bouncing back in process of selection; and unless what seems to be a the win column, the Engineers defeated Camp Ross pretty general trend in high school education is reversed, 47-43, but were on the short end of the return match a larger and larger number of high school graduates with Camp Ross 58-51. who are potentially good engineering and scientific mate- Coach Shy still has to arrive at a regular starting rial will be automatically excluded from consideration. lineup. Co-Captains Hugh West forward and Paul Nieto The four-year professional courses are continually pard, together with center Bernie Wagner, have started working with the problem of not enough time for all all games. Stuart Bates and John Schimenz have been that should he done. Surely the solution is not to dilute alternating at the other forward spot, with Dennis Ahern and superficialize the work of the high schools. Readers and Jerry Schneider battling for the guard spot. of Engineering and Science may well give serious thought The team is playing a fast and aggressive type of ball, to this whole problem. As citizens and taxpayers they and has scored an average of 55 points per game. Hugh have a legitimate concern with whether the public schools West has led the scoring in all games and has an average are giving them their money's worth. If they have chil- of 18 points per game. However, lack of height has dren, they have a more immediate concern; and if they proved the real weakness of the team, and has been a have any doubts about the adequacy of the grade and real handicap, for the ability of lengthy opponents in high school education that their sons and daughters are controlling the ball off both backboards has been a con- receiving, then let them do something about it. tributing factor in all the defeats. Coach Dr. Hane's cross country runners placed well ALUMNI DINNER DANCE in all meets. Victories were registered against Compton J.C. 27-28 and 26-29, U.C.L.A. 18-42 and Oxy 25-32 The Annual Alumni Dinner Dance will be held Feb- while Redlands led by Roland Sink, a V-12 trainee and ruary 10 at the Oakmont Country Club in Glendale. Bob the former U.S.C. distance runner, trounced the Beavers Mohr's orchestra will provide the music and the party 25-30 and 24-31. George Gill, Tech ace, placed first in will be informal. Dinner will be served at 8:00 P.M. all meets except those against Redlands. A four way Dancing will be from 9:00 P.M. to 12:30 A.M. Tariff meet at U.C.L.A. found Redlands again victorious with for dinner and dancing will be $6.00 per couple; for 31 points, Caltech second with 40, while Oxy and dancing only, $2.40 per couple. Reservations should be U.C.L.A. tied for third with 72 points apiece. made immediately through the Alumni office. PERSONALS 1927 having arrived there the middle of Sep- CAPTAIN FRANK S. HALE is "some- tember after 45 days of travel. Mr. Schoel- 1921 where in Belgium" doing photo interpre- ler is doing engineering in non-processing tation which keeps him well informed on construction such as the pier, salt water ALLIN CATLIN is a lead engineer in intake, roads, pipe lines, etc. the North Hollywood district of the South- our part in this campaign and as he says, ern California Telephone Company. "makes him prouder than ever to be an ERIC J. MILES is now with Mellon American." Securities, Pittsburgh, Pa., as assistant to 1922 1928 the vice-president in charge of investment counsel. K. A. LEARNED is a district engineer HUGH HOSSACK is a lead engineer at in the Alhambra area of the Southern Cali- the Van Nuys office of the Southern Cali- 1934 fornia Telephone Company. fornia Telephone Company. ROBERT SCHRECK is district engineer 1923 1929 for the Orange County district of the Southern California Telephone Company. DONALD SCOTT is at the Johnson LIEUTENANT (j.g.) HAROLD COR- Foundation of the University of Pennsyl- BIN is on a destroyer in the South Pacific vania at Philadelphia, Pa. engaged in anti-submarine warfare. 1925 RAYMOND KIRCHER has joined the ROBERT P. JONES, U.S.N.R., was re- vacuum tube development department of cently promoted to full Lieutenant. In M. E. SALSBURY has been made presi- the Bell Laboratories. September he became father to a second dent of the Los Angeles Section American son. Society of Civil Engineers at a recent 1930 PERRY POLENTZ is connected with meeting. C. W. Sopp, '17, was elected a CAPTAIN LAWRENCE NYE, U.S.A., vice-president and Arthur Pickett, 24, McKinney and Co., management consult- sent greetings on Christmas Day from his ants, San Francisco, Calif. secretary. station in Australia to his family in Los MAJOR J. J. DEVOE, Signal Training Angeles. JAMES N. SMITH, engaged on a war Battalion at Camp Crowder, was in south- research nroject for Columbia University, ern California on business for the govern- 1931 bas returned to southern California and ment. DR. CHARLES KIRCHER is the father is now working for Caltech on a war re- GLENN M. SCHLEGEL is now with of a new daughter, Josephine McCullom, search project. Union Iron and Steel Company in Los born in October. Dr. Kircher is associated with the Du Pont Company. DR. JESSE .E. HOBSON has taken over Angeles as assistant manager in charge of the position of director of the Armour Re- operations. search Foundation in Chicago. He was 1926 1932 E. C. KEACHIE is a Captain in the formerly head of the electrical engineering HERBERT V. INGERSOLL, a prisoner Engineers Corps, U.S.A., with headquarters department at Illinois Tech, during which of the Japanese, has sent his wife a mes- in San Francisco. time he also was director of the Army sage, through an intercepted propaganda Signal Corps training program. Dr. Hob- broadcast from Japan, stating he is in THOMAS F. ANDERSON is working son was responsible for the opening of two good health, uninjured and is receiving with viruses and the electron microscope new college graduate training programs at letters and personal boxes. at the Johnson Foundation, University of Commonwealth Edison and Allis-Chalmers ERNST MAAG in December was made Pennsylvania. in which industrial employees work toward vice-president of the Structural Engineers PHILIP SCHOELLER is associated with advanced college degrees in their own Association of Southern California. American Arabian Oil Co., Saudi Arabia, plants. Page 18 ENGINEERING AND SCIENCE MONTHLY 1936 \\ 41 FRED L. SW4hSON liab tlie it -ponaIiie position of at-i-i~t~iitthief of ~pcrations with the grade of senioi chi1 engineer in the Sairdinento di~tiiriolfire of the L. S. Engineers. The dihtuct in- t 11idc;- i entidl and northeastern California, The KINNEY GROUP northern he\a~Ja.Litah, western Colorado, inci ~iitliea~ternW~OIIIIIIE. R45 MOIND BOOTHE. L.S N.R.. ha< 1800 Men serving their old littii iiude lull Iieutenaiit. Iettf,ib IIDIII luni air V-maileil froin 4ustulia. customers - weIcoming new k1UM BRIhK, JR., is at the Johi~son I~tt~~ndaiiiw,Liiiieisi~~ of Pi ~in~~li.IIT~J. Phllalj<-lilllld, Pa. 1937 H) IiOKKE">s secietary of the Loi- 4iigelis Uiaptti of the Institute of \I~IO 1i.iiit1ca1 Sciem c. WENDEI 1, 13. MILLER is outsulc plaiit t~npiietrfor the Alliai~~br~ilistiirt of tht N~~~thein( alifon'ua Telei hone Cu. 1938 l)H JOHh ( IJLI,Y foi nt-lily thirt kt di a has been iloing resedi (11 in 11i~l1 ilf~fiide lif~~biology.oxygen s-upph~;-.etc. under the committee on ailation IIII~~IL~II~' it the coinniitte of ineihcal ieseairh. of the Olhw of S1 ieiitifie Heseal I Ji and Den lop Meehanite Metal and Grey "A superbly equipped foun- neni dt the Unneiaty of Penni-yliania Iron Castings-1 ounce to 30 Dr. hilly lid;- earned on thii- hoik .is d dry," says one of our cus- tons. One of the largest and tomers. Alum in u m Alloy, fellow in Iiiophybicfc. most modein foundries on DR. JAMES WATSON, formerly en Magnesium and Permanent the Pacific Coast. Meehanite Mold castings; quality con- gaged in resedii-h dl the Johnson Frund.~ castings are made in the fol- tion. 1~1lh~lsitjof Peiiiis-~IIJIIIJni~~Ii(.il lowing processes - General trolled in our own X-Ray, xliool, has now complf teri his ii~tciin"-lii~i Engineering Meehanite (in- Chemical and Physical Lab- .i~the Mabbathubetts Geneial Hospital in cluding pressure resisting), oratories; heat treated by the Boston. Chemical Resisting Meehan- most modern furnaces. Our STAM.E\ T. WOLFBERG is tlit Iatlie~ ite, Wear Resisting Meehan- own shop for manufacturing of lor1 Alari, born No\eniber 4. 1944. ite, and Heat Resisting permanent molds assures de- HERBERT ELLIS was prt~senteilwit11 Meehanite liveries according to schedule.
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