; | rn Extraordinary Fe leration of Niigeria - mcial Gazette. No. 20 | LAGOS- 29th March, 1963 | Vol. 50 CONTENT 5 i Page Applications for Registration of Trade Marks . owe . oe +e -» . 475-519 Registrations Renewed . : 520-1 Subsequent Proprietors Registered .. .. .e Leas ce aes -. 4521 Registration Restored and Renewed ..-— .. Lee ae . -- . we lee a -» 521 Trade Marks Removed from the Register through non-payment of Renewal Fees .. os -. 522 Unpaid Renewal Fees. 0-2. ee ee eee 522.3 Cancellation on Application of the Proprietors ele a -- oe os - -- 523 Alteration of Registered Trade Marks . 2. oe we . a -. 523 Applications amended after advertisement .. we . ae .. oa. a Le oa. (524 | Application withdrawn after advertisement te ae ee we oe ae Ne .. 524 Government Notice No. 645 Teiis hereby notified that the following Government Bills havebeen published in Official Gazette No. 19 of 28th March, 1963. Bill entitled Lagos Health Service Act, 1963. Biltentitled. Defamation (Amendment) Act, 1963. - ‘ (473) " 29th March, 1963 OFFICIAL GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY 478 Government Notice No. 646 DEKOPAN, Trade Marks Act (Chapter 199) _ Trapg Marxs Notice No.1 ‘APPLICATIONS FOR REGISTRATION OF 13090—Unexposed films (cinematdégraphic-ama- miniature-films) with different “| . "TRADE MARKS teur-and _ Sensitiveness-grades. YEB FOTOCHEMISCHE | Pursuant to section 17 of the Trade Marks Act WERKE BERLIN, German Democratic Re-: notice is hereby given that applications have been public, Berlin-Kopenick, Friedrichshagener " reeeived for registration of the following Trade Strasse 9. Manufacturers and Traders, Marks. .. Any person who has grounds of opposition to the registration of any of the marks advertised 18th April, 1963. herein may within three months from the date hereof give notice to the Registrar of such opposition. Such riotice must be in writing and in duplicate’ SUPERVIDOX, and set out groundsofopposition. | _ Crass 1 13091—Medical roentgen. films, unexposed. vER FOTOCHEMISCHE WERKE BERLIN, German Democratic Republic, Berlin-Kopenick, -NEOVIDOX, Friedrichshagener Strasse 9. Manufac- turers and Traders. SETEIRSY He 18th April, 1962. Crete 13086—Medical roentgen films, unexposed, veg . FOTOCHEMISCHE | WERKE BERLIN, German i. Democratic Republic, Berlin-Kopenick, Friedrichshagener Strasse 9. Manufac- * turers and Traders. i 18th April, 1962, 13092—-Exposed and unexposed films and plates, . chemical products for photographic use. - VEB FOTOCHEMISCHE WERKE BERLIN, German _DIASINEX, Democratic ; Republic, Berlin-Kopenick, Friedrichshafener Strasse 9. Manufac- turers and Traders. 1962. 13087—Roentgen filmswithout sheet cellulose, un- 18th April, exposed. VEB FOTOCHEMISCHE WERKE BER- LIN, German Democratic Republic, Berlin- Kopenick, Friedrichshagener Strasse 9. ‘Manufacturers and Traders. , 18th April, 1962. -DIAVIDOX, 13018—All goods included in the class. UNION 13088—-Medical roentgen films, unexposed. -vzB FOTOCHEMISCHE WERKE BERLIN, German CARBIDE CORPORATION (a Corporation or-_ Democratic Republic, Berlin-Kopenick, ganized and existing under the laws of the Friedrichshagener Strasse 9. Manufac- State of New York), 270 Park Avenue, facturers and T'raders. New York, State of New York, U.S.A. 18th April, 1962. 4th January, 1962. VIDAPAN, | 13089—-Unexposed films (cinematographic-ama- teur-and miniature films) with different 13093—Exposed and unexposed films and plates, sensitiveness-grades. VEB FOTOCHEMISCHE chemical products for photographic use. WERKE BERLIN, German Democratic Re-' ~ VEB FOTOCHEMISCHE WERKE BERLIN, German public, Berlin-Kopenick, Friedrichshagener Democratic Republic, Berlin-Kopenick, _. Strasse 9. Manufacturers and Traders. Friedrichshagener Strasse 9; Manufac- ’ turers and Traders. 18th April, 1962, 18th April, 1962. é é 476 “OFFICIAL GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY - No. 20, Vol. 50 _ i DOBATERX" is = .¢ 13136—-All goods included in the class. THE SHELL - (COMPANY OF NIGERIA LIMITED, a British ‘Company, St. Helen’s Court, Great St.. Helen’s, London, E.C.3; Merchants. 28th May, 1962. 13198—Adhesive substances used in industry. LBICESTER, LOVELL & COMPANY LIMITED, - an English Company, St. Christopher’s . Works, North Baddesley, Southampton, - Hampshire, England ; Manufacturers. | Heh Tune 1962, BOBANIG vo. Crass 2 13138—All goods included in the class. THE SHELL COMPANY OF NIGERIA LIMITED, 2 British Company, St. Helen’s Court, Great. St. Helen’s, London, E.C.3; Merchants.’ ' 28th May, 1962. 13139—All goods included in the class, THE SHELL» COMPANY OF NIGERIA LIMITED, a British Company, St. Helen’s Court, Great St. Helen’s, London, E.C3: Merchants. Registration of this trade mark shall give no ° , en? rightto the exclusive use of the words 28th May, 1962. “Indian Bath Soap’’.. a] - 13044—-Soaps included in the class. F..C. CALVERT ‘ : t & CO., LIMITED, Merefield Works, New Bank Street, Ryde Road, Manchester, England ; Manufacturing Chemists. 5th March, 1962. 13196—-Adhesive substances and thermo-setting and . thermoplastic mouldable materials, all for FEVO Ki N E COMPANY.industrial purposes.LIMITED, anLEICESTER;English’ Company,LOVELL & 13061—Chemical— ical +substances used for agricultural,i horticultural, veterinary and sanit yur. 7 St. Christopher’s Works, North Baddesley, ; poses. THE ’WELLCOME. FOUNDATION.out of Southampton, Hampshire, England; Ma- TED, The Wellcome Building, Euston Road, London, N.W. 1, England, 14th June, 1962. co, 2nd April, 1962. rey . NARAMYCIN 13153—Chemical substances used for agricultural, horticultural, veterinary and sanitary pur- 13197—Synthetic resin glues. LEICESTER, LOVELL & poses, ‘TANABE SEIYAKU CO., LIMITED, a COMPANY LIMITED, and English Company, Company duly organized under the laws of St. Christopher's Works, North Baddesley Japan, 21, Doshomachi, 3-Chome,.Higashi- Southampton Hampshire, England; Manu. io, Osaka, Japan ; Manufacturers and facturers. Merchants. 14th Jone, 1962. + 31st May, 1962. 4 t 4 29th March, 1963 _ OFFICIAL GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY 477 Crass 3 . ISORDIL- 12964—-A medicinal preparation for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases. AMERICAN HOME “ PRODUCTS CORPORATION (a Corporation organised and existing under the lawsof the State of Delaware, United States of America), 685, Third Avenue, New York 17, State of New York, United States of - America ; Manufacturers. 9th October, 1961. POLITETRYNE 12987—Chemical substances prepared for use in medicine and pharmacy. POLICHIMICA SAP, Milano, Ttaly,1, Piazza Agrippa. 12th September, 1962. 13163—Disinfectants™~agoxrrs,cmswice _ (OVERSEAS) LIMITED, “Darsom Lune, Hull, England ; Exporters and Merchants. 6th June, 1962. 12988—Chemical. substances prepared for use in medicine and pharmacy. POLICHIMICA SAP, BAYGON Milano, Italy, 1, Piazza Agrippa. 12th September, 1962. 13205—-Preparationsforkilling weeds and destroying vermins ; insecticides, fungicides. FARBEN~ FABRIKEN BAYER AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT, Leverkusen-Bayerwerk ; Manufacturers/ Merchants. © . 20th June, 1962. TETRAPOLICINE 12989—Chemical-substances prepared for use in medicine and pharmacy. POLICHIMICASAP, Milano, Italy, 1, Piazza Agrippa. 13209—All goods includediin the class. THE SHELL 12th September, 1962. COMPANY OF NIGERIA LIMITED, a British Company, Shell Centre, London, S.E. 1., England ; Merchents. : 26th June, 1962. IDRONEOMICIL FRESCON 12990—Chemical substances prepared for use in 13210—All goods included in.the class. THE SHELL medicine and pharmacy. POLICHIMICA SAP, Milano,Italy, 1, Piazza Agrippa. COMPANY OF NIGERIA LIMITED, a British | Company, Shell Centre, London, S.E. 1., England; Merchants. 12th September, 1962. 26th June, 1962. -MAFU NORIL 13229—Preparations for killing weeds and destroying vermin ; insecticides, fungicides. FARBEN- 12991—Chemical substances prepared for use ‘in FABRIKEN BAYER AKTIENGESELUSCHAFT, medicine and pharmacy. | POLICHIMICASAP, | Leverkusen-Bayerwerk; Manufacturers/ , Milano, Italy, 1, Piazza Agrippa. Merchants. — 20th June, 1962. 12th September, 1962. Zz” : : : yw 478 Lo OFFICIAL GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY No. 20, Vol. 50 . CORBUTONIBSA © KRONOCIN 13014Chemical substances prepared for use in medicine and pharamcy. INSTITUT BIO- 12992—Chemical substances prepared for use in .CHIMIQUE SOCIETE ANONYME, Lugano 3, medicine and pharmacy. - POLICHIMICA SAP, : (Suisse). Milano, Italy, 1, Piazza Agrippa. ‘21st December, » 1961. 12th September, 1962. , _. NEOTYPHUSAN—IBSA 2 13015—-Chemical substances prepared for use in medicine and pharmacy. INSTITUT BIO- SULF! LE CHIMIQUE SOCIETE ANONYME, Lugano 3, : - (Suisse). : 21st December, 1961. 12993—-Chemical substances prepared, for use in oo : ce medicine and pharmacy. POLICHIMICA SAP; Milano,Italy, 1, Piazza Agrippa. _ HEPABELLE + BI2-IBSA— * 12th September, 1962. The applicants disclaim the right to the ex- clusive use of the letter “B’ and the numerals “12”’, ' 13016—Chemical substances prepared for use in PO Ll BI po medicine and pharmacy. INSTITUT BIO- LL CHIMIQUE SOCIETE ANONYME, Lugano 3, 12994—-Chemical substances prepared for use in | . (Suisse). : medicine and pharmacy. POLICHIMICA SAP, ; 2ist December, 1961. Milano,Italy, 1, Piazza Agrippa. 12th September, 1962. | UROGASTRONE-—IBSA 13011—Chemical substances prepared for use in ~13017—Chemical substances prepared for use in ; medicine and pharmacy. INSTITUT BIO- . medicine and pharmacy. DR KADEPHARM- : CHIMIQUE SOCIETE ANONYME, Lugano 3, | AZEUTISCHE FABRIK G.M.B.G., Berlin SO 36, - (Suisse). Erkelenzdamm 3 (US-Sector), Germany. _ 21st December, 1961. | : 21st December, 1961. Registration of this trade mark shall ‘separately, in the ordinary
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