INDEX (Family surnames of value in genealogical research are printed in CAPITALS; names of places in italics) Abercrombie, Reverend James, Assis- Baltimore, agreement of merchants tant Rector of Christ Church (fac- of, to suspend trade with England, ing), 312 366 Adams, Charles Francis, 356 Barbados Gazette, published by Adams, Captain James, of the ship Samuel Keimer, 283-287 Elliot, 81 Barber, Edwin Atlee, 119 Adams, John, 356 Barclay, E. E., publisher, 149, 150 Adams, John Quincy, 320 Barnhart Family, query regarding, by Adams, Samuel, opposed to adoption Nat G. Barnhart. 384 of the Constitution by Massachu- Barnum, Mr. , dinner for setts, 201 Washington Celebration, Second Addison* Judge Alexander, 335 Troop, Philadelphia City Cavalry, Ainsworth, William Harrison, 134 67 Alcott, A. Bronson, 132, 136 Barrett, Gyles, 216 Alexander, Major , 168 Bartram, Alexander, potter, Philadel- ALLEN, MARY, 43 phia, 100, 112, 113; advertise- ALLEN, NATHANIEL, 43 ments of, 112; property of, 112, Allen, Sergeant Samuel, 62, 72, 73, 113 ; estate of, 1779, 113 77. 78, 178, 375, 376 BARTRAM, ALZIRA, 82 America, The, arrives, 1683, 98. 100 BARTRAM, ANN, 82 American Courier, The, 151 BARTRAM, ANNA MARIA, 82 Ames, Herman V., Franklin, The BARTRAM, CATHARINE, 82 Apostle of Modern Times, by Ber- BARTRAM, ELIZABETH, 81 nard Fay, notice of, by, 188-190 Bartram, Col. George, 74, 75 Andros, Governor Edmund, 214. 243 BARTRAM, GEORGE WASHING- Anthony, Joseph, silversmith, Phila- TON, 81, 82 delphia, 110 Bartram, George Washington, bio- Arnold, General Benedict, 195 ; with graphical note, 81, 82 forces blocked up in James River, BARTRAM, GEORGIANA MARIA, Virginia, 164 82 Arskin, Jonas, 216 BARTRAM, HENRY. 82 Articles of Confederation, 1778, BARTRAM, JOHN, 81, 82 powers and limitations of, 196, BARTRAM, MOSES, 81 198-200 BARTRAM, POCAHONTAS. 82 Ashe, Miles, 106 Bartres, , 119 Ashhurst, Sergeant R.t 375 Bayard, Andrew, 335 ASSHETCXN, ROBERT. 313 BEAKES, BEEKS, genealogical data Assbeton, Robert* buried in Christ of, wanted, by Katharine K. Church, 313 Adams, 288 Associated Regiment, 71 BEATTY, ANN, 156 ATWATER, CHARLES, 82 BEATTY, REVEREND CHARLES, ATWATER, SARAH, 82 155, 156 Aurora, 327, 328, 330, 331, 333, 337, Beatty, Reverend Charles, Chaplain 340, 341, 344. 347, 351; Thomas in French and Indian War, 155; McKean supported by for Gover- anecdote told of, by Benjamin nor, 322, 324; publishes articles Franklin, 155, 156; collects funds against appointments of Thomas for Princeton College, 156; death McKean, 325 of, 156 Avery. John, 217; William Penn to, BEATTY, LIEUTENANT CHARLES 1682, 221 CLINTON, 156 BEATTY, ELIZABETH, 159 BACHE, DEBORAH, 6 BEATTY, MAJOR ERKURIES, 156 Badger, William, 132 Beatty, Major Erkuries, 164, 171- Bagwell, William. 238 173 Baker, Lieutenant , Philadel- BEATTY, COLONEL JOHN, M.D., phia volunteers, 75 156 BAKER, ANN CATHERINE. 82 Beatty, Colonel John, 156: confined BAKER, ANNA MARIA. 82 in Myrtle Prison Ship, 156, 157 BAKER, GEORGE ADAM, 82 BEATTY, JOSEPH M., JR., 155 Baldesqui, Joseph. 120 Beatty, Joseph M., Jr., introduction BALDWIN, PHEBE, 82 to "Letters From Continental Of- Ball, William, goldsmith. Philadel- ficers to Doctor Reading Beatty, phia, 125, 128 1781-1788," 155; other contribu- Baltimore. Lord, 209, 211, 242; con- tions of, 155 test of, for possession of Delaware, BEATTY, DOCTOR READING, 155, 1683, 225 156 388 Index 389 Beatty, Doctor Reading, Letters from Boston, 360, 362; non-importation Continental Officers to, 1781-1788, agreements adopted by, 356 155-174; sketch, of, by Joseph M. Boyle, Captain , Washington Beatty, Jr., 155-159; ancestry of, Fuzileers, 75 156; military services of, 156-158; Brackenridge, Justice, 335 studies medicine under Doctor Bradford, Andrew, 267, 278 Shippen and commissioned Surgeon Bradford, William, 268; controversy in the army, 157; physician in over forged publication of almanac Bucks County, 157; romance of, of, 267, 268 with Christina Wynkoop, 157 ; Cap- BRAMER, MARGARET, 83 tain Isaac Van Home to, 1781,1782, Brand Pluck'd from the Burning, by 1784, 1788, 159, 161, 167, 168, 173, Samuel Keimer, 260 174; Doctor Robert Wharry to, Brandywine, Battle of, 194 1781, 1782, 160, 162, 163, 165 ; Bray, Dr. Thomas, Commissary, Joel Fithian to, 1782, 164; Lieu- founder of the Society for the tenant Samuel Story to, 1782, 164; Propagation of the Gospel, 312 Captain William Sproat to, 1782, (facing), 312 166; Major William Van Lear to, Brecht, see Bright 1782, 167; Lieutenant James Mc- Breintnall, Joseph, 276, 281, 282; Michael to, 1783, 169, 171, 172 The Busybody Papers by, 276 Beck, Captain Daniel, 80 Brice, Captain , 164, 165 Beck, Honorable James M., statue of Briggs, John, 220 John Marshall, presented to the City BRIGHT, ELIZABETH, 185 of Philadelphia by, address at dedi- BRIGHT, GEORGE, 185 cation, 193-208 BRIGHT, JACOB, 184 Bell, John A., publisher, 142 BRIGHT, CAPTAIN JACOB, 185 Bend, Reverend Joseph, Assistant BRIGHT, MICHAEL, 184, 185 Rector of Christ Church (facing), Bright, General Michael, 182; bio- 312 graphical note on, 184, 185 Benezet, Dr. Samuel, surgeon, 75 BRIGHT, SUSANNA, SUSAN, 184, Berford, R. G., publisher, 137, 138 185 Bibliography of the Works of George Brinckloe, John, 227, 229, 233, 238 Lippard, by Joseph Jackson, 131 Briscoll, Thomas, a founder of Christ Blddle, Nicholas, Esquire, address of, Church (facing), 308 at Fourth of July Celebration, Bristow, John, 229 1811, 178 Brockhold, Anthony, 215 Bigot, M., 52 Brotherhood of America, see Brother- Billmeyer, Michael, 305 hood of the Union Binney, Captain , Moyamen- Brotherhood of the Union, founded sing Blues, 75 by George Lippard, 133, 148; mon- Binney, Horace, 349 ; counsel for Ex- ument to George Lippard erected .ecutors of Stephen Girard, 2, 3; by, 1885, 134 credited with writing will of Brown, Charles Brockden, 140, 144 Stephen Girard, 3, 4, 24; lawyer Brunhouse, R. L., The Effect of the of Stephen Girard, 3, 4 Townshend Acts in Pennsylvania, Binns, John, 340, 349, 353 by, 355 Birch, Addam, a founder of Christ Buchanan, Dr. George, 344, 348 Church (facing), 308 BUDD, ELIZABETH, 81 Blackwell, Reverend Robert, Assistant BUDD, REBECCA. 81 Rector of Christ Church (facing), BUDD, THOMAS, 81 312 Bulkely, Sir Richard. 257 Blake, Edward, 227 Bunhill Fields. 258 Blany, Anthony, a founder of Christ BURR, Aaron, 185 Church (facing), 308 Burr, Aaron, 326 Bloore, Stephen, Samuel Keimer, A Burr, Rev. Charles Chauncey, 144 Footnote to the Life of Franklin, Burton, Robert, 238 by, 255 Bury, Edward, a founder of Christ Board of City Trusts, Philadelphia, Church (facing), 308 formed to represent Philadelphia BUSBY, 378 in Girard and other Estates, 3 Busybody Papers, 280 ; published in Bockius, Jacob, 183 the Mercury, 276—278; announce- Boileau, Nathaniel, 329, 330 ment of, 277 BOLLMAN, ELIZABETH. 50 Butland, James, glass manufacturer, BOLLMAN, ERIC B., 50 128 ; Butland & Co., 128 Bonnin, Gousse, with George An- Butler, Lieutenant E., 163 thony Morris form partnership for Bywater, Jarvis, a founder of Christ making china ware, 1769, 115 ; ad- Church (facing), 308 vertisements of, 115-117 ; business unsuccessful and partnership dis- Cabrera, Joseph, of Spanish Legation, solved, 1772, 116, 117 convicted of forgery, 348, 350 Bonnin and Morris, manufacturers of Cadwalader, Captain Thomas, 72, 73, new china ware, advertisements of, 77, 175, 176, 178, 180 115-117; partnership dissolved, Camp Dupont, 377 116, 117 ; ware of, exhibited, 118 Canby, Thomas, 102 Bonsall, Edward, 117 Cann, John, 220, 227, 229 Book Notices, 96, 188 Cantwell, Captain Edmund, 215, 217 Booth, Joseph, 233 Cape Henlopen, 214, 217 Borden, Major , 182, 183 Carlisle, 166, 170 390 Index Carpenter, Joshua, a founder of CLOPP, JOHN, JR.. 183 Christ Church (facing), 308; trus- CLOPP, JOHN, SR., 183 tee of Christ Church, 310 Clopp, John, Sr., biographical note, Carpenter, Samuel, 310 Carr, Sir Robert, 210 COATS, JOAN, 106 Carr, Major Robert, 75 COATS, JOHN, 106 Carson, Honorable Hampton Law- COATS, THOMAS, 106 rence, 4, 14 ; letter of, to Russell COATS, WILLIAM, 106 Duane, 7, 8; examines documents Coats, William, 108 to prove William John Duane the Cobbett, William, 322, 323 author of Stephen Girard's will, Cohansie, 164 8, 9 ; Obituary notice of, 85-88 Colonial Dames of America, hold ex- Cavalier, Jean, 256, 257 hibition of early American silver, Cavalry of Philadelphia, act organ- 1929, 32 izing it into a regiment, 69—71; Colonial Dames of America, Chapter first parade of, 76 II., tablet to Henry Compton, Chalkley, ship, 371 Bishop of London, erected in Chambers, Colonel , 172 Christ Church, Philadelphia, by, Chapman, Doctor John, 174 307 Charles II, 308 ; grant of land by, to Colonial Money, Benjamin Franklin Duke of York, 1664, 210, 211 and, 52-64 Charleston, 161, 162, 164 Coming of the White Man, The, by Charming Polly, The, arrives in port Herbert Ingram Priestley, notice violating agreement of Merchants of, by St. George L. Sioussat. 190 of Philadelphia, 366, 367; sails Compton, Reverend Henry, Bishop of from Philadelphia, 367 London, 308, 309, 311; (facing), Chester, 221 312; tablet erected by Colonial CHEVALIER, JOHN, 110 Dames to, in Christ Church, Phila- CHEVALIER, PETER, 110 delphia, 307 CHEVALIER, SUSANNAH, 110 Conestoga Road, 184 China mending in Philadelphia, 121 Conocheague, 167 Christ Church, Philadelphia, silver Constitution of the United States, presented to, 36 ; The Founding of, supported and interpreted by John by Charles P. Keith, 307-314 ; Ad- Marshall, 199, 201-206 dress at the Unveiling of Memorial Coombe, Reverend Thomas, Assistant Tablets, June 25, 1930, by Charles Rector of Christ Church (facing), P. Keith, 307-314; memorial tab- 313 let to founders of (facing), 308, Cooper, Thomas, Thomas McKean 310; project of building, and lot supported by, for Governorship, purchased, 1694, 1695, 310 ; first 322 building finished, 1696-7, 310 ; Copson, John, merchant of Philadel- memorial tablet to the Rectors and phia, advertisement of, 99 Assistant Rectors, 1695-1836 (fac- Corly, Ann, 81 ing), 312; memorial tablet to Cornbury, Lord, 63 Henry Lentz Elder and his family Cost of Old Silver, The, by Harrold (facing), 314; Architectural Spirit E.
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