Royal Australian The official n ewspaper of the Royal Australian Navy Navy News, Lod\ed Bag 12. Pyrmont 2009 Registered by Australia PostPublicalion VOLUME 43, No. 7 Phone: (02) 9359 2491 Fa~ : (02) 9359 2499 April 17.2000 E·mall: navyr.ews @Lhog. com.au ornavynews@navy.\I()V.au No. V6H8676 INSIDE Search is on Captain David Elliott Peace MOllitoring Group BOllgail/ville for an angel R~~~li~~~~~P~~~:~~WB~~~~~~V~I~ I~~~~ ;~::~~ ~~~~~ ingforNavyLiculcnantBelinda Mitchcl! As a four-year-old Belinda migrated from PNG. the country of her binh. when her facher lefl his position as a boi lennakcr inlhe village of 8ulolo. Op Gold ThUi was 1960 and Belinda has vivid memories of a country that still had a hinl of colonialism. while remaining and the steeped in tradition and mystery. Belinda also fondly remembers her family fricnd Tamboon. the son of a local chief in Sepik. Olympics Whcn the RAN asked her if she would serve with the Pe3ce MonitOri ng Group in Boug3invi!Jc Belinda rum­ maged through some old family photographs and packed a snapshot of herself as a four-year-old with Tamboon in the hope that he may still be alive and the two could reunite . .. , remember Tamboon very clearly," LEUT Mi tchell said. "He used to carry me to school on hi s shou ld e~ and made sure nobody. not even my mother. could touch me." Sinee leaving PNG Bclinda has served in the Navy as bo th a regular and Reservist and as a registered nurse. Her mother has since settled in Toowoomba where Bclinda spcnt many years. "It's a great feeling to rclUrn to the eoumry of my birth. This operation has allowed me to realise one of my lifelong ambitions." Belind3said. • Fo ur-year-old Belinda wilh Tamhoon. righl, lhe son of ,,[ would now like to find Tamboon and thank him for • Be li nda in Bougain ville in 2000 . a Sepikehi ef. being my guardian angel." LEEUWIN about to join RAN ushi p LEEUWIN. the first of class and A joint commissioning ceremony for N namesake of the LEEUWIN cJa.~s hydro­ LEEUWIN and MELVILLE will be held al graphic ships, was delivered to the Com­ Trinity Wharf, Caim.~, on May 27 2()(x}. monwealth and provisionally accepted into ltis believed to be the first time in the his­ the RAN on Mareh 9 2000. The Chainnan of tory of the RAN that two ships have becn NQEA Australia, Mr Don Fry. and the Head commissioned simultaneously. Systems Acquisition, RAOM Lamacrart, Morethan700guests havebeeninvitcdto signed the Certificate of Delivery. Iheceremony. LEEUWIN, currently berthed alongside In another first for Ihe RAN the commis· HMAS CA IRNS undertaking post delivery sioning ceremony will have twO guests of maintenance. is being prepared for a busy honour. Mrs Judy Taylor, wife of VADM period of first-of-class trials culminating in Rod Taylor (Rtd) and a forme r Chief of a workup before deploying on her first sur­ Navy. will be LEEUWIN's guest of honour. veyinJune. Mrs Joan John ston, wife of the late LEEUW IN's sister ship MELVILLE is CDRE Eric Johnston. the last commanding scheduled to be accepted this month and officer of HMAS MELVILLE (I), will be will join LEEUW IN during the workup MELVILLE's guest. period to act as consort and then conduct her All three hydrographic ships' companies own workup. will be on parade during the eefC mony. The introducti on of the LEEUWIN class The ships' companies, known as Red hydrogrdphic ships will greatly enhance the Crcw (CMDR B.1. Ka fer), White Crew RAN Hydrographic Service's ability to map (CMDR R.R. Nairn) and Blue Crew (LCDR the ocean depths. C,J . Hardy) will rotate between the two Between now and then the ships will also ships allowing the "oIT-w~teh crew" time achieve another milestone when they are to take leave and atlcnd advancement • LEEUWIN ... alongside HMAS CAIRNS. commissioned into Ihe RAN J NAVY NE\VS Navy News Noticeboard ADDRESS: (if calling) Building -13. Garden Is[and. NSW.200J. Will·iam f POSTA L ADDRESS: Nm')' News. Locked Bag 12. PyrnlOnt. NSW. 2009, PHONE: (02) 9359 2491. FAX: (02) 9359 2499. E-i\tA IL: [email protected] [email protected] N:;~~~e:nr~~~v~~~il~~~li~;i~~ ~~~~t~~n!~~~nai NAVY NEWS Internet web page: hnp:/lwww.navy.gov.au but his death in 1999 aged 74 cut short thai dream. Ron, of Melbourne, served in HMA Ships ARUNTA CO NTACTS: and QUICKMATCH and according 10 his widow Fay had Managing Editor: LCDR Kevin Pike (02) 9359 2498: been "sweating on the medal." 04192455-15 (M). Rcgrcuably he was absent when the Philippines Ambassador to Australia. Mrs Delia Domingo Alben. Assistant Editor: Graham Davis (02) 9359 249-1: presented Philippine Liberation Medals 10 52 Victorian 0411203851 (M). \'C lcrans al RAAF Base East Sale. Spons Editor: lerry Farynski (02) 9359 2497; But Ron's family was well represented by Fay. his 0413100 629 (M). daughter Caroline Manson. son-in-law Andrew and grandson William. aged ,IWO. Editorial Assistant: LCDR Mick Gallagher (02) 9359 2493: 042746 5586 (M). Sailors' Representntive: PQWT R Allison Danie[s (02) 9359 4460. Hamilton-Smith said. Accounts: Paul lohnson (02) 9359 2496. "] thoughl what bcttcrthan for his grandson IOfeccive Administration. subscription and genera[ inquiries: it? He would have been very proud 10 think William had rcccivcd the medal for him." Mrs Nata[ia Maslov (02) 9359 249 I. She added thai her husband had seen action in the Advenising: Geoff Clifford (02) 9359 2495. Pacific and had been extrcmely proud of his Navy years, Mrs Alben told the vcterans and their relatives that P UULlSHED: Forthnightly. dated Monday. since 1995 she had travelled to all Australian States and Territories awarding the medal to 3857 Australian cll-ser­ C IRCULATION: 20.000 copies per issue. vicemen and women. ADVERTISING SPECIFICATIONS: She notcd that one of the strongest pillars of Philippine Australian relations was defence co-operation. Traditional An: Camera ready hromide or film with a Both countries had co-operated over several decadcs to chromalin proof (85 line per inch screen). keep the peace. especially in our region. They had worked Laserprints are not preferrcd. together in Korea, Cambodia and more recently in East Timor. Digita[ An: Freehand EPS files with embedded fonts (or But the relationship could be traced further to Illustrator- Freehand preferred) Australia's participation in the World War Two ballles of PC fonnat with T IFF preview or Macintosh format with Leyte Gulf, Surigao Straits and Lingayen Gulf. TIFF preview. " I am honoured and delighted that [am able to say thank you on behalf of my Government and people to all • William Manson, 2, proudly wears the Philippine Liberation !\Iedal awarded to Composite Files: Macintosh or PC format (could you of you who participated in the liberation campaign of the his late grandfather, Ron Hamilton-Smith, as his mother, Caroline and Mrs Delia notify us which format when sending composite files as Philippines," Mrs Albert said. Domingo Albert look on. Picture: SGT David Grant. they need to be sent to our Imagesetters in a slightly dif­ ferentmanner.) Logos and pictures etc. are to be supplied. Embedded pics are acceptable if original are supplied as well. Original art. bromide. eps.jpeg, tiITetc, instigates a course Page Size; 65 picas x 38 em (275.167 mm x 380 mm) eN Double Page Spread: 133p6 picas x 38 cm (565.25 mm II 380mm) Guner Bleed: 15,25 mm (3p6) Column Sizes: The millimetres have been rounded down for officer development to the nearest millimetre except for the full page dimen- sions I column = 36 mm (8p6 picas) S column", 195 mm (461'2) T~:S~~i[~~o~:r~V~ta~~~~~~a~~d ;~~~~~e~;:R~ ~~~[~~f~a~~~e~~tcau~~n~~ t~~;;;a r;dw~~et~~~ fut~~e s~~~~~~e~~~:°is~~n;~~~~~~e~;~ by 2 column = 76 mm (17p ll) 6 column = 235 mm (S5p7) eer development processes. will directly or indirectly influence the way June 15 a report which: 3 column = I t6mm (27p4) 7 column'" 275 mm (65p) He has also asked for a broad plan for the in which RAN officers are developed in the • described the current state of RAN officer future of officer development. future." development processes with particular focus on 4 column = 156mm(36p9) VADM Shackleton said the RAN had pro- VADM Shackleton said this work is now being development of officers for command appoint- TYPE SET AN D PRINTE D: The Border Mail, I duced many fine officers who had performed well centrally coordinated and not all of it is apparent ments; at sea and ashore in command and non-command to Navy's leadership • described the strengths and deficiencies of cur- McKoy Street. Wodonga, Victoria. 3690 appointments. Navy officer development process- "As part or the 'Tomorrow's Navy' re-invigora- rent proccsscs: es had evolved over the years to cnsure continued tion processes. and in pursuit of thc broad goals • identilicd alternative approaches for the future: SUBMISSION OF M AT I ~ RIAL : E-mai[ anicles in production of such officers. the Navy's leadership team has recently adopted. • recommended specific actions required to Word.doc format and images in .jpeg fonnat (please try ''The Navy's capacity to do so will be influ- I want to develop a bener undcrstanding of the ensure that RAN officers of the future would be and keep them under I MB) to [email protected] eneed in the future by many features of the envi- current status of RAN officer development well prepared for their duties.
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