Also available online at www.thetachi.org WINTER 2014 VOLUME 94, NUMBER 1 WINTER 2014 [ NATIONAL PRESIDENT Editor Benjamin R. Hill, Eta Kappa/James Madison 2002 Assistant Editor Kelly Jones Contributing Writers STAND UP and LEAD Kevin Reilly, Tau/Florida 2008 JD Ford, Beta Lambda/Akron 2005 Dear Brothers: Shawn Bennett, Gamma Tau/Drake 1992 Dr.Wesley K. Wicker, Alpha Phi/Alabama 1979 As we enter 2014, I find myself reflecting back on some of Christopher Winter, Xi/Virginia 2007 the comments that I shared with my fellow brothers on the Kun-Hyoung Luke Kim, Mu/California 2016 Grand Chapter in August 2012. I shared with them that if we Graphic Design were willing to be bold, we had an opportunity to “make histo- Jody Toth ry” and that NOW more than ever it was truly a “GREAT TIME Published by TO BE A THETA CHI.” Maury Boyd and Associates, Inc. In fact, with the support of our more than 6,000 undergrad- The International Headquarters is located at: uates and scores of alumnus volunteers, as well as the (effective April 1, 2014) 865 W. Carmel Drive Foundation Board of Directors, the Norwich Housing Carmel, IN 46032 Corporation Board, and our outstanding professional staff in To reach the International Headquarters staff: Indianapolis . we have in fact made history! (effective immediately) This past year we have launched the Sacred Purpose move- MAILING ADDRESS: ment within the Fraternity. We have re-structured our under- P.O. Box 503 graduate leadership with the election of our first ever Vice Carmel, IN 46082 PHONE: 317-848-1856 Presidents of Health and Safety. We have forged a partnership FAX: 317-824-1908 with the USO as a National Philanthropic partner as our GI Theta Chi program grows across the EMAIL: [email protected] country. We have purchased a new International Headquarters Building in Carmel, Ind. so that we WEBSITE: www.thetachi.org can continue to meet the ever-growing service needs of our undergraduate brothers and allow us To reach the Foundation Office, please email: to compete at the highest level in the Fraternity world. In addition, our new headquarters will [email protected] house the archives and historical artifacts of the great history of Theta Chi. We have upgraded our The Rattle is the official alumnus publication electronic communication tools so that our communication process is better than ever before. We of the Grand Chapter of Theta Chi Fraternity. It is provided electronically to all undergraduate and have worked diligently to grow our Chapter Advisor Board (CAB) positions at every chapter in the alumnus members of Theta Chi chapters, colonies, Fraternity. These initiatives and more have kept us busy and focused as we ALL work toward and interest groups. Print editions are provided to: improving the “Theta Chi Experience.” all active contributors to the Grand Chapter and/or to the Foundation Chapter; volunteers of the We hit the ground running in 2014 during our leadership event held in Indianapolis on January Fraternity; and undergraduate chapters. Individuals 10–12, which brought nearly 400 undergraduate brothers together for the Deranian Presidents may request a printed copy by contacting the Conference, Recruitment Boot Camp and a Sacred Purpose Launch event that provided training Editor at [email protected] or by updating their information at www.thetachi.org. for our new Vice Presidents of Health and Safety. The momentum continued later that month and into February as we hosted our 11 Mid-Year Leadership Conferences across the country. Contributions Story Submissions:The Rattle welcomes all story The year 2014 will mark our 158th year and culminate with our Anniversary Convention in submissions. Decisions to publish submitted materials Minneapolis July 16–19. I hope to see you there. It promises to be our best ever, so don’t miss it! is at the sole discretion of the Editor. The opportunity to share with brothers from across North America is the ultimate in education, Photo Submissions: Please share photos of your events! Both print and electronic publication requires fun and National Fraternity Brotherhood. photos to be captured at high resolution (minimum My theme for our beloved Fraternity this year is: “STAND UP and LEAD.” As identified above, 300 dpi, and preferably 600 dpi). Set your camera to its highest setting for maximum file size. Please do not we have put many of the pieces in place to position Theta Chi as THE LEADER in the Greek com- alter or try to correct the original capture. Doing so munity and in higher education in North America . It is OUR TIME . It is Theta Chi’s time . It can permanently delete information that our produc- tion team will need to process the best picture for is YOUR chapter’s time . AND it is YOUR time as an individual brother. NOW is the time: publication. Also, please use a flash to make sure the STAND UP and LEAD! subjects are well-lit. Large photos can be posted to an FTP site or mailed to the editor on a CD. When you submit copy, photos or video for inclusion in The Warm Fraternal Regards, Rattle, you agree to allow Theta Chi Fraternity, Inc., The Foundation Chapter of Theta Chi Fraternity, Inc., and The Norwich Housing Corporation the right to post, publish, broadcast, print or otherwise use in any manner Theta Chi Fraternity, Inc. deems appropriate. All media submitted becomes the prop- Dick Elder erty of Theta Chi Fraternity, Inc. National President Please send any materials for publication, as well as address changes, to the Editor at: [email protected] North-American Interfraternity Conference 2 THE RATTLE/WINTER 2014 TABLE OF CONTENTS ] Headquarters Move Our Grand Old Man Inside Blackfish Chapter News Briefs PAGE 4 PAGE 15 PAGE 16 PAGE 36 4 IHQ NEWS/2013 was full of notable achievements in Theta Chi. 6 EXPANSION UPDATE/This fall, Theta Chi reinstalled chapters in California, Indiana and Minnesota AND installed #225 in Kentucky. 9 SACRED PURPOSE/Learn how you can get involved in Theta Chi Fraternity’s new initiative. 10 2012 /2013 AWARD RECIPIENTS/Check out the best in Theta Chi from the 2012/2013 academic year. 15 OUR GRAND OLD MAN/The Grand Chapter names Past National President On the Cover: Alumni leadership helped Dave DeVol as Theta Chi’s “Grand Old Man.” to construct, renovate and lease several Theta 44 CHAPTER ETERNAL/Theta Chi bids farewell to those brothers who have Chi houses this past year. Read about Tau joined the Chapter Eternal. alumni’s efforts to build a brand new house at Florida on page 13. Other house projects and 47 A HELPING HAND UNTIL EVERYONE COMES HOME/Theta Chi improvements made possible through alumni announces a national partnership with the USO. support can be found on page 32. We want to be the best — with your help, we can be! From the Editor Each year, the FCA recognizes fraternities and sororities for their out- During my childhood, I can’t say with any certainty that standing communications work online and in print. The Rattle strives to be I ever imagined myself being the editor of a magazine. among the best fraternal publications in the Greek world, and constantly I took a journalism class in high school —for a few relies on readers like you for new story leads, interesting interview ideas days—before swapping it for Honors Chemistry. and more. Looking back, I probably should have stayed enrolled in This includes sending quality photos—if you have a photo that you that journalism class… believe would be appropriate for inclusion in the Fraternity’s national maga- So while I may not (yet) know a headline from a byline zine, please send it to us, but not before reading these important guidelines: or have a lot to contribute in the realm of graphic design, • Be candid—the most interesting pictures are often the least expected one thing that I do know is Theta Chi (or at least I think • Use a flash—your subjects should be well-lit and easy to see • Don’t “fix it in post” with Photoshop or other editing software I know a little.) Through my time on the road as a • Keep it clean—no alcohol, odd hand signs or embarrassing gestures Leadership and Education Consultant to the various director positions that I have And, please adhere to these technical specifications: held at the International Headquarters, I have discovered that it has been a non- stop whirlwind crash course to prepare me for this new role. I will say firsthand • Ideal resolution: 300 dpi minimum, 600 preferred • File format: .jpg or .tif preferred; do not submit photos in .bmp or .gif that it is a lot easier to share Theta Chi stories after meeting undergraduates and formats alumni all across North America. It is my hope that you continue to share your Thanks for helping us continue to produce an award-winning publication! stories with us so we can all read about the great things that our Fraternity and its members are doing. I hope you enjoy this Winter 2014 issue! THE RATTLE/WINTER 2014 3 [ IHQ NEWS Record-setting Year! We are proud to formally announce that due to the hard work and leadership of our undergraduate members, and with the support of our selfless chapter advisers and volunteers, Theta Chi Fraternity initiated more men dur- ing the 2012/2013 academic year than any other school year in its entire 157 year history! (See story about our 175,000th initiate on page 43.) All told, the 134 active chapters of Theta Chi Fraternity initiated 2,823 members into the Fraternity.
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