347 Supplementary Information Index – 349 © Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2021 K. Del-Claro, H. M. Torezan-Silingardi (eds.), Plant-Animal Interactions, DOI https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-66877-8 349 A–B Index Ant-plant relationships 98 A Aphid-ant effects on plants 102, 103 Apis mellifera carnica 156 Abiotic pollination 127 Apis mellifera ligustica 156 Abominable mystery 123 Apis mellifera mellifera 156 Abortion rates of fruits 314 Apis mellifera scutellata 156 Aboveground insects Apparency hypothesis 42 –– herbivores, soil microbiome through plant Arabidopsis 78 defense induction 220, 221 –– A. thaliana 23, 61, 71, 77 –– rhizosphere microbiome 218–222 Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) 217 –– soil microbiome, changes in root exudation –– AMF-inoculated plants 217 patterns 219, 220 –– changes in foral traits 215 Abronia latifolia 46 –– on generalist herbivores 217 Abundance-based process shaping plant-animal –– inoculation 217 networks 265 –– modulating plant aboveground interac- Agave 296, 297 tions 215–217 Agave palmeri nectar 297 –– on plant ftness 216 Agricultural activities for food production and Architecture of biodiversity 265 livestock maintenance 337 Arctostaphylospungens 294 Air pollution 335, 343 Aristolochia reticulata 44 Alkaloids 23, 24 Arthropod activities 253 Allogenic ecosystem engineering 237, 238, Autogenic ecosystem engineering 237, 2 244–246 38, 240, 245 Alpine scree weta, Deinacridaconnectens 184 –– vs. allogenic engineers 237, 238 Amazon rainforest 335 –– trees as biodiversity amplifers in terrestrial Ambophily 131 ecosystems 239–242 Ambrosia beetles and avocado rhizosphere microbiome 221–223 AMF, see Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) B Amides 25 Amines 24, 25 Bacillus and Pseudomonas spp. 212 Anemophily 131 Bacillus subtilis 212 Angiosperms 123–125, 135 Bacteriome in Homalodisca sharpshooters 320 Animal-animal biotic defense and plant Bats 148, 149 impacts 100–102 Battus philenor 44 –– aphid-ant effects on plants 102, 103 Battus philenor butterfies 43 Animal extinction facets 338, 339, 341, 342 Bee pollination 140–143 Animal invasive species X pollinators 156, 157 Bee species 341 Animal predators 341 Beetle pollination 138 Animal seed dispersion 313 Belowground plant interactions, aboveground Annual Report on Deforestation in Brazil 335 plant-associated insects 210 Ant pollination 144–146 –– AMF 215–217 Ant species diversifcation 319 –– on plant - pollinators interactions 214 Antagonism 6–8 –– JA/ethylene and SA signaling pathways 212 Antagonistic networks 269 –– microbial species/strains on aboveground Anterior tentacle organs (ATOs) 104 insects 212 Ant-gardens (AGs) 244 –– reshape soil microbiomes 217–218 Anthropocene 334–337, 343 –– rhizosphere microbiome 211 –– defaunation 342 –– soil microbes 214 –– destruction 335 –– soil microbial communities for plant –– disruption 285 performance 213 Ant-plant interactions 107 –– soil microbiome 211 Ant-plant protective mutualisms 287 –– systemic transcriptional activation of pathogenesis-related genes 212 350 Index Benefcial fungal species 213 Chemical ecology 31–33 Beta diversity in plant-animal ecological Chemical escape 52 networks 342 Chemically mediated biotic interactions 18, 32 Betweenness versatility 275 Chemically mediated multi-trophic interactions Biodiversity 153, 154, 342 –– chemical defence 27–29 Biodiversity accumulation, pollination –– chemical ecology and statistical mutualisms 293, 300 inference 31–33 –– A. pungens 294, 295 –– coevolution 29–31 –– consumer-resource interactions 299 –– phytochemical diversity (See Phytochemical –– Datura wrightii (Solanaceae) 295–297 diversity) –– fgs and fg wasps 297–299 –– secondary metabolites (See Secondary –– functionally linked mutualisms 299 metabolites) Biodiversity of interactions 339, 341 –– trophic interaction theory 27–29 Biodiversity, maintenance and function 262 Climate changes and global warming 158 Biological diversity 285 Co-diversifcation of the mutualistic association Biotic defense between Ficusand Agaonidae 314 –– ant-hemipteran associations 100–102 Coevolutionary process 18, 29–31, 342 –– aphid-ant effects on plants 102, 103 –– dynamics 276 –– extraforal nectar 95–98 –– relationships 61 –– characterization 96 Cohesive and resilient network 263, 267 –– spiders as plant bodyguards and 97–99 Coleoptera pollination 135–138 –– implications for biodiversity and future Co-localization 73 directions 108, 109 Colonisation of terrestrial habitats 310 –– methodological approaches 106–108 Community analysis 285 –– Myrmecophilous Lepidoptera 101, 103, 104 Community structure and ecosystem ser- –– affect plants 105, 106 vices 223 –– benefts of ant-butterfy biotic defense Conspicuous fruit crops 181 relationship 105 Contemporary defaunation 338 –– mechanisms of butterfy myrmecoph- Convolutional neural networks (CNN) 33 ily 104, 105 Cretaceous gymnosperm pollinator –– myrmecophily and extraforal nectar 95–98 insects 124 Biotic interactions 2, 3, 19, 267, 339 Crop resistance to aboveground insects 217, –– in ecological and evolutionary processes 262 218 Biotic pollen vectors 127 Cross-linkages 286 Bipartite networks 273, 275 Cuticular hydrocarbons (CHCs) 104 Birds 149, 150 Blepharida 61 Boechera stricta 75 D Boquila trifoliolata 45 Bottom-up trophic cascades 27 Datura-Manduca interaction 296, 297 Brassica oleracea 78 Datura stramonium 62 Brazilian Tropical Savanna, Cerrado 337 Datura wrightii (Solanaceae) 295–297 Brood-site pollination in fg tree – fg wasp Deceptive pollination 142 mutualism 326 Deep embedding of mutualism 285 Brood-site pollination mutualism 320, 321 Defaunation and downsizing of disperser –– in fg trees 321–326 communities 198 Bucerosbicornis 186 Defaunation in Anthropocene 337, 338 Bucerotiformes (hornbills) 185 Defaunation, drivers and magnitude 338, 339 Defaunation, hunting and habitat fragmenta- tion 342 C Defaunation trends 336 Caladium steudneriifolium 46 Defense traits 40 Candy-cane trait 45 Defensive mutualisms 318 Cantharophily 135–138 Deforestation 335, 336, 343 Cerconotaachatina caterpillar 247 Degradation of natural ecosystems 335 351 B–F Index Deinacridaconnectens 184 Eigenvector versatility 275 Delia radicum fy 43 Elevational and latitudinal gradients 268 Diffuse coevolution between groups of taxa 191 EMNs, see Ecological multilayer Digestive mutualisms 309, 317, 319, 320 network (EMN) Diplochory, sequential dispersal by dispersal Empirical trait-matching 197 agents 183 Endosymbiontic origin of mitochondria and Diptera 133 plastids 309 Diptera eating pollen 132 Endosymbiotic microbes 318 Diptera pollination 133–135 Endozoochory by invertebrates 184 Direct defenses 63, 65, 67, 95 Epigenetic/maternal effects 63 Direct mutualisms 308 Eriotheca gracilipes 99 Directed deterrence 182 Escape traits 41, 43 Disease-suppressive and plant growth-­ –– background matching 46 promoting rhizobacteria 211 –– defnition of 41 Dispersal kernel 179 –– dispersal 46, 47 Diversifcation rate in Ficus 325 –– mimicry 45, 46 Diversity of biotic interactions 338 –– predictability in space 43 –– into species interaction networks 262 –– predictability in time 44 Diversity of herbivores 341 –– stature 44, 45 DNA barcoding 276 Eurosta solidaginis 45 DNA microarrays 76 Extraforal nectar (EFN) 95–98 Domatia 242, 318 –– characterization 96 Double-fertilization 121 –– and honeydew 291 Dry ecosystems under global change 248 –– spiders as plant bodyguards and 97–99 E F Earth’s biodiversity 342 Facilitators 341 Ecological and evolutionary dynamics of Fig – fg wasp mutualism 297, 298, 325 species interactions 272, 273, 275 Fig pollination systems 288 Ecological genomics 73 Fish 185 Ecological interactions among groups of Flavanoids 21, 22 species 263 Flavonoids 21 Ecological interactions in shaping biodiversity Fleshy fruits 188 and ecosystem functioning 263 Floral nectar 125, 126, 287 Ecological multilayer network (EMN) 274, 275 Floral odors 288 Ecological networks 263, 266, 269, 343 Floral oil 126 Ecological saturation hypothesis 10, 11 Floral resins 126 Ecological services 342, 343 Floral rewards 125 Ecological theory 263 –– foral nectar 125, 126 Ecosystem complexity 250 –– foral oil 126 Ecosystem engineering 235 –– foral resins 126 –– abiotic modifcations 236–237 –– foral tissue 127 –– defnition 236 –– fragrances 127 –– environmental modifcations 237 –– pollen 125 –– framework 236 Floral tissue 127 –– generality of 236 Floral traits 147 –– and impact on biodiversity 250–251 Flower evolutionary history and morphol- –– impacts of species on their environment 252 ogy 122, 123 –– organismal modifcations 236 Flower origin 121, 122 –– plant-animal interactions 238 Flying foxes 193 Ecosystem functions 285 Food resources for animal species 263 Effective dispersal kernel 179 Forest ecosystems 310 –– for single plant species 179 Fossil-calibrated phylogenies 197 352 Index Fossil fruit, Jurafructusdaohugouensis 179 –– natural selection on herbivory resis- Fragrances 127 tance 67, 68 Frugivores 177, 179–181, 341, 342 –– transgenerational defenses 68, 69 Frugivorous lizard, Gallotiagalloti 195 –– plant resistance hypotheses, evolution Frugivory 178 of 64–66 Frugivory and seed dispersal birds 185 –– resistance traits –– birds 186 –– temporal and spatial variation in 63, 64 –– carnivores 187 –– types of 62, 63 –– cassowaries and tinamous in the basal Genetic correlations 73–75 Palaeognathae 185 Genetic mapping 69–71 –– day-fying birds 186 Genetic markers 69 –– even-toed ungulates 188 Genetic variability 342 –– fruit acquisition and processing behav- Genetic variation 65 iors 186 Genome-wide association mapping
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