FM 31-70 DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY FIELD MANUAL BASIC COLD WEATHER MANUAL This copy is a reprint which includes current pages from Change 1. HEADQUARTERS, DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY APRIL 1968 .EW 3iO EIEPD wvnvr J HhtcflVTLET2 LjI V LU4Jt4YiUJ'.J.LI UJ[]Ea V 1't't7t? T 1ATDTAT(L T LTL 7'UTLTZ1JT MO. 2I—JO ) flV2HIMCLOI4bDC' DVCI '..'JIUPI% A&IV1CVLflD P I I II %AI.JIAPYVYV1IIV1 CHVLLEIf 1 II'1JdODflCLIO4 I_Tb I-S 2 U V V Z4bJLLDJ'Li47U r%T ATT (1 ZT ('T'I TIZTTA (1 ZTA T ci'c r TTTATTAT 6cçiou (J6U6LBJ -S—I—S—3 2 II•C1OW1IJ - e III. Ed!bli16U -- CHThLEX 3 21!vrr fl.1IiFIAIMC 26C4!0UI CGIJGLffJ - 2—r2— rL TCUNTRG UJ'uflnruLrr cdnihuicu -0 0 0 10 00 uruJbLoAJeGqapGJ4GL - — 3123S1 LA ooq vxiq A H16U6IJq UL2 2—33——2—'1 A1 BAOflC LOITçIU - P0 CHVLLEE t 2KIIWLVJ4D 2MOiA2HOEI4C 26C4IOIJ I•oqnc;iou6- 11 QTTflM Q1U1 III• Il(!J1LA JCI1UTLTT — 1K IJIBL2flO!A2pOGiU. t-3e-—t-38 &1. j ybbJ!cvou o jq uuq UO&O6c6cpu!dn - ______ CHVLLEIC 2 WOAE?IEMJ 6C4JOU JJLOJ6W 6C4iIJ UIOA6WGIJ - 701 TT 1400c UJOAGUYG1J TAO ill UJjJJJt — 1K rq uAlcOU - 2i—2—8 fl3 A Vf!0JJ JAJJ6IJJ0a 2—IO--—2—1 jj p(6GpIJ6qq çoWOA66 - ATT T6Q— D—T& 9—T. TTh I111I —JJ CHV1LEB 0 COrtBVL I1ECH4I11E b4JU4J I- L)1JLJAqJJuj UJ(IJUJ4JJbLU L1J. ir !A6bon2 uq TULflhiJ6IJ - iir JL6 vuqWOJ6W61J - 1KE!P!U 46C}JIJJdfl6 -0—12—1—12 125 K CW0flU6BJJqCOIJG6JW6U -e—ie—-e--se l2 Ar qopçtw - e—s----e--2s oat vi i a v ii010 !'JTIE'TI L !DTAT7T'T rtTAT T TIt'.JTYT'T?O 26C10U I. CGU6LUI if b6d11J10L bLOpJGUJ O JGvq6L - jp,s uaaunoi .b...qsa w3i—O 3 .pLLA iom' ucnqu8 cpevkr vco gqqrv I )EMDIX V IEEEKEMCE 121 W C!WflPID\V1JEWEJCEMCX CODE EOK fl2E IIIYI\FVMD C. 2X1BE2CI1E icirr 2EVICH - D EEEECJ OE COL'D IAEVILHEIC 014 1EVbO142 E IIEICHJ2 OE COrD liEVLHE} COLHfl4C VMD E6flILWEML VMDLAbErovD Lb E' E4AIEO?1EMLVT EMECJ2 Q corD !AEVJHE}c HIMJ2 181 UWV2flRW1'tA.T COMA1TC2TOI4 !VCLOT2 rai C'0a9VKA IMDEX - 18't yco SQ4IY FM 31-70 C l CHANGE HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY No. 1 WASHINGTON, D.C., /7 December /968 BASIC COLD WEATHER MANUAL FM 31-70, 12 April 1968, is changed as follows: mately 15° F to –15° F). The term moderately Page 53, paragraph 3-51 b, In line 16 “(LOW)” is cold is used only as a descriptive term. What is changed to read “(LAW or Lubricant, Semi- termed as moderately cold to one person, may be Fluid, MIL--L--46000A(LSA)).” extremely cold to another. The windchill factor Page 165, paragraph D-2 a. In line 10 “(LOW)” must also be considered, a moderate cold could is changed to read “(LAW or Lubricant, Semi- change momentarily to extreme cold by the addi- Fluid, MIL-L-46000A(LSA)).” tion of high winds. Therefore, the commander Page 166, paragraph D-3a (2). In line 21 “LOW” should use the type loads for planning only and is changed to read "LAW or Lubricant, Semi- should adjust them accordingly to fit a given situa- Fluid, MIL-L-46000A(LSA).” Page 166, paragraph D-3 a (3), In lines 3 & 4 tion and temperature condition. “LOW” is changed to read “LAW or Lubricant, wwtsia Semi-Fluid, MIL-L-46000A(LSA).” Page 166, paragraph D-3 b (4). In line 7 “LOW” is J{GJIUGCb IA\73116L 9 00 changed to read “LAW or Lubricant, Semi- flhJqGLeJflLç' 2o\2o 0' s DLWJLGL2' 20\20 0' 20 Fluid, MIL--L-46000A(LSA).” 2OC'C"2J'1°"OJG 0' 10 Page 170, paragraph E–2 a. In line 14 “Cap, Cold nabGnqGL 0' 32 Weather” is changed to read “Cap, Insulting, 1L0112GL21conouy4?.JWJ ThU 3'10 Helmet Liner-Helmet.” 2P!L1'11s001L4AIOIJ00 120 Page 171, paragraph E 2c. Entire page 171 is c° ccc" jOu m1 9' So F!UGL' C''r Yi':l°" flJL6q- 0'32 deleted and the following is added: cvb' 10211JIU -jGJw6ç r!uGL-w1w6r - 0'30 p,sabou' yuclbcL2ouuGr (cJuAwoL6) w 00 MWt 0'Be L!2c01' vcownw' cr i2 3'20 - 0' 32 -3s 00 YIRW6L' j/OO 320 LOI11J2' resuuf yjucpiuceriu yI!ctGJs 2JIGHQ' jL!e&GL EUJeGL 0'43 - BWLTqOJGGL' AS'O5WUJ 1WW1333!flOIJ (90 Lq2) 9' 91 I!ff61 JU26Lf&; /AOOJ XIU 0 33 COWb2' G1J29fIG '20 Ot.GLEtP!CG 26 r QLGnaqc fl""P"' -11S8 9' 00 BOOfr uc'pccq /LP!f 2 20 SJWW 31OLVL1 31158: 58' 00 BflL6 CJO1JJ!IJ 3443 YI1IJV' 3/1521 31 00 2W26b1fl6'713 38 20 311% MOCJC64' r''v JS!UGb YSIJI 0' 08 VJWCPGL 12' 00 800 LGIJUqG 1130 (s G) F 00 MOCJCGCr - WTeflJUGb zt.U'esww (2 G) - s'82 MWG180mw' Tjj93) 7WWO - - - LORGJ' '113J13J0' S'O5I17UJ yJJ4 ( GB) -- 1'40 B1116 3700 CffIJVGGU' ojq CI! IJJtWG 3 22 '(Wino - 852 3Ot6' IJG BnLIJ6L'- dcwq r 20 RGJ' /I14 11\ULf !q brcjcGf ç boucir -j'or HV DM8' \MD1 9JLG ia 00 JJJfLGUCJJ!JJE jpoj' JL\CtTLL!GL. 3' 80 8qJ& vMVEc o 20 B?.o1JGr u.\2GJpJMTLq j' O wqo VX\MSC 52 sc ss 2L011.2P0G' 'IUeIJG2!nIIJ c eo poq?.7LWOL 2' bL016Cf!t$ 'JjV2$ E-3. Type Load WJ cdenbwnç io' 23 The loads shown below are type loads which could be worn during moderately cold weather (approxi- TAGO 649A—December 340-470 c63—68 1 c. Supplemental Existance Load. The following 0 10 are items of clothing not immediately needed by IJUQGI i#.\cimc 0 30 - the individual during moderately cold weather. Dox J.Jgcp /* tIl{LbLOO -. 0• 12 HIJ!LCLOCJ - o. o These items are normally carried in the duffle bag JJ,QIJ Ei1Jt4.(.I?. 0 I on unit transportation and should be available to the individual when needed: joD. I.0. Undershirt, 50/50 Io1vl J,!RpUR o1q. ' 02 Drawers, 50/50 Socks, Cushion Sole (3 pr) to3;. Trousers, Cotton Nylon, WR HncJtrcc' AIo1J D'1 OC-- - 2' 00 Shirt, Wool Nylon, OG LOnoRJe(OUJmc O. mrctcpoqio Parka, Cotton Nylon poLuicjmicjc: D1J2IcGbw (QnL) - . 00 Liner, Parka, Nylon Quilted B'J0c!!JJ (InvoL) Mitten Set, Arctic - 2 00 nommiic - c' JL17GLgGbcJJIJ Page 184, paragraph G-6a. In line 1 “(LOW)” is - JJGt 1LOnG3.9 y).jou 5rn;;q 0Of - changed to read “(LAW or Lubricant, Semi-Fluid, 20CJ CnJJ?0JJ 2016 bL) 0 ( - a MIL-L-46000A(LSA)).” ;).iov..L!11 00 1\ jçiioiJ .1 J0JJOLCJCd . 00 - 0 L0!/.GIJ1Lr!p - e 2L6L L!LO 0. 12 JA°°1 0 'uuou -- - .L0'J E!26UCO oq a. s - .L°I OpLjiq EtCUG6 JOF J By Order of the Secretary of the Army: W. C. WESTMORELAND, General, United States Army, Official: Chief Of Staff. KENNETH G. WICKHAM, Major General, United States Army, The Adjutant General. Distribution: To be distributed in accordance with DA Form 12-11 requirements for Basic Cold Weather Manual. TAGO 649A CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1-1. Purpose and Scope These include, among others, erecting and a. This manual is designed to prepare the striking tents, performing maintenance, con- individual soldier and small unit commander structing roads, starting and warming engines, to conduct military operations for extended movement of supplies, and hundreds of other periods of time under the most severe and small tasks that must be performed while varying cold weather climatic conditions. The wearing bulky cold weather clothing. doctrine and techniques in the manual are e. Insofar as possible illustrations used in applicable in any area that has cold weather this manual reflect Standard A items of cloth- and snow with their accompanying opera- ing and equipment. However, because of non- tional problems. Troops properly trained in availability of some items at time of publica- this doctrine and these techniques will be able tion, some illustrations show Standard B or C to fight; live; and move in any cold weather items of clothing (para 2-7). area of the world. f. Measurements in this manual to the ex- b. The provisions of SOLOG Agreement 23R, tent practicable, reflect both the Metric and Arctic Doctrine are implemented in this U.S. systems; however, in some cases figures manual. will show only the U.S. system. For ease in transposition, meters have been converted to c. The material contained herein empha- yards on a one for one basis. For more exact sizes that cold, with its attendant problems measurements use the conversions shown in affects military operations but does not pre- appendix H. vent them. The proper use of authorized equip- ment and field expedients will, to a major g. Users of this manual are encouraged to degree, overcome any problems encountered as submit recommendations to improve its clarity a result of the cold. It is the commander’s or accuracy, Comments should be keyed to the responsibility to train his men so they can specific page, paragraph, and line of the text make the environment save military opera- in which the change is recommended. Reasons tions, not hinder them. The material presented should be provided for each comment to insure herein is applicable, without modification to understanding and complete evaluation. Com- nuclear and nonnuclear warfare, employment ments should be forwarded direct to Com- of, and protection from, chemical, biological, manding General, United States Army, Alaska, and radiological agents, and internal defense APO Seattle 98749. Originators of proposed and development operations. changes which would constitute a significant modification of approved Army doctrine may d. Throughout this manual reference is send an information copy, through command made to the additional time required to con- channels, to the Commanding General, United duct various tasks in cold weather operations.
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