c Official Publication Of The c SAN FRANCISCO POLICE OFFICERS ASSOCIATION VOLUME 43, NUMBER 12 SAN FRANCISCO, DECEMBER 2011 www.sfpoa.org President’s Message They Have Our Unqualified Support By Gary Delagnes, agenda of the far left. But, I can’t let But, enough is enough. The allega- SFPOA President go of this rat’s tail just yet. tions and innuendo that Adachi put In a recent “press conference” — forth as an intended campaign-saver It would be easy to sit back and gloat which he called at the frenzied height were too outrageous to ignore. To re- over our trouncing of Jeff Adachi in of his failing mayoral campaign — fute his allegations, I sent the following the November election, and let him Adachi falsely and irresponsibly “ex- letter to the San Francisco Chronicle. be to scurry about in the shadows cast posed” yet another group of corrupt On November 21, 2011, it appeared as on his mediocrity by more prominent police officers, this time a team work- a letter to the editor. I reprint it here and successful politicians. It would be ing out of Mission Station. By doing as a public show of support for these easy to treat him with the snubbing so, he once again effectively tread on beleaguered cops, and for all past and that he deserves; that of another de- the backs of some very fine and forth- future officers who have or will suffer feated antagonist who, in desperation, right street cops. One of his first salvos, by this hack’s folly. attempted to use the good name and of course, was the very unlawyerly reputation of dedicated San Francisco trial-by-media that he waged against police officers to further his own per- officers at Southern Station several A Cheap Shot at Police sonal career and the cop-bashing months ago. Published in the San Francisco Chronicle November 21, 2011 Now that the election is behind Gary Delagnes us, the political attacks need to American justice; that all accused are Season’s Greetings! cease, especially when they are innocent until proven guilty. ruining the lives of men who have I have worked side-by-side with From all of us at the San Francisco Police Officers dedicated their lives to protecting these officers: Sgt. Kevin Healy, Of- and serving the public. Association, we wish you a wonderful holiday ficer Ricardo Guerrero, Officer Pete For several months, ironically Richardson, and Officer Jake Fegan season, and a happy and prosperous New Year. during campaign season, Public De- for more than twelve years. In that fender Jeff Adachi has been conven- time more than 4,000 arrests were Gary Delagnes, ing press conferences for the express made, over 500 pounds of contra- purpose of unfairly slandering band drugs were confiscated, and President, SFPOA police officers with innuendo and in excess of $2 million in cash was unfounded allegations. Without any seized. Never has there been a com- evidence, Mr. Adachi has made these plaint of theft or improper police egregious claims while none of the procedure that was ever found to accused officers has been disciplined have merit. or indicted. Adachi’s outlandish claims are an SF Officers Honored by Police officers understand that abuse of power. He has accomplished they are held to a higher standard, his mission in one area. He has made but so too are all elected officials. the streets of San Francisco an easier Attorney General We question how Mr. Adachi, as the place for all of his prospective clients elected Public Defender of San Fran- to ply their trade. Western Addition shootout earns valor awards cisco, and an officer of the court, can Gary Delagnes, President so readily and flippantly abandon (Story on page 9) San Francisco Police Officers the most fundamental tenant of Association Condolences For Slain Vallejo Officer The men and women of the San Francisco Police Officers Association extend sympathy and condolences to the family and friends of murdered Vallejo Police Officer James Capoot. Officer Capoot died from gunshot wounds received while in foot pursuit of a robbery suspect. He was 45. Officer Capoot was a well-respected veteran of the Vallejo Police De- partment who had also worked for the California Highway Patrol prior to joining the VPD. Prior to his civilian law enforcement work, he had served in the United States Marine Corps. Officer Capoot leaves his wife, Jennifer, and three daughters. Donations can be sent to the following trust fund: Officer James Capoot Family Trust c/o Sgt. Mark Nicol of the Vallejo POA P.O. Box 4218 L to R; Officer Patrick Griffin, AG Kamala Harris, Officer Michael Tursi. Vallejo, Ca 94590 Photo by Wayne Quint Page 2 POA Journal December 2011 Minutes of the November 16, 2011 SFPOA Board Meeting* 1. Sergeant-At-Arms Valdez called the a request for monetary assistance meeting to order at 1210 hours and in the amount of $6000.00. Rick lead the Pledge of Allegiance. Bruce (Retired) also spoke on be- 2. Secretary Montoya conducted the half of the SFPD Wilderness Pro- roll call of the Board of Directors gram. The POA has been a long and Executive Board. time supporter of this program. 3. President Delagnes called for a 6. Bob Guinan (Retired) made a moment of silence for Nikki Allen presentation regarding the SFPD who passed away last week. Nikki Challenge and Make A Wish Foun- was the wife of Board Member Ray dation. Bob then made a monetary Allen. request in the amount of $5000.00 to sponsor teams for the SFPD 4. Parliamentarian Hebel gave the Challenge. The POA has been a oath of office to newly elected long time supporter of this event. Board Members Danny Miller (Co Bob was also pleased to announce B) and Pete Schlegle (Tac). President that another one of the events he Delagnes then offered thanks for assists with (SF Giants Law Enforce- Rick Bruce, left, and Walt Scott spoke on behalf of the SFPD Wilderness Program. the dedication and years of service ment Night) raised over $20,000.00 from their predecessors Jayme of the proceeds are donated to Motion was seconded by Rep. for charities. Campbell and Dan Laval. the SFPOA Community Services Landi (Co. K). A roll call vote was 7. Treasurer Halloran announced that 5. Walt Scott (Retired) of the SFPD Committee. This is also another taken with 24 (yes), 7 (no) and 3 the annual Parade of Stars which is Wilderness Program gave a pre- worthwhile event that the POA has (abstained). Motion carried. sponsored by TBS Productions will sentation which was followed by been involved with. 11. Julian Hill, President of the Of- be held on 12-18-11. A percentage 8. Herb Meiberger who is an incum- ficers for Justice addressed the bent for the SFERS Board gave a pre- Board of Directors regarding com- sentation regarding his candidacy. ments made by President Delagnes Herb has served on the retirement during the October 2011 Board board for 20 years. Meeting. After Julian’s initial com- 9. Rep. Evans (HQ) made a motion to ments, President Delagnes person- approve the minutes from the Oc- ally apologized to Julian which tober 2011 Board Meeting. Motion Julian accepted. Shortly after Julian was seconded by Rep. Madsen (Tac) spoke, Paul Yep, President of the and passed by voice vote without Asian Peace Officers Association opposition. addressed the Board of Directors regarding comments President 10. Rep. Gardner (Co. K) made a mo- Delagnes made at the October tion to endorse Debra Landis who 2011 Board Meeting. Once again, is a candidate for the SFERS Board. President Delagnes personally Mike Hebel swears in new Board members Danny Miller and Pete Schlegle The meeting was moved into the Atrium in order to accommodate the overflow crowd. San Francisco Police Officers Association Editorial Policy The San Francisco Police Officers Association The POA Journal and the POA web site (www.sfpoa.org) are the official publications of the San Francisco Police Officers Association and are published to express the policies, ideals, and POA JOURNAL accomplishments of the Association. The following provisions that are specific to the publica- (USPS #882-320) tion of the POA Journal shall also be applicable to publication of material on the POA web site to any extent that is practical. Publication of material in the POA Journal or on the POA web PUBLISHED MONTHLY $10 PER YEAR site does not necessarily include publication on or in both instruments of communication. MANAGING EDITOR OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF Nor does the following editorial policy for the POA Journal preclude a different or contrary Ray Shine THE SAN FRANCISCO POLICE OFFICERS ASSOCIATION editorial policy for the POA web site. 800 BRYANT ST., 2nd FL., SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94103 Member Opinions and Commentary: Unsolicited Written Material SPORTS EDITOR WEBMASTER (415) 861-5060 A member or group of members may submit unsolicited written material to the POA Nick Shihadeh Cyndee Bates www.sfpoa.org Journal that expresses his/her/their opinion(s) and concerns within the following limitations and guidelines: • Such material must be addressed as a letter or mail using common salutations such as “Dear SFPOA BOARD OF DIRECTORS POA,” “Editor,” “SFPOA” “Dear POA Members” etc. PRESIDENT ............................................. Gary Delagnes Co. G .......................................Chris Breen, Dean Sorgie • Such material must be authored and signed by the member(s) making the submission. VICE PRESIDENT ..................................... Kevin Martin Co. H ......................... Maris Goldsborough, James Trail Anonymous submissions will not be published. SECRETARY .............................................Tony Montoya Co. I ........................................... Russ Gordon, Jody Kato • Such material must be factually correct and presented in a respectful and civil manner.
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