• Republic of the Philippines a Depail!lll'ent of Environment and Natural Re~rces ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT BUREAU Cordillera Administrative Region Baguio City Excerp ts from the Balili W ,'", WQMA Governing Hoard Special Me eting held all Ma rch 20, 2018 01 Fortune Restaurant, Otek Street, Bagnio City RAULI RIVER SYSTEM WAT ER Q UALITY MANAG EM ENT AREA (BR-WQMA) GOVERNING BOARD R ESO LUTION NO. 24, s, 2018 R ESOLUTIONAPPROVING THE 2018 ACTION PLAN OF T HE BALI LI RIVER WQMA WHEREAS, DAO 20 13·05 designated the Balili River as Water Quality Managemen t Area and created its Goveming Board: WHEREAS, the Technical Working Group (TWG) convened on February 01, 2018 updated the 2018 Action Plan ofthe Balili River WQMA; WHER EAS, the 20 18 Action Plan was based on the Ten Year Action Plan as per Resolution No,18 s. 20 16; WHEREAS, consistent with the objectives ofthe Balili River WQMA and the rules and regulations, the TWG undertakes the comp letion of the 20 18 Action Plan for approval of the Balili River WQMA Governing Board and to be implemented immediately after its approval; WH ER EAS, after the presentation of the 20 18 Action Plan, the Balili River WQMA Governing Board has found the same to be in order and feasible for implementation, NOW THEREFO RE. on motion duly seconded, BE IT: RESOLVED, as it is hereby resolved that the 20 18 Action Plan of the Balili River WQMA is hereby approved with a funding requirement ofOne Million Pesos Only (Php 1,000,000.00); RESO LVED FU RTHER, that a copy of this resolution be furnished to the Honorable Mayor Maurieio G. Domogan of Baguio City, Honorab le Mayor Romeo K. Salda of La Trinidad, Benguet and Honorable Mayor Arthur Baldo of Sablan, Benguet for their information and consideration: the Honorable Roy A. Cimatu of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Director Metodio L. Turbella of the Environmen tal Management Bureau for their information. UNANIMOUSLY CA RR IED this 20" day of March 20 I8 in Baguio City. CERTIFIE TRUE AND CORRECT: I ' ~O . LAGUNILLA Memo , cI j~1 Administrative Secretariat Balili River WQMA Chairp hnical Administrative Secretariat :*Balili Rive" WQMA Approved : REYN N,D1GAI\10 Chairpm ; lili River WQMA Governing Board & OIC, Regional Director EMB- CAR Protect tfle e;"'vlro"'IM.t"'t.. Protect Llfe . DENR Compound. Gibraltar I Baguio City Tetetax No. (07") "040-6440 I T TRUNKLINE - (07") 665-2905 Local No.1 0 • Regional Director's Office ; local No .1" • Ad min and Finance Division; Local No. 12 ·Clearance and Permitting Division; Local No. 15 - Environmental Monitoring and Enforcement Division; (074) 443-4909 - Researc h and Development and Laboratory Services -,'4 CV 2018 ACTION PLAN FOR BALILI RIVER WATER QUALITYMANAGEMENT AREA Month Threats and Budgetary Activities/Strategies Prosram Implementation Person/Agency ca uses Output/Outcome Remarks Issues Requirements J F M A MJ J A S o N 0 Responsible Objective 1. To decrease er o sion & siltatio n and Improve vqetation alo ng the Balill River. Tree planting activities (Possible areas along La Minimized flooding using bamboos & other plants thriving along the BSU& WW RRC, Governing Planting Trees & other erosion- Trinidad & Sablan), Based on research on the Human Activities 50,000.00 Board members In La river banks June 25, 2018 (Arbo r Day) preventing plants along the river banks appropriate tree species to be cond ucte d by II Trinidad & Sablan (1 km of WW RRC Erosion Minimized both sides) Identification of areas to be dredge & possible DPWH-CARBCDEO/LGU Scouring of the river banks 1. Dredging and de-silti ng activit ies Imp rov ed navigability of the river fund ing Ba..uio c/ o DDPWH-CAR!BCDEO Building of Illegal structures 2. Strict implementation of the Invent ory of researches done at BSU BSU& WW RRC,Governing houses, etc.) easement law c/o B5U Erosion & Siltation Board members Lack of plants along the river 3. Revisit previousactions Phytoremediation & related researches 150,000.00 BSU& WWRRC.Governing banks Board members Balill River Park & Flood Control Project DPWH- 200.000,000 Stabilized river slope DPWH Budget CAR/BCDEO/BenRuet Restor atlon/R ehabilit ation of Balili River Flood 94,170,000 DPWH· Proposed project for 201B Control along Balili River, LaTrinidad, Benguet Stabili zed river embankmenl CAR!BCDEO/Benguet (DPWH Budget) Constr uction of Flood M itigation Stru cture Bagulo City/Benguet Distr ict Along Naguilian River Basin, Balili River Section, 47,500,000 Stabili zed river em bank m ent on going project (DPWH La Trinidad, Benguet(on-golng activity) Engineering Office Budget) Objective Z. To restore the river's biodiversity, Indiscriminate dumping of Increased biOlflVersity to support Inventory of Flora & Fauna Conduct Inventory of flora and fauna BSU& WW RRC,Governing wastes ecological balance Board me mbers Im plementatio n of Biodiversity Prop agation & Introduction of flora & fauna Sediment Build up conservation & management activities based on therecomme ndation of WWRRC Refer to Objective 3 Lossof Biodiversity Polluti on uc Desilting. soft & hand approach Destruction of natural Propagation of appro priate aquatic habitat plants & animals through research Page 1 e CV 2018 ACTION PLAN FOR BAULI RIVER WATER QUALITY MANAGEMENT AREA M onth Threats and BudCetary Person/At.encv ActIvltles/Stratqies Program Implementation OutpUt/Outcome Remarks causes Responsible Issues Requirements J F MA MJ J Ais olN 0 Objective 3. To reduce/prevent discharg ing of solid, liquid & hazardous wastes Into Balili River Govern ing Board, Regular river clean up' Adopt an Estero/Waterbody Program Cleaner Balili River wa ter cont inuou s stakeholders, EM B CAR Adop t an Estero/Waterbodv Program, cont inuou s continuo us activity Estabftshment of Database Reduced volume of garbage EMB-CAR/AII LGUs, BENECO Reduce vo lume ofgarbage along Balili River continuous du r in~ rive r clean up don e Quarterly Strict Im plementation of national & Num ber of illegal wastes disposal issued, Improved water quality (decreased local ordinances & issuing of NOV, LGUs concern on going. c/o LGUs number of com pliance BOD/increased DO) imposition of fine & fifing of cases Policing by respective baran gavs traversed by the river All LGUshave th eir ESWM system Develop men t of programs and activities operationa lized (i.e. segregat ion, to strengthen the Im plementation of RA recyc fing. composting. MRFs. Baguio City, La Trinidad, 9003 sanitary landfill and/or appropriate Sablan, EMB - CAR Compliance oflGUs through techno logies for residu al Indiscrimin ate dumping & cont inuous technical assistance & management, etc.) Pollut ion discharging of solid,liquid & financial assistance hazardous wastes Enforcement of regulat ions and monitoring activitie s by concerned Commercial Establishments shall offices/agencies, ENMOs t o focus on have adequate & acceptable w aste SWM management practices Create River Marshall & Include the 50,000 pro visions of PPEs To ensure th at all househo lds/buildings are connec ted to appropriate wa ste disposal facility or put-up their own STP Monitoring from househ olds. Industries, commercial Implementation of Environment Code of lGU Bagulo City LGUs estab ftshmenl/health instit utio ns, Baguio Oty, ClUP for La Trinidad, Envt Code of implem entation projects , etc (discharge perm its, Sablan registered HWGs. ECes,etc) Survey on types of to ilets used. septic STPfor Public market & slaughterhouse Direct discharge of black & LGU - Baguio City LGU-Baguio City tanks, etc. (Baguio City) grey wa ter from the Baguio All households have adequa te Wastewas ter City Ma rket, slaughterhouse. Implementation of septic tank standard waste disposal facilities (e.g. septic Wastes Updates for LaTrin idad/BSU on their STP lGU - La Trinidad & BSU Fordiscussion households , laundry shop' & deslan tanks) carwash Implementation of periodic disludging Bagulo City - septage facility lGU · Bagulo City lGU Baguio City of septic tan ks Page 2 '. CV 2018 ACTION PLAN FOR BAULI RIVER WATER QUALITY MANAGEMENT AREA Month Threats and Budgetary Person/Agency causes Aet lv ltles/Strategl es Program Implementation Output/Outcome Remarks Issues Requirements J F MA MJ J A 5 o N 0 Responsible Objective 4. To strictly Implement ordinances on the dumping of animal wastes & farm residues Enact ord inance pro hibit ing/regulating Survey of backyard piggery alo ng th e Balili Reduced dumping of agricultural. AlI l GUs l GU La Trinidad & Sablan backvard oiuerv in hi£hlv cooulated River anima l wastes Farm residues. backyard EMB CARto take care of Provision of tec hnical assistance Capability Build ing thro ugh site visit at Ilo ilo piggery. poultry wastes 450.000.00 docume nts. scheduled on through tr ainin gs. semi nar & workshops RiverWQMA dumped Into the river Octo ber 201B Agricultural Waste s Regular River Clean Ups conti nuous Conduct of regular monitoring & continuous evaluation activities Adoption of appropriat e technologies l ist of appropriate technology for review DOST c/o DOST Objective 5. To strengthen the strict enforcement of national and local laws. Conduct of field exposures & skills Sit e visit of the BIOCHARtechnology at Existing laws and ord inances Change in leadership training for potential leaders in the AlI l GUs same as above Botolan.2ambales localized & im plemented community New enabling policles& orclinances Provide Tr aining/Create Task Force 50.000.00 AlllGUs No perm anent position for crafted MENROs Creat e position for MENROs Condu ct of behaviora l changes workshoos 50.000 .00 Incre ased part icipation in river AlllGUs Governance pr ot ecti on & management Passive attitude & behavio r Conduct of Environmental For a 50.000 .00 Str engthened education & Development of IECmaterials. signages 100.000 .00 AlI l GUs advocacv carnoalens M ore opport unities created th at l ow public part icipation & Prov ision of Reward and/or penalty will influence change in attitude & AlI lGUs involvement scheme behavior Enact New & Enabling policies & Conduct orientation wo rkshop for enactment included in the behavioral EMB·CAR/ AIIlGUs ord inances of barangay ordinance change wo rkshop Page 3 ,.
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