CROSS ACCENT VOL 25, NO 1 | SPRING 2017 JOURNAL OF THE ASSOCIATION OF LUTHERAN CHURCH MUSICIANS CrossAccent is published three times per PRE LUDE year by the Association of Lutheran Church Musicians. Subscription is included with 2 Editorial Comment—Jennifer Phelps Ollikainen membership in ALCM. Libraries may subscribe at $60 per year by contacting the Business Office. Copyright © 2017 Association of Lutheran Church Musicians. TAKE NOTE The views expressed on the pages of the journal 3 ALCM Names New Executive Director—and a Greeting are those of the authors and do not reflect official positions of the editorial board of the from James Rindelaub journal or of the Association of Lutheran Church Musicians. This periodical is indexed in the ATLA Religion Database®, a product of the American COUNTER POINT Theological Library Association, 300 S. Wacker Music in the Service of the Gospel: Discerning the Church Dr., Suite 2100, Chicago, IL 60606, USA. Musician’s Vocation through the Life and Work of Paul Manz e-mail: [email protected], www.atla.com. 5 ISSN 2151–1772 —Paul Westermeyer Editor: Jennifer Phelps Ollikainen Music Editor: Lara West Doctor, Lawyer, Poet, Mayor … and Cantor? Early Lutheran Book Editor: Paul Grime Church Musicians and Vocation—Chad Fothergill Copy Editor: Anne-Marie Bogdan 14 Graphic Design: Kathryn Hillert Brewer Editorial Office Communal Singing: More !an Meets the Ear— Jennifer Phelps Ollikainen, Editor 29 Lorraine Brugh 1127 Magazine Road Green Lane, PA 18054 [email protected] Editorial Board THANK YOU Kent Burreson Paul Friesen-Carper 26 !ank You to Our Donors Joseph Herl Nancy Raabe Stephen Rosebrock Advertising Office BOOK REVIEWS Cheryl Dieter, Advertising Coordinator Lifting Hearts to the Lord: Worship with John Calvin in 810 Freeman St. by Karin Maag —Frank C. Senn Valparaiso, IN 46383 37 Sixteenth-Century Geneva 800.624.2526 219.548.2526 [email protected] Singing the Church’s Song: Essays & Occasional Writings on Church Music by Carl Schalk—James Freese ALCM Business Office 39 Cheryl Dieter, Business Manager Association of Lutheran Church Musicians 810 Freeman St. Valparaiso, IN 46383 SOUNDFEST 800.624.2526 New Music 219.548.2526 40 offi[email protected] www.ALCM.org POST LUDE The Association of Lutheran Church Musicians is a service and professional organization that 48 From the ALCM President—Julie Grindle works to strengthen the practice of worship and church music of all North American Lutherans. The Ambassadors ( 1533). National Gallery, London. Membership is open to any person or institution Cover art: Hans Holbein the Younger, whose interests are in harmony with the Associa- tion’s goals. Address all change of address, ALCM OFFICERS subscriptions, and business correspondence to President: Julie Grindle Region 1 (Northeast) President: Jennifer Baker-Trinity the ALCM Business Office. Past President: Anne Krentz Organ Region 2 (Southeast) President: Ryan Hostler Secretary/Treasurer: Kevin Barger Region 3 (Midwest) President: Linda Martin Directors at Large: Jeffrey Blersch, Michael Krentz Region 4 (West) President: William Kuhn Spring 2017 CrossAccent 1 L PRE LUDE !e Rev. Dr. Jennifer Phelps Ollikainen "ditor# CrossAccent artin Luther wrote, “the gift of lan- Finally, Lorraine Brugh presents an informal guage combined with the gift of song study of the Kantorei, a select choir at Valparai- M was only given to [human beings] to let so University with the vocation of leading sacred them know that they should praise God with song in the assembly. Over the course of a se- both word and music, namely, by proclaiming mester, Brugh observes the impact of intentional [the word of God] through music and by pro- re%ection about body awareness and stress levels viding sweet melodies with words.” 1 before and after rehearsals. !e study reminds With this $rst issue of CrossAccent in 2017, us all that participation in the musical leader- the editorial board decided to turn away from ship of the assembly yields spiritual and physical thematic issues. And yet, with no intentionality, bene$ts and builds community. Our vocation as a theme emerges in this Reformation celebration servants of the proclamation of the word in mu- year. !e three Counterpoint articles in this is- sic is strengthened by these intentions. sue center on the vocation of the cantor in the !is unexpected theme of the vocation of church who proclaims the word of God through the church musician is most certainly Spirit led. the leadership of the worshipping assembly’s !e plenary sessions at ALCM’s 2017 biennial song. conference, “RISE: Remember Well the Future,” Paul Westermeyer shares his address from will further explore the changing role of cantor the Manz Tage of October 2016 at Mount Ol- in our times as we simultaneously celebrate the ive Lutheran Church in Minneapolis, MN. He treasures of the last 500 years of Reformation explores the gifts of Paul Manz—a celebrated history and look to the future and God’s cov- organist, composer, and church musician—as a enant of faithfulness in all of what is yet to be. prime example of a church musician who shared music with humility and gratitude in service of Note the gospel. Breaking the paradigms of perfor- &( )artin *uther# +/reface to 3eorg 4hau8s mance and pride, Manz’s craft leads the way in Symphoniae iucundae,” in Luther’s Works, 9merican de$ning the role of the cantor in our time. ed(# vol( ;<# Liturgy and Hymns, ed( =lrich >( Looking back in history, Chad Fothergill *eupold @/hiladelphiaQ Xortress /ress# &Z\;^# <_<( presents descriptions of the many vocations of church cantors from Reformation times. !ese cantors were multifaceted and variously gift- ed leaders—not only in the congregations they served but in the whole community. !is explo- ration undergirds Fothergill’s upcoming address at the ALCM biennial conference this summer Hymnal Abbreviations: in Minneapolis. ELW: Evangelical Lutheran Worship LSB: Lutheran Service Book CW: Christian Worship 2 Spring 2017 CrossAccent www.alcm.org TAKE NOTE ALCM Names New Executive Director he ALCM board of directors named James Rindelaub as the association’s new T executive director. Rindelaub is a life- long Lutheran with church music degrees from St. Olaf College (North$eld, MN) and West- minster Choir College (Princeton, NJ). He has served as organist/music director at Saint Mark’s Evangelical Lutheran, Jacksonville, FL; Grace Lutheran, Phillipsburg, NJ; Faith Evangeli- cal Lutheran, Glen Ellyn, IL; and First United Lutheran, Dallas, TX. Currently he serves at As- cension Lutheran, Indian Harbour Beach, FL. Rindelaub was the founding director of Jacksonville’s Community Bach Vespers Cho- rus and Chamber Orchestra. He served on the ALCM national board as Region II president and was the organization’s 2003 National Con- ference chair (the conference was held in San Diego, CA). He has held various oces for lo- cal American Guild of Organists and Choristers Guild chapters. A deacon in the Evangelical Lu- theran Church in America, Rindelaub chaired synodical worship committees in Florida and Illinois. He has been the executive director of Choristers Guild since January 2004 and will assume the role of ALCM’s executive director on He writes: April 24, 2017. Rindelaub resides in Satellite Beach, FL, Dear ALCM friends, with his wife, Stephanie. !ey have three grown !ank you for all you have meant to me over sons living in New York, California, and Florida. the years. I was a young adult when I came into contact with all of you at the constituting con- vention of ALCM at St. Olaf. Over the years, the modeling and nurturing of ALCM members taught me how to be a Lutheran church musi- cian, to coordinate conferences, and to provide leadership to nonpro$t organizations. Anything Spring 2017 CrossAccent 3 L TAKE NOTE I have ever done professionally I owe to your Education. ALCM has a great history of guidance. In my new role as executive director, national and regional conferences. We can ex- my next goal is to repay your kindness by helping pand our reach and impact with webinars. In my our organization grow and %ourish. service with Choristers Guild, I have seen that I have three primary goals as I begin my webinars are very successful as an easy way to work with ALCM: get a quick burst of inspiration without the ex- Membership. !ere are over 16,000 Lu- pense of a continuing education trip. I’d like us theran churches in the United States and our to present four webinars during the 2017–2018 current membership represents only 10 per- program year. cent of those congregations. I will be calling Fundraising. I believe that nurturing and our musician colleagues who haven’t renewed equipping musicians to serve and lead the their memberships or have never been members church’s song is a mission worthy of one’s char- in order to encourage them to (re)join ALCM. itable giving priorities. !erefore I will be I want them to experience the personal growth identifying potential major donors and culti- and satisfaction I have enjoyed through ALCM vating relationships to strengthen our $nancial membership. resources, which are vital to the future of our organization. My home base will be Satellite Beach, FL. !ree miles away, we have our wonderful Ascen- sion Lutheran Church family where I serve as the Sunday morning organist and choir director. I will be on the road whenever an opportunity exists to make a signi$cant ALCM connection. Please include me in your prayers, as I am praying for you. We have a wonderful organiza- tion of members, a gifted board to lead it, and an amazing business manager, Cheryl Dieter, han- dling all our important tasks. It is an honor and joy to dedicate my time and talent to the work of strengthening our organization and the connec- VRXQG INSPIRATION tions that make it sing.
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