MercantileEXCITINGSee section our NovemberNovemberNovember 2001 2001 2001 CowboyCowboyCowboy ChronicleChronicleChronicle(starting on pagePagePagePage 90) 111 The Cowboy Chronicle~ The Monthly Journal of the Single Action Shooting Society ® Vol. 20 No. 11 © Single Action Shooting Society, Inc. November 2007 . GUNS OF AUGUST 2007 . THE SASS MIDWEST REGIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP By Col. Fletch O’Dubois III, SASS #14224 Photos by Black Jack McGinnis, SASS #2041 iddletown, OH – The Big See HIGHLIGHTS on page 73 Iron Rangers, our main M match sponsor, Taylor’s & increase in the number of spectators Company, and the Middletown that came to see real live cowboys Sportsmen’s Club, like most shoot- and cowgirls in action. We had many ers, had been anticipating this year’s folks check out the shooting and visit event for a long time. This was the the vendors. Several local gun enthu- historic Tenth Anniversary of the siasts from other shooting sports Guns of August, and enthusiastic dropped in to see what all the clang shooters from over twenty states and and clamor was about. I had a chance Canada were anxiously awaiting the to introduce them to club officials, grand opening ceremony. and The Judge was able to provide Shooters assembled under the additional guidance about alias selec- big tent for the traditional opening tion, an application for membership, ceremonies—first, a Mounted Shoo- and a copy of The Cowboy Chronicle. You ter in full Canadian Mountie attire would have thought we had given brought forth the maple leaf for the them a well broke saddle! playing of the Canadian National And, as you well know, SASS has Anthem. Then, closely following was grown not only in national flavor, but the playing of the US National continues to grow in international Anthem. The flag used was the flavor as well. The Canadian contin- same flag that was placed on the The action was hot and heavy, and the blackpowder was spectacular gent consisting of 28 of our brothers wreckage of the World Trade Center under the trees at this year’s Guns of August. During the last 10 years, and sisters from the Far North this Regional SASS match has grown and matured into one of the debris pile after 9-11 by our brave sport’s most prestigious matches. endured the intricacies of bringing all rescue workers. “Old Glory” was their guns and gear across the inter- dirty and tattered, but was still held siter gave last minute range instruc- buckle (all 150 were sold out in the national border in order to attend. in awe by all in attendance. tions, and the competition was on. first half day of the match), and we Day one broke without a wisp of Deadwood Stan, President of The This year we continued the arrange- invited Royal Wade Kimes to travel clouds, and our ace weatherman Big Irons, welcomed everyone. Las- ment of morning and afternoon poss- all the way to Middletown, Ohio to predicted brutal heat. This was the es. This afforded competitors and be the special entertainment at the day to participate in all the side SASS Cowboy Chronicle their families more free time to par- Saturday banquet. matches, which were mainly on the ticipate in local area events or just According to The Judge, who was shaded hillside and gave a much- grab some grub and hob-knob with in attendance with his lovely bride, welcomed respite from the sun. old friends or make new ones. Justice Lily Kate, “The Guns of Events ranged from pocket pistol, In This Issue To say last summer’s Guns of August SASS Midwest Regional speed shotgun, and speed pistol on 58 END OF TRAIL August was a roaring success would Championship is one of the most the tree-covered hill to the long- MOUNTED CHAMPIONSHIPS be an understatement … so, how prestigious and largest events in range rifle and long range single were we going to do it again? We SASS.” Local news media and shows shot that took place on the flats near by Wildcat Kate added two brand new stages for a about SASS on ESPN have managed the vendor area. Cartwheel man- 62 EMF/PEDERSOLI total of twelve. We commissioned a to draw considerable attention to our aged to “slam” 10 quick shots in 3.36 “COLT LIGHTNING” C limited edition Commemorative belt sport, and there was a dramatic (Continued on page 72) h C by Tuolumne Lawman r o o w 80 5TH ANNUAL n b CANADIAN REGIONAL i o by Rusty Wood c y l HUNDER ALLEY AYS 82 T V D e by Chuckaroo Get your Convention reservations in now ... 23255 La Palma Avenue Yorba Linda, California 92887 DON’T BE LEFT OUT! www.sassnet.com Page 2 Cowboy Chronicle November 2007 7302 E. Main St., Suite #7, Mesa, AZ 85207 800-596-0444 • (480) 218-1181 • FAX 888-528-5487 Email [email protected] www.wildwestmercantile.com November 2007 Cowboy Chronicle Page 3 Professional XP Chronograph ~ ORDER TODAY ~ The PACT Professional Chronograph XP is the ultimate Scale and Dispenser Combo..........$229.95 Save $29.95 Now $199.95 chronograph system for the perfection of musketry and Digital Scale Only.............................$129.95 Save $14.95 Now $114.95 $114.95 measure of munitions. Our new skyscreen system offers a Digital Dispenser Only.....................$129.95 Save $14.95 Now Professional XP Chrono...............$229.95 Save $29.95 Now $199.95 huge shooting window and operates across the wide range Professional w/ IR Kit...................$269.95 Save $39.95 Now $229.95 of light conditions found in these United States (and CSA of Club Timer III.................................$129.95 Free Case Valued at $16.95 course). Complete statistical analysis of MKIV XP Timer/Chrono...................$189.95 Save $19.95 Now $169.95 your velocity data allows you to tune FREE CHRONOGRAPH *Sky Screens Sold Separately* your loads to perfection. Built in full- *See www.PACT.com for more specials* function ballistic computer allows you to optimize you zero at the You also need a timer you can hear. Both the new Club range and print a custom made drop Timer III and the MKIV Championship Timer XP table on the spot using the built are equipped with our custom made super in printer. Corrects for windage, loud low frequency buzzer. Both will elevation and temperature. Tells you tell you everything you need to where to zero at 100 yards for any down range zero know about most strings at the or best Maximum Point Bland range. Calculate the quickest glance with no button free recoil for and gun/load combination. Measure pushing at all. If you do want to the actual Ballistic Coefficient for any bullet. review your individual shot times, Calculates power as Kinetic Energy, Momentum, each will display all the shot information at Taylor Knockdown and IPSC Power Factor. once (Shot number, split time, total time) so you don't have Computer interface lets you store you ballistic WR ÀLS EDFN DQG IRUWK LQ OLNH \RX ZHUH ZRUNLQJ D WHOHJUDSK data on your PC. Going beyond basic function, the MKIV XP functions as your loyal training partner, allowing you to program and simulate DGYDQFHG FRXUVHV RI ¿UH IURP WKH UHFHQW XQSOHDVDQWQHVV LQ MKIV XP TIMER AND CHRONO Tombstone to Buffalo Wallow Fight. The New MKIV XP also In our quest to become Master Shootist's, most of our includes a full feature chronograph, ballistic computer, lead effort is put to learning the high art of going fast slowly. We calculator and USB port allowing your to down load your timer understand becoming a better shot means hitting the same and chronograph strings to your PC. Compatible with all PACT target in ever smaller parts of a second. To achieve and Oehler skyscreens, sold separately. this worthy goal, you have to keep an accurate account of both accuracy and speed. Would Load Quickly and Precisely you practice without a target? Of course not, ZLWKRXWDWDUJHW\RX UHMXVWÀLQJLQJOHDGDW Once you start rolling your own you will soon discover the side of the hill, you've no accounting of that even the best powder measures vary a good bit from how well you're shooting. Without a PACT charge to charge, particularly with the best extruded Timer you have much the same mystery. powders. PACT Digital Precision Powder Dispenser puts an You have no idea how long it's taking you to HQGWRWKHERWKHURIHQGOHVVO\¿GGOLQJZLWKPDQXDOSRZGHU VFRRS \RXU ULÀH XS DQG PDNH D SHUIHFW VKRW RU JHW dispensers, giving you the exact charge weight you've \RXUFRDFKJXQORDGHGDQG¿ULQJDJDLQ asked for. Want 61.9 grains? Type it in and press Dispense. Your Dispenser will take it from there, depositing your powder An American Warranty directly into the powder pan resting on the Scale. The Dispenser will precisely meter the charge, carefully trickling the last few All PACT Products are Made In America, by shooters for shooters. tenths. In other words, each load is as accurate as it would be if All are backed by our 30 Day Money Back Guarantee and Limited you weighed each charge, trickling each to the correct weight Lifetime Warranty. We take complete responsibility by hand. The difference is that the dispenser won't - get for your satisfaction. Our products are available tired or bored, and won't complain. It'll just sit there factory direct and through select dealers a n d giving you what you asked for time after catalogs. time. Order Today 800 PACT INC ~ 800 722 8462 ~ PACT.COM Offers expires 1/15/08. Copyright PACT Inc. 2007. Page 4 Cowboy Chronicle November 2007 November 2007 Cowboy Chronicle Page 5 The Cowboy CCONTENTSONTENTS Chronicle 1 ON THE COVER Guns of August 2007 .
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