-MARTINSBURQ INDEPENDENT- Saturday. June 13,188«. HELLER’S OP WEST VIRGINIA. IIumorouH. well ‘Are you pretty acquainted PRINCIPAL OFFICE, M»rtiiiMl»nric. Carriage Manufactory, with your mother stongue, my boy V Corner Marlin A Oiieen NtrcetM. asked the school teacher of a new answered the J. Nklson Prea’t. 8. L. N. Treaa'r. scholar ‘Yes. sir, boy Wisnkh, I)ODD, Secr’jr. Thatcher, : timidly. Majaws me d good deal, John Fit*, VIce-Fre*’t. 8. >'. >1 ykhh, Med. Exam’r. li. J]. 'Vfff iLQi K. fe n, Acent sir.’ THE ‘Too much absorbed in his busi- j -o o-- ness.’ was the comment of a news- j Has the ability to pay maximum claim?. paper on the death of a brewer, rj'uo REMINGTON was found drowned a tank of his jy, Plan of Insurance. own beer. 1. ONTlNE E NDOWMENT.—Policy matures in lOor 15 yearr, as thv applicant may | IScwing Machine, fifteen of cross, If it takes pounds "live to win.” elect, or at death if prior. On this plan you LIKE THE to fatten a eyed applebutter bowleg- 2. * RDIMARY LIFE—At very low rate*. Policy natures at death will it take a ed mosquito, how long Reserve Funds accumulated on both plans and improved at4j per cent net, being invest- sick kitten to chew the legs off an ed in solvent securities. RIFLE. ? 90 W. St-. W, Va. iron safe ? For terms to Tabulated Circulars, etc., address IpnTON King Ja£?!insburg, Agents, Explanation, m UNEXCELLED BY ANY. I nanulftitlire the ‘I do think that thirteen is an un- It. II. WIUTCOCK, H Salladfle Tfiplf SpfiBg Buggies, and all other style o "Bug- General to Give Satisfaction. gies, Jump Seats, Pheatons,. Ac. AH work of the best materials'md work- said a aug.29/85 Agent. la.S'Mre Jaggers, put up lucky number, pretty young manship, and warranted. I sell no cheap Cincinnati Work. Persons d siriDi. to ilm 1 inrbiirg, W. Va. Shoddy miss who had entered her teens. purchase a buggy or carriage, will save money a article Call and examine just General Illon, N. Y. by getting good Office, rov work and prices, faor3-«o. ‘It’s too old for dolls and too young New York 283 for .beaux.’ Ofilce, Broadway. ‘It is healthier to lie ou the right Wanted. rather than the left side/ says an as- Buying Agents tute health journal. Of course no- body wants to be on the ‘left side, with Fertilizer BARGAINS FOE EVERY BODY but a for instance often finds Corn attachment, lawyer Planter, -O- is thousands of who are using them, to be the best now iu use. it healthy to lie on either side. pronounce! by fanners, Every farmer without one, should purchase one. They sell on their merits. ‘I am surprised at the appearance OUR COBH FERTILIZER will also give entire satisfaction. TRY IT. The Old Reliable Furniture House. of your friend B. Helooks wretch- ed. Do you know if helms been dis- King St. Hall—Public Square* appointed in love?’ ‘No, lie has Brown ff*nyons9 been disappointed in marriage.’ Root?, Bnrshear, Single And Double Shov^ Plows. LARGEST AND BEST SELECTED STOCK OF FURNITURE in Martinsburg, A medicine advertisement handmade and eastern which will enable to select what patent Bi.sell’s Chilled and and Plows, Not, 15, 1884. THEboth Furniture, persons exactly Rough Ready made with eastern firms which will enable me to sell ‘The human is much they want. Having arrangements sajs: body all the Latest on With Improved cheaper than any other house in the city, I defy competition. Keep constantly hand: like a clock.’ This sounds good A. reasonable. A good many men spend Farming imp!emeuts QUIIMZEL, Marble-Top Chamber Suits, a large part of their time in strik- BAKER & CONFECTIONER And Machinery. Pi.-l, Suits, Solid-Top Chamber Suits, Lounges, Sideboards, Bedsteads, Bureaus, ing. QUEEN STREET, > okcases, Washstands, Tables, Desks, Rockers, Chairs, Marble-Top Tables, Mirrors, all styles; Woven Wire Mattresses ‘Madam,’ said a shivering tramp, / IME PLASTER Noxt to Wisner s’b Grocery Store PURE FINE GROUND -ALSO AGi:\T FOR TUB ITHACA ORGAN CO.— ‘w-will y-you give a p-poor fellow a ICE*CRB AcTVC, the made These have a second ch-chance to get warm?’ ‘Certain- i. N. THATCHEK, SODA WATER, CAKES AND Manufacturers of best Organ organs reputation to none, are made <u the best and nrcetdui able style or workmanship; surpasses all others in sweet- the woman West Martin Stm t. Martinsbiu W. V i ly,’ replied kindly ; ‘you FRESH BREAD ness of tone, and are sold at the lowest possible prices, can carry in the ton of coal, but always on hand. don’t burn yourself.’ Will deliver Fresh Bread uid / a Number Cakes every afternoon. Keep ‘What's the name of jour horse?’ BUGGY Constantly on hami. and would say to all in want of a good call and exam COLUMBUS ^®~ All orders loft at the dtore instrument, asked .Jones of after he lmd COMPANY, a t )• t fm on Brown, promptly’led. ine the fthm *r y pnrehast- I am sure you will buy no o'her. driven around him once or twice on COLUMBUS, OHIO. April 1 —tv Funera!-' t rveti thi shortest t o'it-e. irsarll A. W. ly. _ KOGLESCHATZ, V- the road. Martinsburg, ‘Congress.’ name. What do call ‘Fanny jrou T'X-lCira IIOOSIBXi him that for ?’ ‘Because he never passes anything.’ BUGGIES, Broadcast Hand Seed Sower, PHOTONS, Strictly A man in tho coal region put a MD of PO.R SOWING little dynamite in the cooking stove to remove clinkers. It removed WHEAT, HIE, BUCKWHEAT them. It also removed three chiars, UICK, FLAX, OATS, .A.- L/C- GILBERT, GRASS, SEED, &c. one table, one family cat, a twenty- .^ It will sow from 4 to 8 acres per hour at a four-hour clock, four dollars’worth SURREYS, DRUGGIST AfJD APOTHECARY. XoS.i'entmtrion walking gait, and 27 to 43teetata of dishes, and the stove. The fact RACE STS., s;'''.vNrouncl. It is the best machine ever invent- FIRST-CLASS CORNEKQUEENA '.•■V';->,'ed for the and should be in the that the man was likewise 31 Aimxsnrno, W. Va. purpose, removed, Thands of farmer. PRICK ONL\ S'D. CARRIAGES, every Manufacturers jji: in something of a hurry, will be apt ■I Ask j our dealer'or it. Send for Circular. ( AN EXACT VIEW OF OUR FACTORY). in pore dregs, his MEDICINES. CHEMICALS, MANl’FACTUKKD BY to prevent mode of removing Dealer ; The Cross-Spring PATENT DYE clinkers Justly CELEBRATED BREWSTER MEDICINES, STUFFS, Goslion Sweeper & Wringer Co. becoming popular1. One A fine line of Sc^Tho SIDE-BAR wo make our Great Specialty. Wo build Only COMBS; HAIR, CLOTH, o5 Cm Goshen, Inch ‘Just think of the nastj* men eat- TOOTH nnd NAIL BRUSHES, Grade of and that of THE BEST in Quality and ing cigars,’ said Mrs- Gilfillen the work, TOILET POWDERS, CHAMOIS SKINS, but claim FINK eat Style. Wo do not make the Lowest-Priced Vehicles, SHOULDER BRACKS, SOAPS. other daj\ ‘They don’t cigars, 8888MB as isa S3 THE FARM AND CARDEN when FINE PERFUMERY. fw Is a monthly paper, witlt her son that ours aro the CHEAPEST IN THE WORLD, (M JIM HI KmHI handsomely-printed mother, interposed ; *thejr mszsssr BJ m3*k ORIGINAL ILLUSTRATIONS, and is a homelike, sen- GERMAN COLOGNES, Si rural use MATE- ■ HTbA gB flUft gfl Mihle, and AlTl'IMTIi journal. chew the tobacco.’ ‘Hold j our Quality is Considered. Wo the FINEST onlj- All of which we sell at lowest prices ■ 9 F% ‘wasn’t ■ ■ INTERESTING CORRESPONDENCE? tongue, snapped the old lady, RIAL obtainable, employ only EXPERT and COMPETENT GILBERT’S SELECT FRUIT FLAVORS, vnliinlilii information from everj^ltate in Union, but no non Me Due or Mtolen ia|aA It INSECT POWDERS. Coil- it onl\r this that I heard and from time to time all Valu- GILBERT’S t Is un nutliorityon FRUITS and VEGETABLE*. morning MECHANICS, adopt really those who Prescriptions neatly and B|M ■HHH HH tains the BEST Poultry pages tor father ask Mr. Simkina if he that and endeavor to conform to the Physicians’ HPHBA B B rnlMeehiekeuM youi able Improvements offer, accurately prepared at all hours. A M. GILBERT. had a insure the best and most uniform results, niv yth ly IIpppK'-^ cigarette.’ Latest Styles. To 9 9m 9 9 terestfand" from 9 n louse lives in Brook- Our Own Wheels Finest _ A physician who We Now Manufacture Nine from the of every visited a who resides in our own that can be obtained HE PLACE TO PURCHASE lyn lady Timber by mills) ten trial subscribers become permanent renders, (sawed nanies. Expert vis- rp and use tlieir Influence to send more After his Growth at oweat is >t Flushing. continuing hills of Southern Ohio—famous as the Second Hickory first quality of Groceries, Ac, figures the store of some time the its for lady expressed We have the LARGEST and MOST COMPLETE District. JAMES M. HOMR1CH, MONTHS trial 10c. an that it might be in- of Vehicles. SS£;.7. 3 apprehension in the WORLD for the manufacture Light Hou. FACTORY Queen Street, one door north of American ^ffl-TOK FmAMwiW" for him to come so far »verry, convenient WEST VIRGIN! MARTINSBURU, eu'riosilyl^nd ^itT'wMl'eertalnly ^ OF— l/'oufy'to^saUsfy be^aKreealAy on her oceount. ‘Oh, by no means,’ —HIB STOCK FARM AND GARDEN, *<><“ ^SSaSSflg. _ the doctor. ‘I have another GROCERIES, QUEENSWA R E replied Down to the Gate, —^ g. m m m a pa I'm Just Going in the and I TOBACCO ami CIGARS, n £*% n III A n Handful of Earth.
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