SUBJECT INDEX Al Page Page Agriculture Trade and Export Policy Commission Act 1576 AM VETS, charter amendment 220 Aircraft and Air Carriers: Abortions, Department of Defense Aviation administration and industry, Authorization Act, 1985 2492 Acquired Immune Deficiency study 1825 Syndrome, Preventive Health Aviation Drug-Trafficking Control Amendments of 1984 2854 Act 2312 Act to Combat International Terorism, Civil Aeronautics Board Sunset Act of 1984 2706 1984 1703 Act for the Prevention and Coast Guard Authorization Act of Punishment of the Crime of 1984 2860 Hostage-Taking 2186 Deficit Reduction Act of 1984 494 Adoption Assistance and Child Department of Defense Authorization Welfare Act of 1980, Act, 1985 2492 amendments 3297 Trade and Tariff Act of 1984 2948 Adult Education Act, amendments...2366- Aircraft Sabotage Act 2187 2369, 2488 Ak-Chin Indian Community, water Afghanistan, Department of Defense rights 2698 Authorization Act, 1985 2492 Alabama: Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967, amendments 1063, 1792 Armistead I. Seldon Lock and Dam, Aged Persons: designation 2753 Carl D. Perkins Vocational Education Bon Secour National Wildlife Act 2435 Refuge 321 Domestic Volunteer Service Act Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments of 1984 189 Amendments of 1984, The 3221 Environmental Protection Assistance Alamosa National Wildlife Refuge 2941 Act of 1984 235 Alaska: Library Services and Construction Act Arctic Research and Policy Act of Amendments 2236 1984 1242 Older Americans Act Amendments of Barrow Gas Field Transfer Act of 1984 1767 1984 468 Payment rates for home and hospice Civil Aeronautics Board Sunset Act of care 3294 1984 1703 Voting Accessibility for the Elderly Federal Timber Contract Payment and Handicapped Act 1678 Modification Act 2213 Agricultural Marketing Act of 1946, amendments 1480 Sitka National Historical Park 2335 Agricultural Programs Adjustment Act Alaska National Interest Lands of 1984 130 Conservation Act, amendments 3358 Agricultural Trade Development and Alaska Natural Gas Transportation Assistance Act of 1954, Act, amendments 3358 amendments 2195,3409 Alcohol Abuse, Drug Abuse, and Agriculture Act of 1949, amendments... 130- Mental Health Amendments of 133, 135, 137 1984 2353 Agriculture Adjustment Act of 1938, Alcohol and Alcoholic Beverages: amendments 3357 See also Drugs and Drug Abuse. Agriculture and Agricultural Bankruptcy Amendments and Federal Commodities: Judgeship Act of 1984 333 See also specific commodities. Deficit Reduction Act of 1984 494 Agricultural Programs Adjustment Juvenile Justice, Runaway Youth, and Act of 1984 130 Bankruptcy Amendments and Federal Missing Children's Act Judgeship Act of 1984 333 Amendments of 1984 2107 Honey Research, Promotion, and National minimum drinking age 435 Consumer Information Act 3115 Southern Ute Indian Tribe 201 Perishable commodities, trust Trade and Tariff Act of 1984 2948 issuance 165 Veterans' Health Care Act of 1984 2686 Rubber, research program extension 181 Alcohol and Drug Abuse Amendments Trade and Tariff Act of 1984 2948 of 1983, amendments 2364 Agriculture and Food Act of 1981, Alexander Pirnie Federal Building, amendments 1576 N.Y., designation 3125 NOTE: Page references are to beginning pages of each law, with the exception of acts being amended or repealed, which cite to pages where they actually appear. A2 SUBJECT INDEX Page Page Aliens: Agriculture Department...283, 1369, 1388, American University of Beirut 1837 employees, granting of special Appalachian Regional Commission, immigrant status 3437 1985 403 Deficit Reduction Act of 1984 494 Architectural and Transportation Guam 1732 Barriers Compliance Board 1945 Olympiad participants or officials, Arms Control and Disarmament entry of personal effects 10 Agency, 1985 1568 Alimony: Civil Aeronautics Board 283,1945 Deficit Reduction Act of 1984 494 Civil Rights Commission 1562 Department of Defense Authorization Commerce Department 1371,1545 Act, 1985 2492 Continuing 1699,1731,1747,1814,1837 Alvin C. York Veterans' Corporation for Public Broadcasting... 1394, Administration Medical Center, 3329 Tenn., designation 2686 Defense Department...403, 283, 1376, 1378, American Fisheries Promotion Act, 1837,1904 amendments 2310 American Folklife Preservation Act, Delaware River Basin Commission 403 amendments 1362 District of Columbia 1407 American Gold Star Mothers, Education Department...l390, 1393, 1837, Incorporated, charter 237 3321 American Revolution, honoring Energy Department 403,1389,1837 contribution of Blacks Ill Environmental Protection Agency 1381 American Samoa: Equal Employment Opportunity Economic development 1732 Commission 1562 Older Americans Act Amendments of Executive Office of the President...1382, 1984 1767 1401 Rehabilitation Amendments of 1984 17 Federal Communications Water Resources Research Act of Commission 1551 1984 97 Federal Emergency Management Wildlife refuge aid 321 Agency 1382 Anadromous Fish Conservation Act, Federal Maritime Commission 1551 amendments 3190 Federal Mediation and Conciliation Animal Welfare Act, amendments 1708 Service 3330 Animals: Federal Mine Safety and Health Arizona Wilderness Act of 1984 1485 Review Commission 3330 Black Canyon, Gunnison National Federal Trade Commission 1551 Monument, boundary Fine Arts Commission 1869 establishment 397 Foreign assistance 1837 Livestock Fraud Protection Act 2148 Franklin Delano Roosevelt Memorial San Juan Wilderness Protection Act Commission 1837 of 1984 3155 General Services Administration 1402 Trade and Tariff Act of 1984 2948 Health and Human Services Utah Wilderness Act of 1984 1657 Department... 115,1371,1391,1837,3311 Antarctic Marine Living Resources Housing and Urban Development Convention Act of 1984 3398 Department 1213,1380 Appalachian Regional Development Inter-American Foundation 1884 Act of 1965, amendments 2489 Interior Department...283, 403, 1379, 1385, Appeals Court, District of Columbia. 1837 See Courts, U.S. Appropropriations and Appropriation International Boundary and Water Acts: Commission, U.S. and Mexico, 1985 1566 [Note: For amendments to previously International Broadcasting, Board established appropriation acts, see for 1375,1568 specific short titles]. International Fisheries Action 1394,3329 Commissions 1566 Advisory Council on Historic International Trade Commission 1552 Preservation 1837 Interstate Commerce Commission 1945 African Development Foundation 1884 Interstate Commission on the Agency for International Potomac River Basin 403 Development 1884 Institute of Museum Services 1837 NOTE: Page references are to beginning pages of each law, with the exception of acts being amended or repealed, which cite to pages where they actually appear. SUBJECT INDEX A3 Page Page Japan-United States Friendship United States Information Agency...283, Commission 1568 1568 Judiciary 1376,1570 United States Railway Association 1945 Justice Department 1373,1553 Veterans Administration 1384 Labor Department 283,1391,3305 Washington Metropolitan Area Legal Services Corporation 1563 Transit Authority 1945 Legislative Branch 283,472,1395 Marine Mammal Commission 1552 Aravaipa Canyon Wilderness, Arizona Military Construction Act 1877 Wilderness Act of 1984 1485 National Aeronautics and Space Arctic Research Commission, Administration 1383 establishment 1243 National Capital Planning Arctic Research and Policy Act of Commission 1837 1984 1242 National Commission on Libraries Arizona: and Information Science 3330 Ak-Chin Indian Community, water National Council on the rights 2698 Handicapped 3330 National Foundation on the Arts and Hoover Power Plant Act of 1984 1333 the Humanities 1390,1837 Indian lands 118 National Institute of Building Payson, land conveyance 1687 Sciences 1383 Show Low, land conveyance 188 National Labor Relations Board 3330 Trade and Tariff Act of 1984 2948 National Mediation Board 3331 Zuni Tribe, land conveyance 1533 National Science Foundation 1384 Arizona Wilderness Act of 1984 1485 National Transportation Safety Arkansas, High Plains States Board 1945 Groundwater Demonstration Navajo and Hopi Indian Relocation Program Act of 1983 1675 Commission 1837 Arkansas Wilderness Act of 1984 2349 Neighborhood Reinvestment Armed Career Criminal Act of 1984 2185 Corporation 1384 Armed Forces: Nuclear Regulatory Commission 403 Claims 2918 Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission 3331 Deficit Reduction Act of 1984 494 Overseas Private Investment Department of Defense Authorization Corporation 1884 Act, 1985 2492 Panama Canal Commission 1401,1945 Small Business and Federal Peace Corps 1405,1884 Procurement Competition Pennsylvania Avenue Development Enhancement Act of 1984 3066 Corporation 1837 Tax exemptions for U.S. military and Prospective Payment Assessment civilian employees 142 Commission 3331 Vietnam Veterans National Medal Railroad Retirement Board 3331 Act 2923 Securities and Exchange Armistead I. Seldon Lock and Dam, Commission 1552 Ala., designation 2753 Security and Cooperation in Europe, Arms Race in Space, cooperative East- Committee on 1568 West ventures 2914 Small Business Administration 1552 Art Barn, Washington, D.C., Smithsonian Institution 1837 preservation 2336 Soldiers' and Airmen's Home 3332 State Department...283, 1375, 1403, 1404, Arts, contributions to education 1543 1564,1884 Asbestos School Hazard Abatement Supplemental 283,1369 Act of 1984 1287 Susquehanna River Basin Atchafalaya National Wildlife Commission 403 Refuge 2774 Tennessee Valley Authority 403 Atlantic Striped Bass Conservation Trade Representative, Office of Act 3187
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