Catholic Church 26 Swanston Street, St Marys, NSW 2760 Tel: (02) 9623 1962 Fax: (02) 9833 1063 Entrusted to the Salesians of Don Bosco Parish Email: [email protected] Parish Website: www.olrchurchstmarys.org.au THE EPIPHANY OF THE LORD - Year B 6 - 7 January, 2018 Entrance Antiphon 3. The kings of Tarshish and the sea Behold, the Lord, the Mighty One, has coasts shall pay him tribute. come; and kinship is in his grasp, and The kings of Sheba and Seba power and dominion. shall bring him gifts. Before him all kings shall fall First Reading : Is 60:1-6 prostrate, all nations shall serve him. The glory of the Lord shines upon you. (R.) Arise, shine out, Jerusalem, for your 4. For he shall save the poor GOSPEL: (contd) light has come, the glory of the Lord when they cry and the Jerusalem. He called together all the is rising on you, though night still cov- needy who are helpless. chief priests and the scribes of the ers the earth and darkness the peo- He will have pity on the weak people, and enquired of them where ples. Above you the Lord now rises and save the lives of the poor. (R.) the Christ was to be born. ‘At Bethle- and above you his glory appears. The hem in Judaea,’ they told him, ‘for this nations come to your light and kings Second Reading: Eph 3:2-3, 5-6 is what the prophet wrote: to your dawning brightness. Lift up The revelation means that pagans now share the same And you, Bethlehem, in the land of your eyes and look round: all are as- inheritance, that they are parts of the same body. Judah, you are by no means least sembling and coming towards you, You have probably heard how I have among the leaders of Judah, for out your sons from far away and your been entrusted by God with the grace of you will come a leader who will daughters being tenderly carried. At he meant for you, and that it was by a shepherd my people Israel. ’Then this sight you will grow radiant, your revelation that I was given the knowl- Herod summoned the wise men to heart throbbing and full; since the edge of the mystery. This mystery that see him privately. He asked them the riches of the sea will flow to you; the has now been revealed through the exact date on which the star had ap- wealth of the nations come to you; Spirit to his holy apostles and proph- peared, and sent them on to Bethle- camels in throngs will cover you, and ets was unknown to any men in past hem. ‘Go and find out all about the dromedaries of Midian and Ephah; generations; it means that pagans child,’ he said ‘and when you have everyone in Sheba will come, bringing now share the same inheritance, that found him, let me know, so that I too gold and incense and singing the they are parts of the same body, and may go and do him homage.’ Having praise of the Lord. that the same promise has been listened to what the king had to say, The word of the Lord made to them, in Christ Jesus, they set out. And there in front of through the gospel. them was the star they had seen ris- Responsorial Psalm: The word of the Lord ing; it went forward and halted over (R.) Lord, every nation on earth the place where the child was. The Gospel Acclamation: sight of the star filled them with de- will adore you. Alleluia, alleluia! light, and going into the house they 1. O God, give your judgement to the We have seen his star in the East; saw the child with his mother Mary, king, to a king’s son your justice, and have come to adore the Lord. and falling to their knees they did that he may judge your people in Alleluia! him homage. Then, opening their justice and your poor in right treasures, they offered him gifts of judgement. (R.) GOSPEL: Mt 2:1-12 gold and frankincense and myrrh. 2. In his days justice shall flourish We have come from the East to worship the king. But they were warned in a dream not and peace till the moon fails. After Jesus had been born at Bethle- to go back to Herod, and returned to He shall rule from sea to sea, hem in Judaea during the reign of their own country by a different way. from the Great River to earth’s King Herod, some wise men came to The Gospel of the Lord bounds. (R.) Jerusalem from the east. ‘Where is the infant king of the Jews?’ they Communion Antiphon: asked. ‘We saw his star as it rose and We have seen his star in the East, have come to do him homage.’ and have come with gifts to When King Herod heard this he was adore the Lord. perturbed, and so was the whole of PARISH TEAM Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults - RCIA Parish Priest: Fr. Brendan Murphy SDB Do you know anyone interested in becoming a Catholic? Assistant Priest: Fr Guy Riolo SDB Please invite them to contact: Parish Secretary: Fleur Mathias Vera on 0416 008 582 or the Parish Office on 9623 1962 Parish Telephone: 9623 1962 Parish Email: [email protected] Web: www.olrchurchstmarys.org.au PARISH MINISTRIES Parish Fax: 9833 1063 St Vincent de Paul Society: meets every Tuesday at 7:00pm in the St Vincent de Paul Office beside the Parish Hall. For Enquiries Please Phone The Parish Office Junior Legion of Mary: meets on Fridays, 4:30pm to 5:45pm in between 9:30am - 12:30pm & 1:30pm - 3:30pm, Mon-Fri the Parish Hall and Parish Meeting Rooms. Young people welcome Senior Legion of Mary: Tuesdays, 6:30-8pm in the Parish Hall Salesian Community: Phone: 9623 1220 Meeting Room. All Welcome to join. Rector: Fr John Walenciej SDB The Cenacle: Every Thursday after 9am Mass, you are invited to Don Bosco Youth Centre: Phone: 9623 0450 join us to pray the Cenacle of the Marian Movement of Priests. Co-Directors: Sr Jenny Doudle FMA Cuppa and Craft Club: Thursdays at 9:30am, Parish Hall. Fr John Walenciej SDB Contact Parish Office 9623 1962. Computer Class (50 years & over):Basic:9.30am-11.30am and Our Lady of the Rosary Primary School Advance:1.30pm-4pm, Parish Hall Mtg Rm. Please contact Parish Office. Principal: Mr Michael Siciliano Rosary Statue: Mr & Mrs Bonnice, 169 Forrester Rd, St Marys. Phone: 9623 2500 RCIA: meets Thursdays, 7:30pm, Parish Meeting Room. Email: [email protected] Know someone who would like to be a Catholic? New enquirers welcome. Web: www.olorstmarys.catholic.edu.au Catechists: Teaching God’s Word in our State schools. Volunteers needed. Contact Maureen Watts 9623 9272. Emmaus Catholic College Mother’s Prayers: Every Monday, 10am at the Infant School. Principal: Mr Robert Nastasi Ladies Auxiliary: 2nd Mon’s, Parish Office Meeting Room, 7:30pm Phone: 9670 4588 Youth Choir: Choir Practices on the 2nd Sunday of the month, Email: [email protected] 2.30pm – 4pm. Choir sings at the 9am Mass on the 4th Sunday Web: www.emmauskempscreek.catholic.edu.au of the month. All young people welcome, 6 -16 years. OLR-Schoenstatt Pilgrim Mother Apostolate (PMA) Rosary Prayer: every 4th Sunday of the month after the 10.30am Mass (11.45am) in the Church. All Welcome! PRAYERS FOR THE SICK Sat 6 Jnan Jesus the Healer, we commend to your gentle hands 6:00pm Antonia Nazal those who are sick Sun 7 Jan THE EPIPHANY OF THE LORD Judith Urbano-Lopez, Denham de Silva, Mary Bonanno, Leanne Barlon, 7:30am Jack & Eileen Tasker Plaridel Santos, Kathy McMillan, Charlize McMillan, Soaad Halaka, Ester San- 9:00am Felix & Janina Jesionkowski tos, Jeblet, Greg , Sharan & Baby Larna, Anna R, Iris Warne, Donna, George 10.30am Stjepan Karlusic, Dragutin Ditrih Safi, Joan Law, Joseph Camilleri, Charlie Sultana, Maria Maciejewska, Peter 5:30pm Pro Populo Wetton, Maureen Cocks, Daniel Jacobson, Linda & William Weightman, Grazia Mon 8 Jan THE BAPTISM OF THE LORD Gullo, Tracey Bokor, David Fuller, Sylvia Smith, Adrian Durando, Andrew 6.30am Holy Souls Boulos, Ricardo Herft, Grant Butterfield, Avalee, Dana, Garry., Meerle Steere, 9:00am Mr & Mrs Khokhar, Rehmat, Sheila Elivra Puyat, Renato Cazar, Vera Gould, Loyd, Carol Greentree, Tangey Fernan- des, Vitas Varnas, Luzia J. Vinuya, Joan Sattlar, Anna Clarke, Jim Kama, Allan Tue 9 Jan 9:00am Fr Jerry Breen Williams, Rosina Paulo, Ryan Cleary, Shaanan Pereira, Imelda & Joe Bonser, Wed 10 Jan Frank Campbell, Fr George O’ Mara, Wiloto Seng, Padraig Smith, Rosina 12 noon Maria, Antonio Anania Paulo, Sally McFarlane , Michael McDermott, Alicia Santos.Yu, Greg Hines, Sr Thur 11 Jan Jenny Doudle, Annette Axiak, Baby Cristiano, Maureen Cocks, Valeria Bruzzese 9:00am Holy Souls in Purgatory Fri 12 Jan 9.15am Warren and Family PRAYERS FOR THE DECEASED Please remember in your prayers our deceased Sat 13 Jan ST HILARY parishioners, family and friends especially 8:00am Ivan Jazo Jadwiga Walenciej, Alfred Farrugia. Francine Low, Sid Lawrence, Mario Daros, Daniel Samardzic, Sr Henriette, Jessie Gomes, Joe Rukavina, Mary Briffa, Matt Julian, William Melton, Fr Jerry Breen, Charlie Zammit, Alberto Garate., Ber- RECONCILIATION nadette Downey, Maria Teresa Urbina, Grazia Gullo, Nella Capasso, Vency Every Wednesday: 11:15am - 11:45am. Pinto, Brian Buan, Sejundina Sacun, Moises Sorrigaga, Francesca Premutico, Every Saturday: 9:00am - 10:00am, 5:00pm - 5:30pm Maria Castiglioni., Kevin Kennedy, Malcolm Wood, Betty Cox, Linda Dunn, Pamela Polland, Gwendoline Cash, Ron Hopkinson, Daniella Siciliano Carbone, ADORATION BEFORE THE BLESSED SACRAMENT Rory Hampsey, Peter Murphy, Elizabeth Chidgey, Malek Athum Abaker.
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