THE GENUS PHALIUM (GASTROPODA: CASSIDAE) FROM THE ALUM BLUFF GROUP OF NORTHWESTERN FLORIDA GARY W. SCHMELZ NAPLES, FLORIDA The purpose of this paper is to reexam­ examination of the pictured specimens of ine the genus Phalium from the Alum Chipola Phalium illustrates a gradual Bluff Group of northwestern Florida. Over transition in form from Dall's shouldered a century has elapsed since Dall first variety, with distinct nodes on the periph­ described a single specimen of this genus ery of the body and penultimate whorls, to from Chipola Formation deposits. His new a rounded, more cancellate form. In addi­ species was collected from Ten Mile Creek tion, a comparison of the SEM pho­ in Calhoun County, Florida, and given the tographs of the protoconchs and early name Phalium aldrichi to honor Mr. T.H. teleoconch whorls of the shouldered forms Aldrich, who was instrumental in further­ (pl. 2, figs . 1 and 2) with the rounded, ing our knowledge of the Eocene fauna of more cancellate variety (pl. 2, fig. 3) the southern United States (Gardner, reveals that the protoconchs and early 1947, p. 537). Since this initial discovery, sculpturing on the teleoconch whorls are numerous specimens of Phalium have exactly the same for all varieties. This been collected by professional and amateur evidence strongly suggests that Phalium fossil hunters from the late Early Miocene aldrichi is the only species of Phalium pre­ Chipola deposits along Farley Creek, the sent in Chipola Formation deposits, and Chipola River, and Tenmile Creek. In that like other members of its genus, addition, one complete, as well as many Phalium aldrichi reflects a high degree of partial specimens of Phalium have been morphological variability. unearthed from the Middle Miocene Shoal The complete Phalium collected from River Formation. Shoal River deposits (pl. 3, fig. 1) may be The newly collected Chipola Formation compared visually to its closest Chipola examples of Phalium exhibit a wide range counterpart in plate 3, fig. 2. Although the of morphological forms and the single com­ two specimens appear to be the same, the plete Phalium from the Shoal River Shoal River species is a much larger and deposit bears a strong resemblance to one more globose shell, which possesses differ­ of the Chipola varieties. These discoveries ent sculpturing on the body and teleoconch posed two questions to the investigator. whorls. These differences have led the First, does the Chipola Formation possess investigator to conclude that the Shoal more than one species of Phalium, or do River sp-ecimen represents a new species the different varieties of Phalium simply that evolved from Phalium aldrichi. represent different forms of Phalium aldrichi? Second, does the Phalium from the Shoal River deposit represent a new SYSTEMATIC PALEONTOLOGY species, or is it a form of Phalium aldrichi that survived into the Middle Miocene? Family CASSIDAE Swainson, 1832 To answer the first question the investi­ Genus PHALIUM Link gator examined 30 specimens of Phalium collected from eight different Chipola Phalium LINK, 1807, Beschr_ Natur.-Samm. Formation localities. Pictures were taken Univ. Rostock, p. 112. of the different morphological types (pl. 1, Type species: Buccinum glaucum Linne, figs. 1-5), and the protoconchs of three dif­ 1758, by subsequent designation, Dall ( 1909, ferent forms were examined with the help U.S. GeoL Survey, Prof. Paper 59, P- 62). of SEM photographs (pl. 2). Although none of the specimens examined look Subgenus TYLOCASSIS Woodring exactly like the holotype described by Dall (1890, p. 162), the specimen illustrated in Tylocassis WOODRING, 1928, Carnegie Inst. plate 1, fig. 1, has all of its morphological Washington, PubL 385, P- 306. characteristics with the exception of the Type species: Buccinum granulatum Born, two prominent transverse varices. An 1780, by original designation. 45 46 Tulane Studies in Geology and Paleontology Vol. 29 PHALIUM (TYLOCASSIS) MURRAY! had been replaced by a shallow-water, silty Schmelz, n. sp. bottom (Gardner, 1926, p. 2; Haerle, 1976, Plate 3, figure 1 p. 3). Under these new environmental conditions, Phalium aldrichi evolved into Description: Shell medium-sized, thin, glo­ the larger, more globose Phalium murrayi. bose. Protoconch smooth, glossy, about three Like its Chipola counterpart, fragments of whorls, becoming abruptly sculptured with faint Phalium murrayi collected by the investi­ spiral cords and axial ridges. Four and one-ha}f gator indicate that the new species had a teleoconch whorls. Early whorls strongly con­ wide range of morphological forms with vex, last two whorls more flattened. Suture dis­ some possessing smooth body whorls and tinct. Penultimate whorl sculptured with four noded shoulders, while others lack the alternating narrow and wide spiral cords, inter­ noded shoulders and have cancellate sected by faint axial ridges. Intersected cords sculpturing. faintly crenulate. Crenulations best developed Phalium murrayi is considered to be the along the shoulder where they give the shell a ancestor to Phalium reclusa (Guppy, weakly tuberculate appearance. Body whorl 1873), which is reported from the Late with 13 broad, slightly raised cords separated Miocene-Pliocene Cercado and Gurabo for­ by narrow, smooth spaces. Outer lip thickened, mations of the Dominican Republic reflected, with outer edge coarsely crenulated. (Woodring, 1928, p. 308), the Late Miocene Nineteen, well-developed, unpaired lirae situat­ Gatun Formation of the Panama Canal ed along the inside edge of the outer lip. Inner Zone (Woodring, 1959, p. 200, pl. 34, figs. lip heavily calloused, reflected, pustular, !irate 1, 4-6) and the Late Pliocene deposits of along the inside edge. Siphonal canal short, the Bowden formation in Jamaica (Guppy, strongly recurved; siphonal fasciole well-devel­ 1866, p. 287, pl. 17, fig. 8; Woodring, 1928, oped and situated next to a deep groove. p. 307, pls. 19, 20). For comparative pur­ Holotype: UF 67410; height 45.5 mm, maxi­ poses two typical forms of Phalium reclusa mum diameter 33.5 mm. from two different Dominican Republic Type locality: WL004, Shoal River Formation, localities are pictured in Plate 3. The New Harmony Quadrangle USGS 1987, (Sec. 4, smaller, cancellate form (fig. 3) comes from T3N, R21W), Walton County, Florida. the Cercado formation on the Rio Cana at Etymology: Named for Andrew Murray, who Caimito (TU 1230) and the larger speci­ collected the type specimen, now in the collec­ men (fig. 4), with the double row of nodes tion ofthe Florida Museum of Natural History. at the shoulder, comes from Cercado Formation deposits on the Rio Gurabo (TU Discussion: The most re~ent strontium 1358). Phalium murrayi bears the closest dating studies on the Shoal River resemblance to the specimen of Phalium Formation show that these deposits are reclusa illustrated in figure 4. Both are about 4.5 to 8.5 million years younger about the same size, but Phalium murrayi than their Chipola Formation counterpart is more globose, lacks the double row of (Jones et al., 1993, tbl. 1, p. 45). In addi­ nodes at the shoulder, has early teleoconch · tion, fossils collected from this deposit sug­ whorls that are more convex, and possess­ gest that the climate was cooler and the es a more elevated protoconch with three reef environment of the Chipola Formation rather than two and one-half whorls. PLATE 1 Figures 1-5. Different morphological types of Phalium aldrichi Dall, from the Chipola Formation, Florida. (All X 1 ') 1. UF 68995; height 32.5 mm, diameter 21.2 mm; locality TU 951. 2. UF 68996; height 35.9 mm, diameter 28.4 mm; locality TU 655. 3. UF 68997; height 32.2 mm, diameter 21.0 mm; locality TU 655. 4. UF 68998; height 37.8 mm, diameter 23.7 mm; locality TU 951. 5. UF 68999; height 35.6 mm, diameter 27.3 mm; locality TU 825. 48 Tulane Studies in Geology and Paleontology Vol. 29 A number of other Late Miocene and (Petuch, 1991, p. 23, pl. 3, figs. 13-14), and Pliocene species of Phalium have been Phalium granulatum loxahatcheensis described from Florida, the Caribbean, (Petuch, 1994, p. 272, pl. 38, figs. A-B). and South America. These include These findings suggest that both Phalium Phalium moniliferum (Guppy, 1866) (see alligator and Phalium granulatum loxa­ Maury, 1917, p. 110, pl. 44, figs. 4-5) from hatcheensis should be considered syn­ the Dominican Republic, Phalium onyms for Phalium granulatum. Phalium (Tylocassis) sulcosum var. senni (Rutsch, cicatricosum (Gmelin, 1791) cited by 1934, p. 55, pl. 3) from Venezuela, Petuch (1994, p. 188, pl. 38, fig. F) for a S emicassis (Tylocassis) inflata waltonensis fossil from the Capeletti Brothers pit, is (Mansfield, 1935, p. 40, pl. 4, figs. 5,- 9) listed by Abbott (1968, p. 157) as a syn­ from Florida, and Semicassis (Tylocassis) onym of Phalium granulatum. maleaformis (Vokes, 1938, p. 24, figs. 22- This investigator would like to extend a 23 ) from Trinidad. In general, these special note of thanks to Emily Vokes for species are morphologically very similar to the loan of Tulane specimens and her Phalium reclusa and are considered syn­ assistance with photographic work. onyms of that species by Abbott (1968, p. Zuzana Hruska, Coordinated Instrument­ 163). In addition, Maury (1925, p. 199, pl. ation Facility, Tulane University, provided 5, figs. 5-7) collected a unique high spired the SEM protographs. Additional notes of species, Phalium paraensis, from Early appreciation are extended to Mr. Burt Miocene, Pirabas Formation, deposits in Hayes and Mr. Cecil Sexton for granting Brazil. This species may predate Phalium permission to collect on their property, to aldrichi, but additional geologic dating Roger Portell, Florida Museum of Natural needs to be done on this formation in order History, Gainesville, for reviewing the arti­ to confirm its appropriate evolutionary cle, and to Andrew and Greta Murray, placement (Vokes, personal communica­ Bradenton, Florida, for their donation of tion).
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