Wright State University CORE Scholar The Guardian Student Newspaper Student Activities 4-25-1978 The Guardian, April 25, 1978 Wright State University Student Body Follow this and additional works at: https://corescholar.libraries.wright.edu/guardian Part of the Mass Communication Commons Repository Citation Wright State University Student Body (1978). The Guardian, April 25, 1978. : Wright State University. This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Student Activities at CORE Scholar. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Guardian Student Newspaper by an authorized administrator of CORE Scholar. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Uttje Satljj (& ward tan April 25, 1978 Volume XIV Issue 94 Wright State University Dayton, Ohio BOT discusses admin By CHIPP SWINDLER The President's Council will Guardian Associate Editor begin operations May I. 1978. IN REPORTING on the second After meeting behind closed proposal Sealy said "The Faculty doors for two and a half hours, Affairs Committee of the Aca- the Board of Trustees yesterday demic Council and the President launched three major programs of the University have agreed to in rapid-fire succession. establish a special committee There was very little discus- which will design a fair and sion of the three measures, effective process for the review which call for the establishment and evaluation of academic ad- of a spc'.ial problem-solving ministrators." force, an administrative review The issue of administrative board, and a committee to scru- review has long conccrn of the tinize administrative organiza- Faculty Affaiis Committee. The tion. Liberal Arts faculty, at their Provisions for the three new winter quarter meeting also call- committees came in a list of ed for such a review. resolutions hammered out during The committee will begin to a meeting of the Trustees' Exe- work as soon as possible, "with a cutive Committee and Wright view toward inagurating the new State President Robert J. Keger- process during the 1978-79 aca- reis. demic year." said Sealy. Board of Tru«tw« member. Fredrick R. McC'annaughey, Dr. John Keto, Rev. George CHAIRMAN OF the Board, THE COMMITTEE will be W. Luc.o, Secretary Jem Jubschman, and Chairer Albert H. Sealy met yeaterday to Albert Sealy, reported The Presi- chaired bv Thomas Tiernan, who decide further adn.tal.tr.tlve polio. Guards Pho.oCarl Uhnnan dent's Council "will review maj- also chairs the Faculty Affairs or proposals before their impli- Committee of the Academic mentation and will discuss ser- Council. The members will in- Kegerreis denies charges ious issues which face the Uni- clude Dr. Alan Ashare. chairman versity." of the department of radiological process and to keep all mention Wright State President Robert "There is no way in which the The council will include vice- sciences. Victor Sutch. associate J. Kegerreis denied charges Fri- University administralion can de- of it to a minimum until the end professor of history, Earl day that the administration was lay the response in to the char- of spring quarter. presidents. vice-provosts, the Zwetschke. professor of educa- slowing down the due process ges." He explained that the process vice president of the faculty, the tion. Clyde Schrickel, associate procedure. KEGERREIS WAS responding was outlined in the WSU Faculty past vice-president of the faculty, to charge made in a eolumn by Handbook and that the adminis- professor of management. Stu- the chairer of the Student Cau- dent Caucus Chairer George The Guardian news editor that he tration was bound to follow those cus. and representatives from the It was erronously reported in Sideras. and Rubin Battino. pro- was trying to slow down the procedures. Dean's Council. The Daily Guardian Thursday fessor of chemistry. that AAUP president Malcolm The third proposal from the Ritchie had filed charges against Student nurses voice complaints Board's Executive Committee di- Vice President Andrew P Ipieg- Hy RON WI KESON The nursing processes, if fail- dated an intern at the Kettering rects "that a comprehensive stu- el. Kegerreis explained the char- Guardian Staff Writer ed. can result in failing the class Medical Center, and when hs dy of (he administrative organi- ges had been brought against even if the student aces the learned that she WRS :aking zation of the University, and thai himself and the WSU Board of Students arc voicing criticisms midterm and final, explained the nursing from Wright State "he it include a specific focus on the Trustees. with the School of Nursing, student. just laughed." Another of her officc of the executive vice- following talks last week between ONE OTHER student stated friends, she noted, quit WSU'S prcsident. provost, and trca THE FIRST indication that a Ombudsman Jayne Lynch and "It's hard lo believe there can be program to undergo Miami Val surer." due- process proceeding haw bee.i Nursing Dean Gertrude Torres so much subjectivity in objective ley Hospital's program, where According TO the proposal, "it initiated, came Wednesday at a on complaints with the prog rem. testing." the instructor had to watch her is expected mat (he committee meeting of the WSU chapter of Most of the students who "1 am worried about getting make beds. give . shot, lake wit! confer actively with inte- the American Association of Un talked with the Daily Guardian enough clinical experience." said blood pressure and b-jdv tvmjier- rested members of the University iversity Professors. refused to have their names Nursing sophomore Lisa Lord, aturcj to determi:it how much of Community." The coi.imittec will publicized, for fear of intimida- articulating one of the most the basic procedures she would make its final report to t5ie Board He said he could not go into tion from their faculty members. frequently-stated complaints." need to be taught. of Trustees on or before its detail on the charges since he did "Don't use my name," said Another studeni said that Scptcr-'b-r 13 meeting. not know what they were. They one nursing student, "because I "hospital personnel ar-d doctors SEAL* Wlli chair 'he con- will be made known in open don't want to be blacklisted." Second look down on us because we mittce which will include WSU hearngs into the matter. "THCY WANT students and don't have enough clir.ical exper- lSc~ 'BOARD OF TRUSTEES,' "The University responded in- faculty relations to be very in a ience." pgge 3 stantly when the due process close," said another student, mechanism was started," he "yet with the constant intimida- tuesday explained. tion that stands we know that we series cannot really speak freely about weather KEGERREIS SAID he was the problems that exist in the "It's so hard to get clinical angry that Dr. Ritchie had an- school of nursing, because of experience," said Lord. "I'd like Highs Tuesday in the mid aad upper SOs with showers possible. nounced that charges had been subjective grading." to get a job in a hospital, but Mostly cloudy near Lake Erie Tuesday night and Wednesday and filed. The student explained that hospitals aren't hiring nursing partly cltKidy for the rest of the state. Lows Tuesday night in the "The faculty handbook states "subjective grading" means the mid and ufper .%». Highs Wednesday from SO to 55. very clearly thet publicity during aids...and that's the on); job 1 grade for the "clinical nursing could get." the process should be kept to a editorship applicants minimum " processes," a sort of thorough "I'M WORRIED about passing notebook wherein the students state boards (the proficiency Candidates for the Editorship of the faily Guardian filed »heit Kegerreis also denied that he keep records and explains the exam required to become a applications by yesterday's deadline. Vying for the position arc was keeping all hearings into the scientific rationale of their deal- registered nursei," Lord contin- Tom Vonjrus&a. and Gaylon Viciers. currently on the Guardian matter closed. ings with clinical patients, are ued. "State boards, as they are staff, an<? Dave McElroy. former Guard.'an staffer ctirr.Btly "Whether the hearings arc graded according to a pais/fail now. are geared towards the working at News s.iii inform?tion. The new editor will replace open or not is up to Dr. Ritchie system, in what she feels is an hospital nurse," current editor Libby Keller on July 1. 1978. and not to me." arbitrary manner. One student said that she 2 THE DAILY GUARDIAN April 25, 1978 $61 million pay increase Sailc (guardian . COLUMBUS (UPI) — Gov. ing on their income levels. The employees in supervisory capa- James A. Rhodes yesterday sign- last pay restructuring for them cities earning more than $200,- ed a S6I million pay raise was in early 1976. 000 a vear. ALTHOUGH THE Senate add package for slate employees and PRIOR TO that, it was 1974 The World judges approved last week by the ed the state workers to the when the last pay boost was House-passed pay raise bill for General Assembly- from United .Press International granted to state employees with judges, public employee unions Effective at the next pay per- a supplemental appropriation. expressed unhappiness that the iod. municipal, county and state Under the new law, state amount was not more. appellate judges will receive pay workers earning less than $10.- The new law grants the chief hikes ranging from 25 to 45 000 a year will receive an extra justice of the Ohio Supreme percent. They have not had pay 40 cents an hour. Those earning Court a raise from $43,000 to Princess to marry raises since 1972. between SI0.000 and $20,000 will $55,000 a year; associate justices Beginning July 2.
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