Pennsylvania church follows Good Samaritan example BUILDING LEADERSHIP GROWING FINANCIAL CAPACITY FORGING PARTNERSHIPS THE EPISCOPAL CHURCH FOUNDATION offers resources to strengthen your congregation's leadership, enhance your church's financial capacity, and build creative collaborations for ministry. From educational workshops and information to capital campaign consultation and endowment management services, ECF can help you live into your mission and ministry. For free, no-obliga tion information, call ECF toll-free at 800-697-2858 or visit us online: www.E piscopalFoundation.org. EPISCOPAL CHURCH FOUNDATION © 2008The EpiscopalChurch Foundation.Photo ©2008 Harry Brauneis.Used with permission.Image of All Saints'Episcopal Church, Parachute CO. THELIVI NG CHURCHm ag azine is pu bli s hed by the Living Church Fou nd atio n, crviNG CHURCH Inc. The historic mission of the Living Church Foundation is to p romo te a nd An independentweekly serving Episcopalianssince 1878 support Catholic Ang licanism within the Episcopal Church. hone: 414-276-5420 )avid A. Kalvelage '.m:11/ireEdilur ( art. I 5) THIS WEEK ,ettr Glatzel h•11eiulMauagrr(P.11. 17) lohn :-ichuessler News lanagi11{Jf:ditor ( M. II) 'ten~ Waring 14 Pastoral Visitors Hold Inaugural Meeting ·,ws Ediwr (c.rt. 22) my Grnu ;,upJdc ,lltisr (e:tt JS) Features fom Parker \,/1,-.•ni,,iny Jla,wgcr (at. /ti) 11 Church as Home rhais Jackson Episcopalians describe their experiences 'ulJ11lme11tMa1111ger (t<it. 2 I) lenee \\'ebc'r BY CAROLYNS. ELLIS larkeli11gll'm1it0tian/Ji rector (e.rt. /9) 21 lichaPIO'l.ougltlin 19 The Challenge of Change li!'cctor qfAssocialed PubliroJions ( ,ixt. 14) Reflections on Growth 30.\RD OF DIHF:CTURS BY RICHARDB. TUDOR l'he Rev.Thomas A. Fraser Hiwr.;ide, Ill. (Presidm1t) 21 THE MURDERER AND THE HARLOT liriam K. Stanff - Part Four of A Lenten Series - \\'au11~1tosa, \\'is. (\'ice PresidL!lll) )a11id~!nth Ruth Joins the Fellowship St. Leonard,~ Id. (Secretary) BY DANIELMlITH fo11~ml~I. Tisrhlcr Alln1qw,n1uc•,N.~!. ( Tre.asurer) 23 Feeling Unsettled fhe Rt. l?ev.Rertrmn N. Herlong Franklin,Tenn. BY WlLLYTHORN 23 rhc R<'V• . Jay C.. lames Raleigh,N.e. 28 Remaining Faithful he Rt. He1·.D. Brnce ~lacPherson Stewardship at Especially Difficult Times ,\Je.\:mdria, La. BY DO ALDV. ROMANIK irh:ml Illanunana,Jr. Stnmford,Conn. fhomas Riley Opinion Vimna. Va. liss ,\u&•uswD. R1tddis(emeritus) 33 Editor's Column ~larshfield,\\ 1s. In or Out of Communion? ~diloriul <111(/ B11si1wss uJ(ices: 34 Editorials I GE .. Junrau ,\venue One to Watch Carefully \ lilwnukPC'.WI [1:3202-:mn 35 \ !ailing addre.-;s:P.O. Box 51403G 35 Reader's Viewpoint \ lilwa11kee,\\' I 53203-:.H3!i The Call of All the Baptized Fax: 414-2,ti-7 4S:3 BYJ . FLETCHER LOWE, JR. r:-mail: t k<itlh'ingrhurch.org v.livingchurch .org 37 Letters \IA!\lJS<:HIJ'TS,~'\[> PllOT•)Gll.\l'HS: THI!IJv­ One is Enough NuCnu1tc11 cannot assume>responsibility for the 1'1um ol phoros or ma11W1Cripts. 1·m:l,m,._, CHt>HCH is pubhshed e\'e1;-\\-eek, lated Swulay. by 1hr LlviugCh11rd1 t'oundntlon, OtherDepartments :M.,ar 616 l:l."Jw1eou.A<e"Milwnukee, M -,._,2112. i 'l.'riodlculspo,111ge pui<l 01 Milw,mkee,111, 4 Sunday's Readings u1rlat rul11itlonalmulling offlr"8. 5 Books ,1111..'lCHll"TI<l" !!ATES ~-50 for one yoor; >6'.l.00fur 18 months; $60.00 for lW(J )'l!OIS. 10 Short & Sharp 1,111adia11 postage an ad1li1ionalU.18 pc•ryear; llexi:on rnre$5,H2;ailother IOMl!l1,$4-1.27(X.'l'}'l'al'. People Places I~ \<.,"fM,\~7'F:R:S,,xl addntismuigc,; lo l)ti: lJ\M 41 & 1:..1.. ·1~rn. l~JAOl4't.ll\,M!lwaukee,Wl i\.'!2ffi-;~G. S,1hsc-ribers1 Y.'hensubmitting ::uhlrcssch:mgrs, 1•k·ase allow 3-1 week::;for change~to lakt• elfl'ct. Onthe Cover Photo Credit: Patrick Malloy/Grace Church rl fE Ll\'L\JG Cl ll :nn I (IS.S's()fJJ,1-52·111) Is pub­ lishedhy rm; l.l\'lN(; Cl!lJR<:HFOL!NDATIOl-i, Less than two months after the members of Grace Church, Allentown , Pa., in the Diocese of Bethlehem, L!\!C.,n non.profit org,mizatlon St~rvingthe Church. completed a conversion to multi-purpose seating, a fire at a nearby apartment building on Feb. 21 dis­ \11gins lo tilt~F(lundation are tax◄ lc;.luC'tible. 0'210.1Uie IJ\illlllrurch rru~tatior~Inc. placed more than 45 neighbors. Church volunteers invited the Red Cross to use the buildings as a tem­ .\Uni(IIIB n.,;,•1w1I. No 1'C'1•rodix1io11 In whuleoq,rut porary shelter. The multi-purpose seats were removed and replaced with cots until more permanent \:CUlhi: n-.irlt•\\1Uk>Ul pemm<ioo.nf TtlE I ,msc.( :m..ta.ll shelter arrangements could be made. \ 'ul111nP2;J8 Number 12 MARCH 22. 2009 · Tll E LIVIN G CHURC H 3 8ctid O~l SUNDAY'SR EADINGS CHOIR CHAIR CounterintuitiveChoice ½s Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderne ss, so must the Son of Man be lifted up' (John 3:14) The Fourth Sunday in Lent (Year B), March 22, 2009 BCP : 2 Chron. 36:14-23; Psalm 122; Eph. 2:4-10; John 6:4-15 RCL: Num. 21:4-9; Psalm 107:1-3, 17-22; Eph. 2:1-10; John 3:14-21 A recent radio program included an "As Moses lifted up the serpent in the item about a woman who accidentally wilderness, so must the Son of Man stabbed herself in the chest with a be lifted up." He is anticipating his knitting needle. Her friends wanted to own death on the cross, which is both immediately pull it out and then drive the instrument and the sign of shan1e­ her to the ER. Seems like a pretty ful death. It is a counterintuitive good instinct, right? But she made a assertion, and must have confused with FIBRE RUSH SEAT very counterintuitive decision: Leave Nicodemus terribly. Yet from our the needle right where it is and wait post-Resurrection vantage point, we i11ce 1877 for the ambulance to transport her to can see the cross as both the sign and R.Geissler.l Inc. the hospital. The physicians who the means of life. 2641 E. Greystone Ct. eventually treated her said that coun­ Th.is is a template that seems to be Eagle, ID 83616 terintuitive decision saved her life. "hard-wired" into the mystery of our Phone: (800) 862-3159 We read in umbers of the wander­ faith: The experience of redemption is www.rgeissler.com ing Israelites encountering an infesta­ counterintuitive. How do we find vic­ tion of poisonous snakes. They were tory? Through surrender . How do we being decin1ated. The Lord instmcts receive the riches of God's blessing? Moses to fashion the image of a snake By pouring out our lives in service to and lift it up in the midst of the people. others. In what alone may we boast? Anyone who was bitten could look up Our weakness . Where do we see at Moses' faux-snake and be delivered wholeness most clearly? In the body of from the effects of the poison. It was a Clu-ist, broken for us in the Eucharist. counterintuitive move all around. Why Where is healing sure to be found? In would they want to look at an image of the consecration of our sickness to the very thing that was killing them? God's loving providence. Whose wit­ But that snake statue turned out to be ness to the gospel do we celebrate the mean by which death was turned with the greatest devotion ? That of the into life. The very sign of the afflict.ion martyrs. What is the path to eternal becan1e the sign of its defeat. life? Death with and in Christ. In his nocturnal dialogu e with We adore you, 0 Christ, and we Nicodemus, Jesus connects himself bless you, because by yow- holy cross to th.is desert drama when he says, you have redeem ed the world. LookIt Up In John's gospel, the narrative of Jesus' passion and death has been referred to by scholars as "the Book of Glory." This begins at Chapter 13, with the washing of the disciples ' feet, and continues until the end. ThinkAbout It The Friday collect for Morning Prayer (BCP, p. 56 or 99) mentions the cross being "none other than the way of life and peace." What cross are you called to take up today? NextSunday The Fifth Sunday in Lent (Year B), March 29, 2009 BCP: Jer.31 :31-34; Psalm51 or 51:11 -16; Heb. 5(1-4)5-10; John 12:20-33 RCL: Jer. 31 :31-34; Psalm 51 :1-13 or Psalm 119:9-16; Heb. 5:5-10; John 12:20-33 4 THE LIVI G CII URCH · MARCI! 22. 2009 BOOKS MonL-y& Faith Moneyand Faith essential Christian pilgrimage in Michael Schut himself , whose own TheSearch for Enough the way of an abundant life. introductions and essays were of a By Michael Schut. More­ Here the reader may discover quality matching those of his con­ house. Pp. 250. $20. ISBN .,.,, .• ,.,. -• r .... ,." what "enough" for them may be. tributing authors. 978-0819223272. ................... ~. ,-4 •• ~ ••• Mr. Schut creates categories (The Rev.) Ronald L. Reed Micheal Schut intro- in his anthology under three St. Paul's Church duces and organizes an ~-----~ major sections: 1. The Personal: Kansas City, Kan. excellent anthology with a well- Money's Place in Our Lives. 2. The developed study guide for an exten- Prophetic: Money, Sustainability and sive exp loration of Christian the Jubilee.
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