Estates in the County sold by the Encumbered Estates and Landed Estates Courts 1850-74 Record Estate Exact Date Year Lands for Sale Parish Barony PRONI Ref. No. EEC or No. LEC 1Estate of Leslie Alexander 16 February 1855 1855 The Manor of Goldsmiths Hall. Clondermot & Tirkeeran D1550/66 EEC Cumber Upper 2Estate of Leslie Alexander 16 November 1855 1855 Lot 1 Altnagalvin alias Allttongalwyn orse Altnegelvin. Clondermot Tirkeeran D1514/2/1/13 EEC 3 Estate of Leslie Alexander 16 November 1855 1855 Lot 2 Lisaghmore alias Loasemore Clondermot Tirkeeran D2223/32/18 EEC 4 Estate of Leslie Alexander 16 November 1855 1855 Lot 3 Fincairne alias Ffintarne orse Fincarn. Clondermot Tirkeeran D2223/32/18 EEC 5 Estate of Leslie Alexander 16 November 1855 1855 Lot 4 Gortree alias Gortleah. Clondermot Tirkeeran D2223/32/18 EEC 6Estate of Leslie Alexander 16 November 1855 1855 Lot 5 Drumahoe alias Two Dromhoghes, Gorticaw alias Clondermot Tirkeeran D2223/32/18 EEC Gortcah orse Gortica, Lismacarroll alias Two Lismatkrills orse Lismacarol. 7 Estate of Leslie Alexander 16 November 1855 1855 Lot 6 Killenan alias Killonan. Cumber Lower Tirkeeran D2223/32/18 EEC 8 Estate of Leslie Alexander 16 November 1855 1855 Lot 7 Ballynamoor alias Ballynemoil orse Ballynamore. Cumber Lower Tirkeeran D2223/32/18 EEC 9 Estate of Leslie Alexander 16 November 1855 1855 Lot 8 Fawney alias Nefawney Cumber Lower Tirkeeran D2223/32/18 EEC 10Estate of Leslie Alexander 16 November 1855 1855 Lot 9 Crossbally Cormack alias Cressabelle Cormatk orse Cumber Lower Tirkeeran D2223/32/18 EEC Crossballycormick. 11 Estate of Leslie Alexander 16 November 1855 1855 Lot 10 Dunhugh alias Donhugh. Clondermot Tirkeeran D2223/32/18 EEC 12 Estate of Leslie Alexander 16 November 1855 1855 Lot 11 Kittybane alias Redibane. Clondermot Tirkeeran D2223/32/18 EEC 13 Estate of Leslie Alexander 16 November 1855 1855 Lot 12 Primity alias Tromata. Clondermot Tirkeeran D2223/32/18 EEC 14 Estate of Leslie Alexander 16 November 1855 1855 Lot 13 Ballyore alias Ballyoyer. Clondermot Tirkeeran D2223/32/18 EEC 15 Estate of Leslie Alexander 16 November 1855 1855 Lot 14 Magheracannon alias Maharakeenan. Clondermot Tirkeeran D2223/32/18 EEC 16 Estate of Leslie Alexander 16 November 1855 1855 Lot 15 Upper Tully. Clondermot Tirkeeran D2223/32/18 EEC 17 Estate of Leslie Alexander 16 November 1855 1855 Lot 16 Lower Tully. Clondermot Tirkeeran D2223/32/18 EEC 18 Estate of Leslie Alexander 16 November 1855 1855 Lot 17 Clampernow alias Cromwhill. Clondermot Tirkeeran D2223/32/18 EEC 19 Estate of Leslie Alexander 16 November 1855 1855 Lot 18 Tagharina alias Dangrena orse Faherine. Clondermot Tirkeeran D2223/32/18 EEC 20 Estate of Leslie Alexander 16 November 1855 1855 Lot 19 Drumagor alias Dromnegor orse Drumnagore. Clondermot Tirkeeran D2223/32/18 EEC 21 Estate of Leslie Alexander 16 November 1855 1855 Lot 20 Craigtown alias Cregan. Clondermot Tirkeeran D2223/32/18 EEC 22 Estate of Leslie Alexander 16 November 1855 1855 Lot 21 Tirkeeveny alias Taughtoney. Clondermot Tirkeeran D2223/32/18 EEC 23Estate of Leslie Alexander 16 November 1855 1855 Lot 22 Desertone alias Desart - Ohan orse Desartowen. Clondermot Tirkeeran D2223/32/18 EEC 24 Estate of Leslie Alexander 16 November 1855 1855 Lot 23 Bogough alias Boga orse Bogagh. Clondermot Tirkeeran D2223/32/18 EEC 25 Estate of Leslie Alexander 16 November 1855 1855 Lot 24 Cloghore alias Clohor. Clondermot Tirkeeran D2223/32/18 EEC 26 Estate of Leslie Alexander 16 November 1855 1855 Lot 25 Drum-Curran orse Drumconan Clondermot Tirkeeran D2223/32/18 EEC 27 Estate of Leslie Alexander 16 November 1855 1855 Lot 26 Curryfree alias Colrafree. Clondermot Tirkeeran D2223/32/18 EEC 28Estate of Leslie Alexander 16 November 1855 1855 Lot 27 Cravedonnell alias Crew-Donnell orse Clondermot Tirkeeran D2223/32/18 EEC Creevedonnell. 29 Estate of Leslie Alexander 16 November 1855 1855 Lot 28 Carnafern alias Carrovmefarney orse Carnafarn. Clondermot Tirkeeran D2223/32/18 EEC 30Estate of Leslie Alexander 16 November 1855 1855 Lot 29 Glenderown alias Clonferoan orse Glenderowen. Clondermot Tirkeeran D2223/32/18 EEC 31Estate of Leslie Alexander 16 November 1855 1855 Lot 30 Warbleshinney alias Urbull-Shenoy orse Clondermot Tirkeeran D2223/32/18 EEC Warbleshinny. W. Macafee 1 20/10/2009 Estates in the County sold by the Encumbered Estates and Landed Estates Courts 1850-74 Record Estate Exact Date Year Lands for Sale Parish Barony PRONI Ref. No. EEC or No. LEC 32Estate of John Claudius Beresford 23 January 1855 1855 Eden. Learmount/Banagh Tirkeeran D1201/53/17 EEC er 33Estate of John Claudius Beresford 23 January 1855 1855 Kilcreen. Learmount/Banagh Tirkeeran D1201/53/17 EEC er 34 Estate of Jane Boyd 11 June 1850 1850 Loughanreagh. Kildollagh N. E. Liberties D1201/53/7 EEC 35 Estate of Jane Boyd 11 June 1850 1850 Dam Head. Kildollagh N. E. Liberties D1201/53/7 EEC 36 Estate of John Boyd, John Given, Robert Given, 7 July 1857 1857 Part of Ballyreagh. Ballywillin N. E. Liberties D2223/32/31 EEC John Taggart, Daniel Gailey, Hugh Boyd Mackay. 37 Estate of John Boyd, et.al. 7 July 1857 1857 Slimag [Slevmog]. Ballywillin N. E. Liberties D2223/32/31 EEC 38 Estate of John Boyd, et.al. 7 July 1857 1857 Ballysally. Ballyaghran N. E. Liberties D2223/32/31 EEC 39 Estate of John Boyd, et.al. 7 July 1857 1857 Houses and premises in Coleraine. Coleraine N. E. Liberties D2223/32/31 EEC 40 Estate of John Boyd, et.al. 7 July 1857 1857 Lands at Spitalhill (town parks). Coleraine N. E. Liberties D2223/32/31 EEC 41Estate of John Boyd, et.al. 7 July 1857 1857 Coleraine - houses and premises in Diamond and Stone Coleraine N. E. Liberties D1201/51/1 EEC Row. 42 Estate of James Corscadden assignee of Robert 29 April 1858 1858 Houses and premises in Sackville Street, Little James Templemore N. W. Liberties D1201/22/22 & EEC Mclntire and of Robert Orr. Street, Foyle Street, Strand Road, Londonderry. T/931/11 43 Estate of John Williams Delany assignee of 29 June 1858 1858 Plot of ground with dwelling houses on Lower Road, Templemore N. W. Liberties D1201/53/6 EEC Henry Stewart. suburbs of City of Londonderry. 44 Estate of Hercules Ellis, Eliza Ellis. 14 April 1853 1853 Part of lands of Innishrush Bay. Tamlaght O'Crilly Loughinsholin D1201/53/13 EEC 45 Estate of Hercules Ellis, Eliza Ellis. 14 April 1853 1853 Derrynaver. [?] Loughinsholin D1201/53/13 EEC 46 Estate of Hercules Ellis, Eliza Ellis. 14 April 1853 1853 Shilling Hill (part of). [?] Loughinsholin D1201/53/13 EEC 47 Estate of Hercules Ellis, Eliza Ellis. 14 April 1853 1853 Drumane [Drumanee] (part of). Tamlaght O'Crilly Loughinsholin D1201/53/13 EEC 48Estate of Fredericke Hamilton 30 June 1854 1854 Premises in Rosemary Lane known as The Linen Hall, Templemore N. W. Liberties D1201/53/12 EEC Londonderry 49 Estate of Langford Heyland 29 October 1858 1858 Moyagoney [Moyegney]. Kilrea Loughinsholin D1201/22/4 EEC 50 Estate of Langford Heyland 29 October 1858 1858 Drumnacanon [Drumnacannon]. Kilrea Loughinsholin D1201/22/4 EEC 51 Estate of Langford Heyland 29 October 1858 1858 Drumard. Tamlaght O'Crilly Loughinsholin D1201/22/4 EEC 52 Estate of Langford Heyland 29 October 1858 1858 Drumlane. Tamlaght O'Crilly Loughinsholin D1201/22/4 EEC 53 Estate of Langford Heyland 29 October 1858 1858 Drumoolish [Parish of Kilrea]. Tamlaght O'Crilly Loughinsholin D1201/22/4 EEC 54 Estate of John Hill and Mary Brady Hill (his 9 July 1858 1858 Creagh (part of). Artrea Loughinsholin D1201/53/14 , 16 EEC wife). 55 Estate of John Hill and Mary Brady Hill (his 9 July 1858 1858 Leitrim (part of bog and road). Ballyscullion Loughinsholin D1201/53/14 , 16 EEC wife). 56 Estate of John Hill and Mary Brady Hill (his 9 July 1858 1858 Castledawson (two parks of land known as the Bleach Magherafelt Loughinsholin D1201/53/14 , 16 EEC wife). Green and Lagans Tenement). 57 Estate of John Hill and Mary Brady Hill (his 9 July 1858 1858 Tamnarian [Tamniarin] (part of, called Clover Field). Ballyscullion Loughinsholin D1201/53/14 , 16 EEC wife). 58 Estate of John Hill and Mary Brady Hill (his 9 July 1858 1858 Annaghmore (part of). Magherafelt Loughinsholin D1201/53/14 , 16 EEC wife). W. Macafee 2 20/10/2009 Estates in the County sold by the Encumbered Estates and Landed Estates Courts 1850-74 Record Estate Exact Date Year Lands for Sale Parish Barony PRONI Ref. No. EEC or No. LEC 59 Estate of James Huffington, William Huffington, 4 December 1857 1857 Four plots of ground, dwelling houses and premises in Templemore N. W. Liberties D1201/53/8 EEC Sophia Findlater, Hessie Hodges, Johanna Londonderry. Huffington, Jessie Findlater. 60 Estate of John Charles Frederick Hunter c. 1856 1856 Lands of Derrylane, Parish of Bovevagh. Bovevagh Keenaght D1550/129 EEC 61 Estate of John Charles Frederick Hunter 3 December 1858 1858 Lot 1 Tenement in Castledawson. Magherafelt Loughinsholin D1550/42 EEC 62 Estate of John Charles Frederick Hunter 3 December 1858 1858 Lot 2 Tamlaghduff. Ballyscullion Loughinsholin D1550/42 EEC 63 Estate of John Charles Frederick Hunter 3 December 1858 1858 Lot 3 Gortnahey [Gortnaghy]. Bovevagh Keenaght D1550/42 EEC 64 Estate of John Charles Frederick Hunter 3 December 1858 1858 Lot 4 Derrylane. Bovevagh Keenaght D1550/42 EEC 65 Estate of John Charles Frederick Hunter 3 December 1858 1858 Lot 5 Stradarran. [?] Keenaght D1550/42 EEC 66 Estate of John Charles Frederick Hunter 3 December 1858 1858 Lot 6 Corlecky (part of). [?] Keenaght D1201/53/15 EEC 67 Estate of Robert Kyd and John Kyd. 7 July 1851 1851 Part of Leek orse Leck.
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