Arthropoda Selecta 11 (4): 283317 © ARTHROPODA SELECTA, 2002 The spider genus Clubiona Latreille, 1804 (Aranei: Clubionidae) in the fauna of the former USSR: 2003 update Ïàóêè ðîäà Clubiona Latreille, 1804 (Aranei: Clubionidae) ôàóíû áûâøåãî ÑÑÑÐ: îáíîâëåíèå 2003 ãîäà K.G. Mikhailov Ê.Ã. Ìèõàéëîâ Zoological Museum, Moscow Lomonosov State University, Bolshaya Nikitskaya Str. 6, Moscow 125009 Russia. Çîîëîãè÷åñêèé ìóçåé ÌÃÓ, Áîëüøàÿ Íèêèòñêàÿ óë. 6, Ìîñêâà 125009 Ðîññèÿ. KEY WORDS: spiders, Clubiona, taxonomy, faunistics, former USSR. ÊËÞ×ÅÂÛÅ ÑËÎÂÀ: ïàóêè, Clubiona, ñèñòåìàòèêà, ôàóíèñòèêà, áûâøèé ÑÑÑÐ. ABSTRACT: Additional faunistic data for the spi- îòêëîíåíèÿ â ñòðîåíèè è îñîáåííîñòè ñòðîåíèÿ der genus Clubiona Latreille, 1804 in the former USSR êîïóëÿòèâíûõ îðãàíîâ C. latericia Kulczyñski, 1926 are provided. In total, 91 species (one undescribed) are è C. microsapporensis Michailov, 1990. Óñòàíîâëåíû considered. All the literature-derived data since íîâûå ñèíîíèìû: C. liachviana Mkheidze, 1997 = C. Mikhailov [1992b] are included. The following new alpicola Kulczyñski, 1881; C. chechtsirica Michailov, species are described: C. mazandaranica sp.n. (#$, 1995 = C. paiki Michailov, 1991; C. yadongensis Hu, Iran: Mazandaran Prov., Azerbaijan: Lenkoran Prov.), 2001 = C. xiningensis Hu, 2001 =C. neglecta O.Pickard- C. mykolai sp.n. (#$, Ukraine: The Crimea), C. yaro- Cambridge, 1862; C. serrulata Hu, Wang et Wang, slavi sp.n. (#), C. dunini sp.n. ($), C. helenae sp.n. 1991 = C. wolchongsensis Paik, 1990 = C. papillata (#), C. sichotanica sp.n. (#) (all from Russia: Mari- Schenkel, 1936. time Prov. = Primorie). C. congentilis Kulczyñski, 1913 (#$) is figured and redescribed. The female of C. The aim of this paper is to provide updated faunistic hyrcanica Michailov, 1990 and the male of C. pseudo- information for the spider genus Clubiona in the ex- neglecta Wunderlich, 1994 are figured and described USSR [Mikhailov, 1992b]. for the first time. Deviations in or details of the copu- In totaltally, 71 species of Clubiona were known from latory organs of C. latericia Kulczyñski, 1926 and C. the ex-USSR in 1992 [Mikhailov, 1992b], 80 in 1995 microsapporensis Michailov, 1990 are figured. The [Mikhailov, 1995a] and 81 in 1997 [Mikhailov, following new synonymies are established: C. liachvi- 1997a]. This paper lists 91 species, including 6 new to ana Mkheidze, 1997 = C. alpicola Kulczyñski, 1881; science and one yet to be described. A redescription of C. chechtsirica Michailov, 1995 = C. paiki Michailov, Clubiona congentilis Kulczyñski, 1913 was omitted in 1991; C. yadongensis Hu, 2001 = C. xiningensis Hu, my 1992 paper, because figures were missed at that 2001 = C. neglecta O.Pickard-Cambridge, 1862; C. time; a redescription and figures based on the material serrulata Hu, Wang et Wang, 1991 = C. wolchongsen- cited in Mikhailov [1992b] are provided herein. sis Paik, 1990 = C. papillata Schenkel, 1936. To assist proper identification, references to (re)-de- scriptions and figures are given for Asian, especially Orien- ÐÅÇÞÌÅ: Ïðèâåäåíû äîïîëíèòåëüíûå äàííûå tal, species. Page numbers in the corresponding papers are ïî ôàóíå ïàóêîâ ðîäà Clubiona Latreille, 1804 â not quoted when only geographical data are provided. For áûâøåì ÑÑÑÐ. Âñåãî îáíàðóæåí 91 âèä (â ò.÷. îäèí nomina dubia and nomina nuda, see the catalogue of the ex- íåîïèñàííûé). Âêëþ÷åíû âñå ëèòåðàòóðíûå äàííûå, USSR spiders [Mikhailov, 1997a]. îïóáëèêîâàíûå ïîñëå ðàáîòû Ìèõàéëîâà [Mikhailov, Unfortunately, a detailed ecological study and precise collecting data within local habitats has not yet been conducted 1992b]. Îïèñàíû íîâûå âèäû: C. mazandaranica in Maritime Prov. (= Primorie), the Russian Far East. There- sp.n. (#$, Èðàí: ïðîâ. Ìàçàíäàðàí, Àçåðáàéäæàí: fore, many previously described species are known from only Ëåíêîðàíü), C. mykolai sp.n. (#$, Óêðàèíà: Êðûì), one sex. A proper ecological investigation is needed. C. yaroslavi sp.n. (#), C. dunini sp.n. ($), C. helenae The following abbreviations are used in the descriptions: sp.n. (#), C. sichotanica sp.n. (#) (âñå èç Ðîññèè, Cb cymbium; d. dorsally; EP embolar (embolic) part Ïðèìîðüå). Äàíî èëþñòðèðîâàííîå ïåðåîïèñàíèå of bulbus; F femur; lat. laterally; ld literature data; C. congentilis Kulczyñski, 1913 (#$). Âïåðâûå Mt metatarsus; Pt patella; rlat. retrolaterally; T îïèñàíû ñàìêà C. hyrcanica Michailov, 1990 è ñàìåö tarsus; TA tibial apophysis; Ti tibia; v. ventrally. C. pseudoneglecta Wunderlich, 1994. Èçîáðàæåíû Collector names are also abbreviated: AP Alexandr V. Ponomarev; AT Andrei V. Tanasevitch; AZ Andrei S. Printed in 2003. Zorkin; DL Dmitri V. Logunov; KE Kirill Yu. Eskov; 284 K.G. Mikhailov KM Kirill G. Mikhailov; NK Nikolai (=Mykola) M. TLS, RZN, BRN, ORL, TMB, KUR, BLG, VRN, MRS, Kovblyuk; OL Oleg V. Lyakhov; PD Peter M. Dunin ChVSh, ULN, TTR, SMR, AST, RST, KLM, KRS, STV, (); SG Sergei I. Golovatch; SK Seppo Koponen; TO KBA, ARKh, KOM, KRV, PRM, EKB, ChLB, ORN, KRG, Tatiana I. Oliger; YM Yuri M. Marusik. TMN, NVS, TMS, KMR, ALT, KRN, Tuva, YaKT, MGD, The typical pattern of leg armature in Clubiona is as KMCh, IRK, BUR, ChIT, AMR, KhAB, PRI, SAKh. follows: F III d.1.1.2, IIIIV d.1.1.3, Pt IIIIV rlat.1, Ti III ESTONIA. LATVIA. LITHUANIA. (no subdivision) v.2.2, III d.2.2, v.1.1, IV d.2.2, v.1.1.1, Mt III v.2, III d.2.1.2, BELARUS. UKRAINE. ChRK Cherkassy Area, lat.1.2, v.2.2, IV d.2.1.2, lat.2.2, v.2.1.2. Only deviations DNTs Donetsk Area, KhRK Kharkov Area, KhRS from this formula are given in the descriptions. All measure- Kherson Area, KRV Kirovograd Area, ODS Odessa ments are in mm. When several specimens are measured, Area, SUM Sumy Area, ZAK Zakarpatskaya Area, M±m is provided, the number of specimens measured is ZhTM Zhitomir Area. MOLDAVIA (MOLDOVA). given in parentheses. AZERBAIJAN. GEORGIA. (no subdivision) The specimens upon which this paper is based are kept KAZAKHSTAN. AKM Akmolinsk Area, PVL mainly in the Zoological Museum, Moscow State University, Pavlodar Area, SKO Severo-Kazakhstanskaya (=North Russia (ZMMU, curator Dr. K.G. Mikhailov). More material Kazakhstan) Area, VKO Vostochno-Kazakhstanskaya from Russia and N-Korea were found in the collection of the (=East Kazakhstan) Area. Zoological Institute, St.-Petersburg, Russia (ZIN, former UZBEKISTAN. KIRGHIZIA (KYRGHYZSTAN). (no curator Dr. V.I. Ovtsharenko, recent curator Dr. V.A. Kri- subdivision) vokhatskiy), e.g., N-Korean specimens identified by the Literature data mainly cover publications since 1992, prominent Russian arachnologist, the late Prof. D.E. Khari- and those not mentioned in Mikhailov [1992b]. Several tonov. Unfortunately, in some specimens the female genita- earlier contributions from the 1970s that were missed in my lia were removed, and the respective slides were not found. paper are also included. Data that consist only of citations by Other materials are kept in: IZW Institute of Zoology, earlier authors are identified using -ld, meaning literature data. Literature data derived from the collections are marked Warszawa, Poland (former curator Prof. Dr. J. Prószyñski); with an asterisk (*). NHMB Natural History Museum Budapest, Hungary In the Distribution section, data for the territories (former curator Dr. J. Mahunka, current curator Mr. T. outside the ex-USSR start as a new paragraph. Szuts); JWC Jörg Wunderlichs (Straubenhardt, Germa- ny) personal collection; OC Dr. T.I. Oligers personal collection (Nizhnesvirskiy Reserve, Leningrad Area, Rus- Misidentifications sia); PC A.V. Ponomarevs personal collection (Razdor- skaya Village, Rostov Area, Russia); PSU Perm State Clubiona hilaris Simon, 1878 Azerbaijan [Guseinov, University, Perm, Russia (curator Dr. S.L. Esyunin); SZM Rubtsova, 2001]. The specimen is identified herein as C. Siberian Zoological Museum, Novosibirsk, Russia (former alpicola. curator Dr. D.V. Logunov, current curator Ms. G.N. Azarki- Clubiona canadensis Emerton, 1890 Cisbaikalia [Iz- na); TNU Taurida National University, Simferopol, Crimea, mailova, 1989b s. Mikhailov, 1992a]. Specimen not Ukraine (curator N.M. Kovblyuk); ZMT Zoological Mu- examined. seum, Turku University, Finland (curator M. Saaristo). Clubiona rosserae Locket et Millidge, 1953 Trans- The following abbreviations for geographical locations baikalia [Izmailova, 1989b s. Mikhailov, 1992a]. Speci- are used in the literature data: men not examined. RUSSIA. ALT Altai Province, AMR Amur Area, ARKh Arkhangelsk Area, AST Astrakhan Area, BLG Taxonomic part Belgorod Area, BRN Bryansk Area, BUR Buryatian Republic, ChLB Chelyabinsk Area, ChIT Chita Area, Genus CLUBIONA Latreille, 1804 ChVSh Chuvashian Republic, EKB Ekaterinburg (former Sverdlovsk) Area, IRK Irkutsk Area, KBA Subgenus Paraclubiona Lohmander, 1945 Kabardino-Balkarian Republic, KhAB Khabarovsk Prov- ince, KLM Kalmykian Republic, KLZh Kaluga Clubiona corticalis (Walckenaer, 1802) (Kaluzhskaya) Area, KMCh Kamchatka Area, KMR Kemerovo Area, KOM Komi Republic, KRG Kurgan LITERATURE DATA. AZERBAIJAN [Dunin, Mame- Area, KRL Karelia (Karelian Republik), KRN Krasno- dov, 1992]. yarsk Province, KRS Krasnodar Province, KRV Kirov MISIDENTIFICATIONS. RUSSIA. MRS [Matveev, 1991; Area, KUR Kursk Area, LNN Leningrad Area, MGD Krasnobaev, Matveev, 1993-ld]. These records are clearly Magadan Area, MRM Murmansk Area, MRS Mariy- outside the known range of this species. UKRAINE: the Crimea: skaya (Mari-El) Republic, MSK Moscow Area, NVG Dzhankoi [Apostolov, Onchurov, 1998; Onchurov, 1998]. Novgorod Area, NVS
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