_— eee Oe oases’ Ga nadian Golfer —— ROO Oneness BRANTFORD FEBRUARY 1917 No, 10 and wide pread regret throughout th Ganadian Golfer Dominion Their passing away is a Official Organ Royal Canadian Golf Association distinet loss to the social, finaneial and Official Organ Ladies’ Canadian Golf Union golf life of the two leading cities in Published Mbonthily Which they were both Oo prominent and in Ralph H. Reville ya eC Kditor which they were both so honoured W. Hf, Webling Nesoclute Editor and rm pected hey played the Mr. George 8. Lyon, Toronto; Mr. J. TT. Clark vane fairly and quarely in every Toronto; Mer 1 G, Gray, Ottawa; Me 1 Hlack, Montreal; Mr, W M. Keekle, Hoches branch of their varied lite netivithe ter, N.Y.; Mr. Hrice S&S. Evans, Boston; Con tributing Editors ane Vexed After vick thie New Ladies’ Golf section edited by Plorence L, Harvey Wee Yor) Mime vf very ubseription rier Vhree Dollar i Vou torms CASION the Kntered at Post Offlee a econd Cin litter (United States Golf Association last month in New York at its annual meet Vdltoriat and Busine Office, Brantford, Canada ing by a vote of 80 to 12 upheld th Voronto Offtec Queen City Chamber Churet decision H: I malipelce, Representatl of the Mxeeutive in regard to the much debated Rule 6 whieh pro hibits an amateu The Passing by the tragie death of Col of Two Promi Accepting of holding in position «a g W. (. Maedonald of Tor went or employee that includes as part of fe onto and Mr, Anson Mo t lutte the handling of golf upplre ol Kim of Montreal, golf in the Dominion engaging in any busine wherein one uNe fulness or profit irvine becnuse of kill on has lost two of its most prominent ad prominence in the game of golf herents Col. Maedonald was a well The executive last year he ld this de known member of the Toronto Golf finition banned the well known young Club and Mr, MeKim of the Roval soston player Messrs, Ouimet, Loel Montreal—two of the foremost clubs of wood, Sullivan and Tewksbury and Canada Mr. MeKim was also a dire banned they were forthwith This tor of the Royal Canadian Golf Asso vear the Executive has extended the elation, Their untimely deaths in each ruling to the golf arehiteet and the ease as 4 result of railway aecidents, in gentleman who makes his hundred the full plenitude of their powers and Of dollars in laying out a course. like activities, has been heard of with deep his brother in trac Will in future 517 518 CANADIAN GOLFER Vol No also be prohibited from eompeting in called tipon to drastically lay down Amateur events law as has been done by the U.S, q In Great Britain the definition of an Keep golf clean from commereial amateur is as follows: even if # seeming imjustiee may ‘An amateur ia one who, after attaining done in some cases, That should the age of sixteen years has (a) never carried the slogan wherever the game is pla cluba for hires (b) never reeeived any con ideration, directly or indirectly for playing or for teaching the game; (¢) never played The Bvolution ‘yyy often much abu for a money prize in any competition No of the Genua hoy and mueh miseund amateur may, without forfeiting hia atatus, Oaddy receive directly or indirectly, from the pro stood produet of the moter of any mateh or tournament any eon yame—the caddy, has recently bi sideration for playing in sueh mateh of coming in for a good deal of attenti tournament There are tens of thousands of th Under the ruling in the Mother Coun boys impish and otherwise, every try it will be noticed the United States son engaged on this continent in eat players who engage in the sporting ing to the ever-inereasing army of gr good business or in laying out goll ers, and incidentally preking up per courses would not lose their amateur ally considerable pene Llereto standing, It will be notieed however they have been looked Upon as ome that the punishment in Great Britain or less necessary evil—uselul to b for receiving an emolument for playing the burden of the elibs, hopeless in mn or promoting a mateh or aw tourna all important mission of finding ment is very severe—and this ruling elusive ball whieh roams from the p would undoubtedly severely ‘hit’? sey of reetitude and hides itself in eral well known United States players rough’ or strays imeontinentally The skirts of the Royal and Anetent of bounds,’ game must be kept clean, ‘There is no tut the enddy is coming mto place init for pseudo-amateurs, The own, Regular welfare socre| class of men who play the game won't are being formed for his benefit and stand for a semtillation of a practies will be no fault of the well dispo smacking of professionalisn The jolt appoimted wiardians of his fut United States Golf Association and its if in the years to come a genuine Mxecutive is Composed of men who rant headed, freekled genus of the tribe high in affairs of state and in soeial and not yet oeeupy the Chief Magister business life, If they, by an overwhelm chair in the country to the south o ing majority as they have done, placed or the Prime Ministership of ow on record them disapproval of any Dominion practice in whieh a man capitalizes his That very august and represental rolling ability to further his finaneal body, the Massachusetts Golf Asso ends; if as they have done, eonelided tion with headquarters in cultured | that the selling of golf goods, the lay fon, has recently got out Tnstruct ing out of golf courses by expert play for caddies and Information for p ers is not in the best amateur interests ers’’ whieh is really a catechism ol of the game in the States, the rane and less than 338 questions and answ file of golfers can very well bow to that These questions and answers run judgment and that deeision—that has Whole gamut of good behaviour and not been hastily arrived at but has been ficiency the fateful No, 338 and carefully thought out and thrashed out reading: ‘What should be your ge pro and con deportment on the golf course Mortunately in Canada this vexed whieh the model eaddy, no longe: question of the amateur status has the result of the gruelling 382) qui s never arisen, There is no golfer in the previously fired at him, the imeor Dominion who has taken advantage ot ible, meelly replies (Can't vou piel his playing abilities to advance his fin him, ¢ap in hand, sans ehewing e aneiml interests, although as the game plus clean hands, shining face and progresses in popularity as if is des combed loeles!) | should be eourt fined to do the R. C, G, A, may yet bi at all times and quiet n a S Fobruary, 1017 CANADIAN GOLFER H10 Lleaven bless and take into its sate Clear aeross the continent and who will keeping such aw caddy During his minister to the gwolling wants of Presi earthly career there can be nothing too dents and Prime Ministers, of Captains wood for him of linanee, of the leading members ot The Massachusetts Golf Association the Cloth and of the Beneh and the however does not leave the eaddy at Bar, drinking in hour after hour not question dt standing so meekly quiet only the health giving and invigorating ly and courteously, There is a hootnote ovone but at the nme time words of fo this little six page brochure—-an all Wisdom and understanding and pieling Hniportant footnote whieh recommends ip busine and professional lip that players tale wweciil interest in ead ind poimber invaluable in thew dies and not only Cneouwurnye them to b alter carees Come wood endadie ‘ but to Post \propos of all this, the writer on oa tions for them with rehabl busine recent visit to St, Catharines, notieed in houses after leaving sehool Crdadi i leading lawyer offices, a bright boy who are elhieient, rehable ond trust a particularly bright boy who attraeted worths wiyva the Massachusetts Asso his attention as he skilfully typed a enmtion should be riven preference in letter Yi wud the head of the the business world as well as on the firm, a well known Ka he ion volt links bright hoy Hh enddied hor vat all lust SO VOU see now-a-dayve thi wreat, th duinmer and ~ brought him into my of iniversal game of golf is not only hone hee and pave him a echanee this winter hitting the player mentally and physiea! ly but it is proving the means of guid and tT have yet to regret the step taken Ing into # sure and safe haven of pro Ile is proving quite invaluable perity and suceess the fen thousand The moral of this rather rarobling fines ten thousand’? good litth: caddie round It pays to be a pood eaddy of the future, who will dot the green ind it pays you to be good to a enddy G‘hi. p S1 hots Vii Joseph | Clank Maditor of the i position whieh he well deserves anda loronto Star Ilave just finished position whieh he will greatly orna rending with mueh interest in the dan mont As solidl as the Continent iM iiry number of Crnadian Colter the North American proud bouste-u your fine broadside in favour of Mian houst that is backed up by a reeord of cipal poll 1 vin, as you know, in Histirpassed anecomplishments favour of public gol! and if | had not heen T would now have been a convert The January number will \ cl Nps hy from Washinton saya help many uw golfer to endure the W., Travis, former national amateur Wintel woll champion, has been engaged to lay ut the two wolf cours which will be The S6th wnnual report of the North part of the great publio recreation Amerioan Lite makes interesting read wround the government is making in ing alike for shareholders and poliey Mast Potomne Park One course will have holders It is the record of wa most sue nine holes and the other eighteen cosstul yout he new busine A written Both will le south of a great atadium in Whi during LOL wa the larewest in his ch it is expeeted army and navy tory ol the Company ane the finanerml football games and other games will he played The reerention wround lies reports generally have all othe eit marks of Proyress and sOliclity Mi jlong the Potomne outh of the new lL, Goldman who his her i connected Lincoln Memorial and near the riny With the Company winee Its ineeption war college in full sight of all travellers had the honour of addressing the share pissing through Washington north and the first us President wouth 520 CANADIAN GOLFER Vol II, Ni The Hamilton Serbian Relief Society, Cabinet vs.
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