l($,006 People Read the T HERALD. , *Ji»9c« to till \ Piibhshed Every Tuesdiy malice'toward none,1* and Friday Noon.-j „ and SUMMIT RECORD FORTY-SECOND YEAR. NO. 74 SUMMIT, N. J., FRIDAY AFTERNOON, MAY 22, 1931 $3.50 PER YEAR Start Park Ave-Broad St. Community Players Give Beverly Road Re=paving Work Many Opinions at ' To Address Association for Observance Elect New Officers Johnston Renamed for Surrogate^- . Sewer Contract Paving of the Broad street-Park Civic Club Dinner of 18th Amendment Here Next Monday At a recent meeting of the Sum- Otto, Muir, Ward, Pascoe for Assembly avenue thoroughfare will probably mit Community Players the follow- in? officers were elected for the begin next week. The powe: churches, schools, colleges, univer- ensuing year; President, William Hand Defeated By 0.0. P. Council Passes Stop° shovel started work Wednesday ai Executive Committee to sities, • chautauqua and other im- P. Doyle; vice-president, Miss Unusually Light Vote at Street Ordinance—As= the Park avenue end. The old trol Decide Future Policy of portant groups. He also yisited Marie Koch; treasurer, John E. Leader By 3,250-M3u= Tuesday's Primary ley rails are being removed along 4 Canada to make a study of, the Minor; secretary, Miss Anna h. sessment Reports Con- tho route, and concrete pouring is Club Based on Last Canadian system of dealing wijh Moran. bernatorial Candidates Election in Summit— likely to be started within a week, tho liquor traffic. John E. Minor was chosefcto act firmed according to-William I. McMane, Night's Discussion. - "Since he started working in thoas' chairman of the play reading Named, Unopposed Co. Winners Win Here director of the Union County Board United States he has traveled over committee and assisting him will of Freeholders. The paving Job 200,000 miles in tho interests of be Mrs. George J. Collins, Miss An- pght Voting Prevails City Sells Strip of Land Elect Committee Members the cause he represents and hasna L, Moran and David Venner. Co. Com. Members Named rtjTV will start at the western end and addressed over 600,000 people on move steadily down the lino The Dallas Mallard wiH havo charge of Some* of the minor Items of busi- > The Civic Club's Executive Com- the prohibition question, Mr. Gor-the publicity of the club's affairs Surrogate George H, Johnston The, smallest Vote at any primary ness transacted by the Common Common Council has taken arction mittee will set itself next Tuesday don has not allied himself with and Mrs. John H. Rahlff consented won renomination at the hands of election in many years was' that Council at» Us regular meeting to have laid conduits at eleven in- evening to decide on the future professional organizations—not be- to be hostess on the refreshment the Republican voters' of the county casb on Tuesday In this city. With Tuesday evening we're as follows: tersections to provide for possible policy of that organization in the cause he is averse to them, but be-committee. Tuesday, defeating Assemblyman two major contests in the Republi- traffic lighting needs in the future, light of three different theories as cause, ho fee,ls that he has. an en- Kenneth C. Hand by a margin ot can primary only 820 votes were, Contract for constructing the It was tentatively proposed to cast by tho voters of that party and Beverly road sanitary sewer was in advance of the laying of theto the role the club should »playfti tree into a wider group on account stage a play in tho fall. Tho name approximately 3,250. His opponent pavement. seektng to further the inter of hid unattachnient and his ability while the Democrats had only two awarded to the Conierford Con- of the production will be announced in the November election will be minor contests there were only 103 Structlon Company whose bid was the city. to^ sneak as ono coming froni the sometime during; the summor. Supreme Court Commissioner W. D. $1,202.90. Seven contractors sub- Issues to be settled, primarily af- outside. votes- cast, Compared with the Wolfskeil, who was elected without more than 3,000 votes cant last mitted bids for the job. fecting the Civic Club but promis- "He believes that the success af opposition in the Democratic > At)a public sale conducted dur- Prepare New Road ing a possible effect* in other chan- prohibition can only come through June in the primary election of that, nels are whether the organization a long course of education, and the Council Orders primary.. year this year's-vote shows a decid- ing the meeting, Gaetano Grasso ed apathy among the voters. was awarded" a, strip of land on should go- on as in the past pro- thing I like-best* of all in his There was considerable interest Broad street near Orchard street, to Reservation moting the discussion of public prodigious effort is in the fact that in the contest of the Republican It was advanced in.some quar- questions but taking -no sides; the kind of work ho is doing is in New Traffic Lights primary ih spite of the fact that the ters on election' evening when tho on his bid of $1,50. The plot ad- vote was unusually light in all elec- returns .wore being received that joins his property. There were no whether it should become active In the field of education. lt am as- Councilto Acquire Land political questions even to the point tounded when I read hia reports to tion districts. Assembly man. Hand the lack of interest among the vot- other bidders. The property had GIFFORD GORDON Common Council to Place made a very active organized cam- ers in this city was due in some been acquired by tho City in con- of discussing candidates for office find that one man can do so much for Widening of Glen and submitting its own candidates of whom Dr. S. Parkes Cadman in a single year. Ho is one of the paign, attacking the Republican measure to the.'recent important nection with the Broad street wid- Signals at Two Impor= ledder.of thecountyj in all of his vote upon the question of adoption ening. side Avenue Under New- if desired; or whether it should <" writes: best men in the world now dealing n seek to effect a .super-organization, with tho problem that is of such tant Intersections of speeches and campaign literature. or rejection of/commission form i The Council adopted two ordi- Ordinance " possibly of the nature of a Cham- "I havo been intimate with the deep concern to us all. It is be- Although Hand showed consider- of government, tho 'campaign for nances—one eliminating stop-street ber of Commerce, to provide a more work of Glfford Gordon for several cause I believe,*!© ^wholeheartedly Summit Avenue able strength inonaiiy communities and /against which was waged very signs In Summit except where re- effective .solutidn' of problems In years. He is an Australian by in him, and KiV cdftcational pro- In the county, aeciSVing.small ma- ardently. It was thought that tho quired by State'law; the other va- County Will Build Road whose discussion there is admitted- birth. His first task of large im- gram, that I take great pleasure in jorities in Elisabeth, 'Roselle, his "edge" was taken off the voters' in- cating a paper street appearing on ly too much overlapping among portance in tho United States was commending him to tho American State Must Approve Plan home town, Rosello Park and Cran- terest by the quite large polling of a map filed 64 years ago,' and run- The Common Council has taken existing organizations. public." i ...I ford, the large majorities given for votes just a few weeks ago, ithe survey ho made of tho work- - The main contest was for the ning from Middle street to^ Morris steps to carry out its share of the The future of the Civic Club ings of the 18th Amendment. His Mr. Gordon addresses the annual Installation of traffic lighting Johnston in several, municipalities, avenue, , ^ ) work preparatory to Improvement formed the subject of a vigorous meoting of systems at two important intersec- including abtut 1,000. majority In nomination of Surrogate and for tho findings were presented in pam- tho', "Association for four positions. on the Assembly ' Confirm Assessment Reports of the Summit approach to thediscussion last night at its annual Observance of the 18th Amend- tions in-Summit now awaits only his home town of Scotch Plains, phlet form under the title: 'Hold tho approval of the State Traffic were the deciding factors in theticket in the Republican primary. r. 'Reports by^ the'Board of Assess- Watfihung Reservation by thdinnee r meeting in the Y. M. C. A.Fast, America,' and circulated ment" 6f Summit, on Monday eve- Union County Board of Freehold- auditorium when champions of 1 Commission. The Common Council contest. It was apparent from the The Republicans gave George H. ors covering assessments for/ the throughout tho '-'igth and breadth ning at 8.15 o'clock in the Y. M. C. Johnston, the county leader, a ma- improvement of Weaver street; the ers, with the introduction of an or-each of the three policies spoke A. auditorium,, dn, the subject of Tuesday evening took action pro- light vote that the Republican or- from tho floor, The Executive of our land. It has pleased me to viding for the plachjg of lights at ganization - which Mr. Johnston jority of 85 votes over his rival, Aahlan,d road,' Pine, Grove, avenue dinance to acquire properties, nec- quote from this booklet in Borne of "Liquor Control in Canada".
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