Xavier University Exhibit All Xavier Student Newspapers Xavier Student Newspapers 2002-10-23 Xavier University Newswire Xavier University (Cincinnati, Ohio) Follow this and additional works at: https://www.exhibit.xavier.edu/student_newspaper Recommended Citation Xavier University (Cincinnati, Ohio), "Xavier University Newswire" (2002). All Xavier Student Newspapers. 2920. https://www.exhibit.xavier.edu/student_newspaper/2920 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Xavier Student Newspapers at Exhibit. It has been accepted for inclusion in All Xavier Student Newspapers by an authorized administrator of Exhibit. For more information, please contact [email protected]. ·x AVIE R u·NIVERSITY Published since 1915 by the students ofXavier Unzversity 88th year, issue 7 · · · . week of OCTOBER 23, 2002 "' · . · . www.xavier.edu/newswire/ Light rail no light decision BY CHUCK SAMBUCHINO highway 71, would be one of the one as long and big as this - would Senior News Editor lines pass through campus. Later worsen the local financial system. When a vote is approaching with lines would run throughout the city On the other ha~d, supporters big issues at stake, it's common for and even to the Greater Cincinati/ like the Southwest Ohio Regional people to invofontarily associate Northern Kentucky airport. Transit Authority (SORTA) stress the words "yes" and "no" with If the plan passes, one line will that increasing public transportation small numbers. be underground, utilizing an old will fuel development around the Yes on 3! No on 8.! You get the subway system that has remained lines, especially downtown. point. idle for 80 years. "The Light Rail sounds conve­ Issue 7, one of the more pressing The revitalization of public nient because it would make trips issues Xavier students are getting transportation, or "Issue 7" on the downtown so much easier," said swept up in is the ballot, is a two- sophomore Ciaran Fitzgeraldt. ''No proposed tax that ''Public p art plan more hassle to park or nightmares would start con­ which in- getting in and out of Reds games. struction on a transportation is an volves a re~ That sounds good." Greater Cincinnati vamping of the With Xavier being, in essence, Light Raii system. important issue that bus system the central connection for four lines, "Public trans­ first; a!ld · then· .. students without cars would·benefit portation is an im­ Cincinnati has long beginning the greatly by getting easy access to the portant issue that been neglecting. " rail grid in city. Others in the city who would Cincinnati has long years thereaf- . greatly benefit are the elderly and been neglecting," - Elizabeth Whitton, ter. the handicapped. said senior Eliza- semor Needless to However, students who do have - Phmel beth Whitton. say, with a cars will find it hard to see past the - Plime2 "It's an issue that's especially of topic this big that has been in the size and longevity of such a tax. interest to Xavier students, whether works for around 10 years, sides are As much as some people in the · PHOTO OOURTESY OF WWW.UGHTRAILCOM you don't have a car or would just quickly b~ing formed. area are fighting against long-term The Light Rail Transit would begin construction along the I-71 like to be able to take a train down­ In arguments concerning the costs, others are fighting long-term corridor connecting suburbs to downtown Cincinnati and town to catch a game." Light Rail, the word "economy" pollution. Northern Kentucky. The system would; in its entirety, seems to come up just about ev- cost over $2.5 billion and take de­ erywhere. · cades to fully install. It would in­ Those opp.osed to the system, clude a myriad of hubs along its five especially Alternatives to Light lines, four of which would intersect Rail Transit (ALRT), argue that in Family weekend delaypays here at Xavier. an already· ailing Cincinnati The proposed first line, along economy, another tax - notably .. , " ... off for students, families '~> BY CHUCK SAMBUCIIlNO . GoJlar willta1'~.the~ on a.~O:: ..•Saturday ,,.afterno.QJl_. at µie. Senior News Editor hour exploration of the art and his:.. Conaton Board Room in Schmidt This year, Family Weekend has tory of the diocese of Covington. Hall. Reservations are required moved to October and the delay has "Events are· not just for fami- (x4250). paid off - with ov~r 260 families · lies," said Bellinger. 'There are a The Saturday evening Mass, confirmed for a weekend full of fun handful of things that are open to· presided by Xavier PreSident Rev, and events. the student body and we encour- Michael Graham, S.J., has groWll "It's been pushed back this year age them to come." .so large that it is now being held to enable students to get more Some of the things she speaks in the Cintas Banquet Room to. settled," said Cynthia Bellinger, co- of include the XU women's soccer accommodate the gigantic crowd coordinator and ·associate director ganie against St. Bonaventure on· that is expected. · @1 for Student Life. "Family weekend Friday at 7 p;m. and Saturday's 'The Mass is always the· big­ is an opportunity for the Xavier cam- performance of ''To Kill a Mock- gest event," said Bellinger. "I just pus to open its arms to the greater ingbird.'.' hope Cintas can hold ·iL" community. We're getting to know Also included in the weekend · Co-c00rd.inatorAmy Hull was: our family's families." and open toeveryoneisaPerform'- adamant about getting students The two packed days, Friday Oct. ing Arts Sampler from 8-9:30 p.ni, · and orgarii:iations involved: Hull 25 and Saturday Oct. 26 feature a in the Cintas Center Banquet · is stiHlookingforvolunteers who slew of events, most of which are on Rooms. can help olit with events and grab campus and easily accessible. · The University Singers, XU some free food in the.meantime.. Among~tother things, participat- Band and the Gospel Choir will Those interestOO·m volunteer,.. ing families will be invited to enjoy . all have free performan.ces. ing can do so by contaCting Hull ~l(ortnct a bus tour of Covington led by There will be tWo 45-Diinute (x3004) or Bellinger (x4888). Walker Gollar, associate professor of· sessions· detailing ·the· '~cademic · . ~-·· t. '\: ............ - , ............. t'".,•~·-·- .... ·...• ~ ·~· PHOTO COURTESY OF WWW.LIGHTRAILCOM The current map of Cincinnati outlining the neighborhoods that Theology. · Vision Statement," botli during would be most effected by the Light Rail system. ©2002 THE XAVIER NEWSWIRE NEWS: OP-ED:· SPORTS: DNERSIONS: ~~~oc;ITI· ~i~h:~f;· 'tsJ3j~i'if~f~f72 · Senate passes preference Different view presented on Senior Wygant earns Music Reviews are back Advertising (513) 745-::356 l · ··· ·for Email overpaper JOOOth point circulatio~ . '·. cs13f145.~313o Biology. issue Editor-i"'-Chief {513) 745-3607 PAGE2 PAGE 11 PAGE 12 PAGE 17-19 2 weekof OCTOBER23, 2002 CAMPUS NEWS THE XAVIER NEWSWIRE BR.IEFS ~m:ttllA1!~1!flM!....fSf!SSIUr.nmrnr~~.m~r.r.tUP.t:Ki."f!Wf Elizabeth Boneau, Editor Senate passes e-mail.resolution News Room: 745-3122 CHUCK SAMBUCHINO [email protected] ing the idea does not force anyone e-mail addresses as weJI. Students who can't afford a computer. Senior News Editor to do anything. It simply means who wish may opt to have their in­ "What is the sense in eliminat­ Who can forget last year when ever time, professors, students and formation ing paper waste Take back the Senate deliberated for .so many clubs/organizations will be encour­ taken out of the and sending out· night hours on that very strange change aged to do away with paper waste. list as always. e-mails when you in Xavier policy that left every­ The resolution was first pre­ Concerns "It's time for know the first one murmuring "first-year stu­ sented· nine days ago, but it was were v9iced things stude.nts Join Xavier's Take back the dent?" tabled due to Jack of knowledge about outside Xavier to become will do when they . night organization at Get ready for the next possil?le about how the student body felt on influences get­ more technologically get them is print Cincinnati's annual "She change. this issue. ting into a mas­ them out in a Screams Without Sound," a A motion passed Monday in Since then; a survey has been ter list and updated.." lab?" said Louis march and vigil to· honor Senate entitled "Primary Means conducteo by senators and the re­ sending out Romano, a junior. women killed by their partners of Communication Resolution" sults lean toward a favorable view anything from -Steve Weissenburger, senior "Not only in 2002. and to support survi­ calls for, over time, the almost of the change. junk e-mail to that, but how ter­ vors of domestic violence. The complete elimination of paper The system will be similar to an viruses. rible are the lab printers? I'd like to vigil will be held at the mail in favor of e-mail. umbrella GroupWise account, with "If someone is wise in this·sort of pull. an 'Office Spa~e' on that Hamilton County Courthouse The primary reason for a . Kuhlman piece of junk." Tuesday, Oct. 29. Meet at the change like this is to re­ "This will not force Buenger Circle at 6 p.m. to duce the incredible amount Senate Survey Statistics anybody to do anything," . march with the Xav.ier commu­ of paper waste Xavier dis­ said a senator at Monday's nity. If you have any questions, poses of yearly. 393 students were surveyed meeting. "It just means please contact Alley Clarey at "It's time for Xavier to that in time this is an is­ 924-5952.
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