C II ) .ON THE WE argonaut.illdaiio.edn THESTUDENTS V,„ICE -~j NCE 8 9 8 coNTAGT og: urguuuululdulig+II '. r qThe life nf a musician < I whole different daseline DDD students prepare for annual A.77ChhkoVt7 makeS rl >lelv hOme extravaganza —Sports, Page 11 —Artsd Entertlti ament, Page 8 Arabs issue Israel an ultimatum e ain overs e BY S(1RAYA SARIIADI)l Nsl.sos l(NI(ll)T l(ll)l)l:I( NFI((')I(AI'I:IIN Dress questions moti ves EIRUT, Lebanon — Saudi Crown Prince J ". Abdullah will present the Arab League's newly g adopted peace initiative to President Bush at draws ug his Texas ranch nex1 month, with hopes of convincing for patriotism, fire the United States to put, pressure on Israel io agree to the terms, Arab leaders said Thursday. The seven-part initiative, unveiled after the close BY IY()NNE Rl VERA of the organization's annual summit, includes an Al();()NAI'I' I'AFI. unprecedented offer of "normal relations" between all Arab countries and Israel in exchange for the Jewish state relinquishing land conquered in the Six Day he Wearable Art Collection on display at the War in 1967, But the Arab proposal —a compromise between University of Idaho's library is facing criticism " moderate and hard-line Arab states —may not be from many on campus. In the center of the con- * r ~ bold enough to gei, Israeli Prime Minister Ariel a Sharon to start negotiating, especially when his troversy stands a dress made of American flag fabric wu. nation is the target of a new wave of terrorist attacks. "Is Arab leaders warned that a failure of Israel to with a colonial hat that reads, in glittery letters, accept the plan would result in more violence, which this is a fad?" could also boomerang on moderate Arab govern- ments. Militant Islamic groups are playing an Those who see the dre ss as "It fthe dress) will take a unprecedented role in the latest Palestinian intifada, distasteful are challen ging loi, of heat uni,il it is taken off or uprising, and unlike Yasser Arafat's secular Fatah t,he creat, or of t,he gown, senior the floor," Keeley said. Keeley party, they also seek to topple the rulers of Egypt, Brandi Julian, and the ues- said the resurfacing of t,he flag Jordan and Saudi Arabia. tion she poses. "I didn't t ink and patriatic pride since Israel has expressed interest in discussing the it would cause this much con- September 11th is "good and Arab plan but objects fundamentally to some of iis troversy. I was trying to say it's bringing the American val- provisions, including granting a right of return to that we should always cal e for ues back to where they should millians of Palestinian refugees living in Arab coun- our country as much as we do be." tries, now," said Julian. Julian herself is the daugh- The delegates also warned strongly against any She said the idea for the ter of a lieutenant commander attack on Iraq, underscoring the Bush administra- dress came from the su dden in the Navy. "My father tion's failure to assemble a coalition of Arab countries rush to be patriotism after the agreed ig seemed like the flag in actions to the Iraqi "I topple government."'Israel events of September lit h. was being used in ways it must reply," Saudi Foreign Minister Prince get the feeling a lot of p eople shouldn't be," she said. "It Saud-al-Fasal insisted after League Secretary don't understand what I'm should not take a terrorist General Amr Moussa announced the terms of the trying to say," she said. attack to be this pai,riotic," plan unanimously endorsed by An easel was she said. the league's 22 members. "Ifyou set up in order "It's a tempest want genuine peace, you must for students to "It's making a in a teapot," said respond in kind. It doesn't come write down their David Trayte pro- out of a muzzle" of a gun. opinions. A docu- statement that fessor of the class If Israel doesn'1 sign on, ment on the responsible for "there will be a return to vio- Federal Flag patriotism isn' the exhibition. lence, pushing forward to the Code has been "It's making a precipice, inviting hostilities stapled to the sticking a flag statement thai, that,, God forbid, will happen," board. Some patriotism isn'1 Fasal said. The warning was camments show on your bumper sticking a flag on given substance earlier in the anger toward the ofr window." your bumper or week when he and other foreign dress'rain window," he said. ministers pledged $150 million touching the DAVID TRAYTE Trayte also for the Palestinian uprising floor. UIPROFESSOR said that the against Israel. I. 'a~i There were issue of using the Arab League members also comments flag for art has agreed to 24 other provisions, stating that the dress sh ould been around since i,he '60s many showing a rare degree of Arab unity and the not, be displayed out, 4'-.of res pect and it has been challenged strongest st,atement of opposition to U.S. foreign poli- for the University of Ida ho's since then. "What is degrad- cies since the Persian Gulf War in 1990 and 1991. ROTC program. ROTC m em- ing to a national symbol is to The Saudi-envisioned plan bears a striking resem- hers declined comment on the put it on everything. It's so blance to one t,hat the kingdom's King Fahd put on topic; all members of the clear how business are capi- the table 21 years earlier, albeit in vaguer terms with ROTC are not allowed to talizing on a tragedy and how a few key difTerences. For one, this agreement pro- speak to the press on certain all of the sudden it is fashion- poses diplomatic and economic relations between issues since Sept. 11. able to be patriotic," he said. Israel and the Arab world, Fasal said. "The American flag m cans The dress is protected by The communique is silent on the fate of hundreds mom, apple pie and ev ery- the First Amendment, which of Jewish settlements do11ing the Palestinian land- thing that is good about guards what is called expres- scape, although removal of the settlements is a fre- America," said Ben Keele y, a sive or symbolic speech using quent demand from Palestinians. Veteran Service Officer for the the flag. While members denounced the Sept,. 11 attacks on 10 northern coun ties. 'Why should it be OK for the World Trade Center and Pentagon, they were far According to the Federal Flag Tommy Hilfiger to make more zealous in endorsing the intifada as a just and Code, no part of the flag can clothing with red, white and noble cause, with praise and sympathy for be used as a costume. blue and for me to be criti- Palestinian fighters. However Julian's dres s is cized for a dress?" Julian said. The hardest slap in the face of the Bush adminis- made of fabric that, has the "I want people to know the decreed in terse dress was intended for some- tration came when the conferees colors and shapes of the flag iq." not stand for the U.S. war act,ual thing good," she said. terms that they would and not an flag. s against, terrorism 1o be turned on Saddam Hussein. "The Arab League rejects any at1empt t,o attack <P 1) in particular Iraq, or to threaten its any Arab country, ~ security, for this is considered threatening or an att,ack on all Arab countries," Maussa said. Even Saudi Arabia, where American troops are based, showed unprecedented warmth toward its longtime foe. Television cameras captured a warm embrace between Saudi Sultan bin Abdul Aziz and PASSEY / ARGONAUT the head of the Iraqi delegation, Izaat Ibrahim, which BRIAN drew applause from other summit members. It was "Patriotism," a dress design by BralTdi Julian, has become a topic of the highest-level contact between the two countries in controversy over how the American flag is displayed. The dress is on 10 years. PHOTO ILLUSTRATION BY BRIAN PASSEY display on the first floor of the library. R (I () N A u T I )V S I D Go to the prom you never went to in high school WSU's FvidIiy Arts&Entertainment . BY AN BREA SCII IERS Lorena and the Bobettes will provide the enter- ihe support of organizations including Allies, AOOONACT STAFF tainment, and TabiKat Produc1ions will supply Gay Lesbian Bisexual Transgender and Yol. I03, No. 5I Pride and Stonewall groups. C) 2002 Calendar.......... the music. Palouse Empire f you missed your high school prom, you'l The festivities begin at S p.m. and continue The event is also co-sponsored by the Once of Capsule have a chance to make up for it April 6. until midnight. the Dean of Students and the Student (V T I I E R B A The Gay-Straight Alliance will host GSA says the event is open to the public, and Counseling Center. Classifiede........ "The Prom Yau Never Went To" in hopes af rais- those who attend can dress however they wish, According to Clyde who also is a GSA mem- events" ing visibility for the group, and to provide some provided they are indeed dressed. ber, the group needed annual "signature Crossword....,... fun on a Saturday night.
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