lU RTEEir AU nsambers of S t Mary's Bible class ars ro<iuested to meet Sun­ Manoheaier ut Town day morning at nine o'clock, to St. James’ (Uacuas matters pertaining “ Date Book work ft>r the coming year. ■m ncular mantIUy meeting / Tomorrow . P__m PolUh-Ainerican AthleUc For Over Fifty Years ^ Oct. 6,—Coon trials at Manches­ Ik will held Monday night at Bodi/Parties E^or^ Bride Gets Gifts ter ,Coon and Fox Club grounds off MANCHEST]BR, CONN.^ MONDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1940 (FOURTEEN PAGES) ck, at the CUnton atreet Route 44 in Coventry. ididate fo r /^ le e t - M yt DONALD PUCK VOL. LX., NO. 6 (OImhUM AdvsrtWnff M rag* U) I. AU membe^ are urged At Shower Party Arthur Keating Tells of Also, Amateur Night at S t and be on time ae there John's church. an in South/Windsor I'biialneei to be dlaeuased. First Time . That He kext Week^ - , / . Took Part in ,the Sem­ „ Mary’s T. P. F. will bowl to- Mrs. Harry Rudeen was the Oct. 7. — First fali'meetlng With town elections being held ENaosa m m s iu t e i, s t kt at'8 o’clock at the West Slde Chamlnade Musical Club at C< in nearly alj OL the towns and The four newly appointed guest of- honor last .night at a ites; Oldest Member. ter churcb, 2:80 p. m. cities in OonneiAlcut next Monday IrS SAFE m SM M iNonEi 1 who will be In charge are mlsceUaneous shower at the home diet. 10.--Tea and me< ilg of there is one/candldate .for first Hadden, Vivian Little, Sher- of Mrs. George Rudeen of 26 Divl. Nearly a half century ago a Educational Club at SoutI school, selectman vfho ia assured of his To PUT ICSIIE TIE N u n i W IU Brown and Otis McCann.' Sion street, the hofne was decorat- email boy stood up In St. James’s election apd is not doing any wor- on London^ 3:30 to -4 p. ai. ntembera are urged t o . be In blue and white for the shower choir loft preparatory to singing lEeTIICin lUTS WATEII Condag' ■!t( rying. , ot. ty. Thirty-live guests attended hls first solo. He was nervous and Thomm.L. Burgess, present first and^ after the presentation of gifts as he looked down upon the large Oct. 25. — Annuat ilance of Prl aelectmah o f. the tovm ot South \ -■ •There wUl be a meeting of the ihments were, served and congregation his knees began to. yate Duty Nursed at Countly Wliulaolp, elected on the Democra- Cedara Monday at 7 p. ni. in gameS^were played. ■ shake. He edged closer to the or­ Club. Masonic Temple. All mem- kostesses were Mrs. George ganist for encouragement. His solo • are urged to attend this first work was In St. Clare's Mass. As Rudeen Rudeenr fdrlU. the last note of ' the organ died Mrs. Rud^n received a Iftrge num­ away the.organist, William Keat­ AduM School s * 1 ' It was announced today that the ber of beautiful preseijtS from her ing turned to his son and smiled friends. \ ‘ . t^town highway department working approval. That was the first intro­ \ .gchedule has been stepped up from Mrs. Rudeen, before her marriage duction o f Arthur - Keating to a TpdBe Opeii^d days weekly to flve-and-one- was the formerMi-ss Caroline Mur­ Manchester audience in St. James’s , days. This is explained as ray of Wethersfield. church. \ the large amount of fall Fifty years hhve'pass^, since rtH re s on Catholic ' work befoje the department. It is that first solo in St. Glare's Mass. fig’ / that the , resurfacing- of Oddly enough that snmil boy, now 3~0 (h 7th Sixth lice Arthur Keaftng Doctrine Offered Each 0 Xeenev street, a big highway job To Hold Di the oldest.member of Bt. James's • of the’ season, will be completed choir who has su'ng c<mtlnuou8ly Monday in Hartford. • > . today. Emulsion w d crushed rock At V.F.W.^Iome for a half century, first ^ h g baas children in music, but it was worth •«tr it, -When Father M u rp h / held have been applied. 'Ti^re is a ru­ -parts of masses and hymnV As he Hartford, Oct. 5—The Catholic mor that a large realty develop­ grew older hls voice changed to dediehtion 8ervicea.^for Ihi base­ WiUkieCalls When Political Rii^Is Meet ment is pending in the' Keeney Anderson-Shca Post, V.F.W. will tenor; \ ment of St. Bridget's church, our School for Adults sponsored by the farnlly sang the vespei/selections. street area. r hold a dance for members of the Through Fifty I'Mrs \ Confraternity o f Christian Doc­ NO WORRIES ATM M E WHEN YOU HAVE TwoV Tallies and r v e post and club this evening a t'8:30 Down through the passing years Father ‘presided at Xm organ, my trine will open Monday' evening, Mayor Hague Mrs. W. J. Philipps, the f(^Sr^ ■ at the Green Home. There Will've mother and aunt a a ^ the alto and Keating sang at hundreds \of soprano solos, m g^ther and I sang October 14 at 8 o'clock at St. Miss Elizabeth Schwarm iMisic fordancing by a five-pleCc church services, weddings and fun­ 'tendered another shower^ast orchestra. ' _ ' the bass and tenor solos. Joseph's Cathedral School on Asy­ erals and still continue to sing •“I have trie(/to remember those / Four Hits Blast \Vuny Hitler’ Bight by 40 of her relatlvCi^nd The\5^eekly dances of the posfe them with no thought of end- lum avenue, and will continue friends. She received many boau- who were m w bers of St,^ James's re Souirfled each falVemd- winter attract mem­ hls long singing career. Arthur every Monday evening through De- tifuXand useful .gifts. choir when A Joined it as a h«y- bers and f'rtebds from Manchester K itin g herewith gl^es hls own centber 2. Rev. Thomas Stack, an and vicinity as well aa from-units Tfi«y. w e i / Margaret Murphy, ■ story of those years from boyhood West street. Mrs. Nora Quish, of assistant at St. James's church, Thb Men’s Friendship club of in Rockville, Stafford Springs. th re sh middle age as a , member Thomas L. Burgees ELECTRIC WATER Aulum/street, Miss Josle Keating, Rowe in the the South Methodist church will Hartford. Broad Brook, Windsor of St. Vamee choir: Manchester, will be one of the in­ open its bowling season with a St. J^eph's Rectory, New Britain. structors. and Willlmantic. 3t. James's choir 60 M t/F ran ces Moran, of Hartford,, tic ticket a year ago. hAs" been en­ As Important Part of practice session at the Y. M, C. A. Commander Frank vailuzrl ia in years ago last month. When I be­ \ Catholics and non-.Catholics are dorsed by the Republicans for the Guard Oil ^eaday evening at eight o'clock. a sist^ of the Horan girls of Oak \ h e a t in g Werlier Leads Attack National Defense Plan. gan, cholK rehearsals were held same office. Mr. Burgess was nom­ AU members interested are re- •jeneral charge of. the daftce pro­ reet.Xmy brother. Dr. W. P. S. welcome. There is no charge of gram and will -he assisted by 'mem­ every Friday evening and my fath­ eatlngXof Wlllimantic, and I. As any kind. The school may be en- inated by the Democrats at their With Double; Get An­ Reds ^Rooters 1 f entosted to attend in order that er, William Keating was organis^ tere/from Asylum or Farmington caucus last month and three iHght.s CLEM, eUEFIEE, 10W40ST • LWE ElECniC UM1 Jersey City, N. J., 6 c t ^ .—(JP)— '■ teamb may be organized. bers of the House Committee. far as I Mii learn those are all that Entry to Make SWe Bal-' ^ Defenders Down Nine o:m and choir dir^tor. Choir* members are left out of the original 25 mem­ avenue, y later when the Republicans met other Run Off Corsica Describing Mayor Frank Hague of arrived, at the church about 7^30 Out E arly to bers and I\am the only one still The cmirses to be offered are they endorsed Mm. Jersey City as a "puny HlUer," kail Kingtlotii ^"on’t British Riiid Enemy Planes in p.iti. and father let im into/ the Mr. Burgess is a native of Wap\ In '^6th M Walters singing regularly. listed belbw. ll/shOiUd be noted Wendell L. Willkie appealed today t vere Air Fights, Antl*;i church through the west d^r. He “I have r^etved , many phone that these « « not n^Ities of indivld- ping, which is part of South Wind­ The Manchester Electric Division Go W rong’ ; NoXEsti- had- an old fashioned key / t o the Checks Tigers Sluggers See 6th Game for preservation of civil liberties Nazi Coastal A Real Saturday ]^ighl Thrill calls from-'t)ld friends congratulat­ lal lectures, but eac^ Is thA.title of sor. Hls parents were the late j Aircraft Fire; Intett* Today’s door-—one of those 'ja'ck-knlfe' ing - me upon my 60, years of serv­ X whole seriesNjf lectures on the Patrick and Nora (Quirk) Burgess, In Contest at Qney. ■ j u an important part of national mate Given o f Size keys—about six inches/in length. THE OONNSOnOUT POWER COMPANY ice in the St James choir. Real­ .eneral subject Indlc/ted.
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