![Maliheh Afnan: “Tonight, the Door Towards Words Will Be Opened” [Sohrab Sepehri]](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
Maliheh Afnan: “Tonight, the Door Towards Words Will be Opened” [Sohrab Sepehri] Reception for the Artist Sat, 6 September 2 !", #$% pm Duration 6 September & # No(ember 2 !", T)e-Sat !!am-6pm Location *alerie +ornfeld, ,asanenstraße 26, D$! .!% /erlin “In a sense, I write my paintings, whether it is writing, a paysage, or even a personage”, [ a!iheh Afnan] Dear Ladies and #ent!emen, aliheh Afnan $b. &'()* is a poet of !ines, of earthen co!ors and iconic signs% In her often smal!+ scale wor,s, the artist creates dream!i,e scenes of a perfect !anguage- de!icate palimpsests that evo,e !ost chi!dhood memories and stir up the une.pose"% /he artist creates an 0criture automatique beyond !egibi!ity% She writes her paintings, right or !eft-aligned, as contemporary pictorial quotes of an Antiquity that can no !onger be found in any !anguage% 2er wor,s are hierog!yphic ruins of ancient !andscapes, faces of e.i!e, a visual poetry in the tradition of 3ersian and Arabic cal!igraphy ref!ecting an immense, magical beauty that resists the withdrawal of this tradition% aliheh Afnan4s wor,s evo,e 3au! 5!ee4s poetic miniature wor,s of paper and are reminiscent of the work of ark /obey, to whom the artist fe!t close!y re!ate"% aliheh Afnan was born to Iranian parents in 2aifa. She !ived in 6eirut, 7ashington, 5uwait, and spent more than 8( years in 3aris% /he artist has been !iving and working in London since &''9% /he wor,s of aliheh Afnan have been e.hibited international!y and are shown in a number of prestigious museums and co!!ections, including /he etropo!itan useum in :ew ;or,- /he 6ritish useum in London and the Institut du monde arabe in 3aris% aliheh Afnan, “/onight, /he Door /owards 7ords Wi!! be <pened”, is curated by Shu!amit 6uckstein =oruh% /he catalogue aliheh Afnan> “/onight, the Door /owards 7ords Wi!! be <pened”, wi!! be published on the occasion of the e.hibition, edited by #alerie 5ornfe!"% With a preface by the curator Shu!amit 6uckstein =oruh and contributions from aliheh Afnan, Lut? 6ecker, Eva 6eierheimer A iriam Laussegger, 2ans B!rich <brist, Sohrab Sepehri% /he e.hibition at #alerie 5ornfe!d shows about twenty new wor,s by the artist% /he wor,s are accompanied by a !ight instal!ation by the Ciennese artist duo Eva 6eierheimer A iriam Laussegger with poetic fragments of the Iranian poet Sohrab Sepehri $&'8D+&'DE* and a motto of the 3ersian scho!ar Shams-e /abri?i $&&D)+&8FD*% #ALERI@+O0',12D Gasanenstr. 8H D+&E9&' 6er!in /e! IF'$E*(E DD' 88) D'E Ga. IF'$E*(E DD' 88) D'' ga!erie@ga!erie,ornfe!".com Gor questions or further information please do not hesitate to contact us% 7e wi!! be happy to send you printable pictures or other images on request% Sincere!y, Dr% /i!man /reusch Contact Dr% /i!man /reusch> treuschJgalerie,ornfe!"%com #ALERIE+O0',12D 5unsthande! #mbH A Ko 5# Gasanenstraße 8H &E9&' 6er!in Deutsch!and Gon IF' (E DD' 88) D'E Ga. IF' (E DD' 88) D'' galerieJgalerie,ornfe!"%com www%galerie,ornfe!"%com http:M/www%faceboo,%comM#alerie5ornfe!" #ALERI@+O0',12D Gasanenstr. 8H D+&E9&' 6er!in /e! IF'$E*(E DD' 88) D'E Ga. IF'$E*(E DD' 88) D'' ga!erie@ga!erie,ornfe!".com.
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