4066 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. JULY .3, Mr. LODGE (when his name was called). I have a general Whereas it is desirable that the information contained in this report shall be made public : "Therefore be it pair with the Senator from Georgia [Mr. CLAY], which I trans­ Resolved by the hotise of represe-n.ta tives (the senate concurrin-{J fer to my colleague [Mr. CRANE], and I vote "yea." I think therein), That the general assembly of Illinois petition the House of it proper to state that the Senator from Georgia informed me Representatives of the Congress of the United States of America to take such action as will cause the early publication of the report of before he went away that on this vote he would vote "yea." the special board of engineers, recently transmitted to the Chief ·of l\ir. BACON. I was about to make the same announcement. Engineers, United. States Army, upon the improvement of the l\lissis­ Mr. LODGE. And my colleague [Mr. CRANE] would also ~E&~ ;itw;r ubel:i:th~~· Louis and particularly between St. Louis . and vote "yea," if he were present. Resolved, That the secretary of state forward this resolution and l\Ir. McLAURIN (when his name was called). I transfer my petition to the Hon. JOSEPH G- CANNON, .Speaker of the National House pair with the junior Senator from Michigan [Mr. SMITH] to the of Representatives, and send a copy thereof to each Member of Congress from this State. senior Senator from North Carolina [Mr~ SIMMONS], and vote Adopted by the house May 12, 1909_ "yea." .EDWAilD D. SHUBTLEF1'', The roll call was concluded. Spcalcer of .the HouBe. l\Ir: CLAPP. A transfer having been arranged with my pair, B. H. MCCANN, I desire to \ote. I vote " nay." Olerk of the House. Mi'. RAYNER~ I desire to announce that my colleague [Mr. Concurred in by the senate May 18, 1909. S :UTH of Maryland] is detained at home by sickness in his JORN G. OGLESBY, family. He is paired with the junior Senator from Pennsyl­ President of the Senate. vania [Mr. OLIVER]. J'. H. PADDOCK, SecretartJ 'Of the Senate. The result was announced-yeas 59, nays 11, as follows: YEAS-59. Mr. CULLOM presented a memorial of sundry citizens ·of Springfield, Ill., indorsing the action of the Senate in imposing .Aldrich Cullom Gamble Page Balley Curtis Guggenheim Penrose a duty on lemons, which was ordered to lie Qn the table. Bankhead Daniel Johnson, N. Dak. Perkins THE BEET·S"UG.AR INDUSTRY. Bl'adley Davis Johnston, Ala. Piles Bra.ndegee Depew Jones Rayner 1\Ir. DICK. I present a letter, together with certain data, Briggs Dick Kean Root Brown Dillingham Lodge Scott from Truman G. Palmer, concerning the beet-sugar industry Burkett Dixon Lorimer Smoot of Europe and the United States. I move that the paper be Burnham du Pont Mccumber Sutherland printed as a document {S. Doc. No- 121). Burrows Elkins :h1cEnery Taliaferro Burton _Fletcher McLaurin Taylor The motion was agreed to. Carter Flint Martin Warner Clark. Wyo. Foster Money Warren GOVERNMENT OF PORTO RICO. Crawford Frye Nelon Wetmore Culberson Gallinger Newlands Mr. DEPEW, from the Committee -on Pacific Islands and w.as (H. R. 9541) NAYS-11. Porto Rico, to whom ;r;eferred the bill to amend an act. entitled "An act temporarily to provide revenues Borah Chamberlain Dolliver La Follette and a civil government for Porto Rico, and for other purposes," Bristow Clapp Heyburn Shively Bulkeley Cummins Hughes approved April 12, 1900, reported it without amendment, and submitted a report (S. Re_pt No. 10) thereon. NOT VOTING-22. Bacon Frazier Owen Smith, S. C. INTRODUCTION OF BILLS. Beveridge Gore Paynter tephen.son Bourne Hale Richardson Stone Mr. DAVIS. I introduce a eouple of little local bills that Clarke, .4-rk. Nixon Simmons Tillman I want unanimous consent for the immediate consideration of. Clay Oliver Smith, Md. One is a bill to extend the time of limitation. Congress gave Crane Overman Smith, Mich. permission to build a bridge across the Ouachita :River, a navi­ So the amendment as amend-ed was .agreed to. .gabl stream in my State. The bridge has not yet been com­ The VICE-PRESIDENT. The hour of 7 o'clock having ar­ pleted, and the time is about to expire. The other is a bill to rived, the Senate stands adjourned until to-morrow, Satm·da_y, grant permission to construct a bridge across Salem River in July a. 1909, .at 10 o'clock_a. ID. .AJ·kansas, near a little town called Warren. l\Ir. GALLINGER. Haye the bills been L'eported from the Committee on Commerce? SEN.ATE. l\Ir. DAVIS. No, ir; they are local bills, and it is not neces­ .sary to ha-ve them referred. SATURDAY, July 3_,, 1909. Mr. GALLINGER. They will have to go to the committee, The Senate met at 10 o clock a. m. I will say to the SenatoT. Prayer by the Chaplain, Rev. Ulysses G. B. Pierce, D. D. The VICE-PRESIDENT. The first bill sent to the de k by The Journal of yesterday's proceedings was read and approved. the Senator from Arkansas will be read by its title. The bill { S. 2827) to extend the time for construction of a .PETITIONS AND MEMORIALS. .bridge across the Ouachita River at or near Camden, Ark., was Mr. 1\IcLAURIN presented the petition of Eliza WaTnock, <>f read twice by its title. Warren County, Miss., praying tha-t she be granted a pension, l\Ir. DAVIS. I trust the Senator from New Hampshire will which was referred to the Committee on Pensions. at least not ask to have the bill go to the Committee on Com­ l\fr. CULLOM presented a joint re olution of the legislature merce, because the time will expire before we can get a report of Illinois, which was referred to the Committee on Commerce, from ·the committee. It provides for nothing but the -extension and ordered to be printed in the REOORD, as follows : of time. Mr. GALLINGER. I suggest to the Senator the rules pro­ 8 ST~~:A~~~~ 0F STATE. vide that all bills shall be referred to committees. I feel cer­ To all to whom these present-s shall come, g1·eeting: tain if the Senator will see the chairman of the Committee on I, James A. Rose, -secretary of state of the State of Illinois, do hereby Commerce he will report it promptly. It would be a \ery bad certify that the following and hereto attached is a true copy of house precedent to consider bills without a reference to committees. joint resolution No. 25 of the forty-sixth peneral assembly of the State l\Ir. STONE. I would add to what the Senator has said that of Illinois, tiled June 22, 1909, the origrnal of which is now on file and a matter of record in this office. _ under the rules of the Committee on Commerce there is a sub­ In testimony whereof, I hereto set my hand and cause to be affixed committee authorized to consider local bills, the chairman .of the great seal of State. Done at the city of Springfield this 1st day of which· can report at any time. July, A. D. 1909. Mr. GALLINGER. Without the action of the full committee. [SEAL..] JAMES A. llOSE, Mr. STONE. Without a meeting of the committee. Secretary o"t State. Mr. GALLINGER. I think the Senator from Arkansas will House joint resolution 25. have no difficulty in getting the bill out of the committee Whereas the rivers and harbors bills passed by the Fifty-ninth Con­ promptly. gress provided for the appointment by the Secretary of War of a The VICE-PRESIDENT. The bill will be referred to the special board " to examine the Mississippi River below St. Louis and report to the Congress at the earliest date by which a thorough examl· Committee on Commeree. nation can be made upon the practicability a~d desirability of construct­ Mr. DAVIS introduced a bill ( S. 2828) to authorize Bradley ing and maintaining a navigable channel 14 feet deep and of suitable County, Ark., to construct a bridge aeross Saline River in said width from St. Louis to the mouth of the river ; " and Whereas this ·special board has completed this report and forwarded county and State, which was read twice by its title and referred it to the Chief of Engineers in Was~gton; and to the Oommittee on Commerce. 1909 . CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-·SENATE. 4067· l\Ir. WETMORE introduced a bill ( S. 2829) granting an in­ posed amendment, I think the effect will be to defer the enact­ crease of pension to Munson H. Najac, which was read twice by ment of any law providing for an income tax. I think the its title and, with the accompanying papers, referred to the effect of it will be that there will be probably more than a Committee on Pensions. fourth of the States of the Union which will refuse to ratify the action of Congress when this proposed amendment to the AMENDMENTS TO THE TABIFF BILL, Constitution is presented to the States for ratification, and then Mr. DIXON submitted an amendment intended to be proposed I think that will be presented to the Supreme Court of the by him to the bill (II. R. 1438) to provide revenue, equalize United States as an argument why an income tax should be duties, and encourage the industries of the United States,· and held to be unconstitutional. I think it would be urged as a for other purposes, which was ordered to lie on the table and very plausible argument before the Supreme Court of the be printed.
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