HIGH SCHOOLs A companion guide to the Directory of 2011 AT A GLANCE the New York City Public High Schools 2012 Important Dates for the 2011-2012 Translations of this publication can be High School Admissions Process found at the website listed below: Saturday, September 24, 2011 Citywide High School Fair Sunday, September 25, 2011 Saturday, October 22, 2011 Borough High School Fairs Sunday, October 23, 2011 Saturday, October 29, 2011 or Specialized High Schools Admissions Test Sunday, October 30, 2011 All current 8th grade students Specialized High Schools Admissions Test All current 9th grade students Saturday, November 5, 2011 8th and 9th grade students with special needs and approved 504 accommodations Specialized High Schools Admissions Test Make-Up only Sunday, November 20, 2011 9th grade Sabbath observers Sabbath observers with special needs and approved 504 accommodations www.nyc.gov/schools/ChoicesEnrollment/High/Publications INTRODUCTION HIGHSCHOOLSATAGLANCEisdesignedtohelpyouquicklyidentifyhighschoolprogramstowhichyouwouldliketoapply.Onthefollowingpages, youwillfindacomprehensivechart,organizedbyborough,listingeveryhighschoolprogramanditssixmostimportantfeatures:programname, program code, interest area, admissions method, admissions priorities, and Directory page number. Here are more detailed descriptions of those items: 1.PROGRAMNAME:Eachprogramofferedbyaschoolhasadistinctname,whichmustbeincludedonyourHighSchoolApplication.Pleasenotethat someschoolsoffermultipleprograms. 2.PROGRAMCODE:EachprogramhasadistinctfourͲcharacterprogramcode,whichalsomustbeincludedonyourHighSchoolApplication. 3.INTERESTAREA:Eachprogramhasaspecifiedinterestareaselectedfromthelistbelow.Inthispublication,eachinterestareaisassignedaseparatecolumn, allowingyoutoquicklyidentifyprogramsthatshareaparticularinterestarea.Theinterestareasinclude: AnimalScience Engineering Law&Government Architecture EnvironmentalScience PerformingArts Business Film/Video PerformingArts/VisualArt&Design Communications HealthProfessions Science&Math ComputerScience&Technology Hospitality,Travel&Tourism Teaching Cosmetology Humanities&Interdisciplinary VisualArt&Design CulinaryArts JuniorReserveOfficerTrainingCorps(JROTC) Zoned 4. ADMISSIONS METHOD: Each program has its own admissions method (listed in the column of the program’s interest area). Theadmissionsmethodsaredescribedbelow: AUDITION:Programsthatrequireyoutodemonstrateproficiencyinaspecificartsarea.Auditionrequirementsandscheduleddatesand A timesforspecificprogramsarelistedintheHighSchoolDirectory. EDUCATIONALOPTION(ED.OPT.):Programsdesignedtoattractawiderangeofacademicperformers.Eachprogramhasacertainproportionof seatsreservedforstudentsfromthehighreadinglevel,themiddlereadinglevel,andthelowreadinglevel(seebelow).Fromtheapplicant E pool,halfofthestudentsareselectedfromamongstudentsrankedbytheschooladministrationandhalfareselectedrandomly.Ifyou scoreinthetop2%onyourpreviousyear’sEnglishLanguageArtsexamandyoulistanEd.Opt.programasyourfirstchoiceonyour application,youareguaranteedamatchtothatprogram. EDUCATIONALOPTIONSEATDISTRIBUTION x 16%inthehighreadinglevel x 68%inthemiddlereadinglevel x 16%inthelowreadinglevel 4.ADMISSIONSMETHOD:Continued LIMITED UNSCREENED: Programs that give priority to students who demonstrate interest in a school by attending the school’s L InformationSession(s)orOpenHouseeventsorvisitingtheschool’sexhibitatanyoneoftheHighSchoolFairs.Youmustsigninat theseeventsinordertoreceiveprioritytotheschool’sprogram(s). SCREENED:Programsinwhichstudentsarerankedbyaschoolbasedonastudent’sacademicrecord,standardizedtestscores,attendance, S andpunctuality.Schoolsmayalsouseothercriteriatoevaluateapplicantssuchasaninterview,essayoradditionaldiagnostictest.You shouldreviewtheselectioncriteriaforeachscreenedprogramlistedinthe“ProgramsOffered”sectiononeachschool’sDirectorypage. SCREENEDFORLANGUAGE:ProgramsforstudentswithaminimumlevelofEnglishlanguageproficiencyonly.ScreenedforLanguageprograms SL includeBilingual,DualLanguage,andInternational.InterestedstudentsmustreviewtheProgramDetailsandAdmissionsPrioritiesinthe Enrollment section on each school’s Directory page to ensure that they are applying to a program that matches their home/native language.Priorityisgiventostudentswhosehome/nativelanguagematchesthatoftheindividualprogram. TEST:ProgramsthatrequireyoutotaketheSpecializedHighSchoolsAdmissionsTest(SHSAT)forentrance.FortheSpecializedHigh T SchoolsrequiringtheSHSAT,onlythetestscoresdetermineeligibility. U UNSCREENED:Programsforwhichstudentswhoapplyareselectedrandomly. Z ZONED:Programsthatgiveprioritytostudentswholiveinthegeographicalzonedareaofthehighschool. 5.ADMISSIONSPRIORITIES:Theorderinwhichapplicantsareconsideredforanygivenschool.Eachschool’sDirectorypagelistsAdmissionsPrioritiesin theEnrollmentsectionontheleftsideofthepage.ThisAtaGlancepublicationindicateswhichprogramsoffertheCONTINUING8THGRADERSpriority; forotherprioritymeasures,pleaseconsulttheDirectory. th CONTINUING8THGRADERS:Programsopenonlyto8 gradestudentswhoarecurrentlyenrolledataschoolwithbothmiddleandhigh 8 schoolgradesandwhowishtocontinuetothehighschool. 6.DIRECTORYPAGENUMBER:EachschoolhasitsownpageintheDirectoryoftheNewYorkCityPublicHighSchools2011Ͳ2012.Tolearnmoreabout the programs listed in this publication, including their admissions priorities, course highlights, extracurricular activities and PSAL sports teams, pleaseconsultthepagelistedforthatschoolintheDirectory. AlsoConsiderSchoolPerformance VisittheNewYorkCityDepartmentofEducationwebsite(www.nyc.gov/schools)toaccessmanyschoolstatisticsincludingtheSchoolSurvey,theQualityReview Report,theProgressReportandtheAnnualSchoolReportCard. Bronx School Name Program Name Directory Page Directory Program Code Animal Science Architecture Business Communications Computer Science & Technology Cosmetology Arts Culinary Engineering Environmental Science Film/Video Health Professions Travel Hospitality, and Tourism Humanities & Interdisciplinary JROTC Law & Government Performing Arts Performing Arts/ & Design Visual Art Science & Math Teaching Visual Art & Design Zoned National Academy Foundation Media Y31B Communications SL National Academy Foundation Institute for 1 Academy for Language and Technology Y31C Computer Technology SL National Academy Foundation Computer Y31D Networking SL Academy for Scholarship and Academy for Scholarship and Entrepreneurship: 3 X02R Entrepreneurship: A College Board School A College Board School L X69C NATEF Automotive Technology Alfred E. Smith Career and Technical S 4 Education High School X69D Bilingual Spanish NATEF Automotive Technology SL Antonia Pantoja Preparatory Academy: A Antonia Pantoja Preparatory Academy: A College 6 Y34A College Board School Board School L Archimedes Academy for Math, Science and Archimedes Academy for Math, Science and 7 Y37A Technology Applications Technology L 8 Astor Collegiate Academy X17B Science & Technology L 9 Banana Kelly High School X94A Banana Kelly High School E Humanities Academy of Research and 10 Belmont Preparatory High School X42A Technology (HART) S 12 Bronx Academy of Health Careers X22A Bronx Academy of Health Careers L 13 Bronx Academy of Letters X27A Bronx Academy of Letters L 14 Bronx Aerospace High School X30A Bronx Aerospace High School L 15 Bronx Bridges High School Y47A Bronx Bridges High School SL Bronx Career and College Preparatory High Bronx Career and College Preparatory High 16 Y43A School School L 17 Bronx Center for Science and Mathematics X05R Bronx Center for Science and Mathematics L 18 Bronx Collegiate Academy X58X Bronx Expeditionary Learning High School L Y51A Building Construction and Technology L 19 Bronx Design and Construction Academy Y51B Architecture and Design L 20 Bronx Early College Academy Y36A Bronx Early College Academy S Bronx Engineering and Technology Bronx Engineering & Technology Academy 21 X61X Academy (BETA) L 22 Bronx Envision Academy Y54A Bronx Envision L 23 Bronx Guild X32A Bronx Guild L 24 Bronx Health Sciences High School X88X Bronx Health Sciences High School L Bronx High School for Law and Community Bronx High School for Law and Community 25 X53A Service Service E Page 1 School Name Program Name Directory Page Directory Program Code Animal Science Architecture Business Communications Computer Science & Technology Cosmetology Arts Culinary Engineering Environmental Science Film/Video Health Professions Travel Hospitality, and Tourism Humanities & Interdisciplinary JROTC Law & Government Performing Arts Performing Arts/ & Design Visual Art Science & Math Teaching Visual Art & Design Zoned 26 Bronx High School for Medical Science X56A Medical and Health Sciences S X35A Visual Art L 27 Bronx High School for the Visual Arts X35B Graphic Design L Bronx High School for Writing and Bronx High School for Writing & Communication 28 X76X Communication Arts Arts L 29 Bronx High School of Business X55A Bronx High School of Business E NO 30 The Bronx High School of Science The Bronx High School of Science CODE T 32 Bronx International High School X36A Bronx International High School SL 33 Bronx Lab School X64X Bronx Lab School L 34 Bronx Latin Y35A Bronx Latin L 35 Bronx Leadership Academy High School X73A Bronx Leadership Academy E 36 Bronx Leadership Academy II High School Y49A Bronx Leadership Academy II High School L Bronx School for Law, Government and Justice X95A Bronx School for Law, Government and for New Students E 37 Justice Bronx School for Law, Government and Justice X95B for Current Students 8 38 Bronx School of Law and Finance X28A Bronx School of
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