Page Tw 4 DAILY WORKER. NEW YORK. THURSDAY, AUGUST 30,1934 ♦ ’Frisco Youth to Hold Mass Rally AgainstTerror on Sept. 1; International Youth Day Plans Completed in Many Cities lonng Communists General Strike Celebrate 15tli Anniversary 1,000 Strike Statement of the Central Committee. C. P., U. S. A. Meeting in Detroit In Textile Set At 3 Plants To Challenge For Saturday (Continued from Page 1) exploited and Name Offer and all the oppressed. Thus it came to pass that our Os Dye Works Will Delegate Party came into existence in the period of the first cycle of war and (Continued from Page 1) revolution. PATERSON, N. J„ Aug. 29.—Mass ToFascism and War On the "theory” that American Communism is a "foreign im- picketing began this morning at the These envelopes, commented Gor- East Paterson plant of the National To I portation,” the ruling class of the United States to Anti-War undertook uproot Parley I man, “bear out our recent state- Piece Dye Works. About 1,000 the young Communist Party by the method of police raids work- | ment showing that the average and de- ers are out in the three plants of Friday Night Meetings to Precede Mass Demon- portations We refer i wage is $10.86 for a 30 hour week,” of so-called aliens. to the infamous days of the same company. The walkout Many Cities Plan Preliminary Conferences strations in New York Saturday—Parades and Gorman, nevertheless, continues to Wilson-Palmer in 1919-1920—the predecessors of Roosevelt and the occurred last Friday in sympathy insist that his official leadership is New Deal. History has already pronounced conclusive judgment upon with the Williamsport, Pa., strike Prepare Local Unions and Groups of Rallies Arranged in Industrial Centers of U.S. not “striking against the code but this bourgeois and social-fascist "theory” of the foreign origin of of the same company. J against conditions." mill American Communism. The judgment is This morning carloads of State Workers for National Congress Many of 25,000 envelopes contaned in the present FRANCISCO, Aug. 29.—The first these years Troopers, equipped with machine SAN big demonstration from anniversary which marks 15 of American Communism. The came the Erwin Cotton Mills guns and tear gas, set- DETROIT, Aug. 29. the Commit’ in Marshall Green, in the Civic since the fascist at- of North and fact that 15 years after the first anti-Communist mass persecutions arrived and Mich., —A heard Provisional Center, Durham, Carolina, tled in plant, prepared conference pleas have been made from Alabama. "Erwin conducts the the American bourgeoisie, in attempting to throttle the struggle of down the for to build a movement and and :■ tacks, has been called for International Youth Day, Sept. 1. action. Workers feel the need for against war and fascism will be being made to get these unions largest bible class in the world,” the masses revolting against the exploitation of Amer- and brutality unity and for held here Saturday. Sept. 15, at 2 send representative. The Commit In this plan to break through the California fascist ter- John W. Edelman, of the American is spreading the strike ican capitalism, again initiating similar measures as part of the to other plants. p. m. in the ABC Hall, 7949 Mack tee states that a number of dele- Federation of Hosiery Workers, in- District union ror with a mass demonstration, the youth of San intensified fascization of its rule, is the best proof of the American leaders are Ave., near Van Dyke. The con- gates from local A. F. of L. unions Francisco formed the press. While on the attempting to dampen are preparing a mass answer to character of the Communist Party of the United States. the spirit of the strike by urging ference will elect delegates to the are expected at the Congress in the j church question, Gorman read a S. authorities who made a of the Young Communist League, From the date the workers to keep cool and allow U. Congress Against War and Chicago. As part of the preliminary bloody at- j newspaper dispatch from Lewiston, of the birth of the Communist Party of the United Fascism, to tack on the National Youth Day will act as chairman. only our own boys on the picket be held in Chicago work on behalf of the Congress, an In the indoor a Maine, which reported the pulpit States to its 15th anniversary the world has passed through the Sept. 28-30. anti-war be demonstration, July 20. injuring rally, program i ■ attack on line. Militant workers are suggest- ball is to held on will be presented. the National Textile first cycle of wars and revolutions, then the period of the relative All many’ of the participants. strike by M. ing that the strikers prepare and workers’ organizations and Sept. 15. one Rev. E. Marchand. stabilization of capitalism, and now finds itself confronted with a “I am amazed at any Catholic present local demands to the com- other groups that oppose war and Gil Green. Speaker In Washington new cycle of wars and revolutions. For Party it meant a fascism been Iron City To Send 15 Flan Anti-Fascist Protest in priest denouncing a strike from his our first pany. have asked to send Oakland WASHINGTON, Aug. 29. Gil long and difficult period of formation and unification, then the es- Anthony Perna, militant delegates to the Sept. 15th con- IRON CITY, Mich., Aug. 29.—A pulpit. We've had this thing from worker provisional committee to prepar* Green, national secretary of the clergy a years tablishment of contacts with the masses and their daily struggles and local red builder ference. OAKLAND. Calif.. Aug. 29. A for number of but in Paterson, delegates for the second U. Young Communist League, will be I thought a along with the mastery of the program and tactics organizational was in court last night on charge fl Con- call issued by the Young Commu- with the NH.A. broad and Rapids gress Against Fascinn has the main speaker at the National view of be taken*” of distributing among Grand Youth to Meet War and nist League to all things would principles of Bolshevism, and finally the independent leadership of leaflets the been set up Mere. A wide youth organiza- Youth Day demonstraiton to be Gorman in GRAND RAPIDS, Mich., Aug. 29. united tions in the unite held stated, the teeth of the mass struggles of the workers, toiling farmers, Negroes, etc. At the strikers. Abe Waks, local attorney, front of many different is East Bay area to here Saturday afternoon at recognized fact A youth conference against war groups big against that the Roosevelt present time, which by deep-going defended him, winning a dismissal. and contemplated; in a protest the fascist 4 o’clock at Twelfth and K Streets administration has officially is characterized shifts in the fascism will be held here Saturday, The committee states has S. incor- ranks of the and a that 15 delegates can be counted on attack and imperialist war. E. porated church in its strike- working class sharp turn to higher forms of mass Sept. 1. at 2 p. m. at the A. A. S. brought many organizations the from Iron and Dickenson empties. such The rally will protest the jailing breaking machinery. action (sympathy strikes, general strikes), the revolutionary activity of Chinese Groups Meet Hall, 439 Ottawa. All organizations into the united front. A big dem- of five young workers who were Father Francis Haas of the Na- the Communist Party is growing, the influence of its slogans is in- of youth have been invited to send onstration is being arranged for arrested N, Oil Workers Sought and sentenced to twenty- tional Labor Board and Archbishop creasing, its contacts with the masses are multiplying and becoming Tsai on Arrival in Y. delegates. International Youth Day, Sept. 1, five days in jail for picketing the This BAYONNE, N. J., Aug. 29. Prep- Hanna of San Francisco strike his- more firm, and its ranks are becoming more The factional conference will elect dele- Chabot Park, at 1 p. m. German Embassy in protest against numerous. NEW YORK.—Bearing placards gates arations are under way for a gen- tory are but two of frocked for to the state youth conference the imprisonment of the struggle, which plagued the Party many years, has become a thing and banners urging support of Mme. against eral conference of many lotal or- Ernst Thael- | brigade who have sincerely war and fascism in Detroit New York Demonstration mann and other fight- misled of the past. With the expulsion of the Lovestone group from the Sun Yat Sen's proposals an ganizations to assure a representa- anti-fascist religious workers. for anti- on Sept. 8. ers in Germany. Party and the liquidation of the Trotzky group, carried through in imperialist united front against tive delegation to the second U. S. NEW YORK. Thousands of Although the broad mass of the the latter part of 1929, under the of Japanese imperialism, delegations Parley Congress Against War and Fas- youth are expected to turn out in workers have scored one of the most leadership the Executive Com- in Pittsburgh of from the Friends of cism. The conference will take many cities on Sept. 1. International significant victories the in- mittee the Communist International and of Comrade Stalin, the the Chinese PITTSBURGH Pa., Aug. 29.—A place since people, the anti-Japanese Associa- on Sept. 11, to be followed by Youth Day, to voice their protests ception of the N. R. A., there isn't Communist Party of the United States became consolidated and was district conference to elect dele- a send-off meeting on Sept.
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