Canadian Circumpolar Institute Press Northern Hunter-Gatherers Research Series, Volume 5 EVENKI ECONOMY IN THE CENTRAL SIBERIAN TAIGA at the Turn of the 20th Century Principles of Land Use Mikhail G. Turov English edition prepared by Andrzej W. Weber and Ksenia Maryniak Edmonton 2010 galley proof 26.04.10 English translation, with added preface and glossary, of Khoziaistvo evenkov taezhnoi zony Srednei Sibiri v kontse XIX–nachale XX v.: Printsipy osvoeniia ugodii. Irkutsk: Izd-vo Irkutskogo univ., Irkutsk, 1990. (ISBN 5-7430-0136-7) CCI Press, Canadian Circumpolar Institute, Edmonton English edition © 2010 by CCI Press and the Baikal Archaeology Project, University of Alberta Cover photo © 2001 by Mikhail G. Turov All rights reserved. Published 2010 – Printed in Canada 15 14 13 12 11 10 1 2 3 4 5 Assistance from the Canadian Federation for the Humanities and S ocial Sciences’ Aid to Scholarly Publications Programme is gratefully acknowledged. ISSN 1707-522X Northern Hunter-Gatherers Research Series Andrzej W. Weber, Editor Hugh G. McKenzie, Assistant Editor Ksenia L. Maryniak, Assistant Editor Library and Archives Canada Cataloguing in Publication Turov, M. G. (Mikhail Grigorevich) Evenki economy in the central Siberian taiga at the turn of the 20th century : principles of land use / Mikhail G. Turov. -- English ed. / prepared by Andrzej W. Weber and Ksenia Maryniak (Northern hunter-gatherers research series, 1707-522X ; v. 5) Translation of: Khoziaistvo evenkov taezhnoi zony Srednei Sibiri v kontse XIX-nachale XX v.: Printsipy osvoeniia ugodii. Copublished by: Baikal Archaeology Project. Includes bibliographical references. ISBN 978-1-896445-50-2 1. Siberia (Russia)--Economic conditions. 2. Evenki (Asian people)--Economic conditions. 3. Subsistence economy--Russia (Federation)--Siberia. I. Weber, Andrzej II. Maryniak, Ksenia III. Baikal Archaeology Project IV. Title. V. Series: Northern hunter-gatherers research series v. 5 HC340.12.Z7S53813 2010 338.957 C2010-902996-8 Printed by Art Design Printing Inc. Edmonton, Alberta, Canada ii Contents Table of contents ...........................................................................................iii List of Figures ...............................................................................................iv List of Tables .................................................................................................iv List of Photos ................................................................................................iv Preface to the English edition .......................................................................vi Editor’s note on the English edition ����������������������������������������������vii Note on transliteration and the rendering of languages ����������������viii Author’s foreword to the Russian edition ......................................................1 Chapter 1. Introduction to the research subject .............................................9 1.1 First period (17th–18th centuries) ���������������������������������������������9 1.2 Second period (19th–early 20th centuries) ������������������������������ 11 1.3 Third period (1920s–1960s) ����������������������������������������������������13 1.4 Fourth period (from the early 1940s till the present [1990]) ���15 Chapter 2. Traditional Evenki subsistence activities and their role in the land use system ..............................................................................18 2.1 Subsistence hunting �����������������������������������������������������������������23 2.2 Fur hunting for trade ����������������������������������������������������������������39 2.3 Hunting equipment ������������������������������������������������������������������44 2.4 Fishing ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������48 2.5 Summary ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������54 Chapter 3. Transport-reindeer husbandry in the Evenki economy ..............57 3.1 Evenki and Orochen subtypes of reindeer husbandry �������������57 3.2 Reindeer husbandry and development of the fur hunt �������������61 3.3 Reindeer husbandry and the squirrel hunt �������������������������������65 3.4 Reindeer husbandry and large game hunting (moose) ������������67 3.5 Reindeer calving ����������������������������������������������������������������������68 3.6 Other aspects of Evenki and Orochon reindeer husbandry subtypes ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������70 3.7 Winter: free-ranging ����������������������������������������������������������������72 3.8 Spring: calving and the start of the annual round ��������������������76 3.9 Summer: nomadizing, smudges, and pasturing �����������������������80 3.10 Autumn: the rut and preparation for the fur hunt ������������������83 3.11 Summary ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������87 Chapter 4. Economic territory, rhythm, and general principles governing the exploitation of taiga resources ................................................89 4.1 The traditional Evenki calendar �����������������������������������������������90 4.2 Land use [osvoeniia ugodii ] ����������������������������������������������������93 4.3 Selection of camp location ������������������������������������������������������96 4.4 Camp layout and structures �����������������������������������������������������97 iii galley proof 26.04.10 4.5 The Evenki mobile lifestyle ��������������������������������������������������� 111 Conclusions ................................................................................................ 116 Glossary ..................................................................................................... 118 References ..................................................................................................124 Appendix: Selected photographs ...............................................................139 Figures Figure 1. Range of mobile Evenkis and types of reindeer husbandry in Central Siberia at the turn of the 20th century ............................6 Figure 2. The ukikit fishing enclosure .........................................................50 Figure 3. Types of Evenki caches ................................................................69 Figure 4. The kel'che toboggan ...................................................................86 Figure 5. The irivun hand-pulled hunting sledge ........................................87 Figure 6. The urikit short-term summer camp .............................................97 Figure 7. The khigolorkit fall camp, adjacent to the spring nengnerkit ...103 Figure 8. Types of dwelling and household structures of Central Siberian Evenkis ..........................................................................106 Tables Table 1. Diet of Evenkis in the Central Siberian taiga throughout the year ....53 Photos Photo 1. Family of the Evenkis V. P. Kaplin (Pangarakai clan) and his wife, M. P. Egorchenok ..........................................................139 Photo 2. E. I. Rukosueva (Ovodyl clan) of the Chuna Evenki group ........140 Photo 3. Permanent noku-delken food cache at an autumn base camp .....140 Photo 4. Permanent noku-delken food cache or labaz ..............................141 Photo 5. Reindeer in smudges at a summer stop-over camp .....................141 Photo 6. Milking reindeer cows in a smudge .............................................142 Photo 7. Starting point in the process of erecting a chum ..........................142 Photo 8. Next stage of erecting the chum ..................................................143 iv galley proof 26.04.10 Photo 9. The ‘chum diu’ dwelling is ready ................................................143 Photo 10. Iumgulo ground-level cache or labaz .......................................144 Photo 11. Noku dzeptyleruk ‘food cache’ on three posts ..........................145 Photo 12. Cache or labaz made of hewn planks and a pitched roof ..........146 Photo 13. Cache (labaz) on six posts. Katanga Evenkis ............................147 Photo 14. Reindeer loaded with packs in preparation for migration .........148 Photo 15. Permanent cache for storing winter clothing and equipment ....148 Photo 16. Delken food cache at the autumn base camp of V. P. Kaplin ....149 Photo 17. Old cache on one of the travel routes of the Kaplin family .......149 Photo 18. Evenki woman E. I. Rukosueva beside an old ugdama-diu bark chum, or golomo lodge ........................................................150 Photo 19. Ugdama cache for a small volume of food stores .....................151 Photo 20. Gobchik log mortuary structure on a shaman’s grave ...............152 Photo 21. Unusual construction of a cache or labaz ..................................152 Photo 22. Food cache on two posts up to 3 m tall .....................................153 Photo 23. Crushing trap for wolverines .....................................................154 Photo 24. Hunter’s snow-shoes/skis ..........................................................155 Photo 25. Panorama of autumn base camp ................................................156 Photo 26. Gateway for reindeer, facing the trail from the previous camp . 157 Photo 27. Churning the cream from reindeer milk ....................................157 Photo 28. Preliminary processing of moose hide into rovduga suede .......158 Photo 29. Diugani summer camp ..............................................................158
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