THE CULVER CITIZEN. LAKE, MAXINKUCKEE VOLUME VI. CULVER, INDIANA, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 1908. NUMBER 279 Mrs. D. TT. Smith left on Mon­ Matrimonial. PERSONAL day for a two weeks' visit in Jewell The M. F.. parsonage on Sunday i THE WEEK City, Kas. SUMMER SCHOOL TRIP afternoon was the scene of a mar­ Chester Zechiel has gone to A n­ riage ceremony in which Miss POINTERS derson as teacher of zoology in the Mary Myers, daughter of Mr. and IN CULVER high school. Cadets Meet an Enthusiastic Reception at Every Mrs. Jacob E. Myers of Poplar Miss Helen Hastings returned Grove, was united to Howard E. Brief Mention of Culverites and Little Items of Local Happenings of to Chicago Saturday after visiting Point on Their Long Lake Tour. Mikesell. The young couple were Interest to People in Town Their Friends Who Have Alfred Byrd’s a week. attended by Mr. and Mrs Myers Come and Gone Mr. and Mrs. McDaniel of Tee- and little daughter Tiny. After and Country garden were Saturday and Sunday It was Cleveland that furnished lake was lashed into great white the wedding Mr. and Mrs. Mikesell guests at Henry Zechiel’s. the most royal welcome of Culver’s capped waves by a stinging nor’- M iss Mary Medbourn visited in , went to the home of the bride’s —The Indianapolis choir bo>s Elzy Hawkins has resigned his cruise of ’08. From the moment easter that came round the break­ parents to remain until Monday Argos last week. loft the lake on Mouday after a position at llessel’s. and Tim Wolf when the North Land touched her water. Here was tlie pride of the when they went to the home of Frank Menser is visiting at Au­ month’s outing. quits Hand's market Saturday. dock Monday night until the cadets Ohio reserves, victors over all their Mrs. Mikesell. near Monterey, to rora. Til., this week. — The Wagoner family will hold L. C. Dillon and family made a were in their sleeper berths en neighbors and ready to show these reside for the present. The bride Ilarry Medbourn will attend a reunion at Vandalia park next motorcar trip to Huntington and route for Niagara on Tuesday night young Hoosier upstarts a thing or is a popular young lady in a wide Wabash college this year. Monday, Labor day. Markle lust Friday, returning Mon­ Cleveland belonged to Culver, and two about rowing. The same long circle of acquaintances, and the Isaac Edgington grew a water­ Burt Buswell of Rockville was a day night. her leading men helped to make delay was repeated here but at last groom is manager of the home melon for the editor this season, Sunday guest of John Buswell. Mrs. Eli Spencer of Mishawaka the ownership complete. Mayor the gun fire was heard and the two farm belonging to his mother. and it was a fine one. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Jennings of has been visiting at D. H . S m ith’s and m ilitia, civilian and sailor, boats scudded down the course un­ Chas. W. Atha and Miss Minnie —The Ladies’ Christian union South Bend spent Sunday with during the past week. She left on alumni and men who knew not der the combined efforts of wind, E. Kiuzie of near Burr Oak were meets this Thursday afternoon at Mrs. Busart. Monday to go to Lincoln, Neb. Culver before, were at one in m ak­ wave and muscle. united in marriage Tuesday at the homo of Mrs. Elick. Mrs. Otto Stabenow and children Misses Annie Morris anil Mar­ The Culver boat went down the ing the welcome unanimous. Plymouth by Rev. M iller in tbe — TheCulver public school opens went to Chicago on the three-day garet Ness of Chicago are here this From the dock the battalion mile straight as a. pike swims ! county clerk’s oflice. Tho newly Cox’n Ball beat the stroke with his for the fall session on the 14th, tho excursion Saturday. week visiting the Howards. One went straight to Luna Park where married couple will reside on a hand, interjecting shrill encourage­ academy on the Kith, and the dis­ Mrs. \V. Busart of Memphis, works in a bank and the other is a as their experiences were recorded ment at the recoveries. Rowing farm near Burr Oak. trict schools on the 21st. Tenn., arrived Monday to visit doctor’s assistant. follows in the morning papers: like a single machine and helped Earl L. Houghton, a son of Ed Rev. Mr. Waimer will preach with Mrs. Mary Busart. Mrs. II. J. VanSchoick and by the following wind, the sea I t wasn't martial law which pre­ Houghton, formerly of Culver, and at Trinity next Saturday evening Mrs. (>. T. Goss and daughter daughter Jennie and Master Hen­ vailed at Luna Park last night, spanked them down over the mile Miss Emma M. Lee were married though the appearance of a husky in six minutes and twenty seconds, a.t 7:3J, at Rutland Sunday morn­ Beatrice returned Sunday from a ry returned to Chicago Saturday at Plymouth by Rev. Miller Satur­ company of m ilitia with rifles on which was justabouta minute fast­ ing and in Culver Sunday evening. ten days' visit in Bremen. after visiting four weeks with rela­ their shoulders gave that impres­ er than they ever rowed the dis­ day afternoon. They will reside —Capt. Crook bought a iyw Miss Hazel Filar of Evanston. tives and friends in Culver. sion. The visitors were the cadets tance before. Eight and three- in Plymouth. crank shaft at Fort Wayne last 111., was the guest from Friday un­ Ed Zechiel, who has been in of the Culver naval school, on their quarters seconds later the Cleve­ week for the Neeswaugee at a cost til Monday of Tressa llaw k. Washington and California for the heralded visit to this city. Under land boat finished. From the ner­ Arm Cut Off. of $500. He expects to give her a the head of Rear Admiral Albert vous excitement Cox’n Ball col­ Roy Peabody, 17 years old. met Than Gandy was the only Cul- past year, has returned and ex­ Rose, r . S. N., the boys. 250 lapsed into the arms of Boon, the new engine next season. pects to resume his studies at H e i­ with an accident Sunday at. Argos veritc, so far as known, who attend­ strong, sailed through the old mill, starb’rd stroke, just across the fin­ Although the subscriptions delberg university. Dayton. iiAvhich he lost an arm and nar­ ed the old settlers* reunion at La- shot the chutes and rode through ish line. He was taken to the Hawk, for the band concerts expire this the gyro machine without getting and revived.— Leader. rowly escaped death, lie boarded paz. E. C. Church and wife left Tues­ week the band will continue to give seasick. It was tlie first time Luna an excursion train and attempted Charles Ilissong, daughter Em­ day on a two weeks' vacation in their regular Tuesday night con­ park ever entertained a rear ad­ Some Proposals. to jump oil' after it had attained ma and little granddaughter Cleo Chicago and Kokomo. They were certs as long as the weather is miral and the park officials did The successful handling of two considerable speed. He was thrown made a trip to Plymouth Wednes­ accompanied by Mrs. Churh's sis­ everything fo make tlie place ship­ warm. big trips has led some of Culver’s and the suction of tho running day. ter. Mrs. Hayes of Kokomo. shape.— Plain Dealer. — Howard has secured the con­ friends to advocate a departure be­ train drew him under, his arm ex­ Mrs. Geo. G am is visiting her Dr. nnd Mrs. N. S. Norris left Two hours of an amusement tract for furnishing bread to the yond the ocean. Dr. Brady is en­ tending across the rail. It was cut brothers, Aaron and Allen Burkett, Sunday for Fort Wayne where the park put everybody into condition thusiastically recommending a oil' above the elbow. When picket! academy for another year. Tho at Mound Valley, Kas., for two doctor attended a dental meeting. for the spacious rooms and luxuri­ school has for thc present aban­ travel school of two months, chart­ up ho was unconscious. The young weeks. From Fort Wayne they went to ous beds of the Hollenden where doned the plan of building its own ering a steamship and making the man is the son of a jeweler, and Misses Clara and Merle Hughes Michigan for a week’s vacation. “taps’’ was unnecessary except to principal ports of Europe. Anoth­ baking plant. of Markle were entertained by was regarded as tho mainstay of Mrs. Charles B. Stuart and a follow regnlal ions. For a while on er plan not quite su pretentious is The Marshall county old set­ John Zechiel Jr. and family over the family as his father is in fail­ . party of relatives came over from Tuesday morning the Culver blue to have a department of foreign tlers’ reunion at Lapaz last Satur­ Sunday. ing health.—Independent. Lafayette last Thursday in a tour­ and gray were in evidence all over study limited to fifteen or twenty day was attended by upwards of Cora Buswell returned to Terre ing car and are pleasantly domi­ Cleveland while the boys made ac­ cadets under the charge of two or Mr. Replogle’s Condition. 3.(XX). It afforded a great oppor­ Haute Sunday after visiting here quaintance of the beautiful Buck­ ciled at thc Osborn for a couple of three officers who should select C.
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